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Syllabus of Introduction to Commerce for Economics& Finance 2023

Scope of Commerce

The study of commerce is very useful for the student. With the study of commerce, knowledge
about different forms of business organization is gained. People receive knowledge that has a
business is organized on small scale or on a large scale what are essentials for starting a new
business and what sort of information should be kept in mind for the organization of a new

Commerce education is important and valuable in the sense that there are many career
opportunities for commerce students. They can start their own business or serve as managers in
the organization. They can also serve as an accountant and auditors, in advertising agencies and
also in the marketing field.

"Commerce promotes competition, innovation, and efficiency, driving progress and prosperity
for all."

"Commerce is the backbone of a strong and vibrant economy, providing the resources and
incentives needed to drive growth and prosperity."

Unit 1 Expected Learning Outcomes:

Introduction of commerce  Understands the meaning of barter
 Meaning and Batter system system.
 Definition of Commerce  Knows about the term commerce' and
 Trade-Industry- business definition of commerce.
 Hindrance of Trade  Distinguish trade from Industry and
 Branches of Commerce business. 1st
 Analyses the different types of Week
hindrances of Commerce

Unit 2 Expected Learning Outcomes:

Internal trade and small retail organization  Knows about the meaning of home
 Home trade trade with examples.
 Wholesale and retail trade  Analyses the meaning of wholesaler
 Middle men trade and retail trade and the services
 Types of small retail organization of wholesaler and retailer.
1. Street stalls Knows the various types of small scale
2. Second hand good retail organization will diagram and 2nd
dealers chart Week
3. General Stores
4. Specialty shops

Designed by Abdul Jaleel Mahesar, Lecturer Institute of Commerce &

Management, University of Sindh Jamshoro. Page 1
Syllabus of Introduction to Commerce for Economics& Finance 2023
Unit 3 Expected Learning Outcomes:
Internal trade and large scale retail  Understands the meaning and
organizations definition of Departmental Stores.
 Types of Large Scale retail organization  Understands the meaning and
 Departmental Stores – and its Merits definition of multiple shops and its
and Demerits merits and demerits.
 Multiple shops - meaning- Definition  Knows the differences of Hire Purchase 3rd
 Hire Purchase and Installment system and Installment system. week
 Recent developments, Teleshopping,  Understands the meaning of
web marketing and ecommerce Teleshopping, Web marketing and e-
Unit 4 Expected Learning Outcomes:
International trade  Understands the meaning of
 International Trade- Meaning-Need. International Trade and its necessity.
 Merits and Demerits  Understands the advantages and
 Differences between disadvantages of international trade.
 Home Trade and Foreign Trade  Distinguish the term internal trade and
 Types Foreign Trade- Import, Export, international trade.
entrepot trade  Knows the meaning of Import, Export
 Intermediaries involved in Import & entrepot trade.
trade.  Understands the services of various
1.Indent House Agents involved in Import and export 4th
2. Clearing trade. Week
 Knows the meaning of globalization
Agents Export Trade and multinational companies

1. Commission Agents
2.Whole export merchant
 Brief explanation of globalization-
multinational Company

Unit 5 Expected Learning Outcomes:

Transport  Understands the meaning of Transport.
 Meaning of Transport  Analyses the importance of Transport
 Importance of transport  Knows the various Functions in details
 Function of transport  Explains the various types of Transport
 Types of transport  Understands the meaning of liners,
1. Land road transport, Tramps, Container. Ship, tankers, bulk
train ways railways carrier. 5th
2. Inland water ways  Explain the meaning of Air transport Week
3. Ocean transport- and its merits
Liners -tramps -
tankers - bulk
4. Air transport- merits

Designed by Abdul Jaleel Mahesar, Lecturer Institute of Commerce &

Management, University of Sindh Jamshoro. Page 2
Syllabus of Introduction to Commerce for Economics& Finance 2023
 Documents involved in Transport-
waybill - railway receipt
 Containerizations

Unit 2 Expected Learning Outcomes:

Warehousing  Understands the meaning of
 Need of warehousing. warehousing and its importance.
 Meaning of warehouse and  Knows the function of warehousing in
warehousing detail
 Functions of warehousing  Distinguishes the term private, public
 Kinds of warehouses and bonded warehouse.
1. Private  Knows the documents involved in
2. Public warehouse and the meaning of each
3. Bonded advantages document
 Warehousing - documents –warehouse 6th
warrant- dock warrant-delivery order- Week
warehouse keeper’s receipts -dock

Unit 7  Expected Learning Outcomes:

Banking  Understands the meaning of Bank
 Need for banking  Understands the different kinds of
 Meaning of banks bank.
 Kinds of banks  Appreciates the functions of
o Central bank commercial banks.
o Commercial banks Describes the functions of State
 Functions of commercial banks bank of Pakistan 7th week
 Co-operative banks  Knows the importance of Internet
 Indigenous bankers Banking &EFT.
 State bank of Pakistan  Knows the meaning of operative banks.
 Brief introduction of about internet  Understands the definition and special
banking and EFT (electronic fund features of cheque
transfer)  Know the meaning of MICR cheque
 Cheque-definition  Know the meaning and different types
 Features of crossing
 MICR cheque.
 Analysis the reason the dishonor of
 Knows the meaning and
 Crossing- Kinds
 Endorsement meaning
 Kinds of endorsement
 Disshonour of cheque – reasons

Unit 8 Expected Learning Outcomes:

Insurance  Explain the meaning of Insurance.
 Necessity for insurances  Analyses its importance
 Meaning of Insurance
 Insurance –assurance differences

