Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Prescribed-Time Control For Teleoperation Systems With Position Error Constraints PDF

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7, JULY 2020 4889

Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Prescribed-Time Control

for Teleoperation Systems With Position
Error Constraints
Ziwei Wang , Bin Liang, Member, IEEE, Yanchao Sun , and Tao Zhang, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—In this article, we present an adaptive manipulators connected via communication channels. Due to
prescribed-time control method for a class of nonlinear the merit that multiple types of perception can be fused to avoid
telerobotic systems with actuator faults and position error direct interaction with environments, teleoperation systems are
constraints. Extended from prescribed-time stability, prac-
tically prescribed-time stability (PPTS) is proposed for the widely applied in industrial scenarios, such as on-orbit service,
first time aiming at stability analysis and control synthe- medical surgery, and unmanned aerial vehicle [1]–[3]. Time
sis of nonlinear systems with disturbance and uncertainty. delay induced by communication channels is the primary issue
We show that, under the control scheme in the frame- to be addressed in the field of teleoperation, which thus attracts
work of PPTS, the system states are guaranteed to con- attention from the research community. As a consequence, many
verge to a user-defined set (physically realizable) within
user-defined settling time (physically realizable). Based on classic methods were proposed to overcome the adverse effect
PPTS, an adaptive fault-tolerant controller is developed by of time delay, such as wave variable [4], [5], sliding mode con-
integrating a novel exponential-type barrier Lyapunov func- trol [6]–[8], and adaptive scheme [9]–[11]. Although the above
tion. Rigorous stability analysis based on back-stepping works tackled the time-delay issue to some extent, only asymp-
approach proves that, under the proposed control strategy, totic stability was realized, which means that the synchronization
synchronization errors converge to a user-defined residual-
set within predefined settling time and never exceed the errors converge to zero or a small set around zero when time
prescribed range. Universal performance indexes, includ- approaches infinity. However, the settling time cannot be infinite
ing the settling time, residual-set, accuracy, and overshoot, in practice because it will lead to excessive energy consumption
can be user-defined and only dependent on fewer user- or a task failure, especially in fine operation. For example, the
defined parameters. Simulation results illustrate the effec- space robot is required to capture the expired satellite within
tiveness of the developed control scheme.
a limited time window. The aforementioned control methods
Index Terms—Actuator fault, fault tolerant, prescribed- would miss the time window due to the orbital action, resulting
time control, state constraint, teleoperation system. in the failure of the capture task. Thus, these methods may not
apply to practical teleoperation systems directly in view of cost.
Different from asymptotic stability, finite-time control ensures
ELEOPERATION system is a typical industrial cyber-
T physical system, which consists of master–slave robotic
that the system states converge within finite time, which thus
provides a computable upper bound of the settling time [12].
In [13], a nonsingular sliding mode was incorporated with neural
Manuscript received May 25, 2019; revised October 12, 2019; ac-
networks to overcome the unknown disturbance and system
cepted October 26, 2019. Date of publication November 4, 2019; date of uncertainty. In [14], finite-time convergence of the closed-loop
current version March 17, 2020. This work was supported in part by the system was guaranteed in the framework of “adding a power
National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61673239,
Grant 61703228, and Grant 61803119; in part by Science and Technol-
integrator,” where Chebyshev neural network was utilized to deal
ogy Project of Shenzhen under Grant JCYJ20160428182227081, Grant with unmodeled dynamics. However, there exist two problems
JCYJ20160301100921349, and Grant JCYJ20170412171459177; and in the aforementioned finite-time controllers: (1) the bound
in part by Science and Technology Planning Project of Guang-
dong Province under Grant 2017B010116001. Paper no. TII-19-2030.
of settling time is not unified with respect to different initial
(Corresponding author: Yanchao Sun.) conditions. That means the corresponding results depend on the
Z. Wang and T. Zhang are with the Department of Automation, initial values, which may be difficult to obtain exactly in practice.
Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China (e-mail: wang-zw16@mails.;
(2) The so-called finite time is only the upper bound of the
B. Liang is with the Department of Automation, Tsinghua Univer- estimated settling time rather than the actual convergence time,
sity, Beijing 100084, China, and also with the Graduate School which implies conservatism of the obtained settling. Although
at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen 518055, China (e-mail:
recent work [15] proposed a fixed-time controller to overcome
Y. Sun is with the Science and Technology on Underwater Vehi- the reliance on initial values, the question (2) has not been
cle Laboratory, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China thoroughly addressed. Recently, a new concept “prescribed-time
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available
stability” (PTS) was proposed to cope with these two ques-
online at tions in [16], where the system state was guaranteed to con-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TII.2019.2951329 verge within user-defined settling time. A time-varying scaling
1551-3203 © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Harbin Institute of Technology. Downloaded on October 10,2021 at 14:55:44 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

