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The Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire

Article · January 1996

DOI: 10.1037/t09634-000


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1 author:

Dan A. Olweus
University of Bergen


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Copyright: Dan Olweus 1996 - 2006

Questionnaire on bullying for students

Name of school : ___________________________________________________________

Grade and classroom: ____________________________________ date: ______________

You will find questions in this booklet about your life in school. There are several answers
next to each question. Answer the question by marking an X in the box next to the answer
that best describes how you feel about school. If you really dislike school, mark an X in
the box next to "I dislike school very much". If you really like school, put an X in the box
next to "I like school very much", and so on. Only mark one of the boxes. Try to keep
the mark inside of the box.

Now put an X in the box next to the answer that best describes how you feel about
1 How do you like school ? 1 I dislike school very much
2 I dislike school
3 I neither like nor dislike school
4 I like school
5 I like school very much

If you mark the wrong box, you can change your answer like this: Make the wrong box
completely black: . Then put an X in the box where you want your answer to be .

Don’t put your name on this booklet. No one will know how you have answered these
questions. But it is important that you answer carefully and how you really feel. Some-
times it is hard to decide what to answer. Then just answer how you think it is. If you have
questions, raise your hand.

Most of the questions are about your life in school in the past couple of months, that
is, the period from start of school after summer/winter holiday vacation until now.
So when you answer, you should think of how it has been during the past 2 or 3 months
and not only how it is just now.

2 Are you a boy or a girl ? 1 girl

2 boy

3 How many good friends do you 1 none

have in your class(es) 2 I have 1 good friend in my class(es)
3 I have 2 or 3 good friends
4 I have 4 or 5 good friends
5 I have 6 or more good friends in my

Olweus’ questionnaire on bullying for students - QE06 (12dec06) page 1

About being bullied by other students

Here are some questions about being bullied by other students. First we define or
explain the word bullying. We say a student is being bullied when another student,
or several other students

• say mean and hurtful things or make fun of him or her or call him or her mean and
hurtful names

• completely ignore or exclude him or her from their group of friends or leave him or
her out of things on purpose

• hit, kick, push, shove around, or lock him or her inside a room

• tell lies or spread false rumors about him or her or send mean notes and try to
make other students dislike him or her

• and other hurtful things like that.

When we talk about bullying, these things happen repeatedly, and it is difficult for
the student being bullied to defend himself or herself. We also call it bullying, when
a student is teased repeatedly in a mean and hurtful way.

But we don’t call it bullying when the teasing is done in a friendly and playful way.
Also, it is not bullying when two students of about equal strength or power argue or

4 How often have you 1 I haven’t been bullied at school in the past couple
been bullied at of months
school in the past 2 it has only happened once or twice
couple of months? 3 2 or 3 times a month
4 about once a week
5 several times a week

Olweus’ questionnaire on bullying for students - QE06 (12dec06) page 2

Have you been bullied at school in the past couple of months in
one or more of the following ways? Please answer all questions.
5 I was called mean names, 1 it hasn'
t happened to me in the past couple
was made fun of, or teased of months
in a hurtful way 2 only once or twice
3 2 or 3 times a month
4 about once a week
5 several times a week

6 Other students left me out of 1 it hasn'

t happened to me in the past couple
things on purpose, excluded me of months
from their group of friends, or 2 only once or twice
completely ignored me 3 2 or 3 times a month
4 about once a week
5 several times a week

7 I was hit, kicked, pushed, 1 it hasn'

t happened to me in the past couple
shoved around, or locked of months
indoors 2 only once or twice
3 2 or 3 times a month
4 about once a week
5 several times a week

8 Other students told lies or 1 it hasn'

t happened to me in the past couple
spread false rumors about me of months
and tried to make others dislike 2 only once or twice
me 3 2 or 3 times a month
4 about once a week
5 several times a week

9 I had money or other things 1 it hasn'

t happened to me in the past couple
taken away from me or of months
damaged 2 only once or twice
3 2 or 3 times a month
4 about once a week
5 several times a week

10 I was threatened or forced to do 1 it hasn'

t happened to me in the past couple
things I didn’t want to do of months
2 only once or twice
3 2 or 3 times a month
4 about once a week
5 several times a week

Olweus’ questionnaire on bullying for students - QE06 (12dec06) page 3

11 I was bullied with mean names 1 it hasn'
t happened to me in the past couple
or comments about my race or of months
color 2 only once or twice
3 2 or 3 times a month
4 about once a week
5 several times a week

12 I was bullied with mean names, 1 it hasn'

t happened to me in the past couple
comments, or gestures with a of months
sexual meaning 2 only once or twice
3 2 or 3 times a month
4 about once a week
5 several times a week

