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If the K-T boundary isotopic spike is 18. I thank many colleagues at Scripps for comments on the manuscript.

on the manuscript. This work was supported in part by

indeed the result of impact-related acid rain, the idcas cxpressed in this report, in particular G. grants from the National Science Foundation and
Arrhenius, S. Galer, J. Gieskes, M. Kastner, D. Lal, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
the oceanic strontium isotope record may G. Lugmair, and H.-G. Stosch. Comments from
reveal other large impacts. The seawater two anonymous reviewers also improved the origi-
nal manuscript. I thank P. Hey for preparation of 28 September 1987; accepted 7 December 1987
strontium curve of Burke et al. (9), which
spans the past 500 million years, shows at
least two other prominent high spikes in the
87Sr/86Sr ratio, one in the mid-Cretaceous, at
-100 million years, and the other in the Primer-Directed Enzymatic Amplification of DNA
Pennsylvanian, at -290 million years. The
first appears to precede by a few million with a Thermostable DNA Polymerase
years the mass extinction event at the Ceno-
manian-Turonian boundary. There is also a RANDALL K. SAiK, DAVID H. GELFAND, SUSANNE STOFFEL,
large increase in 87Sr/Sr across the Permi-
an-Triassic boundary (9), the time of the STEPHEN J. SCHARF, RUSSELL HIGUCHI, GLENN T. HoRN,
most extreme mass extinction in the Phaner- KARY B. MULLIS,* HENRY A. ERLICH
ozoic record (17). However, the increase
appears to be rather gradual, extending over A thermostable DNA polymerase was used in an in vitro DNA amplification
20 million to 25 million years, and is thus procedure, the polymerase chain reaction. The enzyme, isolated from Thermus aquati-
quite different in character from the K-T cm, greatly simplifies the procedure and, by enabling the amplification reaction to be
spike. Nevertheless, data are sparse for this performed at higher temperatures, significantly improves the specificity, yield, sensitiv-
interval, and more work will be required to ity, and length of products that can be amplified. Single-copy genomic sequences were
determine the exact nature of the increase. amplified by a factor of more than 10 million with very high specificity, and DNA
The occurrence of a spike toward higher segments up to 2000 base pairs were readily amplified. In addition, the method was
values in the seawater 87Sr/86Sr record at the used to amplify and detect a target DNA molecule present only once in a sample of 105
K-T boundary is tantalizing evidence for cells.
enhanced continental weathering, possibly
due to impact-related acid rain. Detailed HE ANALYSIS OF SPECIFIC NUCLEO- fragment, approximately 2'n, where n is the

