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Document No.

: FGS-020822-HSE-01

Revision : 01 Pages
08 Jan.
Date of issue : 1 of 17


Document No. FGS-020822-HSE-01


Name Designation Signature Date

Prepared by Elchin Ismayilov Project Coordinator

Reviewed by Elvin Kocherli Project Manager

Approved by Gunay Rzayeva General Manager


Document No. : FGS-020822-HSE-01

Revision : 01 Pages
08 Jan.
Date of issue : 2 of 17

No. Date of Rev Details of revision Checked Approved

Revision Initials

Document No. : FGS-020822-HSE-01

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08 Jan.
Date of issue : 3 of 17

1. Purpose...................................................................................................................................5
2. Objectives...............................................................................................................................5
Environmental, Health and Safety Policy..............................................................................................5
3. Structure and Responsibility...................................................................................................6
3.1. Organisational Structure.................................................................................................6
3.2. Duties & Responsibilities in Environmental, Health and Safety...........................6
a. Project Management Staff (Engineers…)...................................................................6
b. HSE Lead..............................................................................................................................6
c. HSE Supervisor..................................................................................................................7
4. Planning..................................................................................................................................8
4.1. PROJECT SPECIFIC RISKS.............................................................................................8
4.2. Work Method Statement.....................................................................................................8
4.3. Environmental Aspects and Impact Analysis...................................................................8
4.4. In-House Safety Rules and Regulations..........................................................................8
4.5. Safe Work Practices............................................................................................................9
5. Implementation and Operation...............................................................................................9
5.1. Competence, Training and Awareness...................................................................................9
5.1.1. In-house FGS Project Safety Induction Training................................................................9
5.1.2. Drills and Exercises.............................................................................................................9
5.1.3. Training Records.................................................................................................................9
5.1.4. HSE Promotions..................................................................................................................9
5.1.5. Communication, Participation and Consultation...............................................................10
5.1.6. Meetings............................................................................................................................10
5.1.7. Warning Signs and Lights.................................................................................................11
5.1.8. HSE Campaign..................................................................................................................11
5.1.9. Emmergency Contact........................................................................................................11
5.2. Implemaentation...................................................................................................................11
5.2.1. Maintenance Regime of Machinery & Equipment............................................................11
5.2.2. Control of Movement & Use of Hazardous Substances and Chemicals...........................12
5.2.3. Temporary Electrical Installation......................................................................................12
5.2.4. Portable Electrical Tools...................................................................................................12
5.2.5. Hot Works / Compressed Gas Cylinders...........................................................................13
5.2.6. Fall Protection...................................................................................................................13
5.2.7. Housekeeping....................................................................................................................13
5.2.8. Fire Fighting Control.........................................................................................................14
5.2.9. Evironmental Working Condition.....................................................................................14
5.2.10. Authorized Operators for Machinery & Vehicles.........................................................14
5.2.11. Operational Risk Control...............................................................................................15
5.2.12. PPE................................................................................................................................15
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6. Checking:..............................................................................................................................16
6.1 Safety Inspections.................................................................................................................16
6.2 HSE Committee Inspection..................................................................................................16
6.3 HSE Report to Project Manager...........................................................................................16
6.4 Routine HSE Inspections......................................................................................................16
6.5 Remedial Actions..................................................................................................................16
6.6 Incident Investigation, Nonconformity, Corrective and Preventive Action.........................17
6.7 Control of Records................................................................................................................17
7. Management Review............................................................................................................17
8.1 Management Review Inputs.................................................................................................17
8.2 Management Review Outputs...............................................................................................18
8. List of Appendix...................................................................................................................18

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1. Purpose
This plan sets down in clear and unambiguous terms the “FGS LLC” management approach
and commitment to Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE).
The purpose of this plan is to comply to the ISO 14001:2004, USACE Safety Manual EM
381-1-1. and OHSAS 18001:2007 standards requirements and provide direction for the
implementation of the HSE plan within the project organisation

2. Objectives

Environmental, Health and Safety Policy

The protection of our environment, our employees and the community are fundamental
values in our business.
We are committed to providing the necessary resources and training systems to achieve our
objectives and to continuously improve our environment, health and safety performance.
Our objectives for this project are as follow:
 To create a culture that safety, health and environment are an integral part of
work operations, and that quality, production, safety, health and environment are of
equal importance.
 To strive for zero incidents, injuries and illnesses.

