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Time Management, Learning Motivation and Academic

Performance of Nursing students in Selected Private

Higher Education Institution of San Jose Antique: Basis
for Proposed Comprehensive Nursing Education Program


Sunday 12 midnight
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Background of the Study

Nursing students in particular face a variety of challenges which can impact their academic
performance. These challenges can include managing their time efficiently, maintaining a high
level of motivation to learn, and meeting academic requirements. Additionally, nursing students
have to juggle their clinical placements, academic studies, and other responsibilities. Time
management is important for nursing students as it allows them to manage their workload more
effectively and efficiently. This includes organizing their study time, clinical placements,
extracurricular activities, and other responsibilities. Good time management skills can help
nursing students to achieve better academic performance by enabling them to complete tasks and
assignments on time. Time management, learning motivation, and academic performance are
important factors in the success of nursing students in higher education institutions. Academic
success is recognized to be strongly influenced by achievement motivation, which energizes and
guides behavior toward achievement (e.g., Robbins et al., 2004; Hattie, 2009; Plante et al., 2013;
Wigfield et al., 2016). However, there are relatively few research that looked into several
motivational factors in relation to students' academic achievement in one sample and also took
into account students' cognitive ability and prior accomplishments (Steinmayr and Spinath, 2009;
Kriegbaum et al., 2015).

Learning motivation is another important factor in the success of nursing students. Motivated
students are more likely to engage in their studies, strive for higher grades, and stay on top of
their coursework. Motivation also helps students to stay focused and motivated to learn. Finally,
academic performance is important for nursing students as it is a reflection of their knowledge,
understanding, and ability to apply the concepts they are learning. Academic performance also
determines whether or not a student will be able to successfully complete their degree program.
Nursing students must maintain a high level of academic performance in order to achieve their
academic goals. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between time
management, learning motivation, and academic performance of nursing students in a selected
private higher education institution of San Jose. The study aims to provide a basis for a proposed
comprehensive nursing education program, which will strive to improve the academic
performance and overall success of nursing student. It is crucial to incorporate students'
cognitive ability and prior achievement in the analyses when assessing the significance of
motivating factors for students' achievement because they are two of the best single predictors of
academic success (e.g., Kuncel et al., 2004; Hailikari et al., 2007.
Statement of the Problem
This study was conducted to determine if the academic variables Time Management,
Learning Motivation and Academic Performance affects the Nursing students in Selected Private
Higher Education Institution of San Jose Antique.
Specifically, this study answered the following question:
1. Are the time management, learning motivation, and academic performance affects the
Nursing students in selected higher education of San Jose Antique?


In view of the preceding problems, the following hypothesis was advanced by the

There is no significant relationship between Nursing student in selected private higher Education
(a) time management: (b) Learning Motivation, (c) Academic Performance

Theoretical framework
This study is based on the theories of motivation, self-efficacy and goal setting. This framework
is proposed to provide a comprehensive nursing education program which will help the students
to improve their time management, learning motivation and academic performance. Motivation
Theory. Motivation theory suggests that individuals are driven to achieve a goal or outcome due
to their internal and external influences. Internal influences are related to factors such as personal
goals and needs, while external influences are related to environmental factors such as rewards
and punishments. Motivation is an important factor in academic performance, as it serves as a
source of energy and direction for students. When students are motivated, they are more likely to
be engaged in their studies and work hard to achieve their goals.

Self-efficacy Theory. Self-efficacy theory focuses on the ability of an individual to control

his/her behavior and thoughts. Self-efficacy is an important predictor of academic performance,
as it is related to an individual’s willingness to take on challenging tasks and persist in the face of
obstacles. When students have a high level of self-efficacy, they are more likely to set goals and
work hard to achieve them.

Goal Setting Theory. Goal setting theory suggests that individuals are motivated to reach their
goals when they set clear, specific and achievable goals. Goal setting is an important factor in
academic performance, as it allows students to focus their efforts and stay motivated. When
students set goals, they are more likely to stay on track and achieve success.

This is proposed to provide a comprehensive nursing education program which will help the
students to improve their time management, learning motivation and academic performance. The
proposed program will include strategies such as goal setting, self-efficacy training, and
structured learning activities. The program will also provide support and guidance to help the
students to stay motivated and achieve their goals.

Conceptual framework
This study aims to look at the relationship between time management, learning motivation and
academic performance of nursing students in a selected private higher education institution of
San Jose. It is proposed that a comprehensive nursing education program can be developed to
improve these three variables. These components interact with each other to impact the academic
performance of nursing students in the selected private higher education institution of San Jose.
The comprehensive nursing education program can be structured to address these components
and improve the academic performance of nursing students. This study on the Time
Management, Learning Motivation and Academic Performance of Nursing students in Selected
Private Higher Education Institution of San Jose: Basis for Proposed Comprehensive Nursing
Education Program.
The interaction of these variables is shown in Figure 1. INDEPENDENT VARIABLES
The assumed flow of the major variables in the study is shown in the diagram below:






