BSBREL401 EstablishNetworks AntonGavinHashendraSilva HI180776 Assessement2

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Anton Gavin Hashendra Silva Student ID-


Unit of Competency - BSBREL401 Establishing Networks

Assessment Task 2

Student Name – Anton Gavin Hashendra Silva

Student ID – HI180776
Activity 1 : Develop and maintain business networks

Task 1

Networking strategies identified

As my field of interest is Healthcare the conference that I will be attending will be about an
electronic system that helps healthcare workers to record and chart the patients care
electronically. It will be user friendly and will have prompts and notifications to make sure
that patient care is up to standard and will avoid any errors. I will use the below strategies to
establish networks

1. Build my networking muscle

- Ill practise my networking skills by developing my communication skills and getting
familiar with what I have to offer to the table
2. Have thick skin
- Ill be ready to accept rejection with an open mind
3. Be nice to everyone
- Ill meet and an greet everyone in a friendly manner and be understanding and kind to the
individuals be meeting
4. Be giving
- I will communicate what I have to offer and give my time and opinion on topics that
concerns everyone
5. Grow my networking database
- Exchange contacts with likeminded people as much as possible
6. Communicate effectively
- I’ll be consistent with effective communication and keep in touch with the networking
database. My strategy will mostly consist of meeting face to face ad it is more personal
and if that cannot be achieved a personal phone call or note will help keep the network
7. Make is simple and clear
- I would strategize to make the interaction less complicated as much as possible. This will
make it easy to grasp the information shared easily and is more approachable
8. Build rapport
- I will have a positive and enthusiastic personality to attract likeminded people
9. Have a goal
- My goal is to get as many as connections as possible while sharing what I have to offer
and openly accepting other individuals’ resources, opinions and services.
10. Get access to many resources
- Make sure that I have a sound knowledge on the topic of interest and keep myself
updated with ongoing professional development

BSBREL401 - Establishing Networks

Anton Gavin Hashendra Silva Student ID-

Task 2:

Role title – Business partner

Organisation – Hawk Australia

Other Parties in the Role play- Saif Ahamed, Jasmeet Kaur, Angela Bayo


Me- Hi how are you today?

Saif- Good thanks, yourself?

Me- I am very excited for today’s event, I’m Gavin and I’m here on behalf of Hawk institute, a web
developer that helps in electronic documentation

Saif- OH, very good, I am Saif. I am representing AHPRA today. They are the government body that
regulates and maintains the standards of care in healthcare of Australia

Me – yes, I was hoping that I would meet you today. Would you like to hear what my company has
to offer?

Saif- Yes, most definitely, I mean electronic documentation is growing and I’ve heard that it is quite
successful in most healthcare setting that it has been implemented

Me- Certainly. So, our company aims to develop an online application that allows healthcare workers
to document and record care given to patients. It will be user friendly and easy to access all the
information in one place.

Saif- That sounds convincing. I like the idea of having all the information in one place it makes it
hassle free and user friendly. But how do you ensure that the care provided and guidelines that it
comes with are up to the standard of the government regulations

Me- I am glad that you asked that question, see, that’s where I need your professional input. We
need someone with sound knowledge and professional practice to help us make the guidelines and
standards in the system. Will you be able to help us in developing the standards as you are AHPRA

Saif- yes, certainly. I like your business idea and I will pass on to our team of members. What is the
best way to contact you?

Me- That is great. The best point of contact would be via email and telephone. My email is and you can call me on 0428995666. All my details are in my business

Saif- thank you so much. Here is my business card. As it says

And telephone 0429478336. Our office hours are between 9am to 5pm. You can contact
anytime between and let’s go from there.

BSBREL401 - Establishing Networks

Anton Gavin Hashendra Silva Student ID-

Me- Thank you so much for that. I am looking forward to work with you. Will you also be
able to recommend me to anyone that helps with medication administration as it is vital part
of healthcare and it needs a fools proof system.
Saif- as a matter of fact I did see a representative from ResMed. Which is a fantastic
electronic system that helps with medication administration. Let us go meet them together I
can introduce you to them

Saif to Jasmeet

Saif- Hello I’m Saif and this is Gavin we are interested In the product and services you provide

Jasmeet – Hello, nice to meet you, what brings you to todays event

Gavin – I’m here on behalf of Hawk Australia. We are developing a system that allows electronic
documentation in healthcare. I was just having a talk with Saif here who is going to assist us in
developing the standards of care in healthcare and incorporate them I the system.

