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Source: British School at Athens Studies, Vol. 13, AEGEAN WALL PAINTING: A TRIBUTE TO
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Foldouts:A. The Caravanseraifrieze (restored byMaria Shaw). B. The Caravanserai- a newfrieze
as reconstructed
by Maria Shaw (rendered G.
by Bianco). C. fromTombNo. 3 at Beni Hasan (courtesy
Birds ofA. G.
Shedid) (Shedid igg^ pl. in).
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Plate i

/. Lily and Irispaintings

fromRoom7 at Amnisos.Reconstruction:
Mark Cameron(BSA). 2. SpringFresco
fromDelta 2, Akrotiri,
as restored
in theNational Museum,Athens(Photo: TAP,Athens).
Plate 2

/. SouthEastHouse,Knossos:(a) fragment(KFApl. D,fig.i); (b) reconstruction:

MarkCameron (BSA).
2. TheUnexplored
Mansionpainting as reconstructed
byMarkCameron (BSA). j. Thepaintings
Room14at Ayia Triada.Reconstruction: MarkCameron (BSA).
Plate 3

/. ReedspanelfromtheRoyal Road. Reconstruction:Mark Cameron(BSA). 2. Plantsand Rockspanelfromthe

RoyalRoad. Reconstruction:Mark Cameron(BSA). j. Reed bedpaintingfromRoom3b, upperstorey ' ofXestejf
Akrotiri(Vlachopoulos2000,fig.4. Drawing:L. Lambrinou).4. Multi-ColoredRocksand Olive BranchesfromPylos
(3, 10 N nws). Reconstruction:
Mable Lang and Piet deJong(Lang ig6g, pl. Q).
Plate 4

/. TheSaffronGatherers, Knossos(Hood: 5) (HerakleionMuseum.Karetsouand Andreadaki-Blazaki2000, 299,

pl. 293). 2. Monkeysat a shrine,
fromthe 'Thyroreion',Akrotiri:(a) fragment(Doumas 1992,pl. 147);
(b) reconstruction:Mark Cameron(BSA). 3. Monkeywitha lyre,detailofFrieze ofMonkeysfromRoom2 ofXeste
j, Akrotiri(Doumas 1992,pl. 95, detail). 4. Monkey,detailofthepaintingfromB6, Akrotiri(Doumas 1992,pl. 87).
Plate 5

/. Monkeysand BirdsFriezefromtheHouse oftheFrescoes.Reconstruction:

Mark Cameron(BSA).
2. Monkey,detailfromtheHouse oftheFrescoes(AshmoleanMuseum.Painting:E. Gillieronfils).
Plate 6

Plantsin a rockylandscape.Fragments
fromtheMonkeysand BirdsFrieze,House oftheFrescoes
(AshmoleanMuseum.Paintings:E. Gillieronfils).
Plate 7

fromtheMonkeysand BirdsFrieze,House oftheFrescoes

(AshmoleanMuseum.Paintings:E. Gillieronfils).
Plate 8

fragments fromKnossos:i. Spongeimprint (Hood: i) (Ashmolean Museum).2. Flowering olivespray
(Hood: 11) (KFApl. D,fig.2). 3. IvoryDepositminiatures: (a) doubleaxes; (b) bull'shorn(Hood: 20) (KFA
pl. E.figs.jgy3b). 4. Miniatures fromtheXIII Magazine(Hood: g): (a) spectators; (b) bull;(c) shrine(KFA
pl. VI,fig.12; pl. VII,fig.1; pl. Kfig.1. 5 (a), (b). Argonaut Friezefragments (Hood: 25) (Ashmolean Museum.
Paintings: fils).
E. Gillieron
Plate 9

NorthWest FrescoHeap,Knossos(Hood:j): (a) birdwing(KFApl. D,fig.6); (b) women at casement(KFApl. IV>; (c) birdnecklace
(Ashmolean Museum. Drawing:E. Gillieronfils);
(d) boysplayinga game(KFApl. Cyfig.
(KFApl. EJig.3 h); (f) ox-head(KFApl. EJig.3a); (g) flutes(KFApl. EJig.3f); (h) sphinx
4); (e) griffin
3 k = pl. IV,fig.17); (i) relief
(KFA pl. Eyfig. skirt(Ashmolean
Museum. Painting:E. Gillieronfils).
Plate io