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strontium isotopic studies through this and tide sequences, like many analytic number of cycles.
other intervals where such spikes appear are procedures, is often hampered by the One of the drawbacks of the method,
required to determine precisely the nature of presence of extraneous material or by the however, is the thermolability of the
the isotopic variations with respect to stra- extremely small amounts available for exami- Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli DNA
tigraphy, and particularly with respect to nation. We have recently described a meth- polymerase I used to catalyze the extension
mass extinctions. od, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), of the annealed primers. Because of the heat
that overcomes these limitations (1, 2). This denaturation step required to separate the
REFERENCES AND NOTES technique is capable of producing a selective newly synthesized strands of DNA, fresh
1. J. Hess, M. L. Bender, J.-G. Schilling, Scicnac 231, enrichment of a specific DNA sequence by a enzyme must be added during each cycle-a
979 (1986). factor of 106, greatly facilitating a variety of tedious and error-prone process if several
2. L. W. Alvarez, W. Alvarez, F. Asaro, H. V. Michel,
ibid. 208, 1095 (1980). subsequent analytical manipulations. PCR samples are amplified simultaneously. We
3. R. G. Prinn and B. Fegley, Jr., Earth Planet. Sci. has been used in the examination of nucleo- now describe the replacement of the E. coli
Lct. 83, 1 (1987). tide sequence variations (3-5) and chromo- DNA polymerase with a thermostable DNA
4. J. Lewis, H. Watkins, H. Hartnan, R. Prinn, Geol.
Soc. Am. Spcc. Pap. 190 (1982), p. 215. somal rearrangements (6), for high-efficien- polymerase purified from the thermophilic
5. M. R. Palmer and H. Elderfield, Naturc (London) cy cloning of genomic sequences (7), for bacterium, Thermus aquaticus (Taq), that
314, 526 (1985). direct sequencing of mitochondrial (8) and can survive extended incubation at 95°C
6. D. J. DePaolo and B. L. Ingram, Science 227, 938
(1985). genomic DNAs (9, 10), and for the detec- (12). Since this heat-resistant polymerase is
7. F. Surlyk and M. B. Johansen, ibid. 223, 1174 tion of viral pathogens (11). relatively unaffected by the denaturation
8. Since strontium is removed from the oceans mainly PCR amplification involves two oligonu- step, it does not need to be replenished at
by biogenic carbonate precipitation, removal rates cleotide primers that flank the DNA seg- each cycle. This modification not only sim-
may have been much less for some period after the ment to be amplified and repeated cycles of plifies the procedure, making it amenable to
K-T boundary event, leading to higher strontium
concentrations in seawater and a temporary increase heat denaturation of the DNA, annealing of automation, it also substantially improves
in "residence time." the primers to their complementary se- the overall performance of the reaction by
9. W. H. Burke et al., Gcology 10, 516 (1982).
10. M. A. Wadleigh, J. Veizer, C. Brooks, Geodcim. quences, and extension of the annealed increasing the specificity, yield, sensitivity,
Connocim. Acta 49, 1727 (1985). primers with DNA polymerase. These prim- and length of targets that can be amplified.
11. D. W. Mittlefehldt and G. W. Wetherill, ibid. 43, ers hybridize to opposite strands of the Samples of human genomic DNA were
201 (1979).
12. D. W. Graham, M. L. Bender, D. F. Williams, L. D. target sequence and are oriented so DNA subjected to 20 to 35 cycles of PCR amplifi-
Keigwin, Jr., ibid. 46, 1281 (1982). synthesis by the polymerase proceeds across
13. A. A. Afifi, 0. P. Bricker, J. C. Chemerys, Chem. the region between the primers, effectively
Geol. 49, 87 (1985). R. K. Saiki, S. J. Scharf, R. Higuchi, G. T. Horn, K. B.
14. R. M. Garrels and F. T. Mackenzie, Evolution of doubling the amount of that DNA segment. Mullis, H. A. Erlich, Cetus Corporation, Department of
Sedimentary Rocks (Norton, New York, 1971). Moreover, since the extension products are Human Genetics, 1400 Fifty-Third Street, Emeryville,
15. G. W. Brass, Geckbim. Casmochim. Acta 40, 721 also complementary to and capable of bind- CA 94608.
(1976). This paper provides data for both strontium D. H. Gelfand and S. Stoffel, Cetus Corporation, De-
isotopic ratios and strontium-to-calcium ratios for ing primers, each successive cycle essentially partment ofMicrobial Genetics, 1400 Fifty-Third Street,
limestone. doubles the amount of DNA synthesized in Emeryville, CA 94608.
16. C. Officer, C. Drake, J. Devine, Eos 66, 813 (1985).
17. J. J. Sepkoski, Jr., Geol. Soc. Am. Spec. Pap. 190 the previous cycle. This results in the expo- *Present address: Xytronyx, 6555 Nancy Ridge Drive,
(1982), p. 283. nential accumulation of the specific target Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92121.


cation with optimal amounts of either Nevertheless, Southern blot analysis with a
mum of the enzyme. (12). During the tran-
Klenow or Taq DNA polymerase and ana- 3-globin hybridization probe reveals the 1-
sition from 400 to 70°C, poorly matched
lyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis (Fig. globin amplification fragment in all samples
primer-template hybrids (which formed at
1A) and Southern hybridization (Fig. 1B). 40°C) dissociate, and only highly comple-
in which the ,B-globin target sequence was
The PCR primers direct the synthesis of a present. mentary substrate remains as the reaction
167-bp segment of the human 1-globin A substantially different electrophoretic
approaches the temperature at which cataly-
gene (13). Electrophoretic examination of pattern is seen in the amplifications per-
sis occurs. Furthermore, because of in-
the reactions catalyzed by the Klenow poly- formed with Taq DNA polymerase, where creased specificity, there are fewer nonspe-
merase reveals a broad molecular size distri- the single predominant band is the 167-bp
cific extension products to compete for the
bution of amplification products (7) that is target segment. This specificity is evidently
polymerase, and the yields of the specific
presumably the result of nonspecific anneal- due to the temperature at which the primers
target fragment are higher.
ing and extension of primers to unrelated are extended. Although the annealing step is
As the values for extent of amplification
genomic sequences under what are essential- performed at 40"C, the temperature of Taq
and overall efficiency indicate (Fig. 1), the
ly nonstringent hybridization conditions: polymerase-catalyzed reactions was raised
exponential accumulation of PCR amplifica-
Klenow polymerase reaction buffer at 37°C. to about 70°C, near the temperature opti-
tion products is not an unlimited process.
Eventually, a level of amplification is
reached where more primer-template sub-
A B strate has accumulated than the amount of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 enzyme present is capable of completely
extending in the allotted time. When this
occurs, the efficiency of the reaction de-
clines, and the amount of PCR product
- accumulates in a linear rather than an expo-
nential manner. Under the conditions de-
- 0.194
scribed (Fig. 1), the Klenow polymerase
- 0.118
reaction begins to "plateau" around the 20th
cycle, after a 3 x 105-fold amplification of
the ,B-globin target sequence. The higher

