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1-4 Progress Test B Imię i nazwisko:


Listening 3 Zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź: a lub b.

1 3.46Posłuchaj dwukrotnie pięciu wypowiedzi 1 Do you the carpet every day?
na temat szkolnych projektów. W zdaniach 1–5
a  iron b  vacuum
zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź: a, b lub c.
2 There is a playground to the school.
1 Dave goes with his brother.
a  next b  front
a  windsurfing
3 I  cereal every morning.
b  swimming
a  drink b  eat
c  sailing
4 The T-shirt isn’t expensive. It’s .
2 Mia sometimes to have some extra
a  cheap b  easy
money. /4
a  walks the neighbours’ dog
b  washes her neighbours’ car 4 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Trzy wyrazy
nie pasują do żadnego zdania.
c  looks after her neighbours’ daughter
3 When Adrian goes to a fast food restaurant, about sound head
he usually has . bargain beans time

a  a piece of cake 1 The jacket is only £35! It’s a  .

b  a hamburger 2 It’s a good idea. I like the of
c  a cheeseburger that.
4 Izzie says that most of the houses in her town 3 It’s already 5:00 pm, so it’s for
have got . dinner.
a  a garden /3

b  a basement Functions
c  five bedrooms
5 Dopasuj fragmenty zdań 1–3 i a–e.
5 Paul says that May is usually . Dwa fragmenty a–e nie pasują do żadnego
a  windy fragmentu 1–3.
b  hot 1 Can you set a in English?
c  wet 2 I hope you b repeat that, please?
/ 10 3 Can you c happy returns.
d the table, please?
e like it.
2 Dopisz po dwa wyrazy do każdej kategorii.
1  2  3
, helmet, , wetsuit
, , Egypt, Norway
, , hot, cloudy
, , kitchen, toilet

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1-4 Progress Test B
UNITS Imię i nazwisko:

Grammar 7 Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą

6 Zakreśl wyrazy i struktury, które poprawnie przymiotników podanych w nawiasach
uzupełniają poniższe zdania. w stopniu wyższym lub najwyższym.

1 There isn’t / aren’t any sparkling water. 1 I think sailing is

2 We don’t / doesn’t eat kebabs very often. (exciting) than surfing.

3 You’ve got some / any nice photos. 2 My room is (big) than

my brother’s room.
4 Mark and Robert haven’t / hasn’t got a dog.
3 Tom is (tall) boy in my
5 Do / Does your brother help in the house?
6 David go / goes swimming at weekends.
4 For me, science is
/6 (difficult) subject at school.
5 I’m (bad) at tennis than
my dad.
8 Przeczytaj tekst. Zdecyduj, czy zdania 1–5 są prawdziwe (True), czy fałszywe (False).
Teenagers are not interested in sports. Yes or No?
Alan, 15
Unfortunately, I think it’s true. A lot of teenagers are interested in the e-sports, but these are really just
computer games, not real sports. More and more teenagers stay at home and play on their computers rather
than go out and do traditional sports.
Mark, 14
I’m not sure I agree with Alan. OK, we like computer games, but I think that we like going out even more.
And when we go out, we often do sports. When I stay at home for too long, it’s boring.
Teenagers don’t help in the house. Yes or No?
Suzy, 12
I don’t agree. Me and my friends have to help in the house very often. For example, I help my mum in the
kitchen at weekends and I tidy my room twice a week. Some of my friends do chores at home every day!
So, I don’t think that’s true at all.
David, 16
I think the same as Suzy. Me and my brother do a lot of things at home. He’s good at cooking, so he often helps
mum in the kitchen. I don’t because I’m terrible in the kitchen. So, I take out the rubbish or vacuum the carpet.
Teenagers love fast food. Yes or No?
Eric, 13
Sure! You can see a lot of teenagers having hamburgers, chips or a pizza in fast food restaurants. You can see
me there, too, at lunchtime! I don’t eat lunch at school, so after classes I just get lunch from a kebab stall or eat
a hamburger on my way home.

1 Alan thinks that e-sports are like real sports. True / False
2 Mark thinks teenagers like going out more than playing computer games. True / False
3 Suzy doesn’t do household chores every day. True / False
4 David often does chores in the kitchen. True / False
5 Eric says he often eats fast food for lunch. True / False

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1-4 Progress Test B Imię i nazwisko:

9 Napisz post o swoim typowym weekendzie. Napisz pięć zdań. W poście uwzględnij informacje o tym,
• jakie masz obowiązki w domu,
• jak się ubierasz,
• co robisz w czasie wolnym.

/ 10

Total: / 50

Extra task
10 Przetłumacz fragmenty podane w nawiasach na język angielski.
1 The winters here are usually (mroźne i śnieżne).
2 (Czy mogę zamówić) two pizzas, please?
3 I usually (sprzątam ze stołu) after dinner.
4 (Czy oni mają) a big garden?
5 Your schoolbag is (pod łóżkiem).

Total : / 55

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