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International Islamic University

Mathematics IV (LAB)
Assignment No. 03
Submitted by:
Talal Azfar


Submitted To:
Engr. Muhammad Naeem Khan

Department Of Mechanical

Engineering IIUI
Sr No. Content Page
01 Introduction 01
02 Jacobi Method 01

03 Gauss Seidel Method 03

04 Gauss Elimination Method 07


Numerical Methods Are Particularly Useful While Solving The Intensive Polynomial For Their
These Are The Following Numerical Methods To Find Roots Of An Equation:
1. Jacobi Method
2. Gauss Seidel Method
3. Gauss Elimination Method
Each Of The Above-Mentioned Methods Is Discussed At Length In The Subsequent Sections With
Their Drawbacks And Advantages

Jacobi Method:
Jacobi Iterative Method Is An Algorithm For Determining The Solutions Of A Diagonally
Dominant System Of Linear Equations. Each Diagonal Element Is Solved For, And An
Approximate Value Is Plugged In. The Process Is Then Iterated Until It Converges.


Steps To Find Root Using Jacobi Method:

Step 1: Construct Updating Formulas
Step 2: Start With Initial Guesses
Step 3: Iteratively Compute X1, X2, X3 Based On The Updating Formula, Until The X’s
For Example:

MATLAB Files Attached:
Gauss Seidel Method:
Gauss–Seidel Method: Gauss–Seidel Method, Also Known As The Liebman Method Or The
Method Of Successive Displacement, Is An Iterative Method Used To Solve A Linear System
Of Equations


Steps To Find Root Using Gauss Elimination Method:

Step 1: Construct Updating Formulas
Step 2: Start With Initial Guesses
Step 3: Iteratively Compute X1, X2, X3 Based On The Updating Formula, Until The X’s

MATLAB Files Attached:
Gauss Elimination Method:
Named After Carl Friedrich Gauss, Gauss Elimination Method Is A Popular Technique Of Linear
Algebra For Solving System Of Linear Equations. As The Manipulation Process Of The Method Is
Based On Various Row Operations Of Augmented Matrix, It Is Also Known As Row Reduction

Steps To Find Root Using Jacobi Method:

Step 1: Write Augmented Matrices.
Step 2: Make Al Entries Zero Below Each Pivot Entry.
Step 3: Perform Back Substitution To Get Roots.

MATLAB Files Attached:
Hand Written Solution:

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