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specificity of the Taq polymerase-catalyzed

reaction, however, permits it to proceed
Fig. 1. Comparison of Klenow and Taq DNA polymerase-catalyzed PCR amplification products of the efficiently for an additional five cycles, to an
human ,B-globin gene. (A) Electrophoretic analysis of the PCR products obtained with Kienow amplification level of 4 x 106 before the
polymerase (lanes 1 to 6) and Taq polymerase (lanes 7 to 12) after 0 cydes (lanes 1 and 7), 20 cydes actvity of the polymerase becomes limiting
(lanes 2 and 8), 25 cydes (lanes 3 and 9), 30 cydes (lanes 4 and 10), and 35 cydes (lanes 5, 6, 11, and (14).
12) of amplification. The DNA samples that were amplified were prepared from the human cell lines The specificity of the Taq DNA polymer-
MOLT4 (lanes 1 to 5 and 7 to 11) and GM2064 (lanes 6 and 12). MOLT4 is homozygous for the
normal 3-globin gene (2), GM2064 possesses a homozygous deletion of the entire 3-globin gene ase-mediated amplifications can be affected
complex (21). The molecular size marker is 250 ng of Hae HI-digested 4)X174 replicative form (RF) by the time allowed for the primer extension
DNA (New England Biolabs). (B) Southem analysis of the gel with a 32P-labeled oligonudceotide step and by the quantity of enzyme used in
probe. Compared against standards, the intensities of the bands in the Kienow amplifications were the reaction. The electrophoretic patterns of
estimated to be equivalent to increases of2.8 x 10 1.1 x 106,2.2 x 106, and 2.2 x 106 (lanes 2 to 5)