Jasmeet- That seems interesting.

Gavin. It certainly is, one of us major concerns is medication administration which is a vital part of
healthcare. I have heard that ResMed provides an electronic assistant that makes the process easy
and less likely to cause errors

Jasmeet – yes, let me talk you through our product and services. If you look at this brochure, you can
see that it is a simple system that will include all the patients drug in one place and you will be able
to sign them off in just one click. It clearly states all the rights of medication administration and
provides prompts when necessary which makes it less likely to cause an error. Furthermore, it
connects to pharmacy and makes the ordering process easy

Gavin- that sounds very promising, so does it follow the standards required by AHPRA?

Jasmeet- yes it does. In fact, we can forward our polices and procedures to Saif so that they can have
a look at them before introducing it to you.

Gavin – that will be a great idea. As for my understanding, I can incorporate this system to the web
page we are developing and put it under medication administration

Jasmeet – Can I ask you what type of healthcare setting are you aiming for?

Gavin- we are currently looking into the aged care sector but later we are planning ot expand to
other healthcare setting like hospitals as well

Saif- that is really impressive. I can recommend ResMed as they are trusted organisation in

Gavin- I am interested in introducing ResMed to our technical team. Where can I get more
information to contact you?

Jasmeet- it’s all in the brochure there, best point of contact would be and telephone – 0429781332. We are open from 8.45am 5.30pm
on weekdays.

Gavin – Thank you so much we will be in touch.

BSBREL401 - Establishing Networks

Anton Gavin Hashendra Silva Student ID-

Jasmeet- one more thing, because you said you are focusing on Aged care sector one thing, I would
recommend is CarePage that provides online platform for lifestyle services particularly in Aged care.

Gavin- yes, please do refer me I would have a look into that.

Jasmeet- This is Angela the professional representing Care page, she will be able to assist you

Gavin- Hi I am Gavin. I am here on behalf of Hawk Australia. We are developing a system that allows
electronic documentation in healthcare. I understand that CarePage provides an online platform for
lifestyle activities in health care.

Angela- Hi Gavin, yes, we do. So, we are basically help setup an online CarePage that records the
residents needs and analysing the best care for them

Gavin- That will be handy in our line of work as we want to develop a user-friendly online webpage
for aged care residents when providing healthcare. Our target audience is private and public sector
aged cares that are currently using an outdated system or running paper based.

Angela- great, what I can do is, I can give you our details and you can be in touch with our technical
team. Here’s our business card and this is the best point of contact
Or you can call us anytime between 9am to 5pm weekdays on 0427745628

Gavin- thank you so much for the information and I’m so glad to meet you. Looking forward to work
with you. Have a good day.

BSBREL401 - Establishing Networks

Anton Gavin Hashendra Silva Student ID-


Networking contact Serial no.1 
Place of networking: Date of Networking:
Electronic documentation conference 3/8/2020
Person name: Business name:
Saif Ahamed AHPRA

Contact details: Notes Provides professional advice and
ensures that healthcare standards
Tel- 043567834
are maintained in healthcare setting
Networking contact Serial no.2
Place of networking: Date of Networking:
Electronic documentation conference 3/8/2020

Person name: Business name:

Jasmeet Kaur ResMed

Contact details: Notes An electronic system that helps in
medication administration
Tel- 0429781332

Networking contact Serial no.3

Place of networking: Date of Networking:
Electronic documentation conference 3/08/2020

Person name: Business name:

Angela Bayo CarePage

Contact details: Notes Provides professional advise on
residential aged care and their
Tel- 0427745628 needs

BSBREL401 - Establishing Networks

Anton Gavin Hashendra Silva Student ID-

Task 3:

Role title – Business Partner

Organization – Hawk Australia

Role Played By – Gavin Silva

Other Party – Business partner Mark

Role play Script

Gavin - Good Morning Mark. How are you today?

Mark - Good Morning Gain, I am doing great today, yourself?

Gavin - Very well thanks. Excited to talk you through the prospective business associates I have

Mark – great, yes certainly let us talk about it in my office

Gavin - yes certainly

Mark- Yes please take a seat and run me down on what you have found out, tell me about your

Gavin- it was certainly a positive experience. There were so many professionals with diverse
expertise skills. I managed to talk to some of them and promote our product and services which
most of them thought was going to be a success.

