Battle of Uhad

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Battle of Uhad took place in 625 A.D, 3rd year of Hijra.

Its major reasons were the

revenge of Badr and to open the blockade of the trade route to Syria. They started
a major preparation for another battle in Makkah in which they invested a huge

Makkan’s came to Madina with three thousand well equipped men. They stayed
into a ground in front of the Uhad Mountain. The Prophet (saw) was in Favour of
defending and staying in the city but the young boys insisted on going out and
fight. The Prophet (saw) took one thousand men with him. On his way to Uhad,
three hundred hypocrites led by Abdullah Ibn Ubi deserted the army. Muslims
were only seven hundred in front of three thousand well equipped Quraish.

The Prophet (saw) placed 50 archers at an opening which was dangerous. The
battle began and the Muslims were getting stronger. When Muslims saw this
defeat, they started looting booty without asking the Prophet (saw). When the
archers saw this, they left the opening and joined the other Muslims.

When Khalid Bin Walid saw the opening without any protection. He took his
cavalry men and attacked from behind. Muslims were not ready for this attack
and it caused panic everywhere. In this panic the slave of Hinda got a chance and
killed Hamza (ra). The Prophet (saw) was also injured and lost his tooth.

seventy Muslims lost their lives. Abu Sufyan said: “Today we have taken the
revenge of Badr. War is attended with alternate success. ’Umar (RA) replied, 'No!
They are not the same. Our killed men are housed in paradise; yours are in fire.’”
Abu Sufyan, the leader of the Quresh challenged the Muslims to have another
fight next year in Badr.

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