with corresponding overall reaction efficiencies of 87, 74, 63, and 52% [calculated according to (2)1. PCR products obtained with different ex-
The values for the intensities of the bands in the corresponding Taq reactions were 2.8 x 10', tension times and units of Taq DNA poly-
4.5 x 106, 8.9 x 106, and 1.7 x 107 (lanes 8 to 11) with overall efficicncies of 87, 85, 70, and 61%. merase on otherwise identical samples indi-
Amplification of genomic targets by PCR with Klenow polymerase was performed as decribed (7). cate that the amount of nonspecific DNA
Briefly, 100-,u reactions containing 1 ,ug of genomic DNA in 50 mM NaCI, 10 mM tris (pH 7.6), 10 increases as the extension times become
mM MgCI2, 10% dimethyl sulfoxide, 1 pM each primer (PCO3 and KM38), and 1.5 mM each of the
deoxyribonudeotide triphosphates (dNTP: dATP, dCTP, 1TTP, dGTP). The reactions were performed longer or the number of Taq polymerase
by 20 to 35 repetitions (cydes) as follows. The samples were heated from 37° to 95°C over a 2.5-minute units increases (Fig. 2A).
period (to denature the DNA) and cooled to 37°C (3 minutes) (to anneal the primers); 1 unit of A significant improvement m specificity is
Klenow polymerase (USB) was added to each sample and then incubated at 37°C for 2 minutes (to obtained when the temperature of the prim-
extend the bound primers). Amplifications with Taq polymerase took place in 100-pd reaction mixtures
containing 1 ,ug of genoniic DNA in 50 mM KCI, 10 mM tris (pH 8.4), 2.5 mM MgCI2, each primer er annealing step is raised from 400 to 55°C.
(PCO3 and KM38) at 1 pM, each dNTP (dATP, dCTP, ITP, dGTP) at 200 pM, gelatin at 200 pg/ml, This effect is demonstrated by the amplifica-
and 2 units of polymerase. The samples were overlaid with several drops (- 100 p1) of mineral oil to tion of the 1-globin gene in a set ofdilutions
prevent condensation and subjected to 20 to 35 cydes of amplification as follows. The samples were of normal genomic DNA into the DNA of a
heated from 70" to 95°C over a 1-minute period (to denature the DNA), cooled to 40°C over 2 minutes
(to anneal the primers), heated to 70°C in 1 minute (to "activate" the polymerasc), and incubated at that mutant cell line with a homozygous deletion
temperature for 0.5 minute (to extend the annealed primers). Additional Taq DNA polymerase was not of the ,3-globin gene (Fig. 2B). These sam-
added to the samples during amplification. One unit of enzyme is the amount that will incorporate 10 ples, each containing 2 ,ug of DNA, repre-
nmol of total deoxyribonudeotide triphosphates into acid-precipitable material in 30 minutes at 740C sent ,B-globin gene frequencies that range
with activated salmon sperm DNA as template (12). The enzyme was prepared from T. stran
from one copy per genome (two copies per
YT1, by a modification of published procedures (22). Thennal cycling was performed in a programma-
ble heat block (Perkin Elmer-Cetus Instruments). After the last cycle, all samples were incubated for an diploid cell) in the undiluted normal DNA
additional 5 to 10 minutes at 37° or 70°C to ensure that the final extension step was complete. After sample, to as little as one copy per 106
precipitation with ethanol and resuspension in 100 pl TE buffer (20), each sample (8 pl) was resolved genomes (one copy per 500,000 cells) in the
on a composite gel of 3% NuSieve and 1% SeaKem agaroses (FMC) in tris-borate buffer and stained 10-6 dilution. After 40 cydes of PCR with
with ethidium bromide (20). Southern transfers were performed essentially as described (23) onto
Genetrans45 nylon membranes (Plasco). A 19-base oligonucdeotide probe specific for the amplified 1-
primer annealing at 40°C, the specific amnpli-
gobin fagmnent, 19A, was 5' end-labeled with 32p and hybridized to the filter (3). The autoradiogram fication fragment can be seen in the 10-2
was exposed for 3 hours with a single intensification screen. dilution by electrophoretic examination and
488 SCIENCE, VOL. 239
in the 1o-4 dilution by Southem analysis of the 3-globin gene. If only one target readily effect the synthesis of segnents long-
(15). However, in parallel samples amplified molecule was present initially, the intensities er than 400 bp. With other primers and
with 55°C annealing, much less nonspecific of the PCR products in the 10-6 samples are longer extension times, this enzyme can
DNA is present and the product band is equivalent to amplifications of about 09 to amplify genomic target sequences of up to
visible in the original gel in the 10-4 dilu- 1010. This experiment supports the conclu- 2.0 kb (Fig. 4B); longer fragments can be
tion and, by Southem analysis, in the 10-6 sion that Taq polymerase-mediated PCR synthesized but with reduced efficiency and
dilution (15). Although annealing at 550C is performed with primer annealing at 550C is yield.
usualy of limited value when amplifying able to successfilly amplify a singlie target In an application exploiting this capability
genomic targets present at one or two copies molecule in a DNA background of 105 cells. of Taq polymerase, complementary DNA
per cell (Fig. 2B, lane 1 compared to lane 9), Subsequent investigations have demonstrat- (cDNA) inserts in the phage Agtl 1 doning
the reduction in the amount of nonspecific ed that the reaction can detect a single copy vector were amplified from crude phage
primer extension products improves the lim- of target DNA in 10 ,ug of DNA, the suspensions with primers that flank the Eco
it of sensitivity by two orders of magnitude. cquivalent of 1.5 million diploid cells (15). RI insertion site of the vector. We chose 16
Since 2 iag of the 10-6 dilution would The variation in the electrophoretc pat- plaques at random-15 with inserts and 1
contain, on average, only 0.6 copy of the 1B- tern of PCR products (Fig. 3A) probably without-and subjected them to 25 cycles of
globin gene, these data suggest that PCR reflects the stochastic nature of nonspecific amplification. A single band corresponding
with Taq polymerase may be able to amplify priming events. The stringency of the prim- to the amplified insert DNA was observed
a single target molecule in 105 to 106 cells. er anneling step is sufficiently high that the for each phage isolate; these ragments were
This result was confirmed by demonstrat- priming of a nontarget sequence is rare and 400 to 2000 bp in length (Fig. 5). The
ing a Poisson distribution of successful am- does not always occur in every sample. Only phage that did not contain an insert pro-
plifications on limiting amounts of the 1- when such a primg event occurs during duced an 87-bp fragnent, the distance be-
globin template. Fifteen identical 1-pg sam- the first few cycles of amplification is there tween the primers on the uninterrupted
ples of the same 10-6 dilution were ampli- an opportunity for an electrophoretically vector. Between 0.5 and 1.0 ,ug of each
fied for 60 cydes with annealing at 55°C and visible band to accumulate. Similarly, the cDNA insert fiagment was synthesized,
analyzed for the presence of a 3-globin variability of the intensities ofthe specific 3- which, on the basis of 106 phage per plaque,
amplification product by Southern hybrid- globin signal (Fig. 3B) is presumably the represents an amplification of approximately
ization. Each of these samples of genomic result of the failure of the polymerase to 106. The extent and purity of these amplifi-
DNA (equivalent to that in 1550,000 cells) locate and extend all template strands during cations suggest that PCR with Taq DNA