Figure 1. A Schematic Diagram

of the flow of the relationship of the Variables included in the study

Review of Literature
To understand better the present study, some related literatures were reviewed in this chapter.
According to A Alyami (2021) the successful management of time has been emphasized
throughout history and has also been the secret to success.
According to RV Adams (2019), Time management is an important factor for nursing students in
order for them to be successful in their studies and in their profession. Time management is a
skill that helps nursing students to be more efficient and organized in their studies and work. It
involves setting specific goals, prioritizing tasks and activities, and utilizing available resources
to complete tasks in a timely manner. Time management helps nursing students to manage their
workload, learn more effectively, and improve their academic performance.
According to Lawrence (2015), prioritization occurs in three phases. First, determining the
urgency of work in relation to its importance, which may include reviewing a rundown of tasks
and their deadlines, from which, students often prioritize the assignment that is due the soonest.
Second, evaluating the importance of the task to them according to some factors, such as if the
assignment is needed by a course in the student’s major or if it will influence their career after
graduation. Lastly, devoting a specific portion of time to the assignment. Some of the clinicians
practice this method and find it useful in their goal to finish their clinical requirements in due
As students learn coping mechanisms that enable them to balance competing demands, empirical
data suggests that efficient time management relates to higher academic accomplishment. The
organization of higher education institutions tends to produce peaks and troughs in student
workload, leaving students to battle work-life balance without much institutional support.
According to Scherer, Talley, and Fife (2017), noncognitive personal behaviors, such as a
student's perspective on time, are good indicators of academic outcomes because they make it
difficult for students to plan their work and may cause them to become agitated near the end of a
course, when they are likely to be assessed. There is a clear correlation between student
performance and their capacity for effective time management, according to research by Ling,
Heffernan, and Muncer from 2003.
(Pugh & Nathwani, 2017; Nasrullah & Khan, 2015).
Additionally, it has been suggested that time management skills be developed beginning in the
undergraduate years (Valle et al., 2016). Time management has also been described as a type of
self-management that places a strong emphasis on knowing what to do, how to do it more
effectively, when to do it, and when is the right time for that particular activity (Savino, 2016).
Additionally, it has been linked to students' lower anxiety levels and higher academic
accomplishment (Jenaabadi, Nastiezaie, & Jalalzaei, 2016). The idea of handling routine tasks
for a longer length of time while maintaining goals set for important dates is referred to as
competency in long-term planning. Short-range planning, on the other hand, refers to the process
of making plans for activities that will take place within a day or week. These time management
practices or abilities, it is suggested, will help students manage their courses and learn their
objectives more effectively (Razali et al., 2018).
According to S Ahmad (2019) The main accomplishment of regular and distant learners is
controlling using time wisely. Mismanagement interferes with students' academic success
learners. The efficient use of time is crucial for raising student achievement and performance.
Time management is a skill and every student need to be familiar with and proficient in this
ability for the benefit of better outcomes. Regular and distance learners' primary success is
managing making good use of time. The academic progress of students is hampered by
managerial issues. learners. For students to succeed and achieve better, time management is
essential. The ability to manage one's time and for the benefit of all students, each one must be
knowledgeable about and skilled in better results.

According to S Trentepohl (2022) time management is linked to better academic achievement

and is seen as a crucial element of self-regulated learning. Unfortunately, freshmen students
frequently have poor time management abilities, which highlights the need for effective
solutions. Although several intervention strategies have been created over the years, there is
currently a lack of data on the efficacy of time management interventions in boosting students'
academic performance, and the results are inconsistent. The evidence that is currently available
indicates that various time management interventions have varying effects on time management
performance and skills.
According to King (2018), learning management is the process of enhancing knowledge
coordinating, inspiring, and managing people. Some pupils make use of their free time to
accomplish some objectives, such as academic success or others. To accomplish that, they for it
to come true, they must be able to effectively manage their time. The literature indicates that
effective time management is associated with better learning motivation, higher academic
performance, and better overall academic success. Studies have shown that nursing students who
are able to manage their time effectively had better time management skills, higher academic
motivation, and higher academic performance than those who had poor time management skills.
Additionally, studies have found that time management techniques such as breaking tasks down
into smaller, manageable tasks, setting realistic goals and deadlines, and prioritizing tasks can
help nursing students to improve their academic performance. Learning motivation is another
important factor in nursing education. Studies have shown that nursing students who are more
motivated in their studies tend to have higher academic performance and better overall academic
Since nurses are an essential component of the healthcare system, working smarter rather
than harder is necessary to improve the quality of care (Blevins & Millen, 2016). (Said, 2014).
Inadequate time management has showed delays in patient care and patient safety, and nurses
need to meet the expectations of patients, colleagues, and managers in addition to performing the
nursing activities in a particular shift (Cleary & Horsfall, 2011). (Blevins & Millen, 2016).
Student Nurses should have effective time management skills and a variety of time
management tactics in order to practice professional nursing and function well at work (Said,
2014). To avoid burnout when juggling personal life and duty shifts, understanding the
importance of time management is crucial (Bullen, 2015). Because they must be ready for
unforeseen emergencies and urgencies at the workplace, nursing students must have
extraordinary proficiency in time management for both their academic life and job.

There are several factors that influence learning motivation, including self-efficacy, intrinsic
motivation, and extrinsic motivation. Self-efficacy is the belief that one is capable of achieving a
goal, while intrinsic motivation refers to the motivation that comes from within and extrinsic
motivation refers to the motivation that comes from external sources. Studies have found that
students who have higher levels of self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation, and extrinsic motivation
tend to have higher academic performance. Finally, the literature indicates that the academic
performance of nursing students in private higher education institutions is influenced by several
factors, including the quality of teaching, the availability of resources, and the quality of the
curriculum. Studies have found that nursing students in private higher education institutions tend
to have higher academic performance than those in public institutions, due to the higher quality
of teaching and the availability of more resources. Additionally, studies have found that the
quality of the curriculum is an important factor in determining academic performance, as those
with higher quality curricula tend to perform better than those with lower quality curricula. In
conclusion, the literature indicates that time management, learning motivation, and the quality of
the curriculum are important factors in determining academic performance of nursing students in
private higher education institutions. Time management helps nursing students to manage their
workload, learn more effectively, and improve their academic performance. Additionally,
learning motivation and the quality of the curriculum are important factors in determining
academic performance. Thus, a comprehensive nursing education program should focus on these
factors in order to ensure the success of nursing students.

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