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Republic of the Philippines


Province of Rizal
Angono Campus


First Semester, SY 2022-2023


Purposive Communication

Module 3

De Jesus, Alecxiana Mandy Patricio BMME1

A2022- 0445

Activity 1
1. Time and space compression
Global consciousness and reflexivity
Dis embeddedness

2. Time and space compression, “increased with successive

communication inventions, which facilitated the development of what has
become instantaneous communication at a distance.” International
communication means, communication between two or more nations. Given the
fact that earth does not have the same time all over the world due to the distance
between each and every country. Time and space compression help us make
communication with great distances so much easier. For example, if you are in
the Philippines and you want to talk to someone from the USA, you can now talk
with them synchronously despite the distance and the time differences.

Global consciousness and reflexivity refer to “the scope and depth of

consciousness of the world as a single place”. It is the ability to understand and
respect and work well with people from different countries, have different
cultures, and religions. It is significant because if you are knowledgeable of other
cultures, you are aware of things you should or should not talk about as a sign of
respect for their cultures. It may help us avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.
Disembeddedness is identified as the “lifting out” of human interactions
from the local context and restructuring them across time and space. It provides
the foundation for reconnecting them to others at a distance. Money was viewed
as a token because it provides the basis for exchange across time and space.
Money is important for international communication because whether we like it or
not money is the language all people speak. Even if you don’t know their certain
languages if you have money, they will understand what you are trying to say.

3. Globalization has a direct impact on communication, which also serves to

expand economic prospects, break down cultural barriers, and create a global
village. The environmental, cultural, political, and economic components of the
world have changed as a result of both globalization and international

Activity 2


There are positive and negative effects of globalization on politics and culture.
The positive effect is that the world unites because of globalization. The negative effects
of it are, politics take it for granted because of money and our nation becomes corrupt.

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