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should have, on average, 0.3 copy of the f3- the first few cycles of the reacton. Because polymerase may be an effective and efficient
globin gene. The fraction of those samples there is initially only one target molecule, way to isolate the inserts of plasmid or
that contain at least one copy is expressed as any inefficiency of this sort would strongly A
1 --0.3 = 0.26
effect the final yield of amplification prod- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14
or 4 out of 15; the remaining 11 should ihree pairs of primers which, in various
contain no 1-globin templates. The ob- combinations, define segments of 110 to
served frequency was 9 of 15 (Fig. 3). 400 bp were used to examine the relative
Although this is twice as high as the expect- abilities of the Klenow and Taq po-lymerases
ed value, it does not significantly affect the to syntheieze longer PCR products. South-
interpretation of the results. The distribu- ern analysis of the reaction products after 25
tion of successful amplifications is consistent cycles of amplification reveals that theK
with a concentration of approximately one Klenow polymerase does not sustan thie
f-globin gene per 500,000 cells which indi- exponential accumulation of DNA se-
cates that of the nine positive samples, most, quences much greater than 250 bp (Fig. B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 131415
if not all, originally contained a single copy 4A). The Taq polymerase, in contrast, can
Fig. 2. Factors that influ- A B
ence the specificity of Taq 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 111213141516
polmerase-catalyzed am-
plifications. (A) Electropho-
retc analysis of specificity as Fig. 3. Poisson distribution of single target se-
affected by icreasing exten- quences in samples of I0W cells. (A) Elctropho-
sion times: 0, 0.5, 2, and 8 retic analysis of PCR products in a set of 15
minutes (lanes 1 to 4, re- sampl (lanes 1 to 15). The arrow indicates the
spectively); and by increas- posiion of the 150-bp amplification product that
ing amounts of enzye:-- _ is visible in some samples (lanes 3, 4, and 6).
0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8 Mocular markers as described (Fig. 1). (B)
units (lanes 5 to 10, respec- Southem analysis of the gel with a 1-globin-
tively). (B) Electrophoic spci oliuc ide p . Fiftee 1-pg sam-
examination ofthe efe of ann g on iy-at e- (lnes- Io 8) nd Qes 9 ples of the 10-6 diluion of MOLT4 DNA in
to 16) with serial dilutions of MOLT4 DNA in M2064 DNA. und MOLT4- (Ianes 1 and 9), GM2064 DNA prepaed previously (Fig. 2) were
10-' (anes 2 and 10), 102 (lanes 3 and 11), 10- (lanes 4 and 12), 1O (lans 5 and 13), 10- amplified for 60 cycles with 55°C anealing, and
(lanes 6 and 14), 10-6 (lanes 7 and 15), and undiluted GM2064 (lanes 8 and 16). Mblecular size the primers RS79 and RS80. The amplified sam-
marker as described (Fig. 1). The amplifications were generaly conducted as described (Fig. 1). The ples (5 P1I) were resolved in a NuSieve-SeaKem
reactions for (A) contained 1 pg of DNA and were subjected to 30 cycles with the primers PCO3 and gel and transferred onto a nylon membrane. The
PCO4 ( 10-bp product) with the indicated times of ectension and units of ezm c. The samples for (B) filter was probed with a 32P-labekd (5' end)
each contained 2 pg of DNA and were amplified for 40 cycles with either 400 or 55°C annealing with oligonuceotide probe, RS81, specific for the
the primers RS79 and RS80 (150-bp product). A portion of the reaction, .5 A1, was subjected to 150-bp (-globin amplificaton product. Metdods
electrophoresis on a NuSieve-SeaKem agarose gel. were essentially as described in Fig. 1 and 2.


phage recombinants, eliminating the need Although this value is somewhat greater made by the Klenow enzyme were com-
for plasmid or phage growth, vector purifi- than the 8 x 10-5 misincorporation rate posed of a mosaic of the different alleles
cation, and insert isolation. observed with Klenow polymerase-cata- being amplified. These "shuffled" clones ap-
The fidelity of the thermostable Taq poly- lyzed PCR (7, 18), the errors made by Taq parently arise from incomplete extension of
merase in the amplification reaction was DNA polymerase should not be a problem. the annealed primer during one cycle. In
assessed by cloning and sequencing individ- Analytic procedures that use a significant later cycles, these incomplete products may
ual amplification products (7) with primners portion of the reaction product, such as hybridize to other allelic templates and be
that define a region of the HLA-DP,B gene direct sequencing (see below) or filter hy- extended, thus producing the mosaic (18).
(16). The products of 30-cycle PCR amplifi- bridization with allele-specific oligonucleo- Few shuffled clones have been observed
cations were cloned into an M13 vector, tide probes (3), are not affected by the small with the Taq DNA polymerase, which may
multiple isolates of the same allele obtained, fraction of misincorporated bases. Cloning be the result of higher processivity.
and their sequences compared. In 28 sepa- and sequencing individual amplification The higher specificity of Taq polymerase-
rate clones, each with 239 bp of amplified fragments may include these errors, but they mediated amplifications can facilitate the
DPP genomic DNA, 17 misincorporated are readily identified by analyzing several direct sequencing of single-copy human
bases were identified representing an overall isolates and establishing a consensus. A diffi- genes, particularly those that may be mem-
error frequency of 0.25% (17). These misin- culty could arise ifPCR were attempted on a bers of a gene family (10). A 110-bp frag-
corporations occurred throughout the am- sample initially containing only a few copies ment of the ,B-globin gene was amplified
plified product and no deletions or inser- of the target template. In that situation, a
tions were detected. Because each misincor- misincorporation during the early stages of A B
poration event is retained and propagated the reaction would represent a substantial G A T C G A T C
through succeeding cycles of amplification, fraction of the molecules present and could T
- C
the frequency of errors observed in the complicate the analysis of the amplification CA A
cloned products is cumulative and a fimc- product. However, the amplification and 07_-C aTC
GA g
tion of the number of doublings; the actual comparison of several samples would reveal - :7_
_ T
a :0 | _ .- C
CT: a
rate of misincorporation is lower. If con- and resolve any inconsistencies. Am 0-TAs T
stant over the 30 PCR cycles, the misincor- Even though the Klenow DNA polymer- a;
poration rate per nucleotide per cycle for ase has better fidelity in PCR amplification, A
Taq polymerase is estimated at 2 x 0 it is more likely to produce a different type 4

