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(At 11th grade students of SMAN 2 Mempawah Hulu in the Academic Year


Theresia Oktavia
NIM: 321910169



Student Name Theresia Oktavia

Student Number 321910169

Study Program English Education
Academic Supervisor Dedi Irwan, Ph.d
Total Credit 141
Thesis Title (At 11th grade students of SMAN 2
Mempawah Hulu in the Academic Year

Main Supervisor
Asistant Supervisor

Pontianak, 1 Februari 2023

Academic Supervisor Head of English Education
Study Program

Dedi Irwan, Ph.d Sahrawi, M.Pd

NPP. 202 2012 228 NPP. 202 2010 093
A. Research Title
(At 11th grade students of SMAN 2 Mempawah Hulu in the Academic Year
B. Research Background
In language learning there are four aspects as a measure of proficiency,
namely: reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Therefore, speaking
prowess is a measure of how well a person masters a language. (Zaitun dan
Mutiarani, 2014)
To acquire good communication in any language, one must get a good
command over the four language skills i.e. listening, speaking, reading and
writing. Among these four skills, speaking is considered the most important
skill as communication plays a vital role in our daily life. After learning these
four skills well, it is better to switch over again to speaking skills as they play
a key role. In this regard, it is apt to say that oral language carries a
community’s values, customs, traditions, stories and beliefs. Speaking skills
enhance the learners’ language fluency and accuracy and they also boost the
learners’ confidence as well. (Parupalli, 2018).
Speaking in English is one of the most important skill elements of the four
skills in English, where one of the keys to being able to speak English is when
someone can speak English, considering that English is also an international
language that plays an important role. also for students to enter university,
especially for high school students, where speaking skills are taken as an
aspect of assessment by subject teachers and as preparation for exams before
students go up to grade 12. In addition, in social relations with the
surrounding community, of course speaking is a mandatory form of
interaction called communication, so speaking skills are one of the most
important skills to master, especially in English classes or subjects.
Based on the results of preliminary research on 11th grade students of
SMAN 2 Mempawah Hulu, it was found that the students' speaking ability
was still very low, there were several things that were burdensome for
students in speaking English as follows:
1) Less suitable teacher learning strategies in the classroom on English subjects
for students' speaking skills, so that students are less able to understand the
lesson and it is difficult to apply it in speaking English in class,
2) Lack of opportunities for students to speak in class, so students are not used
to it and become stiff when speaking in English,
3) Lack of practice speaking English in class, so that when they have to speak
English students become nervous and do not speak English fluently.
So, to overcome this, learning methods can be applied using oral
presentations in class by the teacher.
Through the implementation of the oral presentation strategy by the
teacher in the classroom, the researcher wanted to find out how grade 11
students at SMAN 2 Mempawah Hulu progress in their speaking ability to
present their ideas in class before and after using oral presentation. The
researcher wants to know the development of students' self-confidence after
the implementation of oral presentations in class.
According to Crosling, 2005 in Zaitun and Mutiarani (2014), Presentation
is a useful resource for the development of everyone in the educational
environment. In the context of learning and learning, teachers can use oral
presentations so that students can understand the explanation of a subject. But
before delivering the oral presentation the teacher should make a good plan of
structured exposure. The teacher should understand in advance what subject
matter will be delivered and which subject matter will be delivered. A good
presentation is a presentation with a clear focus. Furthermore, oral
presentation is an effective technique in the process of learning speaking
skills. Through oral presentations, students as teacher candidates are expected
to be able to improve their English speaking skills as well as develop learning
strategies. Teachers who teach using this technique will use teaching aids
according to the material being taught. Because it is delivered orally, this
teaching aid really helps students to understand the material more effectively.
In an oral presentation, what the audience sees will impact up to 55% of the
material presented.The final benefit of using oral presentations in the
language classroom is that they can provide students with additional
motivation to study English. Oral presentations do more than just give
students an opportunity to practice language skills; they also give students an
opportunity to teach something to their peers. If the activity is properly
scaffolded, students will be able to work independently to produce an
effective presentation. This can lead to higher levels of motivation for the
students involved, as they are able to see the results of their hard work when
they are successful in the presentation that they give. One of the joys of
teaching a presentation class is seeing students gain confidence, self-esteem,
and autonomy while they are working independently, or as a small group, to
produce and give an effective presentation (Gavin and jhon, 2014).
C. Research Question
How can oral presentations learning strategies improve students' speaking
D. Research Purpose
To determine the effect of oral presentation learning strategies in improving
students' speaking skills?
E. Significant of Research

“We live in a world of language” , atau “kita hidup di dunia bahasa”

