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Semi-detailed Lesson Plan


T.L.E 12 (Cookery)

A. Content Standard: The learners demonstrates an understanding basic concepts and
underlying theories in preparing stocks, sauces, and soups
B. Performance Standard: The learners prepares a variety of stocks, sauces, and soups
used in different cultures
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives: LO 2: Prepare soups required for menu items
1. Identify the ingredients in preparing soups
2. Prepare soup according to the standard procedure; and
3. present soup to evaluate according to criteria


Topic: Prepare Soups Required for Menu Items
References: Cookery Manual pages 207-220
Instructional Materials: Power point presentation, smart TV, laptop

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Daily Routine
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of attendance

2. Motivation: Picture
Body letters
Split the class into two groups. Each group has to think of a word or words that
they have learned from the previous lesson.
The groups have to use their bodies to spell the word or words. Other groups
have to guess the correct answer.

3. Unlocking of difficulties
a. boullion - A clear seasoned broth made by simmering usually light meat, such
as beef or chicken
b. Roux - is a mixture of flour and fat cooked together and used to thicken
c. béchamel - is a sauce traditionally made from a white roux and milk
d. veloute - is a savory sauce made from a roux and white stock
e. puree - is a way to change the texture of solid food so that it is smooth with
no lumps and has a texture like pudding

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