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1. Name the input devices A, B, C and D using the words from the list.


2. Ring two items which are storage media.

3. Tick TRUE or FALSE next to each of these statements.

Video Editor software can be used with sound files.
Spreadsheet software is used to create models.
Tablets are usually bigger than laptops.
Power Point software is used to create models.


4. Complete each sentence below using one item from the list.

(a) ………………………………. is used to play computer games.

(b) ………………………………. is used to read details from a bank card.
(c) ………………………………. is used to print big size of printing.
(d) ………………………………. is used to take photographs for inclusion in a web site.
(e) ………………………………. is used to input data from a school register.


5. Multi-national companies often use video conferencing instead of face-to-face meetings.

(a) Tick three advantages of video conferencing.


(b) Tick three disadvantages of video conferencing.

6. Describe two advantages of using mobile phones to speak with other people rather than
sending emails using a laptop.





7. Tick TRUE or FALSE next to each of these statements about windows move maker,

In movie maker the space between pictures or videos you can add
You can add background music in your video
You can’t add duration for each frames.
No options to add filters in Video editor

8. Fill in the missing words.

………………………………. devices are used to let you enter ………………………………. Into

a computer. There are many different types of input device and each one is suitable for a

specific task. For example, if you wanted to enter a large amount of text, then a

………………………………. would be the most suitable input device. Whereas if you wanted

to enter your password or account ………………………………. at a bank an input device

which is often used is a ………………………………. Screen. A ………………………………. Is

the best input device for pointing and selecting things on a computer

………………………………. However, when using a laptop, the mouse is often replaced with

a ……………………………….

screen touch mouse keyboard

number input data touchpad


9. Tick true or false next to each statement about using internet.

Statement True False

Your personal information is private.  

You can copy any music or video from internet and use it for your
YouTube video  
Its ok to click on any of the icons that pop out on your screen.  
You should never open an email from a stranger.  
You have to meet your unknown online friends in person.  
You should create a strong password.  
You should not believe all news on internet.  

10. Match the pictures with the correct safety tips.

Never meet up with anyone

a. you met online without a

trusted adult.

Never upload pictures that

b. show which school/group you

belong too.

Don’t give out other people’s

c. phone numbers without

asking them first.

Don’t open email that sound

too good to be true.

A new friend online is a


Don’t give out your address

on social media.


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