Mark Cameron(BSA). 2. Sacred

/. 'Temple'/ 'Grandstand'MiniatureFresco,Knossos(Hood: 6). Reconstruction:
Groveand Dance MiniatureFresco,Knossos(Hood: 6). Reconstruction:Nanno Marinatos(Drawn byLily
Papageorgiou).3. Warriors
and Captainfragments(Hood: 6) (KFApl. IV,figs.1-3).
Plate i i

'Temple'/ Miniature
'Grandstand' Fresco,
fragments (Hood: 6): (a-e) women E. Gillieronfils);
(f) womenandshrine
(KFApl. B,fig.ib); (g) shrine
byMarkCameron (BSA).
Plate 12

1. Male acrobat,TaureadorFresco(Hood: 33) (AshmoleanMuseum). 2. White-skinned

acrobat, TaureadorFresco
(Hood: 33) (AshmoleanMuseum).3. TaureadorFresco(Hood: 33). Panel reconstructed
byMark Cameron(BSA).
Plate 13

ClairyPalyvou,ManfredBietakand N annoMarinatos.
/. Bull grappling,Tell el Dabca. Reconstruction:
2. Bull leaper,Tell el Data. Reconstruction:ClairyPalyvouyManfredBietakand Nanno Marinatos.
Plate 14

/. Largegriffin
fromTellel Dabca overlaidon to theThroneRoomgriffin fromKnossos.ClairyPalyvou.2. Large
fragmentsfromTell el Dabca: (a) computerrestoration; fromthe
(b) fragment.ClairyPalyvou.j. Griffin
Goddesspainting,Xeste3 (Doumas 1992,pi 128).
Plate 15

ClairyPalyvouand Nanno Marinatos.

/. Dog andgoatsfromtheHunt Frieze at Tell el Dabca. Reconstruction:
2. Dog and deerfromtheMiniaturesoftheNortheastBastionat Ayia IriniyKea. Reconstruction:
Lyvia Morgan.
Plate 16


Plate 17


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Plate 18

Museumsiteat Knossos:i. Skirtfragment

Stratigraphic , 1.2. 2. Skirtfragment , /./. 3. Riverand FlowersFresco:
blueflowersupsidedownnearcentreonfragment 3.1 (see Warren fig. 8.21 centrepiece,flowersabove river).
4. Columns or Built Structure Fresco 4.
Plate 19

OliveSpraysFresco5, Stratigraphic
Museumsiteat Knossos: (a) fragment;(b) paintingbyJeffClarke.
Plate 20

FragmentsfromKnossos:i. JewelRelief(Hood: 10): (a) reconstruction:MarkCameron;(b) fragment (KFApl. B,

fig.2). 2. LadiesinBlue (Hood:32) (KFA pl. XII B, top).3. Yokeandharness froma chariot(Ashmolean
Museum).4. Palanquin/ Charioteer(Hood: ig): (a-b) figures;(c) bullandchariot /,3, 6).
(KFA pl. Cyfigs.
Plate 21

/. Womanwithnecklace, fromthenorthwall oftheAdyton(Room3 a lowerstorey) , Xeste3 (Doumas 1992,pl. 101).

2. The 'Mykenaia',fromtheCult Centreat Mycenae(Kritseli-Providi 1982,pl. 4). 3. Woundedwoman,north
wall oftheAdyton,Xeste3 a (Doumas 1992, 105). 4. Girlwithveil,northwall oftheAdyton,Xeste3 a
(Doumas 1992, 107).
Plate 22

/. CrocusGatherers,East wall ofRoomja upperstorey , Xestej (Doumas 1992,pl. n6> detail).

