Git Ass.1 Suguitan

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Name: Suguitan, Noeh C.

Class Code: GIT 3514


1. What are the current trends in your fields that has emerged during the pandemic and
how is it helping your industry?

- Engineers today have a wide range of technical developments, such as artificial

intelligence, 3D printing, and digital twins, which facilitate their work and may
spark even more invention. The development of engineering has been significantly
influenced by new technology, market factors, and developing work of the
organization. Technical, industrial, and operational breakthroughs have resulted
from this. While there are numerous factors at work, a few outstanding engineering
industry trends are both affecting the field's present direction and posing threats to
it in the future. Engineers, and especially engineering managers, must comprehend
them in order to succeed.

2. If you are going to invent or innovate a product, what would it be? And what problem
would it solve?

- A machine that can swiftly break down plastic would be something I would like to
build if I were to invent or innovate a product. I've heard a lot of arguments against
climate change and global warming. The buildup of plastics that are carelessly
discarded and harm the environment is one of the causes. Methane gas, one of the
gases that contribute to global warming, may be released from this mass of trash
plastic. In addition, plastic garbage decomposes very slowly, pollutes the
environment, and, worst of all, endangers living creatures. As an illustration, I've
read news reports of animals being suffocated or hurt by plastic debris.

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