12a I was bullied with mean or hurtful 1 it hasn'

t happened to me in the past couple
messages, calls or pictures, or in of months
other ways on my mobile phone 2 only once or twice
or over the Internet (computer). 3 2 or 3 times a month
(Please remember that it is not 4 about once a week
5 several times a week
bullying when it is done in a
friendly and playful way.)
12b In case you were bullied on your 1 only on the mobile phone
mobile phone or over the Internet, 2 only over the Internet
how was it done? 3 in both ways
Please describe in what way
12c: 1=not answered, 2=answered

13 I was bullied in another way 1 it hasn'

t happened to me in the past couple
of months
2 only once or twice
3 2 or 3 times a month
4 about once a week
5 several times a week
Please describe in what way
13a: 1=not answered, 2=answered

Olweus’ questionnaire on bullying for students - QE06 (12dec06) page 4

14 In which class(es) is the student 1 I haven’t been bullied at school in the past
or students who bully you? couple of months
2 in my class
3 in a different class but same grade (year)
4 in a higher grade
5 in a lower grade
6 in different grades

15 Have you been bullied by 1 I haven’t been bullied at school in the past
boys or girls? couple of months
2 mainly by 1 girl
3 by several girls
4 mainly by 1 boy
5 by several boys
6 by both boys and girls

16 By how many students 1 I haven’t been bullied at school in the past

have you usually been couple of months
bullied? 2 mainly by 1 student
3 by a group of 2-3 students
4 by a group of 4-9 students
5 by a group of more than 9 students
6 by several different students or groups of

17 How long has the 1 I haven’t been bullied at school in the past
bullying lasted? couple of months
2 it lasted one or two weeks
3 it lasted about a month
4 it lasted about 6 months
5 it lasted about a year
6 it has gone on for several years

Olweus’ questionnaire on bullying for students - QE06 (12dec06) page 5

18 Where have you been bullied? 1 I haven’t been bullied at school
in the past couple of months

2 I have been bullied in one or

more of the following places
in the past couple of months
(continue below)

Please put an X if
you have been bullied:

18a on the playground/athletic field 2 1 = not checked

(during recess or break times)

18b in the hallways/stairwells 2 1=not checked

18c in class (when the teacher was in 2 1=not checked

the room)

18d in class (when the teacher was 2 1=not checked

not in the room)

18e in the bathroom 2 1=not checked

18f in gym class or the gym locker 2 1=not checked


18g in the lunch room 2 1=not checked

18h on the way to and from school 2 1=not checked

18j at the school bus stop 2 1=not checked

18k on the school bus 2 1=not checked

1=not checked
18l somewhere else in school 2 in this case, please write where:
18m: 1=not answered; 2=answered

Olweus’ questionnaire on bullying for students - QE06 (12dec06) page 6

19 Have you told anyone that you 1 I haven’t been bullied at school
have been bullied in the past in the past couple of months
couple of months? 2 I have been bullied, but I have
not told anyone

3 I have been bullied and I have

told somebody about it

Please put an X
if you have told:

19a your class (home room) teacher 2 1=not checked

19b another adult at school (a 2 1=not checked

different teacher, the principal/
headmaster, the school nurse,
the custodian/ school caretaker,
the school psychologist/ mental
health professional etc)

19c your parent(s)/guardian(s) 2 1=not checked

19d your brother(s) or sister(s) 2 1=not checked

19e your friend(s) 2 1=not checked

1=not checked
19f somebody else 2 in this case please write who:

19g: 1=not answered; 2=answered


Olweus’ questionnaire on bullying for students - QE06 (12dec06) page 7

20 How often do the teachers or 1 almost never
other adults at school try to put 2 once in a while
a stop to it when a student is 3 sometimes
being bullied at school ? 4 often
5 almost always

21 How often do other students try 1 almost never

to put a stop to it when a student 2 once in a while
is being bullied at school ? 3 sometimes
4 often
5 almost always

22 Has any adult at home con- 1 I haven’t been bullied at school in the past
tacted the school to try to stop couple of months
your being bullied at school in the 2 no, they haven'
t contacted the school
past couple of months ?
3 yes, they have contacted the school once
4 yes, they have contacted the school
several times

23 When you see a student your 1 that is probably what he or she deserves
age being bullied at school, what 2 I don'
t feel much
do you feel or think?
3 I feel a bit sorry for him or her
4 I feel sorry for him or her and want to help
him or her