 To comply with the authorities’ legislations, code of practices and other statutory
requirements, rules and regulations, standards and procedures.
 To identify and comply with duties and responsibilities of individual for safety, health
and environmental control.
 To provide safe and healthy conditions of employment for all project employees.

 To provide site works that do not endanger members of the public, site staff,
subcontractors and workers.
 To provide for the thorough investigation into incidents and establish safeguards to
prevent recurrence. To equip all site staff, subcontractors and workers with the
knowledge and skills in environment, health & safety to achieve a high level of safety
and health awareness and apply them to prevent accidents at their workplace.
This policy shall be available to all interested parties.
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3. Structure and Responsibility

3.1. Organisational Structure

Safety Section acts as a part of Site Organiztion Chart which is issued accordingly
(Appendix 01 – Site Organization Chart).

3.2. Duties & Responsibilities in Environmental, Health and Safety

a. Project Management Staff (Engineers…)

 Ensures the method and sequence of construction operation is in accordance with the
approved method statement.
 Ensures that all construction regulations and other legal requirements are complied
with on the construction site, that all registers, records and reports are in order, and
that any “competent person” appointed has sufficient knowledge of plant and/ or
machinery to evaluate all aspects or its safe operation.
 Co-operates with the HSE Lead/Supervisors and acts on his/their recommendations.

b. HSE Lead
 Responsible for implementing HSE policy and programmes of the project. Implements
HSE trainings and campaign programmes and all HSE activivities.
 Lead the whole HSE team on all Health, Safety, Environment, and Security matters.
 Being responsible for the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) supervision at
construction site; Supervise and enforce the implementation of HSE regulations/
policies on construction site;
 Regularly reviews implementation of the site HSE plan and safety performance during
 Act as a coordinator in the implementation of the labour safety programs to raise the
awareness of the workers and engineers, and inspect the performance of labour safety
policies at the construction site;
 Supervise all subcons’ performance and enforce the rules. Evaluate the obedience of
the labour safety regulations, risks and unforseen dangers relating to labour safety at
the construction site;

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 Ensure that all safety requirements are compliance with statutory regulations; Be in
charged of all FGS HSE Mannual & Procedures and HSE legal requirements.
 Accountable to company’s top management and authority for the implementation of
the safety and health management system in the projectsite.
 Monitors the overall HSE performance of the project, identifying unsafe conditions and
procedures and recommending corrective actions. Responsible for the establishment
and maintenance of all HSE record-keeping systems and will liaise with Authorities
with regard to any HSE matters.
 Compile project HSE reports as required by OHS regulations.
 Review Method Statement, Job Risk Assessment.
 Conduct kick-off meeting with subcontractors reviewing their readiness on HSE
 Prepare and conduct safety meeting.
 Carry out incident investigation and report.
 Prepare emergency response plan, conduct training and act as an incident
 Performs other related duties as assigned.

c. HSE Supervisor
 Being responsible for the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) supervision at
construction site; Supervise and enforce the implementation of HSE regulations/
policies on construction site;
 Regularly reviews implementation of the site HSE plan and safety performance during
 Responsible for implementing HSE policy and programmes of the project.
 Act as a coordinator in the implementation of the labour safety programs to raise the
awareness of the workers and engineers, and inspect the performance of labour safety
policies at the construction site;
 Monitors the overall HSE performance of the project, identifying unsafe conditions and
procedures and recommending corrective actions.
 Ensure that all safety requirements are compliance with statutory regulations;

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 Prepare safety training, safety meeting, inspect and handle/ check labour safety
reports as required by Superiors;
 Evaluate the obedience of the labour safety regulations, risks and unforseen dangers
relating to labour safety at the construction site;
 Performs other related duties as assigned.

