Great Wall Summary WB v5

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The Great Wall Winter – Horde assaults

1. Starting with the left wall section, all Archers in firing

Advanced activations – no Shame
If a Command card, Advisor card or other ability enables an
spots on walls attack Horde cards in their section in Advanced Activation you can activate:
TURN SUMMARY Tea order. • a Regular location (red spots) without having to fill all the
Skip Spring and Summer in Year 1. 2. Defeat Horde cards with all Vital spots covered (see spots (even with one clerk), or
Defeating Horde cards). • a Special location.
Spring – Horde appears
3. For any undefeated Horde cards, determine attack vs
1. Advance the time track. If you would normally receive a Shame flag for being the
defence: total the Offensive Power of all the Horde
2. Place the number of Horde cards shown above the cards in the section (including special abilities), and add only player with a clerk activating a location (Production
Time token, filling any empty wall sections from left to compare with the Wall Defence (+2 for each barricade Locations and the Barracks), you don’t receive it.
right. in the section).
If all the first rows are filled, place the next Horde card 4. If Offensive Power > Defence the wall is breached (see
according to the indicator on the back of the Horde Breaches), otherwise nothing happens. Lumber mill, quarry, gold mine & temple
card on the top of the deck (not the one just drawn). If you When you activate the lumber mill, quarry, gold mine or
5. Discard all Barricades in the section.
can’t place a card because all the slots are full, remove a temple, do this in Tea order:
number of Shame tokens from the pool equal to the 6. Check for end of game: 3 wall sections at maximum (or
2 at maximum in a 3-player game), Shame pool empty 1. Get resources (1 per clerk, +1 per overseer level)
number of players (Raid).
or time has run out. 2. Optionally pay to upgrade overseers in that location to
3. Discard the 2 leftmost Advisor cards, slide the the next level (or place an overseer if you haven’t yet)
remaining 2 left than add 2 new ones. GAME END 3. Optionally donate a resource to the Warehouse and get
Summer – Mobilise The game ends at the end of Winter if all 3 wall sections (2 in 2 Honor per resource (max 1 resource per location, and
3-player games) are at maximum height, the Shame pool is you can’t donate Chi from the Temple)
1. Receive overseer income.
empty or time has run out. Final Honor: subtract 5 for each
2. Pay to discard Shame if you want to (2 Chi per token). 4. Return your clerks to your pool.
Shame token under your soldiers, add the bonus for each
3. Discard all Command cards on the Command track. claimed Horde card with no Shame tokens, add points for You can only have one overseer per location, and once
Artifacts. In a draw, Tea order determines the winner. placed they can’t be moved (except to the right by being
4. In Tea order, either reclaim all Command cards in your upgraded) and aren’t available as soldiers.
discard pile or get 2 Honor for each card you leave in the
discard pile. ACTIVATING LOCATIONS Shame: If you’re the only player with a clerk or clerks in the
• Regular locations have small red spots, Special locations location, take a Shame token.
Autumn – Give commands have big green spots.
1. All players choose a Command card and play it face Tea House – change the initiative
down. • You can only activate a Regular location when all of its
If you place a clerk here, move your Tea marker up one level
red spots are filled (unless you’re doing an Advanced
2. Reveal all cards. In Tea order, place your Command in the stack when the location activates. If you fill both the
card in any slot on the Command track. slots, move your Tea marker to the top of the pile.
3. Resolve first Command card in the track in this order: • You can’t move a clerk out of a Regular location once all
its spots are filled. Builder’s camp – build walls & barricades
- resolve all card effects from the top of the card to For each clerk you place here you can either:
the bottom (1st and 3rd effects are the active player • When moving clerks in another player’s turn you can’t
only, 2nd effect is all the other players) move 2 clerks to the same location (card should read • build a barricade - pay any combination of 2
‘Move up to 2 clerks to any 2 different locations’). gold/wood/stone to build a barricade, place it in any
- activate all Regular locations whose red spots are empty slot, and gain 2 Honor, or
fully-occupied, and any Special locations with at least • The active player decides the order in which to activate
1 clerk on the green spot - the active player chooses each location. Each player activates all of their clerks in • build a wall - pay any combination of gold/wood/stone
the order in which to activate each location. that location in Tea order (except in the Emperor’s equal to the cost shown on the wall level (5/10/15) and
Activate each location in Tea order Embassy, where each player activates their clerks get Honor equal to the total paid.
- after activating each location return all clerks at individually). You must use any resources in the Warehouse before your
that location to each player’s pool • If you’re the only player with a clerk in a location with a own, but you still get the full amount of Honor (even if you
- defeat Horde cards with all Vital spots covered. Shame flag, take a Shame token when you activate it don’t spend any of your own resources).
4. Resolve the next Command card. (unless it’s an Advanced Activation).
War academy – gain Tactics cards • placed on a Horde card from a Rest zone with an Attack soldier. Killed soldiers go to your pool, remaining
For each clerk you place here you can draw a Tactics card. order, or soldiers and those saved with Chi go the Rest zone.
(but both red spots must be filled with clerks by one or more • Archers firing from a wall. 4. If there are any other Horde cards in the column, move
players to activate the location). Placing soldiers them closer to the wall.

