Property Tax SEZ

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GOVERNMENT OF IERALA Abstract Revenue Department-Kerala Building Tox Act 1975- Exemption froxi payment of building tx- buildings of 106% export Oriented IT Comp: Parks ees Thiruveonthapuran-Granted- Orders issued. REVENUE) [SLMc] DeRAKDET G.O. Rt) No-2937/2004RD. Dele, Thirwvanenthapuram, 287-2005, oe Read;- 1, Letter NoJTS/30 dtd. 28-5-2092 from the Chief Executive Officer, ‘Technopark, Thiruvananthapuram addressed to Mrs. Arma Sundara Rajan LAS, Secretary, Information Technology. 2, Le No.EDis.007194/03/B10 dtd. 12-3-03 from the District Collector, ‘Teinrvenanthapuram, 3 Letter Nos.961/B2/03/T1D dtd, 4-8-2003 from Secretery, Information Technology. ~ a Judgement did 28-11-2003 in WP] No.37406/03 of’ ion. High Court, Enmatulam _/'5 G.O. (MS) L0/E5/DD ate. 1-10-1985 issued from Industries Department. 6. GO. (RE) No.S76/20034D did. 17-6 2003 fiom Industries Department. . ORDER * In the letter read os first paper above the Chief Executive Officer, Technopark, Thirnvananthapuram requested Goverument to exempt Technopark and cther buildings in Technopark campus from payment of building tax. 2. In the letter raed es second paper above the District Collector, ‘Thiruvananthapuram detailed the building tax issue related io M/S. Amséfp> Information TechinologyoP) Limited, Technopark Campus; Thirvvananthapuram. He reported that as per Icerala Building Tas Act 1975, Section 3(1), the building in question ig not eligible for exemption frem payment of building tax. 3. In the letter read as third paper above the Secretary, Information Technology recommended the! the IT Companies can be exempted from one time building tax es a special measure, on! the lines of the exemption granted to auch bilan ti Chek Pxbart Praseasine 2078 FCRP7A 7 wae 4, MS. Amstor Information Technology (P) Limited: one of the Ir Jechnopark Campus, Thruvanmnthapuram file Compauté 37406'2003 Lo get favoursble judgement regarding their request for £ * es tax exeaiphos, “The Hos. High Court in the judgement read as 4 paper above “Trected the Tima to approach Government. §, Buildings within the boundaries of Cochin Export Processing Zone sre exempled ftom property tax as per order read as fifth paper above 8, In the as sixth paper.abaye sevelopers of Special Feonomic Zones and other estabtishments within the Special Economic Zones are exempted from local/State taxes. 7. Government have examined the building tax exeniption matter related to IT Companies/Park ‘within Technopark Thiruvananthapurem in detail’ taking into account of the Govt, Orders read as 5* and 6” above ‘and considering all aspects invol ved therein which lead to a favourable conclusion. 8; Inthe circumstance stated above Government are pleased to exemp* the bigs where IT Companic’Parks ae housed within te Tecboopak Campus, Throvavatheporam v which are 100% export oriented from payment o of building Se special case, By Order of the Governor RAJESH KUMAR SINHA Joint Secretary « ~’ To - Information Technology Department. * The Commissioner of Land Revenue, Thiruvanenthepuram, The District Collector, Thriuvanenthapuram. ‘The Chief Executive Officer, Technopark, Thrivvananthapuram-695 581, ‘The Accountant General, (Audit/A& qo) Cuinvenaalhapurm, SHOC, Forwarded/By Order oe cer

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