4. Planning


Special attention is being paid to the following:
 Excavations
 Work at height
 Work in confined space
 Traffic Management (heavy duty vehicles)
 Lightning
 High Scaffolding
 Working with Electricity
 Working with Cranes
 Collapse of structures/Power cables
 Environmental risks

4.2. Work Method Statement

Refer to Method Statement in which HSE concerns will be commented & followed.
All sub-contractors must submit their method statement on how the job is to be carried out
by incorporating the Risk Assessment and Safe Work Procedures
Upon approval, the sub-contractors are to ensure their workers comply with the safe work

4.3. Environmental Aspects and Impact Analysis

To describes the method for identifying and evaluating environment, health and safety
aspects related to the engineering works carried out by “FGS” and determining the

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significance of these aspects and risks and implementing necessary control measure.
Refer to FGS HSE Standard on environmental protection.

4.4. In-House Safety Rules and Regulations

Refer to Appendix 02 Site Safety Regulation

Safety Rules & Regulations have been set for the worksite. Safety Rules & Regulations
must be made known to the workers and also displayed on site.

4.5. Safe Work Practices

Permit-to-work system shall be applied. All project personnel and contractors are to
comply with the procedures and ensure that all related Safe Work Practices are
implemented accordingly.
All contractors are to brief their employees the safe work practise/ procedure prior to
commencement of work.

5. Implementation and Operation

5.1. Competence, Training and Awareness

5.1.1. In-house FGS Project Safety Induction Training

Trainings will be lectured by qualified internal trainer appointed by HSE Lead. All project
personnel must undergo initial In-house “FGS” Project Safety Induction Training before
they commence work or project personnel who have repeatedly violated HSE rules shall
also attend. Safety Helmet Stickers are issued as proof of Safety Induction Training.
Detailed contents of the induction program for each trades will be defined in Appendix 04
Induction Training Matrix.
At the end of induction training, trainee will be required to sign a declaration that they are
aware of the necessary safety practices on FG-FORM-SA-05.02 In-house HSE Induction.

5.1.2. Drills and Exercises

Drills and exercise shall be conducted for the different types of emergency situations on a
monthly or quarterly basis to test the effectiveness of the emergency plan. To be

5.1.3. Training Records

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HSE Training Records will be kept in the project HSE section. The HSE Officer will be
responsible for updating and maintaining HSE training records.

5.1.4. HSE Promotions

HSE programme updates, hazard alerts, lessons learned, management directives, or any
other information deemed necessary by HSE team, or by determination of any of various
meetings or talks shall be disseminated in an expedient manner through the most
appropriate method which may include but not limited to one or more of the following.
 HSE Posters
 HSE Slogans
 HSE Notice Boards
 Annual HSE Campaign
 Special HSE Talk
 Monthly Best HSE Performance Workers Award
 HSE Suggestion

5.1.5. Communication, Participation and Consultation

5.1.6. Meetings
 Daily / Weekly Tool Box Meeting
- These meetings held between Sub-contractors’ Supervisors / Foremen and the
workers shall be topical and held on a daily / weekly basis, “FGS” will if necessary
arrange an extraordinary meeting to discuss any urgent HSE matters, such as major
incident / accident.
- Tool-Box meetings will be conducted daily by the respective supervisors every
morning before work commences. The Sub-contractors’ Supervisors/Foremen will:
 Carry out the training to workers

 Provide information on specific hazard identification

 Encourage and motivate their workers to achieve high standards of safety at all
 Monthly HSE Committee Meetings

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- “FGS” will if necessary arrange an extraordinary meeting to discuss any urgent

HSE matters, such as major incident / accident.
- Representatives for attendance at the Monthly HSE Committee Meeting will be
selected from a cross section of Sub-contractors working on the Project.
- The functions and terms of reference of the HSE Committee are:
 To monitor the adequacy of the “FGS” HSE management system and
ensure its implementation
 To conduct a HSE Committee Inspection for each month prior the meeting
and immediately after any incident / accident or dangerous occurrence
 To study incident / accident statistics and trends to identify unsafe practices
and conditions
 To review results of HSE inspections

 To discuss any outstanding HSE contraventions that requires further actions

 To review emergency and rescue procedures

- Attendance should be noted

5.1.7. Warning Signs and Lights

Warning signs will be displayed at strategic points around the periphery of the work-site
where trespassing is likely to occur. Warning lights will be placed at similar positions at night
to serve as a warning if deemed necessary.