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0-globin globin f-globIn
(17). of sequence artifact. Some PCR products Klenow Taq

Fig. 4. Examination of the A B Fig. 6. Direct sequencing of a PCR-amplified

ability of Klenow and Taq a b c d fe g h 1 2 3 4 5 human genomic target. Autoradiograms of se-
quencing gels derived from (A) Klenow polymer-
DNA polymerases to ampli-
fy longer target segments.
- 0.87k ase-catalyzed and (B) Taq polymerase-catalyzed
amplification reactions. Nudeotide sequences de-
(A) Autoradiogram 20.6032'*
of termined from the films are listed beside the
Southern filter comparing W
* * * -~~~~0.310 ~ 3,9
relative efficiencies of
=281,0.271 W - 1.35 autoradiograms, including the ambiguous bases
0194 :0872 ascribed to 8-globin. A 110-bp region of ,B-globin
Klenow and Taq polymerase -0.118 -0.603
at amplifying fragments of was amplified in samples of MOLT4 DNA with
0.072 the primers PCO3 and PCO4 and either Klenow
increasing size. The lanes are or Taq polymerase (Fig. 1). The sequencing of
grouped in pairs, Klenow the PCR products was done as described (8) with
polymerase amplifications on the left and Taq polymerase amplifications on the right, according to the modifications to permit the substitution of re-
primers used: 110 bp, primers PC03 and PC04; 167 bp, PCO3 and KM38; 250 bp, PCO3 and GH21; verse transcriptase
205 bp, KM29 and PC04; 262 bp, KM29 and KM38; 345 bp, KM29 and GH21; 268 bp, GH20 and DNA polymerase Ifor the Klenow fragment of
(24). Approximately 0.1 to
PC04; 325 bp, GH20 and KM38; and 408 bp, GH20 and GH21 (lane pairs a to i, respectively). 1.0 pmol of nicroconcentrator-purified PCR
Molecular markers as described (Fig. 1). (B) Autoradiogram of Southern blot for examining capacity of product and 3 to 5 pmol of 32P-labeled sequenc-
Taq polymerase to synthesize products greater than 1 kb: 989 bp, RS40 and RS80; 1390 bp, GH20 ing primer, RHO9, were combined in 10 ,u1 of 50
and RS80; 1988 bp, GH20 and RS114; 2489 bp, GH20 and RS115; and 3015 bp, GH20 and RS116 mM KC1 50
(lanes 1 to 5, respectively). Molecular marker is a combination of BstE II-digested X DNA and Hae and 10 mM mM tris (pH 8.0), 5 mM MgC12,
dithiothreitol. The reaction was
III-digested 4X174 RF DNA. Amplifications were performed for 25 (A) or 30 cydes (B) with the heated 95°C for 10 minutes then quenched on
indicated primers and 2 minutes (A) or 10 minutes (B) primer extension steps. Electrophoretic ice, andat2.2 pl was added to each of four 2-,u
resolution and Southern analysis were performed on 10 Ill of each sample. solutions: "dddG" is 20 pM dGTP, 10 pM
dATP, 100 pM TTP, 100 pM dCTP, and 6 pM
Fig. 5. Amplification of inserts in a phage X ddGTP; "dddA7 is 100 pM dGTP, 10 pM dATP,
cDNA library. Lanes 1 to 15, phages containing 100 pM lTI, 100 pM dCTP, 2.5 pM ddATP;
inserts; lane 16, phage without a detectable insert. "dddT' is 100 pM dGTP, 10 pM dATP, 20 pM
Molecular markers are either 500 ng of BstE II- TfTP, 100 pM dCT-P, 15 pM ddTTP; "dddC" is
digested A DNA (lanes a) or 250 ng of Hae III- 100 pM dGTP, 10 pM dATP, 100 pM TTP, 20
digested 4)X174 RF DNA (lanes b). A Agtll pM dCTP, 5 pM ddCTP [each in 50 mM KCI,
human fibroblast cDNA library (Clontech) was 50 mM tris (pH 8.0), 5 mm MgCI2, and 10 mM
plated on X-gal plates at high dilution by standard dithiothreitol]. Five units of AMV reverse tran-
techniques (20). Well-isolated plaques were se- scriptase (Life Sciences) was added to each reac-
lected at random, 15 clear (with insert) and 1 blue tion and incubated at 37C for 15 minutes. The
(without insert), and excised with the tip of a reactions were held for an additional 15 minutes
Pasteur pipette. The agarose plugs were eluted in after the addition of 1 ,u of a solution containing
0.2 ml of deionized water for 30 minutes, and 50 1 mM each dNTP. Five microliters offormamide-
p1 of the eluates was subjected to 25 cydes of dye stop mix was added to each reaction and
amplification as described (Fig. 1). The primers heated for 5 minutes at 95°C before loading 2.5
used were two 24-base sequencing primers, 1218 p1 on an 8% polyacrylamide sequencing gel (25).
and 1222 (New England Biolabs) that flank the amplified samples (10 pJ) was resolved on a 1.4% Electrophoresis and autoradiography were by
