Cancer Chemotherapy

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present knowledge and state-of-the-art in Another Hypothesis Concerning the Antitumor

chemotherapy and thermotherapy lead us to Activity and Cerdlotoxiclty of Daunorubicin
recommend clinical trials of this therapy com­ (NSC-82151) and Adriam ycin (NSC-123127)'
bination in selected osteogenic sarcoma
patients. Adamson (1) recently suggested that the
cardiotoxicity of adriamycin (la ) and dauno-
REFERENCES rubicin (lb ) can be attributed to the daunosa-
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11. L e o n e LA, S o d e r b e r c CH, J r , C o l b e r t M P , e t a l .
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Chemical treatment of advanced neoplasms: hyper-
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daunomycin, which does not interact well with
with nitrogen mustard under general hypothermia DNA and does not show as much anticancer
Cancer Chemother Rep 2 0:12 7- 1 35 , 1962. activity as lb. I suggest the following explana­
12. S h i n c l e t o n W W , a n d P a r k e r R T . A b d o m in a l per- tion for the effect of the interaction of la or
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United States Arm y Missile tion involves the quinone system, it is possible
Command that the hydrogen bond between O . and O* is no
Redstone Arsenal, Ala 33809
'D aunorubicin: CA S re*r. No. 23541-50-6; daunomy-
September 9. 1071 cin; rubidomycin (NSC-83142).

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