2. Presentation
to theGoddess,Northwall ofRoomja upperstorey, Xeste3 (Doumas 1992,pl. 122;
S. Sherratt(ed.) 2000, 12).
Plate 23

TownsfromtheMiniatureShip Procession Frieze,withindividualbuildings

delineated.South wall ofRoom5
in the WestHouse at Akrotiri.1. Left (Departure) Town(IV). 2. Right(Arrival) Town(V).
Plate 24

ShrineoftheFresco,The Cult Centreat Mycenae (photos:Lyvia Morgan): (a) paintingon theupperpart

ofthewall; (b) paintingon thelowerpart ofthewall.
Plate 25

ThePalace at Tellel Dabca. (a) Part ofthepalace precinct.In theforeground,thefortification

wall alongtheNile
branch;behind,remainsofa gardenwithtreepits,(b) Fragments ofwallplasterwithpaintingsfroma dumpat the
footoftherampofPalace F. (Photos:ManfredBietak).
Plate 26

Knossos(Hood: 18): (a) crown(PM II jj6, fig.504 B); (b) torso(PM II 780,fig 508);
'PriestKing' relief,
(c) reconstruction fils (PM II 2); (d) reconstruction
byE. Gillieron ofthetorsoby Wolf-Dietrich
(Niemeierig8yypi 9:1).
Plate 27

/. Highrelief Knossos(Hood: 28) (PM III 499,fig.342 A). 2. Reliefbull'shead,NorthEntrance,
Knossos(Hood:2) (PM HI 173,fig.116). 3. Reliefbull'sfoot,Knossos(Hood:30) (PM 1 376,fig.273).
4. Bull'sfoot,Ante-room Room,Knossos(Hood: 7) (PM IV 893,fig.872).
Plate 28

/. LadiesinBlue (Hood:32). (AshmoleanMuseum.Painting: E. Gillieronfils;

cf.PM I. 545,fig.397).
2. DancingLady (Hood: 22) (PM HI XXV bottom,opp.p. 370).
Plate 29

Camp-stool Fresco(Hood:4): (a) La Parisienne(HerakleionMuseum);(b) twoheads(KFA pl. V,fig.5);

(c) feetandhead(KFA pi V,fig.4); (d) seated figureonstool(KFA pl. VI,fiig.
3); (e) seated
(KFA pl. VI,fig.7) ; (f) Kylix(KFA pl. VI,fig.1).
Plate 30

fromRoom14 at Ayia Triada (cf plate 2.3): (a) the 'Goddess'.Reconstruction:

/. Detailsofthepaintings
Mark Cameron;(b) cat and birdfragment(Photo: P. Militello). 2 Boxersand Antelopes
fromBeta /,
Akrotiri(Photo: TAP,Athens).
Plate 3i

PartridgeFriezefromtheCaravanseraias exhibited
Portionsoftherestored in theHerakleionArchaeological
(Shaw: i) (Photos:Mark Cameron).
Plate 32

Fragments and upperborder

withbirds,vegetation fromthePartridgeFrieze oftheCaravanserai
(Shaw: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7) (photos:Mark Cameron).
Plate 33

withlandscape,flora,upperand lowerborders
Fragments fromthePartridgeFrieze oftheCaravanserai
(Sham: /j, 75, 16, 17, ig, 20, 22) (photos:Mark Cameron).
Plate 34

Fragments flora,upperand lowerborders fromthePartridgeFrieze oftheCaravanserai
(Shaw: n, 2j, 24, 26, 28, 27) (photos:Mark Cameron).
Plate 35

Fragments flora,andpossiblebirdwing(j8) fromthePartridgeFrieze oftheCaravanserai
(Shaw: 2Q,joy 31, 33, 34, jj, 36, 37, 38) (photos:Mark Cameron).
Plate 36

Xeste3 (Doumas 1992,pl. 123) (cf plate 22 b).

fromthenorthwall ofRoomja upperstorey,
Plate 37

(a-c) Baskets.Details oftheCrocusGatherers , northand eastwallsofRoomja upperstorey,Xestej

(Photos: Iris Tzachili. Cf Doumas 1992,pls. 130, 117, 116 (farright)).
Plate 38

Friezes,Room5 oftheWest
DetailsfromtheMiniature House,Akrotiri: (a) Northwall; (b) Eastwall;
(c) Southwall(Morganiq88,pls.2,5, 9 (detail)).
Plate 39

panelfromRoom5 oftheWestHouse,Akrotiri(Doumas 1992,pl. 19). 2. The Priestess

/. Fisherman panel
fromthesouth-east Rooms4 and5, theWestHouse,Akrotiri(Doumas 1992,pi 24).
Plate 40

/. TaureadorFrescopanel withmaleacrobat,Knossos(Hood: jj; cf.plate 12.1). Reconstruction:Mark Cameron.