Barracks – recruit soldiers Soldiers that are… can attack a Horde card… BREACHES
For each clerk you place here, pay the cost to recruit one 1. Give each player 1 Shame for each Horde card in that
In a rest zone in the same wall section when
soldier and either: section on which they don’t have at least 1 soldier.
given an Attack order
• attack with them immediately – either place a Horseman 2. Each player removes:
or Spearman on a Horde card and claim the reward for Recruited at the in any wall section, immediately
- all their Archers on that wall section, and
the covered vital spots, or place an Archer on a firing Barracks after being recruited
- a number of soldiers on each Horde card equal to
spot and fire, putting a wound on any Vital spot without This soldier… can be placed… the current turn’s Lethality value, shown on the
taking the reward, or
Spearmen only in the first row of Horde right side of the Turn track. All soldiers on all
• place the soldier in a rest zone. cards and walls die simultaneously.
cards (next to the wall)
Shame: If you’re the only player with a clerk or clerks in the 3. Replace the removed soldiers with wound markers.
location, take a Shame token. Horsemen on any Horde card in the section,
4. Choose to pay 2 Chi per soldier to save them into the
on 2 adjacent, unoccupied, non-
Rest zone instead of killing them (or use a Withdrawal
Emperor’s embassy – add clerks and advisors diagonal Vital spots
tactic card).
Resolve clerks here individually in Tea order. For each clerk Archers only on firing spots on the walls. Any remaining soldiers stay on the Horde card, killed
you can either: soldiers go to your pool, saved soldiers go to the Rest zone.
• add a clerk - pay 2 gold to add a clerk to your pool, or
• hire an advisor - pay gold equal to the total number of When you attack with an Archer, put it in an open firing spot
advisors (active and supporting) you will have after hiring on the wall (if it’s not there already), then place a wound You get a Shame token if:
this one (e.g. pay 3 to hire a 3rd advisor), then take any marker on a Vital spot on any Horde card in that wall section • a Horde card breaches a wall and you have no soldiers
advisor card from the track and place it as Active (beside (without receiving the reward). there, or
your general) or Supporting (under your general). Shift
remaining advisor cards left and fill empty slots. When you attack with a Spearman or Horseman, gain the • you’re the only player to activate a clerk in a location with
reward on the Vital spots you cover. Vital spots covered by a a Shame flag - Production Locations and the Barracks -
Logistics center – reposition soldiers Spearman or Horseman count as a Wound. unless you’re doing an Advanced Activation.
For each clerk you place here you can move any number of Soldiers on a Horde card can’t move or attack and stay on Put the token either under a soldier in your pool or in any
soldiers from: the Horde card until it’s defeated or they’re killed/saved. unoccupied Horde Shame slot. You can’t recruit a Soldiers
• one rest zone to another, and/or with a Shame token unless you pay 2 Chi to remove the
• one firing spot to another (on any wall section) or to a DEFEATING HORDE CARDS token in Summer. If you can’t receive or place a Shame
token for any reason, lose 5 Honor immediately.
rest zone. In Autumn, check for Horde Defeat: if all of a Horde card’s
Vital spots are covered by Soldiers or Wound markers, then:
You can’t move Archers from a rest zone to a firing spot on
1. Give 2 Honor to each player with at least 1 soldier on
a wall, or use the Logistics Centre to attack (move to a Tea order decides turn initiative and the order for:
Horde card). the card, and 2 Honor for each Archer in firing spots of
that section of wall. • placing Command cards
ATTACKING THE HORDES 2. The player whose soldiers cover the most vital spots on • moving clerks or soldiers with the ‘Other Players’ effect
You can attack Horde cards by recruiting new soldiers in the the card places the Horde card face-down in front of on Command cards
Barracks or by playing an Attack Order Command card. their screen (including any Shame tokens on it). • activating clerks within locations
Soldiers are considered to be attacking when they are: 3. Each player kills their soldiers on the Horde card (not • claiming a defeated horde in a draw.
• recruited and placed immediately on a Horde card, or on the wall) as per the Lethality level and decide
whether to save any of them by paying 2 Chi per

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