Eco RI insertion site of the vector. Each of the SeaKem agarose gel. standard techniques (20).
4-90 SCIENCE, VOL. 239
with either Klenow or Taq polymerases. A derived from a single progenitor sequence, number of cydes or degree of amplification. Rather,
third primer, complementary to a region of PCR based on Taq DNA polymerase repre- it is the concentration of total PCR product, the
concentraion of the enzyme, and the length of
the DNA between the two PCR primers, sents a form of "cell-free molecular cloning" cxtension time at 70'C that defines the conditions
was end-labeled with 32P and used in the that can accomplish in an automated 3- to 4- under which the activity of the enzyme becomes
chain-termination sequencing reaction (19). hour in vitro reaction what might otherwise limiting. Sufficient molar excesses of deoxyribonu-
cleotidc triphosphates and primers were present in
The sequence of the Klenow polymerase- take days or weeks of biological growth and the reactions so the consumption of these reagents
catalyzed amplification product displays biochemical purification. was not a factor.
15. R. K. Saiki, unpublished observations.
base pair ambiguities at several positions 16. T. L. Bugawan et al., manuscript in preparation.
(Fig. 6). The origin of these extra bands is REFERENCES AND NOTES 17. Thirten of the errors involved transitional changes
attributed to the presence of 8-globin gene 1. K. B. MulLis and F. A. Faloona, Methods Enzymd. (wherc one purine nudeotidc replaces the other),
155, 335 (1987). ten of them resulting in a G-C pair. Of the four
sequences. The 8-globin gene is closely relat- 2. R K. Saiki et al., Sciece 230, 1350 (1985). transversional misincorporations (where a purine
ed to P-globin, and both of the PCR prim- 3. R. K. Saiki, T. L. Bugawan, G. T. Horn, K. B. nudeotide replaces a pyrimidine), two werc AT to
ers match b-globin at 18 out of 20 positions Mullis, H. A. Erlich, Nau (London) 324, 163 T-A and two were G-C to T-A. The fornula used to
(1986). cakulate the misincorporation rate is m = 2(fld),
(2). Because of the relative nonspecificity of 4. S. H. Embury et al., N. Emgl. J. Med. 316, 656 wherefis the observed error frequency n the PCR
the Klenow-mediated amplifications, 8-glo- (1987). product and d is the number of doublings. [W.
5. J. L. Bos et al., Nature (Londn) 327, 293 (1987). Hayes, The Genetics of Bacteria and Their Vinr
bin is coamplified to at least 10% of the level 6. M.-S. Lce et al., Scienc 237, 175 (1987). (Wiley, New York, 1965).]
of P-globin (7). However, the higher speci- 7. S. J. Scharf, G. T. Horn, H. A. Erlich, ibid. 233, 18. G. T. Horn, unpublished observations.
ficity of Taq polymerase reactions per- 1076 (1986). 19. F. Sanger, S. Nicklen, A. R. Coulson, Proc. Nat{.
8. L. A. Wrischnik et al., Nuceic Acids Res. 15, 529 Acad. Sci. USA. 74, 5463 (1977).
formed with 55°C annealing does not per- (1987). 20. T. Maniatis, E. F. Fritsch, J. Sambrook, Molecu
mit the primers to anneal to 8-globin and 9. G. McMahon, E. Davis, G. N. Wogan, Proc. NatI. Cloning:A LaboraoryManual (Cold Spring Harbor
only the ,B-globin segment is amplified (Fig. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 84,4974 (1987). LAboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, 1982).
10. C. Wong e al., Natur (Londn) 330, 384 (1987). 21. D. Tuan, E. Feingold, M. Newman, S. M. Weiss-
6). 11. S. Kwok et al.,J. Vird. 61, 1690 (1987). man, B. G. Forget, Proc. Nad. Acad. Sai. USA. 80,
The amplification of RNA transcripts can 12. D. H. Gelfand et al., manuscript in preparation. 6937 (1983).
13. Names and sequences of the synthetic oligonudeo- 22. A. Chicn, D. B. Edgar, J. M. Trela,J. Bacerol. 127,
also be performed with Taq polymerase tides used in this report. GH20: GAAGAGC- 1550 (1976).
PCR. After conversion of the messenger CAAGGACAGGTAC, GH21: GGAAAATAGAC- 23. K. C. Reed and D. A. Mann, NudeicAcids Res. 13,
RNA (mRNA) to first-strand cDNA with CAATAGGCAG, KM29: GGITGGCCAATCrAC- 7207 (1985).
TCCCAGG, KM38: TGGTCTCCITAAACCTGI- 24. G. M. Air, Virog 97, 468 (1979).
oligo(dT) primers and reverse transcriptase CITG, PC03: ACACAACIGIrGTCACTAGC, 25. A. M. Maxam and W. Gilbert, MethodsEnzymol. 65,
by standard methods (20), the resulting PC04: CAACITCATCCACGITCACC, RH09: A- 499 (1980).