Mark- that’s great news. So, do you have any connections that would be useful

Gavin – Yes! I was able to make three promising connections. I ran into a AHPRA representative. As
we know they are the government regulated healthcare regulations agency. They develop the
standards of practice to make sure that all the health practices are up to standard. So, they can help
us to develop the webpage up to the required standard which is a great advantage when advertising.
And here’s their contact in this business card. His name is Saif Ahamed and best point of contact is via

Mark- That is a good connection. We can start off from there and build the webpage
accordingly. Anyone else that you came across

Gavin- yes, I also met a representative from ResMed which is an application that helps in
Medication administration. The representative of AHPRA was concerned of the Medication
aspect of care and that’s why he suggests that ResMed is something to consider as it will
minimise the medication errors. They gave me this brochure and told us to contact their
technical team on or call them anytime from 9-5
weekdays to arrange a booking on 0429781332

Mark- Certainly, that’s a good idea. We might contact them sooner this week to organise a
meeting with the technical team

BSBREL401 - Establishing Networks

Anton Gavin Hashendra Silva Student ID-

Gavin- Yes, we can organise that. Also, I was directed to an organisation called CarePage.
They provide an online platform for lifestyle activities for residents. Especially since we are
targeting the Aged care sector I think it’s a great idea to incorporate them in the web system
we are developing. I have all the details in the business card here and Tel – 0427745628.

Mark – that’s great Gavin. So how are we going to maintain and keep these connections active?

Gavin- what would suggest is that for starters we will reach out to them and acknowledge them for
agreeing to be a part of our organisation. Then we can organise a face to face meeting to help
discuss matters thoroughly and go through our ideas broadly. I think we shou;ld first start by writing
an email to them to the respective organisation and also include our product and services in to the
email to gain their interest.

Mark- that all sounds great, let’s start form there.

Gavin- Thank you for your time Mark. I’ll organise everything needed.

BSBREL401 - Establishing Networks

Anton Gavin Hashendra Silva Student ID-

Activity 2: Establish and maintain business relationships

Task 2

Role play
Role played by Gavin and Specialist Dylan

Gavin- Hi Dylan, I am Gavin and I am here seeking your professional advise on how to
pursue a business opportunity and develop business contact

Dylan- Hi Gavin. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Sure, I can help you with that. Please run me
through your company and product and services that you offer

Gavin- Yes, certainly, the company is called Hawk Australia and we are developing a
webpage that documents the care provided in a healthcare setting. Our target audience is
both private and public sector aged care homes. We want it to be used friendly, reliable
and up-to the current Australian standards of care.

Dylan – That sounds like a fantastic idea. Have you made any connection in this field of

Gavin- I attended an event the other day and was able to make few connections and now
one of them are willing to meet and discuss further business outcomes. But I need your
professional advice on how to pursue this opportunity and maintain a good connection

Dylan- Yes, I can help you with that. Let me talk you through some of the main things to
keep in mind to maintain a new connection.
First and foremost, you must prepare for the meeting beforehand. for this you need to
know the purpose of the meeting and know the key outcome. Have a clear and vivid
understanding and make sure the other party knows the purpose of the meeting

Gavin- How will I know if we both are on the same page?

Dylan- when you send out or accept an invitation you can inform them of the purpose.
Another thing to consider is to know the audience. Make sure what kind of professional will
you be talking to. This will help you understand what’s the relationship you need to
maintain, what information can be shared and the context in which the conversation will

BSBREL401 - Establishing Networks

Anton Gavin Hashendra Silva Student ID-

Gavin- Just a question regarding that. When you say context, how will it differ according to
the audience?
Dylan- well if you have a medical professional in your situation you can easily refer to
medical terminology and procedures but if it’s a technical developer you will have to speak
in the language they would understand easily. This will avoid any miscommunication and

Gavin- Right, understood. Please proceed.

Dylan – another thing to consider is the time duration of the meeting. And make sure to
incorporate all the information needed to during the time frame that both have agreed on
and if time is of the essence, you can find other means to share further information.

Gavin- Those are some great tips. Will you be kind enough to enlighten me on how to
prepare a presentation on standards of business the organisation follows and practices

Dylan- Of course, here’s something that you would find rather helpful I have written them
down on this paper

Your presentation should have: 

➢ Introduction 

➢ Main Body 

➢ Summary. 

Introduction: ➢ Say who you are and which organisation/network you represent 

➢ Explain what you are going to be talking about, in summary form 

➢ Explain how long you will talk for 

➢ State whether you will take questions during the presentation or at the end. 

