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Web Application Hacking


This book is a practical guide to discovering and exploiting security flaws in

web applications. By “web applications” we mean those that are accessed using
a web browser to communicate with a web server. We examine a wide variety
of different technologies, such as databases, file systems, and web services, but
only in the context in which these are employed by web applications.
If you want to learn how to run port scans, attack firewalls, or break into serv-
ers in other ways, we suggest you look elsewhere. But if you want to know how
to hack into a web application, steal sensitive data, and perform unauthorized
actions, this is the book for you. There is enough that is interesting and fun to
say on that subject without straying into any other territory.

A web application is a program or software that runs on a web browser to perform specific tasks.  Any
web application has several layers – web server, the content of the application that is hosted on the web
server and the backend interface layer that integrates with other applications. Web application
architecture is scalable and has components which have high availability.

Core defense mechanisms

There are four categories in which we can protect the web application:
 User access handling to the application data and functionality
 User input handling
 Suitable defensive and offensive measures to frustrate the hacker
 Application configuration to get the alert in case of unauthorized access

User Access
A web application provides different roles for user access depending on the business requirement and
use cases. A classic example is a digital banking scenario, where the customer wants to access the
banking functions to get the balance from his account or transfer the cash to someone else. Another
example is a scenario where a Linux administrator wants to provide privileges and rights to authorized
The web application uses the below security mechanisms:
 Authentication
 Session management
 Access control
Authentication is identifying a user to whom the credentials belong. This can be done using is a user
name and password.  Additional authentication can be done through the user’s mobile number or
Session management is the process of the user being signed in throughout, while using the web
application.  Every time the user logs in to use the application, it is recorded as a session. Sessions can
vary depending on the use case and application.
Access control is a process of protecting the HTTP requests in Web application. This is the last layer of
defense in the user access.

User Input
All the user inputs in the web application are always untrusted. A web application should have defense
mechanisms in place to prevent the user from writing malicious code or breaking the website.  We can
handle the user input validation at various levels based on the need of the business.
Input handling to reject all words related to hacking- this is a process of blacklisting them which the
web server will check and confirm. These are called Semantic Checks.
Also creating a set of rules to accept the user inputs – for example, only numbers that are safe for Bank
account access can be used. This is called Safe Data Handling.
We need to have multi-step validation where every component is checked for user inputs in the web
We can have boundary validation to check all the external interfaces with the applications.

Handling Hackers
To get more sensitive alerts in the web application we need to have following
 Audit logs records
 IP address blocking
 Intrusion Detection systems
 Firewalls
We need to have application configuration with the key alert that has to be notified immediately when
any hacker gets into the web application.

Web application technologies

The top web technologies that developers are using for web development are as below:
 Programming Languages
 JavaScript
 Coffee Script
 Python
 Ruby
 GO
 Objective C
 Java
 Frameworks
 Node.JS
 Ruby on Rails
 Django
 Ionic
 Phonegap
 Bootstrap
 Foundation
 Wordpress
 Drupal .
 Angular JS
 Ember JS
 Backbone JS
 Libraries
 J Query
 Underscore
 Database
 MongoDB
 Redis
 Postgres SQL
 Oracle
 SQL Server
 Data Formats
 Protocols

Digital Technologies for Web Application

 Web Assembly – similar to JavaScript
 Movement UI Design
 Chabot’s
 Artificial Intelligence
 Dynamic Web Applications – PWA
 Blockchain
 Single Page Applications
 Web Server Software
 Computerized Transformation
 AMP Wins
 VR and AR
 Symfony
 Laravel

Bypassing client-side controls

The process of sending data from server to client is very common in web applications.  The reverse is
also true when client sends the data to the server. It is normal for software developers to assume that the
client will not modify the data.  Avoiding the storage of data within the user session can help in security
and also increase performance. Modifying the data stored in the client side is easy in comparison to the
server side by the hacker.
Two ways exist for bypassing: 
 Application relies on client-side data to restrict the user input. So, restricting the client side
controls the security.
 Application gathers data that is entered by user, the client implements methods to control the
previous data.
For both the options, the following are the techniques to by-pass client side controls:
 HTML form features
 Client Side Scripts
 Thick Client technologies