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26. We thank T. L. Bugawan and C. Long for assistance
single-stranded cDNA can be directly ampli- ACCICAAACAGACACC, RS40: A1TITGCCAC- with doning and sequencing of PCR products; L.
fied by PCR. With the HLA-DQa PCR CCITAGGCIG, RS79: CATGCCrCfTGCACC- Goda, D. Spasic, and C. Lcevnson for synthesis of
ATIC, RS80: TGGTAGCIGGATTGTAGCrG, oligonuceotides; L. Johnson, R Leath, D. Jones,
primers reported previously (7), mRNA RS81: CTGGGITAAGGCAATAGCA, RS114: CC- and J. Widunas for engineering and instrument
transcripts present at about 0.01% in 100 TCCAAATCAAGCCrCIAC, RS115: ATCCT7GA- support; D. Carlin for statistical interpreon; S.
ng of cDNA prepared from lymphoblastoid GGAAGAATGGGAC, RS116: GrlTGATGTAG- Nilson and E. Ladner for graphic semces; A. Wil-
CCJrCAC1C, 19A: CICCIGAGGAGAAGTCI- son for the phrase "cell-free cloning"; and J. Sninsky
polyadenylated [poly(A)+] RNA could be GC, 1218: GGI7GGCGACGACTCCIGGAGCCC- and T. White for advice and encouragement.
easily amplified to generate approximately 1 G, 1222: TTGACACCAGACCAACI7GGTAATG.
14. The "plateau ffect is not directly determined by the 9 October 1987; accepted 17 December 1987
Fg of the specific 242-bp amplification frag-
Our data demonstrate the highly specific
nature of Taq polymerase-mediated PCR
and its effect on the efficiency and sensitivity
of the reaction. The amplification of both
Genomic Amplificaton with Transcript Sequencng
DNA and RNA targets was readily accom-
plished by means of this thermostable en- E. S. STOFLET, D. D. KOEBERL, G. SARxAR, S. S. SOMMER*
zyme, often with yields and purities compa-
rable to fragments prepared from clonally A sequencing method called genomic amplification with trancript sequencing
isolated recombinants. This facilitates rapid (GAWTS) is described that is based on amplification with the polymerase chain
sequence analysis of mutants and variants at reaction (PCR). GAWTS bypasses cloning and increases the rate of sequence acquisi-
a known locus by allowing the PCR product tion by at least fivfold. The method involves the at ment of a phage promoter onto
to be sequenced directly. Similarly, the anal- at least one of the PCR primers. The segents amplified by PCR are transribed to
ysis of unknown sequences could be expedit- fiuther increase the sgnal and to provide an abundance ofsingle-stranded template for
ed by PCR amplification of the doned revese n ediated dideoxy sequencng. An end-labeled reverse tranip-
segments with vector-specific primers that tase primer complementary to the desired sequence generates the additional specificity
flank the insertion site. The ability to ampli- required to generate umbiguous sequence data. GAWTS can be performed on as
fy and manipulate a target sequence present little as a nanogram of genomic DNA. The rate of GAWTS can be increased by
only once in a sample of 105 to 106 cells coamplification and cotanscription ofmultiple regions as illustated by two regions of
should prove valuable in many areas of the factor IX gene. Since GAVTS lends itself well to autmation, further inceases in
molecular biology. Clinical applications in- the rate of sequence acquisition can be expected.
dude the diagnosis ofinfectious diseases and
of rare pathologic events such as chromo- I N CONTRAST TO AUTOSOMAL RECES- represents an independent mutation. From
somal translocations. Moreover, the sensi- sive mutations, deleterious X-linked the perspective of efforts to understand the
tivity of the procedure should enable the mutations are eliminated witiin a few
analysis of gene expression or rearrangement generations because the affected males re- Departmt of Biodmistry and Molecular.Biology,
in single cells. By virtue of the exponential produce sparingly if at all. Thus, each family Mayo Clinic/Foundation, Rochestr, MN 55905.
accumulation of literally billions of copies in an X-linked disease such as hemophilia B *To whom correspondence sdou be addd
Primer-Directed Enzymatic Amplification of DNA with a Thermostable DNA
Randall K. Saiki, David H. Gelfand, Susanne Stoffel, Stephen J. Scharf, Russell Higuchi, Glenn T. Horn, Kary B. Mullis, and
Henry A. Erlich

Science, 239 (4839), • DOI: 10.1126/science.2448875

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