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Past Simple or Past Continuous

Complete the sentences with the PAST SIMPLE or the PAST CONTINUOUS form of the verb in

1. It (begin) ________________________ to rain while Amanda and I (walk)

________________________ to school.

2. While I (wash) ____________________ dishes, I (drop) __________________ a plate and (break)

_____________________ it.

3. I (hit) __________________ my thumb while I (use) _____________________ the hammer. Ouch!

4. While I (walk) ________________________ under an apple tree, an apple (fall)

________________________ and (hit) ___________________ me on the head.

5. While I (look) ________________________ at the computer screen, I (start)

________________________ to feel a little dizzy, so I (take) __________________ a break. While I (take)
________________________ a short break outdoors and (enjoy) ________________________ the
warmth of the sun on my face, an elderly gentleman (come) ________________________ up to me and
(ask) ____________ for directions to the public library. After I (tell) ________________________ him how
to get there, he (thank) ________________ me and (go) __________________ on his way. Soon a big
cloud (come) ________________________ and (cover) ________________________ the sun, so I (go)

________________________ back inside to work .

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