About bullying other students

24 How often have you taken part 1 I haven't bullied another student(s) at school
in bullying another student(s) in the past couple of months
at school in the past couple of 2 it has only happened once or twice
months ? 3 2 or 3 times a month
4 about once a week
5 several times a week

Olweus’ questionnaire on bullying for students - QE06 (12dec06) page 8

Have you bullied another student(s) at school in the past
couple of months in one or more of the following ways?
Please answer all questions.
25 I called another student(s) 1 it hasn´t happened in the past couple of
mean names, made fun of or months
teased him or her in a hurtful 2 it has only happened once or twice
way 3 2 or 3 times a month
4 about once a week
5 several times a week

26 I kept him or her out of things 1 it hasn´t happened in the past couple of
on purpose, excluded him or months
2 it has only happened once or twice
her from my group of friends or
3 2 or 3 times a month
completely ignored him or her
4 about once a week
5 several times a week

27 I hit, kicked, pushed and shoved 1 it hasn´t happened in the past couple of
him or her around or locked him months
2 it has only happened once or twice
or her indoors
3 2 or 3 times a month
4 about once a week
5 several times a week

28 I spread false rumors about him 1 it hasn´t happened in the past couple of
or her and tried to make others months
2 it has only happened once or twice
dislike him or her
3 2 or 3 times a month
4 about once a week
5 several times a week

29 I took money or other things 1 it hasn´t happened in the past couple of

from him or her or damaged his months
or her belongings 2 it has only happened once or twice
3 2 or 3 times a month
4 about once a week
5 several times a week

30 I threatened or forced him or 1 it hasn´t happened in the past couple of

her to do things he or she didn‘t months
2 it has only happened once or twice
want to do
3 2 or 3 times a month
4 about once a week
5 several times a week

Olweus’ questionnaire on bullying for students - QE06 (12dec06) page 9

31 I bullied him or her with mean 1 it hasn't happened in the past couple of
names or comments about his months
or her race or color 2 it has only happened once or twice
3 2 or 3 times a month
4 about once a week
5 several times a week

32 I bullied him or her with mean 1 it hasn't happened in the past couple of
names, comments, or gestures months
with a sexual meaning 2 it has only happened once or twice
3 2 or 3 times a month
4 about once a week
5 several times a week

32a I bullied him or her with mean 1 it hasn'

t happened in the past couple of
or hurtful messages, calls or months
pictures, or in other ways on 2 it has only happened once or twice
my mobile phone or over the 3 2 or 3 times a month
4 about once a week
Internet (computer)
5 several times a week
32b In case you bullied another student(s) 1 only on the mobile phone
on your mobile phone or over the 2 only over the Internet
Internet (computer), how was it done? 3 in both ways
Please describe in what way
32c: 1=not answered; 2=answered


33 I bullied him or her in another 1 it hasn't happened in the past couple of

way months
2 it has only happened once or twice
3 2 or 3 times a month
4 about once a week
5 several times a week
Please describe in what way
33a: 1=not answered; 2= answered

Olweus’ questionnaire on bullying for students - QE06 (12dec06) page 10

34 Has your class (home room) 1 I haven't bullied another student(s) at school
teacher or any other teacher in the past couple of months
talked with you about your 2 no, they haven'
t talked with me about it
bullying other students at school
3 yes, they have talked with me about it once
in the past couple of months?
4 yes, they have talked with me about it
several times

35 Has any adult at home talked 1 I haven't bullied another student(s) at school
with you about your bullying other in the past couple of months
students at school in the past 2 no, they haven'
t talked with me about it
couple of months?
3 yes, they have talked with me about it once

4 yes, they have talked with me about it

several times

36 Do you think you could join 1 yes

in bullying a student whom 2 yes, maybe
you didn´t like?
3 I don’t know
4 no, I don’t think so
5 no
6 definitely no

37 How do you usually 1 I have never noticed that students my age

react if you see or have been bullied
understand that a 2 I take part in the bullying
student your age is 3 I don'
t do anything, but I think the bullying
being bullied by other is OK
students? 4 I just watch what goes on
5 I don't do anything, but I think I ought to
help the bullied student
6 I try to help the bullied student in one way
or another

Olweus’ questionnaire on bullying for students - QE06 (12dec06) page 11

38 How often are you afraid of 1 never
being bullied by other students
2 seldom
in your school?
3 sometimes
4 fairly often

5 often
6 very often

39 Overall, how much do think your 1 little or nothing

class (home room) teacher has
2 fairly little
done to counteract bullying in the
past couple of months? 3 somewhat

4 a good deal

5 much

Thank you !
Copyright: Dan Olweus 1996 - 2006

Olweus’ questionnaire on bullying for students - QE06 (12dec06) page 12

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