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M o t i v a t i o n a l S p e a ke r - C o r p o r a t e Tr a i n e r - Tr a n s f o r m a t i o n C o a c h


E D U CAT I O N - M B A ( H R ) , B B A ( H R )

M r. S a n d e e p M i t t a l
ABOUT BHUSHAN General Manager
Reserve Bank Of India
By profession, Bhushan is an International Motivational
S p e a ke r a n d a s t u d e n t o f s p o ke n w o r l d . F o r o v e r a d e c a d e , “Mr.Bhushan Is Great Motivational
h e h a s s p o ke n f o r m a n y o r g a n i s a t i o n s t o d e s i g n a n d S p e a ke r s h o w i n g g r e a t c o n n e c t
implement learning and development interventions for with audience and engaging them
competency building, As an engaging Motivational
S p e a ke r . B h u s h a n i g n i t e s h i s a u d i e n c e b y p u s h i n g t h e i r c o r r e c t in meaningful discussions.”
traditional belief system in areas of success, positive mental
attitude and compentancy building.

B h u s h a n h a s h e l p e d c o m p a n i e s t h r o u g h e v e n t s o f ' W i n Yo u r s e l f
First' which is about tuning in to their Inner voice to lead
purposeful and meaningful life by training and speaking for
d i f f e r e n c t s e c t o r s a c r o s s c o u n t r y , Th i s e v e n t a l s o i n v o l v e s
communication based training, consulting and mentoring M r. H r i t h i k R o s h a n
inventions. Bollywood Superstar

Bhushan is in demand with diversity of associations, “After big tragedy in life Mr.Bhushan
organizations and individuals from public and private
i s h e l p i n g o t h e r t o m a ke l i f e
sector.He has great experience of reaching audience
with solid content and good humour. beautiful which is amazing example
for we all and the way he talks that
Due to tragic train accident at the age of 18 he lost his right
tells everything we need to know
leg and became 85% physically challenged. In the mean time
he was into deep depression for few days but due to his own about him.”
findings and skill of transforming mindset he recovered himself
in 21 days and became biggest example of resilience.

91.1 FM
Radio City
Media Group
Print | TV | Digital | Events

FEATURED Maharashtra

Erum Ismail
Chartered Accountant,
Dubai, UAE.
Mr.Bhushan has a unique skill of breaking
down old thinking pattern with the help of
findings from his own journey and this made
big impression for taking myself to next level
& within few weeks after his session I could
experience difference in me.He helped me to
see new perspectives from the same and
s u r r o u n d i n g s w e l i v e i n . Th a t i n s p i r e d m e t o
change the outlook of my life.

Ya s i n C h o w d h e r y L a y e k
London, UK.
I attended one session of Bhushan and find
very electrifying. He has magical way of
transforming mental phase to a new level.
Th a t c h a n g e d m y p e r s p e c t i v e t o w a r d s g r o w t h
and that benefited me in my professional

Corporate Trainer
Bhushan’s corporate training sessions are about
providing learners with the knowledge and skills
01 World Class
Customize Training

they need to perform their jobs at a high level.

His proven track record of empowering work
forces with exper t training is because of training
HRD Value Proposition 02 Build Targeted
Mentoring Programme

03 Top Talent
programs which help individuals, teams and
departments to unite as a single organizational Development Workshop

Employees who know how their job role supports
the overall mission and goals of their company can Competency - Skill Audit
d r a w a l i n e b e t w e e n “ m y w o r k ” a n d “ m y c o m pa n y ’s
N e w l y s t a r t e d c u s t o m i s e d c o r p o r a t e Tr a i n i n g s
have shown better results in last few years as it
05 New Skills
Developmet Workshop

works on specific need of workplace than traditional
content. Content Development
Design Premium Class
Training & Interventions

Motivational Keynote Speaker

Many organisations have invited Bhushan to deliver
8,000+ i n s p i r a t i o n a l a n d c o m p e t e n c y b a s e d ke y n o t e s .
Hours of Stage Time
Sarah Paul
B u s i n e s s Wo m a n , P r i n t i n g I n d u s t r y
500+ Sessions Hydrabad, India
All Over India Mr. Bhushan has a level of clarity and self belief
that’ s not common. From that position, when he
helps his clients, they stand to be immensely

Impacted benefited. I’ ve had the opportunity to be helping

led by him and the experience definitely pushed

2 Million Hearts me to think out of the box and get the desired

With the help of his own findings and deep meaning

psychology oriented sessions, he helps people to
Achieved all things After being r e a l i z e t h e p o w e r of t h e i r u n t a p p e d p o t e n t i a l .
85% Physically Challenged To n s o f p e o p l e h a v e a d m i t t e d t h a t t h e y c o u l d
convert their thinking pattern just because of unique
way of conducting program and it becomes easy to
all Management and Organisational head to
Keynote at your next Introduce new agenda with the help of this
Corporate Event transformed mindset after the program.
Rakhi Jha,
F r e e l a n c e We a l t h C o a c h ,
L u c k h n o w, U t t a r P r a d e s h
“Hi I am Rakhi a freelancer. Bhushan is doing a
wonderful job,..I was going through a tough
negative belief system which had spoiled my life
but after coming across Bhushan, I got
breakthrough. His way of solving problems and
showing different side of problem is
commendable. I feel proud to come across Bhushan
and leading a different life I never dreamt of”

Workshop and Training

Performance Enhancement
Th e b e s t w a y t o r e i n f o r c e v a l u e s o f t h e T H I N K 1
Model for employees and managers is with onsite
trainings and workshops.

