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Report of Rock Mass Strength page 1 of 2

Input Parameters:

Intact Uni. Comp. Strength (sigci) = 3 MPa

GSI = 50

mi = 13

Disturbance Factor (D) = 5

Intact Elastic Modulus (Ei) = 1500 MPa

Intact Uni. Comp. Strength (sigci) = 3 MPa

Application Type: Tunnel

sig3max = 0.8304347708854727 MPa

Unit Weight = 0.026 MN/m3

Tunnel Depth = 50 m

Hoek-Brown Criterion:

mb = 42.7524

s = 4160.2620

a = 0.5057

Mohr-Coulomb Fit:

Cohesion (c) = 86.6201 MPa

Friction Angle (phi) = 12.61 deg.

Rock Mass Parameters

Tensile strength (sigt) = -291.9318 MPa

Uni. Comp. Strength (sigc) = 202.9701 MPa

Global Strength (sigcm) = 216.2795 MPa

Modulus of Deformation (Erm) = 29.01 MPa

created by ORMAS V1.0 Sun Feb 12 2023

Report of Rock Mass Strength page 2 of 2

created by ORMAS V1.0 Sun Feb 12 2023

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