Designed by Abdul Jaleel Mahesar, Lecturer Institute of Commerce &

Management, University of Sindh Jamshoro. Page 3
Syllabus of Introduction to Commerce for Economics& Finance 2023
 Principles of insurance  Distinguishes the terms of insurance
 Forms of insurance and assurance.
 Fire insurance  Analyses the various types of insurance
 Life insurance and its importance and meaning of
 Kinds of life policies surrender policies value and
 Marine insurance nomination
 Burglary insurance  Discuss the role of Privatization of
 Med claim insurance insurance and its need and benefits 8th
 Surrender value and nomination week
 Insurance companies: need and its
Unit 9  Expected Learning Outcomes:
Advertising  Understand the meaning advertising
 Meaning of advertising. and the merits and demerits
 Objectives of advertising  Discuss the various media of
 Merits and demerits advertising and its importance.
 Media of advertising  Knows the meaning of web advertising
o Press, newspaper, and its role. 9th
magazines, journals, radio & week
o Outdoor advertising
o Film, Window play
 web advertising or internet

Unit 10 Expected Learning Outcomes:

Salesmanship and consumerism  Understand the meaning of
 Meaning of salesmanship salesmanship and the importance of
 Definition salesmanship
 Importance of salesmanship  Understands the meaning of
 Consumerism meaning consumerism and the consumer
 Consumers exploitation- with exploitation with examples
 Understands the rights and duties of 10th
consumer examples week

Unit 11  Expected Learning Outcomes:

Organizations  Understanding the meaning
 Meaning and definition of organizations.
organization.  Analyses the different types of
 Principles of organization organizations
 of organization  Explaining the relationship between
 Types Sole trader the different types of business 11th
 Partnership firms Week
 Hindu Undivided family
 Joint Stock Company

Designed by Abdul Jaleel Mahesar, Lecturer Institute of Commerce &

Management, University of Sindh Jamshoro. Page 4
Syllabus of Introduction to Commerce for Economics& Finance 2023
 Co-operatives
 Government in Business
 Multinational Companies
Unit 12  Expected Learning Outcomes:
Sole traders  Understanding the meaning and
 Meaning and definition special features of sole trader,
 Special features of Sole trader  Appreciates the merits of sole trader,
 Merits of Sole trader Analyses demerits of trader. the of sole
 Demerits of Sole trader traders
 Suitability
 Role of sole proprietorship in the 12th
society Week
 One man Control
Unit 13  Expected Learning Outcomes:
Partnerships  Understand the definition of
 Meaning and Definition partnership
 Special features of partnership  Differentiates sole traders and
 Similarities between sole trader and partnership
partnership  Appreciate the merits of partnership,
 Merits and Demerits of partnership  Recognizes the importance of
 Types of partnership registration of firms,
 Kinds of partners  Develops skills in preparing deed,
 Rights duties and liabilities of  Analyses the role of partners.
partners  Recalls the demerits of partnership,
 Partners express and implied 13th
authority Week
 Partnership Deed
 Registration of firm
 Dissolution of partnership

Unit 14
Companies Expected Learning Outcomes:
 Meaning and Definition, Special  Understanding the meaning and
features, merits and demerits special features of company.
 Differences between partnership  Recognizes the different documents
and company (that are) used in a company.
 Kinds of companies  Differentiates shares and debentures.
 Private company-public company  Understand the management of a
meaning - privileges of a private company,
company Analyses the different types of
 Differences between a private meetings
company and a public company

Designed by Abdul Jaleel Mahesar, Lecturer Institute of Commerce &

Management, University of Sindh Jamshoro. Page 5
Syllabus of Introduction to Commerce for Economics& Finance 2023
 Formation of a company  Knows the importance of statutory
 Memorandum of Association meeting.
 Articles of Association
 Prospectus
 Shares - meaning – types
 Debentures - meaning – kinds of
 Differences between shares and 14th
debentures Week
 Company management- directors,
managing director and secretary -
Their duties and liabilities
 Meetings - meaning - kinds -Proxy -
Quorum – Agenda
 Resolution - Meaning - kinds -
Voting – Minutes
Unit 15 Expected Learning Outcomes:
Stock exchange  Recalls the need for Large Scale
 Introduction to securities market Industries,
meaning definition - primary and  Understanding the meaning of share
secondary market market.
 Procedures regarding new issues  Knows about stock exchange,
 Stock exchange meaning  Recognizes the importance of SEBI 15th
characteristics functions - benefits - Week
 Investors and speculators kinds –
 SEBI features - objectives - functions –
 Mutual funds - advantages - On Line
Unit 16 Expected Learning Outcomes:
Entrepreneurship Understanding the concept of their
 Entrepreneurship-Meaning and functions and their contribution for the
Definition economic development of the country
 Distinction between an entrepreneur 16th
and Manager Week
 Nature and characteristics of an
 Types of Entrepreneur
 Functions of an Entrepreneur
 Women entrepreneurs
 Role of Entrepreneur in the
Economic Development.
"Commerce is the lifeblood of any economy, fueling growth and creating opportunities for individuals and
businesses alike."
"Without commerce, there can be no progress, as it is the engine that drives innovation, creates jobs, and expands

Designed by Abdul Jaleel Mahesar, Lecturer Institute of Commerce &

Management, University of Sindh Jamshoro. Page 6
Syllabus of Introduction to Commerce for Economics& Finance 2023
"Commerce is the foundation of civilization, as it allows societies to exchange goods and services, build
relationships, and prosper."
"Commerce is essential for promoting peace and cooperation among nations, as it fosters interdependence and
mutual benefit."

Allah helps those who help themselves!

Designed by Abdul Jaleel Mahesar, Lecturer Institute of Commerce &

Management, University of Sindh Jamshoro. Page 7

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