Our workshops are designed to strengthen Boost Your Sales

corporate culture when diversity is not being 2
accepted and incorporated to the degree desired
KEY Programmes

or when the sales teams need a boost in drive

Hi - Impact Leadership Program
and creativity.
His in-depth talent of communication is used by
s o m e ke y c l i e n t s w h i c h i n c l u d e s Re s e r v e B a n k
Of India to enhance performance of officers. Team Building Activities
Bhushan works with a wide array of organisations
to help them leverage communication and
mindset skills in Sales, Customers Services and
Leadership through trainings and workshop. World Class Speaking
Empower Your Team
E m a i l a t i n fo @ b h u s h a n k h a i r n a r. i n

Executive Coach

Bhushan has an experience of helping 200+

indiviaduals through his premium Coaching and
CONFIDENCE Consulting services.

He Works with sales team to propel thier target

WIN life with the help of smart techniques.
He has provided great results to his premium
clients and their performance got enhanced
YOUR IMPACT 10X than before.

Upskills and empowers industry leders to meet

IMPROVISE YOUR their expected results.
H i s p r e m i u m c oa c h i n g f o r p u b l i c s p e a k i n g h a s
BUILD WORLD c r e a t e d m a n y d y n a m i c s p e a ke r s .

One on One Learning

Maximize Your Results
E m a i l B h u s h a n d i re c t l y a t
i n fo @ b h u s h a n k h a i r n a r. i n
M r. C h a n d r a m a n i I n d u r k a r
Deputy Superintendent of Police, w w w. b h u s h a n k h a i r n a r. i n
Ye r a w a d a J a i l 8149348223, 9403410260

“ Th e p e r s o n w i t h k i n d h e a r t a n d b i g
dreams, full of motivation and hard work
whom I call Sir Bhushan Khairnar.”

M r. S a m a d h a n M a h a j a n
A s s i s t a n t C o m m i s s i o n e r, S t a t e
G S T, G o v e r m e n t o f M a h a r a s t h r a .
“Mr Bhushan is the best person to
know way of unleashing your own

M r. U m e s h S h i n d e
( O w n e r, C o t t o n k i n g , N a s h i k )
““Th a n k s s o m u c h B h u s h a n ssiirr ffoorr yyoouurr vveerryy
vveerryy vvaalluuaabbllee ttrraaiinniinngg..II rreeaallllyy eennjjooyyeedd iitt aanndd
aapppprreecciiaatteedd tthhaatt yyoouu m maaddee iitt ffuunn!! II ffeeeell m muucchh
bbeetttteerr pprreeppaarreedd ttoo ddeeaall w wiitthh uunnccoom mffoorrttaabbllee
Thaannkk yyoouu ffoorr yyoouurr w wiissddoom m,, eexxppeerriieennccee
aanndd ppeerrssoonnaabbllee pprreesseennttaattiioonn..””

Th e p r o g r a m m e e x p l o r e s t e c h n i q u e s Master the art of self enhancement,
based on leading communication and efficient working,growing mindset,
interpersonal psychology that allows achieving big target on mindset level that
you to be a better negotiator and would help you build results and improve
influencer.Improve sales performance your bars of quarter result.
through a 4-STEP approach with
practical techniques to influence
customers and convert leads into


ENGAGE Learn the seven steps to ace any
boardroom or client presentation.
Bhushan has delivered over 500
Motivational and Competency based
Th i s f l a g s h i p p r o g r a m m e c o a c h e s seminars. His domain knowledge combined
participants through leading with his stagecraft has consistently resulted
techniques in persuasive in interactive and energetic sessions.Get
communication and interactive your staff motivated to reach greater
presentations heights.

Each coaching programme will
H i s ke y n o t e s c h a l l e n g e t r a d i t i o n a l t h i n k i n g
allow you to immerse yourself in patterns and focus on unlearning as a
an intensive, results based learning foundation for accelerated growth.
experience. Bhushan’s Coaching Bhushan uses his conversational style of
programme are customized to give speaking to share practical and applicable
% you the result you desire. Close
m o r e s a l e s l e a d s , M a s t e r ke y n o t e s
tips and techniques that resulted in
increased event participation and overall
and sales pitches and enhance your engagement.
RE-HIRE RATE interpersonal and persuasive skills.

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