Main body 
➢ Cover your key points in the order you have prepared, adding any extra information if 
time permits. 

➢ Summarise the key points of your presentation 

BSBREL401 - Establishing Networks

Anton Gavin Hashendra Silva Student ID-

Gavin- That’s really helpful I can use it as a guide to make the presentation

Dylan- yes you can refer to that easily. You should also remember to discuss the needs of the

Gavin- What do you mean by needs?

Dylan- you should think of it as the outcome of the meeting. What do you except from the other
party involved and what difference can they make in the end? And do not forget to ask questions
and be ready to be asked questions. By asking questions to clarify things will avoid any
miscommunication on both parties and effective communication can be achieved.

Gavin- oh okay, I’ll keep that in mind. Anything else that you would think is helpful

Dylan- actually yes, wrapping up at the end of the meeting and following up needs to be done
appropriately to build a lasting connection. Try to end things in a positive and promising note. This
will make the other party want to keep further connection. Discuss roughly when will the next
meeting will be done and how. And give them something to look forward. Leaving a lasting
impression will help maintain good connection.

Gavin- Thank you so much for you time and effort Dylan. That was resourceful.

Dylan- My pleasure, all the very best.

Gavin – Thanks and I’ll see you next time.

BSBREL401 - Establishing Networks

Anton Gavin Hashendra Silva Student ID-

Task 2
Appendix 3

Date/Time: 3/08/2020
Location: Hawk Australia
Chairperson: Gavin Silva
Meeting Attendees: Sam Bailey
Full names and roles
Gavin Silva

Agenda Item/Topic Discussion/Outcomes Action Due Date

Welcome Everyone introduces themselves Sam and 3/8/20
Power point presented Gavin 3/8/20
Explain the business plan and Explained the product and the
presentation values that it cooperates

Hawk Australia

Gavin and 3/8/20

Offer a quote Sam

Negotiating and conclusion Gavin and

Sam 3/8/20

Summary Overall Summary 3/8/20


Action/s if any

Next Meeting time/date 11/9/20

Meeting closed at: 1400h
Minutes are a true and accurate Approved/confirmed by whom? Gavin and 3/8/20
record of the meeting Sam

Role play
Gavin- Good afternoon Sam. It’s a pleasure meeting you. And thank you for accepting our

BSBREL401 - Establishing Networks

Anton Gavin Hashendra Silva Student ID-

Sam- Good afternoon Gavin. It’s a pleasure being here too. I’m interested about the business
opportunity you have put forward.

Gavin- let me start by introducing myself, Im Gavin Silva and I am one of the business
partners of Hawk institute .

Sam – And I am Sam Bailey, the representative from ResMed.

Gavin- great, let me take you through our business plan and proceed from there. I have
prepared a PowerPoint presentation explaining everything which will make it easy for you to
understand what values we incorporate in the organisation
Assessments/Establishing%20networks/Powerpoint%20presentation%20for. 20between

(PowerPoint presentation embedded- Please click on icon below)

Sam- That is impressive. What is the business opportunity on offer?

Gavin- let me explain, the business opportunity for you is that we will develop a webpage for
you that helps in medication administration that will be used by healthcare workers in an
aged care setting. It will be user friendly and up to the standards regulated by AHPRA.
Prompts and notifications will minimize the medication errors caused and will ease the
ordering process as we will also collaborate ResMed with the local pharmacy. It will be
popular among the healthcare workers and a great success as it will save time on their busy
schedule. So, as you can see great cooperation it will yield good benefits.

Sam- that sounds promising.

BSBREL401 - Establishing Networks

Anton Gavin Hashendra Silva Student ID-

Gavin- Yes, But we would love to know what your requirement is and what you expect from
us as a web developer

Sam- ***************explains the requirement*******************

Gavin- yes, those can be all done. But I have to say that I based on your requirements we can
offer you a quote of base rate $75000 for the web page development but on top of that we
will have to add another quote for the Domain name and SSL security.

Sam- how come it doesn’t come with the $75000 and why can’t you give me exact quote on

Gavin- let me explain to you Sam. The Domain name and SSL security is handled by a third
party and we have no control over that. And it depends on the quote they provide us

Sam- but why isn’t it not a fixed amount and how does it work?

Gavin- Domain name and SSL security are subscription-based services and it requires
subscription renewal services. Hence, I cannot give you quote on those two because I have no
control over it.

