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Santos, Aira Kristelle M.

BSN 2 – 5


We are hiding beneath a curtain of anonymity which perpetuates apathy, leaving no room for us
to feel empathy as to how others could feel. How did we become a society full of indifference to the
sufferings of others? We have become a country driven by our need to react to things without having to
think twice of the repercussions of our actions. Having said that, this is where my idea of global citizen
enters, for the reason that the collage photos I took above were taken throughout my high school days
and every time I see these pictures, it still amuses me because these just reveal that being a global
citizen is alive long way before and still striving for a better place. To be a global citizen necessitates an
understanding of one's role in the bigger world. With that, it is not enough to be aware, we are expected
to take an active role in making this country a better place for everyone. Furthermore, the concept of a
global citizen is gaining an understanding and appreciation of the interconnectedness of our world as
well as respecting and valuing existing diversity and providing a foundation that enables us to challenge
injustice and take action in personally meaningful ways. Thus, if they want to become one, they must
take an active role in their community and work with others to make our planet more peaceful and
sustainable because it is what could have been that always hunt us in our sleep, making us think of the
possibilities, of the unfinished sentences left unsaid. We remember every detail of the hesitations that
we had, making us regret the moment why we did not take the leap and jump.

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