Congenital Disorders

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1/30/2023 INTRODUCTION *A congenital disorder(an, or congenital disease is a condition existing at birth and often bef birth, or that develops during the first month of life (neonatal disease), regardless of causatior 2 ETIOLOGY ‘Congenital anomalies may be in “Al gonetic Bl environmental fa — | 1/30/2023 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY ~ was et TERATOGENK "kit 4 the, ore PASSER me morphological and functional abnormalities (BRAIN & EYES) Causes of congenital anomalies +1-Genetic factors *2-Environmental factors +3-Combined genetic and environmental factors (mutlifactorials factors) TYPES OF ABNORMALITIES. 2.Dieruptions results in morphological cha formed structure due to exposure to destructive proce 1/30/2023 TYPES OF ABNORMALITIES 3:Deformations: due to m a part of the Fetus over a long 4 Sndrome_ f anomalies occurring Tether eto use GENETIC FACTORS (CHROMOSOMAL ABNORMALITIES: [A Numeral chromosomal noms 1. poly a8 tbody (fe 1/30/2023 CHROMOSOMAL ABNORMALITIES hohkawa sie Beall 10 CHROMOSOMAL ABNORMALITIES we B Structuralchromosomal anomalies 1 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS — 1/30/2023 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS, B ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS. ~ 4 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS 7) Nutritional deficiency. particularly vitamins deficiency 8)Heavy metals Eg: organic mercury 1/30/2023 16 i 2 a - i = -2: ei external ~ CONGENITAL DISEASES S INTERNAL sae [EXTERNAL CONGENITAL DISEASES: NEURAL TUBE DEFECTS. a= =2 ANENCEPHALY — EMCEPHALOCEE SPINA BIFIDA [EXTERNAL CONGENITAL DISEASES: OROFACIAL CLEFTS 1/30/2023 EXTERNAL: REDUCTION DEFECTS OF UPPER & LOWER LIMB Pl ie oe Ea | = # EXTERNAL: TALIPES EQUINOVARUS/ CLUB FOOT 2 INTERNAL CONGENITAL DISEASES: CONGENITAL HEART 1/30/2023 oereers ay Se TETRALOGY OF __|vporusricerr _ ATRESIA HEART 2 ESOPHAGEAL ATRESIA 23 LARGE INTESTINAL ATRESIA/ STENOSIS 1/30/2023 RENAL AGENESIS oe tae (biter) kidneys

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