2. TaureadorFrescopanel withwhite-skinnedacrobat
' Knossos(Hood: jj; cf.plate 12.2). Reconstruction:
Cameron,j. Bull LeapingFresco, Ramp House at Mycenae.Reconstruction:Maria Shaw and G. Bianco.
Plate 41

Maria Sham (igj2yfig. 13). 2. Miniaturefrescofragments

/. MiniatureFriezefromTylissos.Reconstruction: with
Tel Kabri (Niemeierand Niemeier2000,fig.11). 3. Womenat windows.FromtheBull-LeapingFresco
oftheRampHouse Depositat Mycenae: (a) fragment(National Archaeological Museum,Athens.Photo: TAP);
Maria Shaw and G. Bianco (Shaw igg6, pl. B (3)).
(b) reconstruction:
Plate 42

/. Bluebird.DetailfromtheHouse oftheFrescoes.Drawing:Mark Cameron.2. FlyingFish Fresco,Phylakopi

(National Archaeological Museum,Athens.Photo: TAP). 3. Swallows.DetailfromtheSpringFresco,Akrotiri
(Doumas 1992,pl. 76). 4. BluebirdFrieze,Pylos (Lang 1969,pl. R (9 F nws)). 5. DolphinFresco,as restored
in the
'Queen'sMegaron at Knossos(Hood: 21) (Immerwahr 1990,pl. 31. Photo:AlisonFrantz).
Plate 43

Museumsite.NorthBuilding.RoomoftheFrescoes.Scale 50 cms.
cornerbesidepaved square.2. Fromwest.Frescoes
1. Fromsouth.Floordepositin north-west
asfoundnorthofgypsumslabs (see Warrenfig. 8.2).
Plate 44

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Plate 45

Knossos,Stratigraphical Museumsite.NorthBuilding.RoomoftheFrescoes,i. Skirtfragments:(above) 1.2 (1);

(below) 1.2 (2). 2. fragment(withpart ofwhitearmor leg?) i.j. j. Skirtfragment
Skirt withvolant1.4 (1).
Plate 46

/. Hittitereliefcarvingofthe 'SwordGodyin ChamberB at Yazilikaya (Macqueen ig86y130,pl. ng = Universdes

Formes).2. Vignette ofchapterg2 oftheBook oftheDead. Spellfortheopeningofthetombforthesouland the
shadowso thathe maygo intotheday and havepowerin hisfeet. The Book oftheDead ofNeferrenpety
c. 1320-1200,fromThebes(Kischkewitzand Formanig8gypl. 21. Photo: Muse'esroyauxd'Artet d'Histoire,
Brussels),j. FigurefromtheShrineoftheIdols, Cult Centreat Mycenae(MycenaeArchive).4. Gold ring
fromMycenae(CMS I no. iy).
Plate 47

/. Musician.Detail ofa Procession, fromAyia Tnada (Photo: L. Morgan). 2. Processionoffiguresleadingdeerto an

altar,fromAy ia Triada. Reconstruction: Mark Cameron(BSA). 3. Musician.Detail oftheAyia Triada sarcophagus
(Long 1974,pl. 15, detail. Photo: AlisonFranz). 4. Genii,fromTsountasHouse at Mycenae.LH IIIBy 13thc. bc
(NationalArchaeological Museum, Athens,2665). 5. White-skinnedwarriorwithgriffin,Cult Centreat Mycenae
(A-6). LH III B, 13th c. bc (Kritseli-Providi
1982,pl. 2a = National Museum,Athens,11652).
Pylos (si H nws) (Lang 1969,pl. O).
6. Procession,
Plate 48

/. Throne
RoomGriffin Fresco, MarkCameron
Knossos(Hood: 8). Reconstruction: (BSA). 2. Throne RoomGriffin
Knossos(Hood: 26) (TM /// XXIII
andLion,Pylos(21 C 46) (Lang1969,pl. P). 3. ShieldFresco,
opp.p. 306). 4. ShieldfromtheCultCentre,Mycenae(Kritseli-Providi
1982,pl. 12).
Plate 49

/. 'CaptainoftheB lacks' Knossos.Reconstruction:

Mark Cameron(BSA). 2. Boar Hunt, Tiryns(National
Museum, Athens 5878-82. Photo: TAP), j. Stag Hunt,Pylos (16 H 43) (Lang iq6q> pl. 121). 4. Battlescene,Pylos
(24 64) (Lang ig6g, pl. 124). 5. Fallen Warrior,
H fromtheMegaronfriezeat Mycenae(Rodenwaldt1Q21,Beilage
II. Photo: TAP,Athens).
Plate 50