5.1.8. HSE Campaign

HSE Campaign to motivate everybody the acknowledge of HSE concerns will be launched by
“FGS” group, the subject varies from year to year. For this project the campaign topic
selected is Working at Height Safety.

5.1.9. Emmergency Contact

Refer to Appendix 06 Emergency Contact

5.2. Implemaentation

5.2.1. Maintenance Regime of Machinery & Equipment

To ensure that all machineries and equipment used within the workplace are inspected and

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maintained in safe operating condition at all times. The Security will stop all delivery of
machine and equipment at the check point and inform the Project HSE team for inspection
and tagging accordingly. Refer to FGS/PCD/SA/01 Security.
All records of the inspections and maintenance must be kept available on site for verification
The proper Maintenance Regime System must include the following machinery and
equipment commonly deployed at the worksite:
 Lifting machineries.
 Lifting platforms.
 Lifting gears such as chains, ropes, chain slings, web slings, wire rope slings, shackles,
hooks and mancages.
 Lifting appliances such as chain blocks, set of chain blocks, level blocks, pulleys and
gin wheels.
 Construction equipment including bulldozers, excavators, dumpers, telescopic handler
and bobcat.
 Cutting machines, bending machines and grinders.
 Electricity generators, welding generators and air compressors.
 Power driven hand tools such as electrical / pneumatic drills, hammers, grinders and
 Explosive powered tools, e.g. Hilti and Ramset, etc.
 Emergency equipment including alarms, fire extinguishers, fire fighting facilities.
 Special equipment such as cartridge guns and high pressure water jets.
 Storage containers, such as gas cylinders, fuel storage tanks, chemical storage
containers including paint and solvents.
Refer to FGS/PCD/SA/06 Safety Equipment Check

5.2.2. Temporary Electrical Installation

Upon designing electrical network on the site, it shall be confirmed that: the power system
and the lighting system are separated.
Daily checks will be conducted on temporary electrical wiring and installations carried out

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by competent person.
Refer to FGS/PCD/SA/06 Safety Equipment Check

5.2.3. Portable Electrical Tools

All portable electrical hand tools used and the worksite will comply with the following safety
- Supply voltage of 220 volts or lower
- Will be fully insulated or of double insulation construction

5.2.4. Fall Protection

Work with fall exposures that exceed 2 meters requires a fall protection safety plan
designed specifically for that site. The plan must be submitted to project management prior
to any work. Fall Protection will be strictly monitored and eliminate the risk of happens,
following action will be take into practice, Refer to
FGS/HSE Standard/Guarding & Cover
FGS/HSE Standard/ Safety Belt-Harness
FGS/HSE Standard/Safety Net
FGS/HSE Standard/Lifelines
FGS/HSE Standards/Safe Ladders

5.2.5. Housekeeping
Adequate measures will be taken to ensure that all building materials are stored or
stacked in a safe and orderly manner without obstructing any passageway or place of
work and will not be placed too near to any edge of a floor or a platform.
All debris generated if highly flammable / combustible in nature will be appropriately
disposed off from the site immediately. All other debris generated will be cleared away
from access ways, staircases, scaffolds, roof tops and working platforms so as not to
cause unnecessary obstruction / hazard and disposed off from the site periodically.
Sufficient containers will be provided at designated locations for the collection disposal of
debris and rubbish.
Refer to:
a. FGS/PCD/SA/13 Helth Safety and Environmental Policy
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5.2.6. Fire Fighting Control

Following current legal requirements and approved proposals.
Refer to: FGS/HSE Standard/Fire Prevention

5.2.7. Authorized Operators for Machinery & Vehicles

Only experienced / trained operators will be employed and appointed for operations of
site machinery and vehicles.
A list of all operators of machinery and vehicles on the site will be maintained and
individual appointment approval will be posted on the machine/vehicle itself.
6.1 First-Aid Boxes

Refer to Monthly First Aid Box Checklist FGS/FORM/SA/06

Adequate first-aid facilities will be provided for the site.
The first-aid boxes shall be clearly identified and placed in the First-aid room.
However, each subcontractor must have and amaintain its own first aid box at its site
office for use outside office hour just in case.

