Lesson Plans For Week 5, 6 and 7

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TEACHER’S NAME: Dim, Chizoba Glory

CLASS: Grade 7

SUBJECT: Literature-in-English

TOPIC: Prose

SUB-TOPIC: Categories of prose

WEEKS: 6-7

DURATION: 80mins

OBJECTIVE: We are learning to:

 Understand the types of prose

 Identify the different sun-genres of prose
 Explain prose as a genre of literature


 I can state the meaning of prose

 I can identify types of prose
 I can pick out different prose texts and categorize them into sub-genres
 I can distinguish between prose and other literary genres
 I can analyze prose texts
 I can identify some elements of prose



5mins Starter : the teacher hands out three The learners are given Post- it- notes
different texts to the learners, one is a post-it-notes and are Pens
drama text, the other is a prose text and urged to write down Literary texts
then, the poetry. the differences  Drama
between the three  Prose
texts given, they are  Poetry.
to also classify the
texts into genres.
10mins Introduction: the teacher plays a video The learners watch You-tube video https://
on prose to introduce the topic, “Prose” the video attentively www.youtube.c
and take down notes om/watch?
where necessary. v=BIjcsCIBVkU&
15mins Explanation: the teacher explains prose The learners listen
as a genre of literature that uses the attentively , and take
narrative form of language, developed in down notes, they also
chapters and paragraphs. She goes ask questions in
further to state that prose is the only intervals.
genre of literature written in paragraphs
and chapters. The features and forms of
prose are also discussed in detail. The
teacher also answers questions posed to
her by the learners seeking clarification
in an area of discussions.

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