(Fromkin, et.al. :1990) in Zaitun and Mutiarani (2014), Humans do many
things with language. When we use a language, we can talk to people who
also understand the language we use.
This research is addressed to several parties, as follows:
1. For Teachers of English Subjects
As a teacher or other educators, of course it is difficult to choose strategies
or learning methods in the classroom that can be effective for students to
improve their proficiency in English, considering that English itself is a
second language learned by students, so it can be said that one of the subjects
which are considered difficult by students, so that strategies and methods are
needed that are really suitable for students. Through this research, the
researcher hopes to be able to assist English subject teachers in implementing
oral presentations as an effective learning strategy in the classroom to
improve students' speaking skills.
2. For Student
For students or other English learners, this research is useful so that
students' speaking skills can improve and develop in the future and it is hoped
that students will know how important the ability to speak English as an
international language is so that students can be motivated to continue to
show confidence in speaking English. by practicing through oral presentations
in class.
3. For Other Researchers in the Future
Given the importance of speaking skills, research on how oral
presentations influence the development of speaking skills in individuals will
certainly continue to be researched and developed. Thus, the researcher hopes
that this research can become a previous study which can then be used as a
reference for further research.
F. Scope of the Research
1. Research Variabel
A variable is a construct or a characteristic that can take on
different values or scores. Researchers study variables and the relationships
that exist among variable. There are two major types of variables:
independent and dependent. In experimental studies, the treatment is the
independent variable and the outcome is the dependent variable (Ary et. Al,
2014). Two variables were indicated, namely oral presentation as the
independent variable and speaking skills as the dependent variable
2. Research Terminology
There are several terms that researchers use in this study, so that
the meaning of each term used by researchers does not become
ambiguous, the meaning is described as follows:
a. Oral Presentation
Oral presentation is an effective technique in the process of
learning speaking skills. Through oral presentations, students as teacher
candidates are expected to be able to improve their English speaking
skills as well as develop learning strategies. Teachers who teach using
this technique will use teaching aids according to the material being
taught. Because it is delivered orally, this teaching aid really helps
students to understand the material more effectively.
b. Speaking Skill

Speaking skill is the most important skill to acquire foreign or

second language learning. Among the four key language skills, speaking
is deemed to be the most important skill in learning a foreign or second
language. Brown and Yuke (1983) ini Srinivas (2019), say, “Speaking is
the skill that the students will be judged upon most in real life situations”.
Regardless of its importance, teaching speaking skills have been
undervalued and most of the EFL/ESL teachers have been continuing
their teaching of speaking skills just as memorization of dialogues or
repetition of drills (Srinivas, 2019).
G. Research Methodology
One fundamental purpose of experimental design is to impose control over
conditions that would otherwise cloud the true effects of the independent
variables on the dependent variables, so that causality can be attributed to the
intervention in question (Cohen et. Al., 2018). Thus, the research
methodology that is most appropriate for use by researchers is experimental
research which is a form of action research where researchers will conduct
experiments with pre-test and post-test steps on 11th grade students of SMAN
2 Mempawah Hulu.
H. Subject of Research
The researcher took the subject, namely grade 11 students of SMAN 2
Mempawah Hulu in the 2022/2023 academic year, by applying a learning
strategy by the teacher in the form of oral presentations in class during
English lessons to see the development of students' speaking skills before and
after the experiment.
I. Tecnique of Data Colection
1. Tests
A test is formally defined as a set of standard stimuli presented to
individuals in order to elicit responses on the basis of which a numerical score
can be assigned. The stimuli may be presented in written form, orally, or in a
performance setting. The score, based on a representative sample of an
individual’s behavior, is an indicator of the extent to which the subject
possesses the characteristic being measured. Tests are available to measure
both cognitive and noncognitive traits (Ary et. Al., 2014).
J. Tecniques of Data Analysis
Quantitative research is built on a study of earlier work in the field,
which helps the researcher refine his or her problem and place it in context.
A fundamental step in conducting quantitative research is measurement the
process through which observations are translated into numbers (Ary et. Al.,
2014). The approach that will be used by the researcher is a quantitative
approach, in which the researcher wants to know how and to what extent the
results of the calculation level are obtained by the subject after conducting
experiments in the form of pre-tests and post-tests in class.
The one-group pretest-posttest design usually involves the following
three steps:

1. Giving a pretest measures the dependent variable.

2. Provide experimental treatment to the subject.

3. Giving a posttest measures the dependent variable.

The researcher designed the research steps as follows:
1. The researcher gave a pre-test to students in class 11 of SMAN 2
Mempawah Hulu before implementing the oral presentation learning
strategy to measure the level of students' speaking proficiency in English
2. Application of oral presentation learning strategies in English subject
classes in class 11 of SMAN 2 Mempawah Hulu.
3. Conduct a post-test after implementing the oral presentation learning
strategy for 11th grade students of SMAN 2 Mempawah Hulu to see the
results after the experiment is carried out.
4. Measuring or comparing scores on students' pre-test and post-test results.
The researchers here only used one class as the subject of the application
(one group), but in one class they were subjected to two tests so that it could
be measured before and after the implementation of the oral presentation
learning strategy.
Ary, Donald et. Al. 2014. Introduction to Research in Education, Ninth Edition.
Wadsworth: USA
Brooks et. Al. 2014. Using Oral Presentations to Improve Students’ English
Language Skills. 19.
Cohen, Louis et. al. 2018. Research Methods in Education Eighth edition.
Routledge: New York
Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, Conducting, and
evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed). Pearson.
Srinivas, Parupalli r. 2019. The Importance of Speaking Skills in English
Classrooms. An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal, 2.
Srinivas, Parupalli Rao. 2018. Teaching Speaking Skills in English Language
Classrooms Through Various Techniques and Activities. International E-
Journal For Research in ELT, 4(4)
Zaitun dan Mutiarani. 2014. Improving Students’ Proficiency in Speaking English
Through Oral Presentation. Jurnal Teknodik, 18(3)
Harris, D. P. (1974). Testing English as a Second Language. New Delhi: Tata.
Solak, Ekrem. 2017. Assesment in Language Teaching. Turkish: Pelikan.

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