Sam- oh okay, but can you try and reduce any of your charges on the other sectors and
include at least a part of the third part quote to the $75000?

Gavin- I am very sorry Sam, but like I said, the quote we have given you is of base value and
we have given you the best that we can offer. The domain name and the SSL security are just
out of our control. But I assure you, we will develop a webpage that take on flight once its
launched. It will be worth the amount paid. You can trust our services

Sam- Okay, when you put it like that, I guess I can consider the quote. I’m happy to proceed
with that and not to include the Domain name and SSL security to it. I’m happy to offer you
the contract.

Gavin- Much appreciated Mr Bailey, you made the right choice, when would you like to meet
again for further discussions. I will take this to my technical team, and we can go from there

Sam- I think 11th of August should be a good day. Say same time and place?

Gavin- sounds good to me, I will start, and we will bring you what we have come up with.
Thanks for your time. And it’s a pleasure doing business with you

Sam- Pleasure is all mine.

BSBREL401 - Establishing Networks

Anton Gavin Hashendra Silva Student ID-

Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Objective: business contract for ResMed

Attendees: Sam Bailey, Gavin Silva, Jasmeet Kaur, Dylan Pereira

Venue: Hawk Australia

Date: 3/8/20

No. Points Discussed Actions Suggested Target Date

1. Values and standards of the NA NA

2. Business opportunity introduced NA NA
and discussed with Sam
3. Quote introduced and negotiated Happy to proceed without quote for NA
To be $75000 domain name and SSL security
4 Happy to proceed with the To be done on the 11th of August 11.08.20
suggestion with $75000 When nest meeting is due

Signature of attendee 1:                                                Signature of attendee 2:

Gavin Silva Sam Bailey

Signature of attendee 3:                                                Signature of attendee 4:

Jasmeet Kaur Dylan Pereira

Activity 3 promote the relationship

BSBREL401 - Establishing Networks

Anton Gavin Hashendra Silva Student ID-

Task 1

Strategies to represent and promote business relationship

- Having face to face meeting time to time to discuss the service provided
- Sending out email once a month updating regarding changes, promotional products and progress of
the service provided
- Sending thank you packages every six months for being a part of the organisation

Common issues in business relationship

- Finding time and arranging a situation for face to face meet ups could be difficult
due to busy schedules and insufficient timings
- Not all business appreciate regular emails and the email only goes to one party
rather than all the individuals in the particular party
- Keeping track of the recurrence and making sure the packages are worthwhile the

Policies and practices for business relationship promotion 

- Face to face meting should only be conducted by an authorized business partner that can conduct the
meeting in a professional manner and has a sound knowledge about the organisation. These can be
conducted either in Hawk Australia premises or the other party’s desired premises on a time and
date agreed by both parties
- Monthly emails need to follow the Hawk Australia email template and to be sent out on the 25 th of
every month to maintain recurrence. These should be designed and prepared by the administration
team only
- Thank you packages will be promoted every six months, to add a personal touch to our relationship
with our business partners. It should be up to a value of $100 and should be organised by our
marketing team.

BSBREL401 - Establishing Networks

Anton Gavin Hashendra Silva Student ID-

Task 2

(Presentation embedded. Please click on below icon to open)

BSBREL401 - Establishing Networks

Anton Gavin Hashendra Silva Student ID-

Report post PowerPoint presentation regarding the building connections

Feedback - Suggested that when it comes to training not

everyone wants to participate, so only the
volunteers should be trained and authorized to
promote the products and services

- Questioned about the email content that will

be sent and how to ensure the content is new
and relevant

- Suggested to have brochures to hand out to

aged care facilities and healthcare setting to
build more connections

Suggested by - Business partner, employees and collaborated


Actions taken - Made training mandatory. Break down training

two sections such as mandatory for all staff and
option for authorized staff
Rationale- to ensure that all parties involved
has even the slightest knowledge regarding the
networking polices and practices of the

- Admin team to ensure the emails are of

consistent quality and UpToDate. Content will
be based on the company’s progress,
achievements, new updates and feedback for
customers. Policies and procedures amended
to ensure that all topics of interest are to go
through the admin team

- Brochures will be designed and placed in

receptions of healthcare facilities and services
that work closely with healthcare organisations
to promote product and services to build
Out come - Out come to be monitored in the next meeting
due in four weeks 4/09/2020. Questions and
queries are to be directed to the manager.

BSBREL401 - Establishing Networks

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