Plate 5i




Plate 52

facadesinart: (a) Miniature

Ashlar Frieze,Akrotiri
(TheraVI,pl. g); (b) Tylissos Miniature(PM III fig.4q); (c)
fragmentofmarble from Pseira Lembesi
(after ig^6,pl. 168); (d) plaquefromRoyalRoad, Knossos(Hoodigyi,75,
pl. 2j); (e) TownMosaic(PM III fig.226); (f) Miniature Frieze,Kea. Drawing:L. Morgan.
Plate 53

on roofs:(a-b) MiniatureFrieze,Kea. Photos:CraigMauzy, courtesy

/. Triangularand oval projections of
L. Morgan; (c) MiniatureFrieze,Akrotiri(Doumas 1992, 14). 2. A typicalwindowwithlattice:(a) plaque
fromRoyalRoad, Knossos(Drawing: C. Palyvou); (b) Akrotiri, Xeste3, northfafade (Drawing: C. Palyvou);
(c) Akrotiri,WestHouse, west C.
facade (Drawing: Palyvou).
Plate 54

/. Verandhas:(a) fragment fromKnossos(PM II 603,fig.376); (b) MiniatureFrieze,Akrotiri

ofa wallpainting
(detailof righttown).Computer by ClairyPalyvou.2. Verandhas
rendering have alwaysbeena verypopular
featureof Greek architecture:
(a) Archaneshousemodel (Sakellarakisiggi, yfig.36); (b) housein Veroia,
northern Greece(TraditionalGreekArchitecturevol. 7, Melissa, iggo, 83,fig.46).
Plate 55

/. Easternentrance
doortoDelta ig (left)and entranceofXestej (C. Palyvou). 2. A common interior
arrangement at
Akrotiriwheretwosmallroomsat ground floor(each onewithitswindow)are unitedintoa largeroomwitha central
column(and onewindow)on theupperflooris depictedinseveralplaquesoftheTownMosaic: (a) TownMosaic; (b)
SectorDelta; (d) AkrotiriSectorBeta 1 (AkrotiridrawingsbyC. Palyvou).
WestHouse; (c) Akrotiri,
Plate 56

withlattices:(a) Akrotiri,WestHousefrieze; (b) Tylissos;(c) MasterImpression;(d) Knossos,Royal

Road; (e) TownMosaic; (f) Archanesmodel;(below)AkrotiriThem,Xeste2 north fafade.
(Computerrendering by C. Palyvou)
Plate 57

Typec windowin reality:(a) AkrotiriThem,Xeste4; (b) AkrotiriThem,Xeste3; and in art (c) TownMosaic;
(d) Kea MiniatureFrieze.
Plate 58

/. 'Loopholes'in artdepictthesimplest
smalltypeofwindow:(a) Akrotiri,Thera>WestHousefrieze; (b) Town
Mosaic; (c) Archanes 2.
Model. Slots in ashlarwalls: Knossos,Royal Road (left)yAkrotiri,Thera,Xeste4 (right).
Plate 59

/. A traditional
Aegeansettlement on a hillside:Karpathos,Dodekanese(TraditionalGreekArchitecture
vol. j,
Melissa 1984, 77,fig.9). 2. The idea ofa houseestablished itsfundamental
through architectural
TownMosaic (left),drawingbya child(right).
Plate 60

/. A viewofthereplication workinprogress at theUniversity

of WesternOntario,Canada. Mark Cameron
is secondfromleft.2. Tracinga designontotheplasterwitha pencil.(CameronArchive,BSA).
Plate 6i

2. A cross-sectional
/. Paintingin thebuonfrescotechnique. viewoftheplasterafterpainting:at bottomthescratch
coat,followedbythesecondcoat,theupper(intonaco)layer,and thethinpigmentlayer.Scale in cm. (Cameron
Plate 62

/. A completed in whichtheplasterhas cracked.2. SEM (secondaryelectrons,

frescoreplication SE)
photomicrographofplasterofChania 1. Bar=io jum.Magnification 750X. (Photo: E. Photos-Jones).
Plate 63

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