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Assignment for General Psychology

1. How Sensation is similar and different from perception. Give at least 5 major differences
and similarities between sensation and perception by using your own examples.
2. List each of the factors affecting sensation and perception. And discuss about those
factors in detail.
3. Explain principles of sensation and perception.
4. Describe the stage memory model proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin. Explain the typical
characteristics of a) sensory memory, b) short-term memory, and c) long-term memory.
5. Explain different theories of forgetting.
6. Compare the different theories of motivation.
7. Discuss the different theories of emotion.
8. Give illustrative examples of life skills and analyze its features.
9. Discuss self-concept, self-awareness, self-esteem, self-confidence, emotional intelligence
and anger management and illustrate with real life examples.
10. Discuss features of time management, applications of study skills, note-taking, study
skills, important test anxiety and its coping mechanisms for students.
11. explain features of intercultural diversity and diversity management.

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