Authentication and Authorization

Web applications have both authentication and authorization as key concepts supporting the web
Authentication refers to any verification process that checks whether a human or automated system is
who or what it claims to be. Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of the individual. A
unique identifier is added for the web application like Password, Login or username.  We can use
OpenID, OAUTH, and SAML. The entire Authentication depends on the HTTP/HTTPS
Authorization is a process in which we have controls to allow or restrict resources. It is entirely
dependent on business use cases and it varies end to end.  For strengthening the authorization we
should implement logging for all privileged actions. Invalid sessions should be made to log out. 
So we need to have strict controls on both the concepts to prevent hacking of web applications.

XSS – Cross site scripting

This is a type of injection in which malicious scripts are injected to trusted websites.  A hacker uses a
web application to send malicious code. This is in the form of browser-side script. The end user has no
way to know that a hacker has entered into the web application and he continues to execute the script.
Script can access cookies, session tokens and all other sensitive information and even have the
capability to rewrite the entire HTML page content.
Types of XSS
 Stored XSS
 Reflected XSS
 DOM based XSS
All these can occur in Client XSS or Server XSS.

Bypassing blacklists and whitelists

Blacklist refers to the practice of not allowing certain addresses and blocking them based on the need
and requirement. They can be IP address, Networks and URLs.
Whitelist indicates that a server would only allow through requests that contain a URL on an accepted
list, and other requests will fail.
Whitelist are harder to bypass as they are default controls in the web application.  The concept is that it
redirects to the internal URL. We can bypass a blacklist by
 Fooling it with redirects
 Tricking with DNS
 IPV6 address usage
 Switching out the encoding
 Hex Encoding
 Octal Encoding
 Dword Encoding
 URL Encoding
 Mixed Encoding

CSRF – Cross site request forgery

CSRF is an attack that forces an end user to execute unwanted actions on a web application which is
already authenticated. The hacker can send a link via an email and chat, and may trick the users of a
web application into executing actions. In case the attack is on an administrator account the entire web
application can be compromised.

Unvalidated redirects
These are possible when a web application accepts untrusted input. This can cause the web application
to redirect the request to a URL containing untrusted inputs. Through the modification of the Untrusted
URL input to a malicious site, the hacker launches a phishing attack and steals the user credentials.
These redirects using credentials can also give the hacker the privilege functions which normally they
cannot access.
We need to have the user provide a short name, ID or token which is mapped server-side to a full target
URL and this gives protection to the entire process.

SQL injection
SQL injection is a process of injecting the malicious SQL query via the input data from the client to the
web application.
 SQL injection can modify, read, and delete the sensitive information from the Databases.
 Has the ability to issue commands to the operating system
 Administration controls on the operations of the database
 Done through simple SQL commands
File upload vulnerabilities
 Web applications have these functionalities and features of uploading files.
 These files can be text, pictures, audio, video and other formats.
 We need to be careful while uploading files.
 A hacker can send a remote form Data POST request with mime type and execute the code.
 With this, the files upload will be controlled by the hacker.

Attacking the application server

The various formats of the attacks on the application server are listed below:
 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
 SQL Injection (SQLi)
 File upload
 Local File Inclusion (LFI)
 Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)

Web application hacker’s toolkit

The hacker’s toolkit is as given below:
 Intercepting Web proxy – Modifies all HTTP messaging between browser and web application
 Web application scanner - For the hacker to get the entire information about the web
A few of the tools which belong to the above two categories:
 Kali Linux
 Angry IP Scanner
 Cain & Abel
 Ettercap
 Burp Suite
 John the Ripper
 Metaspoilt
Web application hacker’s methodology

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