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Mac Arthur Highway, Iba O'Este, Calumpit, Bulacan

Tel. No. (044) 913-5127

No. 1

Date: February 11, 2023

On February 11, 2023, the Nstp teachers organized an orientation for all first-year

college students. The program began with greetings from our Nstp teacher, and especially

the host, followed by the national anthem and prayer. This orientation began at eight

o'clock in the morning and ended at twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

This orientation is all about our Nstp activities for the second semester, but the

majority of the teachings are about the community immersion that we were going to do.

Ms. Josephine Dela Tonga, our guest speaker, tells us that community immersion is one

important requirement of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) prescribed to

students, male and female alike. We also have discussed the objectives of community

immersion like if we want to become effective community workers, we must socialize

outside because we must recognize the importance of having someone with you when

you are in need. Listening to her the entire seminar enlightened our minds and prepared

us for our community immersion.

By the end of the orientation, I had gained new knowledge, and motivation to do it, as

well as the realization that community immersion serves an important purpose because it

allows individuals who are not familiar with the people and communities where they will

work to immerse themselves in these settings. Community immersion programs can

fulfill different purposes. Some of them are designed to help first-year college students

adjust to the new community and make connections with each other and other

residents.This gives them the opportunity to reflect on their assumptions, attitudes, and

the knowledge base of their profession and to gain cultural competence.

Bamba, Pia Chelssie F.

Signature Over Printed Name
Mac Arthur Highway, Iba O'Este, Calumpit, Bulacan

Tel. No. (044) 913-5127


No. 2

Date: February 18, 2023

Our Nsp teacher, Mrs. Juliet M. Dela Tonga, decided to meet us on this particular date due

to our schedule. We gathered at around 3:00 in the afternoon and started the meeting with an

opening prayer, and finished by around quarter to five. Following the prayer, the discussion

focused on what to expect and how to proceed once we had begun our community immersion.

Then she went on to talk about the things that are related to our community immersion. She

began by discussing things that could help us improve the things we were going to do that day,

and then Ma'am proceeded to tell us every detail about the essential items we would need while

conducting the immersion. The meeting then proceeds with Ma'am telling us one by one what we

need to pass by next week during our examination week and what important things we can use as

materials during our time in the community, such as making a slogan with our own layout and

putting it on a tarpaulin, the next one is about the topic that we're going to teach the students so

that we can prepare it earlier and be ready by the time we need to go outside. The second is that

we should always have a photographer in every group that will take every angle so that we can

put it in our documentary or like in our narrative report. Last but not least, she always makes sure
to remind us of everything that is important as early as possible to ensure that our immersion will

proceed as planned without any issues. A successful strategy establishes measurable objectives.

Although everything begins with a goal, without a plan of action, your goals will remain nothing

more than fantasies. Be sure it is a realistic plan.

Bamba, Pia Chelssie F.

Signature Over Printed Name
Mac Arthur Highway, Iba O'Este, Calumpit, Bulacan

Tel. No. (044) 913-5127


No. 3

Date: February 25, 2023

As the week went by so quickly, we were already in the third meeting when our leader

decided to have a messenger video call and messenger audio call to let us know the specifics of

how our first day would go. She instructed us to

make the children's own name tags first, and she

guided us to use scissors, typewriter paper, yarn,

and a pentel pen. This name tag is necessary for

us immersion students to quickly identify the

kids we'll be teaching. Rica will discuss that

day with Leomae as the following person. They will

be talking about disaster awareness,

preparedness, and management. She then

explained to us what we would be doing on that

particular day regarding the assigned activity.

For example, we need to provide the kids with at

least one activity so that we can tell if they learned

anything that day. We also discuss the meals we

serve the kids, such as how we need to provide

something for them so they will like us and

collaborate with us. Since talking about food would

involve costs, we also discuss it as a group so that we are aware of everyone's viewpoint. In this

third meeting, our leader truly goes over every detail that is crucial for us to know so that we

may be prepared and the plan proceeds exactly as we expect. And when we had finished talking,

we dismissed it.
Bamba, Pia Chelssie F.
Signature Over Printed

Mac Arthur Highway, Iba O'Este, Calumpit, Bulacan
Tel. No. (044) 913-5127


No. 4

Date: March 4, 2023

Our final meeting before continuing with our community immersion is this day according

to our schedule, it was originally scheduled at 3:00 p.m., but we got started early around 2:30.