5.2.8. Operational Risk Control

The hierarchy of controls is a useful tool which managers should consider when
identifying controls. The control options at the top of the hierarchy are most effective;
they do not require further management once they are implemented. The further
down the hierarchy of controls, the more on-going management and effort is required
in maintaining control over the hazard.

Most Effective

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Safe place controls

Involves modifying the
workplace in some way to
eliminate or reduce the

Safe person controls

Requires the people in
the workplace to behave
in a particular way to
reduce the risk
Least Effective
5.2.9. PPE
PPE must be provided to the workers and extra precautionary measures must be taken.
 Instruction & Guidances will be provided and monitoring.
 Record of Issuance of Personal Protective Equipment
Refer to PPE Provision and Instruction FGS/FORM/SA/13

6. Checking:

6.1 Safety Inspections

To measure performance and to monitor and ensure compliance to the HSE plan

6.2 HSE Committee Inspection

It is to be conducted at least once a month and immediately after any incident / accident
or dangerous occurrence. It is to be led by the Chairman of the HSE Committee
involving HSE personnel, staff and sub-contractor representative. The inspection date
could coincide with the monthly HSE committee meetings.
The findings of the inspection shall be discussed in the HSE committee meeting and
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make known to the management and all employees.

6.3 HSE Report to Project Manager

The Site HSE team shall prepare this monthly report and forward it to the Project
Manager for endorsement.

6.4 Routine HSE Inspections

The Site HSE Officer/ HSE Supervisor / designated person shall conduct various daily
HSE inspections with the respective sub-contractors’ site personnel.
Weekly Safety Patrol is every Tuesday at 8:30am.
Refer to FGS/PCD/SA/02 Safety Inspection

6.5 Remedial Actions

Inspections conducted are to be properly documented, and to specify what are the
corrective actions required, when it should be taken and who is to carry out the remedial
Follow-up is necessary to ensure that remedial works are completed on schedule as
committed by the parties concerned.

6.6 Incident Investigation, Nonconformity, Corrective and Preventive Action

To find out root causes and contributing causes of incident, to prevent the recurrence of
such and similar incident / non-conformity and to ensure that legal and other
requirements are complied with in the reporting and follow up activities.
 Reporting of Deaths, Slightly Injuries, Seriously Injuries and Occupational
 Incident and accident investigation and analysis
 Incident / Accident / Near Miss / Unsafe Act / Dangerous Occurrence /
Occupational Disease / Abnormal Medical & Hygiene Surveillance Results / Non-
conformity Investigation Report
 Incident and Accident Analysis
 Incident Corrective Action Report
 Maintenance & Review of Incident Records & Statistics
 Communication of Incident / Accident
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Refer to FGS/PCD/SA/09/Incient-Accident Report

7. Management Review

8.1 Management Review Inputs

The HSE review should include, but not limited, to:
a. The results of internal audits and evaluations of compliance with applicable legal
requirements and with other requirements;
b. Relevant communication(s) from external interested parties, including complaints;
c. The HSE performance of the organization;
d. The extent to which objectives have been met;
e. Status of incident investigations, corrective actions and preventive actions;
f. Follow-up actions from previous management reviews;
g. Changing circumstances, including developments in legal and other requirements
related to HSE.
h. Recommendations for improvement.

8.2 Management Review Outputs

The outputs from management reviews shall be consistent with the organization’s
commitment to continual improvement and include any decisions and actions related to
possible changes to:
a. HSE performance;
b. HSE policy and objectives;
c. Resources;
d. Other elements of the HSE management system

8. List of Appendix
Apendixes to be issued prior construction site construction.


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