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the following Final Assignment no.1 

A. Search

1. Health- the condition of the body or mind and the degree to which it is free from illness, or the
state of being well.

2. Physical health- Is defined as the condition of your body, taking into consideration everything
from the absence of disease to fitness level.

3. Personal Hygiene- Is one of the best ways to protect yourself from getting gastro or infectious
diseases such as COVID-19, colds and flu. Washing your hands with soap removes germs that
can make you ill. Maintaining good personal hygiene will also help prevent you from spreading
diseases to other people.

4. Proper sanitation- Is defined as having access to facilities for the safe disposal of human waste
(feces and urine), as well as having the ability to maintain hygienic conditions, through services
such as garbage collection, industrial/hazardous waste management, and wastewater treatment
and disposal.

5. Disease- Any harmful deviation from the normal structural or functional state of an organism,
generally associated with certain signs and symptoms and differing in nature from physical

6. Bacteria- Are small single-celled organisms. Bacteria are found almost everywhere on Earth and
are vital to the planet's ecosystems. Some species can live under extreme conditions of
temperature and pressure. The human body is full of bacteria, and in fact is estimated to contain
more bacterial cells than human cells.

7. Viruses- Is an infectious microbe consisting of a segment of nucleic acid (either DNA or RNA)
surrounded by a protein coat. A virus cannot replicate alone; instead, it must infect cells and use
components of the host cell to make copies of itself.

8. Fungi- Is a type of eukaryotic organism belonging to the kingdom Fungi, alongside plants,
animals, protozoa, and monera. Fungi are incredibly diverse, with commonly encountered forms
including yeast, molds, truffles, and mushrooms.

9. Parasites- Is an organism that lives on or in a host organism and gets its food from or at the
expense of its host. There are three main classes of parasites that can cause disease in humans,
protozoa, helminths, and ectoparasites. Protozoa. Entamoeba histolytica is a protozoan.

10. Protozoans- Are one-celled animals found worldwide in most habitats. Most species are free
living, but all higher animals are infected with one or more species of protozoa. Infections range
from asymptomatic to life threatening, depending on the species and strain of the parasite and
the resistance of the host.
B. Common Communicable Diseases and Preventions ( 10 pts.)
 Handle and Prepare Food Safety
 Wash Hands Often
 Clean and Disinfect Commonly Used Surfaces
 Cough and Sneeze into a Tissue or Your Sleeve
 Don’t Share Personal Items
 Get Vaccinated
 Avoid Touching Wild Animals
 Stay Home When Sick
C. Classification of commonly Abused Drugs (10 pts.)

When considering only their chemical makeup, there are six main classifications of drugs.
alcohol, opioids, benzodiazepines, cannabinoids, barbiturates, and hallucinogens. Out of all the
thousands of drugs that are out there, both prescription and illegal, each one can be categorized
under one of these six headings.

Classifications of drugs are also based on the various effects they have on the mind and on the
body. For example, some drugs have a tendency to make a user active and energetic while
others make an individual feel relaxed and calm. These classifications of drugs in this article are
entirely based on chemical similarities and are not grouped by their overall effect, although
sometimes there is some overlap between the classifications.

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