Our meeting began as usual with prayer conducted by one of my classmate, and then Ma'am

Mactal began talking about topics related to our community immersion so that we may be

reminded and ready for what to do and anticipate while we are there. The topics Ma'am was

talking about were the same as before, including the need to prepare our lesson plans for the

children, what to do once we arrive, and the importance of being punctual given that the lesson

will only last an hour and thirty minutes. Also, ma'am informed us those children between the

ages of 4 and 12 will be teaching there. After that, she continued to remind us of the plants we

needed to grow in order to distribute them to the locals the following week. The next thing is

about the supplies we'll acquire and provide for the next time; the first is that we need to have a

feeding program and offer a go bag with items like clothes, canned goods, bottled water, sanitary

products, flashlights, alcohol, and a first aid kit, among other things. Ma'am Mactal also

addressed our plans for the second week, which included cleaning up Barangay Caniogan as part

of our beautification project. Where we will display the slogan in the neighborhood is where we

should bring the plants. She gave us till 5:30 p.m. that day, following the conclusion of all the

discussions, to pass the action plan she had given us. As soon as she left, we got to work so we
could finish on time as one of my group members took photos and selfies for our documentary.

We then complete the action plan, give it to Ma'am, and leave for home.

Bamba, Pia Chelssie F.

Signature Over Printed Name

Mac Arthur Highway, Iba O'Este, Calumpit, Bulacan

Tel. No. (044) 913-5127


No. 1

Date: February 11, 2023

For our second semester, this was the first time I met Ma'am Mactal. While the students are

arriving on this day, because we have an orientation. Ms./Mrs. Dela Tonga also showed up

because she would be the one teaching that day. I discovered a lot about our community

immersion on this day. This orientation widened my perspective and helped me to be mentally

and physically prepared for what to expect when participating in community immersion. I

discovered that community immersion requires a broad understanding because we will

participate in many volunteer activities, which means we will come into contact with people we

don't really know. This, I believe, will help me better grasp the many stages of communication

with the community and how to respond to every circumstance we face. As this was my first

time doing something like this, hearing those explanations made me feel both excited and

anxious. I also understood that the best knowledge a person can have is from experience.

Bamba, Pia Chelssie F

Signature Over Printed Name

Mac Arthur Highway, Iba O'Este, Calumpit, Bulacan

Tel. No. (044) 913-5127


No. 2

Date: February 18, 2023

A winning effort starts with preparation. After the discussion, that's the first thing that came

to mind. On this day, we have a Google Meet with Ma'am, and she just tells us what to bring and

what we'll need for the community immersion, and that we should be prepared for everything so

we won't run into any problems. The day is passing by so rapidly, and this was my first time

doing this, so hearing what we should need makes me feel both excited and anxious. After

hearing about everything we need, I understood that money for this community immersion will

be crucial since in addition to providing food and preparing items like go bags, we also need to

set up a feeding program for the final week we spend there. Yet, this is not a limit to our

community immersion going well; rather than focusing on the financial aspects, I need to

consider the benefits of this community immersion for students as well as for the local


Bamba, Pia Chelssie F.

Signature Over Printed Name

Mac Arthur Highway, Iba O'Este, Calumpit, Bulacan

Tel. No. (044) 913-5127


No. 3

Date: February 25, 2023

Our leader called a meeting while we were having a long weekend, and we all showed
up. She decided to arrange a meeting as a group for us to know what we need in the first week in
the community. In my perspective, this meeting is quite beneficial, and I can learn things
personally from it. This meeting will also keep me in touch. That is why I think this meeting is
crucial. By this meeting, we have become more familiar with one another's perspectives on how
to improve the activities we were going to teach the kids. I feel so grateful to have them as my
team because everyone is participating and always on time, we also didn’t judge each others
suggestion instead we support each other so our plans will be successful. I realized that
Teamwork can be effective in building great work relationships. We do not mean that team
members must be the best of friends. Rather, a great working relationship flows from the right
frame of mind where you collaborate with positive intent, with respect, and active listening.
Great team communication is founded on a desire for mutual understanding and trust. Indeed,

one of the most prized benefits of good teamwork is a reduction in perceived work stress.

Bamba, Pia Chelssie F.

Signature Over Printed Name

Mac Arthur Highway, Iba O'Este, Calumpit, Bulacan

Tel. No. (044) 913-5127


No. 4

Date: March 4, 2023

This is the last meeting we have before we spend the first week in the community to

which we have been assigned. Similar to the previous day, Ma'am simply reminds us what we

should do, what we need, and that we as a group should be ready so that Ma'am won't be

disappointed in us and lower our grade. She is making sure that everything is listed so that

nothing is left out of our strategy. With this we've been learning slowly every meeting when we

are seeing each other and I personally learned knowledge and new ideas on how we may level up

our service when we are already outside the classroom. "Through promoting social development,

performing outreach or public relations activities, and other tasks, community service aids

students like myself in maturing. Students who volunteer can expand their experiences, make

new friends, and possibly even earn academic credit. Also, it might strengthen my college

application. Us students should all be able to connect and communicate effectively with more

individuals in more settings in a progressively independent global community.

Bamba, Pia Chelssie F.

Signature Over Printed Name

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