function was developed to achieve PTS in the field of multiagent We show that, under the developed controller, the synchroniza-
systems in [17], [18]. However, the above controllers may result tion error will converge to a user-defined set within prescribed
in unnecessary high accuracy for nonlinear systems with dis- settling time, and never exceed the preassigned range. The main
turbance and uncertainty, leading to excessive control input and contribution is presented as follows.
cost in practice. In fact, with predefined convergence accuracy, 1) A new concept practically prescribed-time stability (PPTS)
prescribed-time convergence property with predefined residual is first proposed for stability analysis and control synthe-
set would play a key role in control design, which is thus required sis of uncertain nonlinear systems. Different from traditional
in industrial teleoperation systems especially in fine operation. finite/fixed-time control, systems satisfying the given sufficient
For example, in space rendezvous and docking teleoperation, conditions of PPTS, will converge within finite time, which can
the end-effector of the space robot is required to arrive at the be user-defined arbitrarily subject to physically possible range.
predefined capture area within predefined time. Otherwise, the In addition, compared with prescribed-time control [16]–[18],
space robot would miss the capture target due to orbital motion, the control structure in the framework of PPTS ensures the
resulting in mission failure. To the best of authors, no previous prescribed residual-set, which can be user-designed arbitrarily
work has discussed the prescribed-time prescribed-residual-set within physically accessible ranges.
control of nonlinear teleoperation systems. 2) The universal control performances, including settling
Moreover, specific constraint is required to guarantee the time, residual-set, overshoot, convergence accuracy, can be
safety of teleoperation systems, especially when the force in- entirely user-defined, which is realized via integrating a new
teraction between the slave manipulator and unknown environ- exponential-type barrier Lyapunov function (EBLF). The con-
ments occurs. In addition, necessary constraint helps to realize straint control problems of single input single output/multiple
superior transient-state performance, such as high convergence input multiple output (SISO/MIMO) nonlinear systems with or
speed and small overshoot. To this end, barrier Lyapunov func- without constraints can be addressed in a unified framework of
tion (BLF) [19] was proposed, featured by approaching infinity EBLF.
when the argument is close to the preassigned limit. States 3) A novel adaptive fault-tolerant control scheme is proposed
will never exceed the prescribed range if the positive-definite in the framework of PPTS. Under the proposed controller,
property of BLF holds, which is the basis of stability analysis prescribed-time convergence of the synchronization errors is
and control synthesis based on BLF. In [20], [21], tan-type guaranteed in the presence of time delay, nonparametric uncer-
BLF was developed to maintain the quadratic characteristics tainty, actuator faults, and state constraint. The control algorithm
of BLF when the constraint function tends to infinity, which can be easily extended to multimaster–multislave teleoperation
was thus applied to address systems with or without constraint systems.
requirement. It is noticed that, although some works [22], [23] The remainder of this article is organized as follows. In
incorporated finite-time stability with BLF, the estimated set- Section II, the preliminary knowledge of teleoperation systems
tling time subject to control parameters cannot be user-defined. and PPTS is presented. The control design of PPTS controller, in-
Thus, a challenging problem is how to deal with such issue in corporating the EBLF, is presented in Section III. In Section IV,
the framework of prescribed-time control, which has not been simulation study is shown to demonstrate the effectiveness of
thoroughly addressed. the proposed control method. Section V concludes this article.
Despite some works discussing the constraint control issue Notation: Throughout this article, the subscripts i = m, s, and
of teleoperation systems via BLF [13], [15], the developed con- j = m, s (i = j) represent the master and slave manipulator,
trollers were based on the assumption that all actuators operate respectively. For any matrix A, A and tr(A) stand for the
normally. However, this condition may not hold especially when Euclidean norm and trace of A, respectively. col{(xk )} denotes
the slave manipulator interacts with harsh environments. Thus, it the column vector, where xk is the kth component of x. C 1
is required to develop advanced control scheme in consideration denotes the set of first-order continuous-derivable functions. L∞
of actuator faults. Different from the cooperative control proto- is the set of bounded functions. λmin {A} and λmax {A} are the
col in the normal case [24], a fault-tolerant consensus [25] was minimum and maximum eigenvalue of A, respectively.
realized for multivehicle networked systems subject to packet
loss or temporary actuator failure. Combining the sliding mode II. PROBLEM STATEMENT AND PRELIMINARIES
technique, adaptive control schemes were developed to achieve
finite-time convergence in the presence of actuator faults in [26], A. Dynamics of Teleoperation Systems Subject to
[27]. In addition to the mentioned fault accommodation, fault Actuator Faults
detection problem was discussed in [28], [29]. Although some Consider a class of nonlinear teleoperation systems with
research works incorporated finite-time technique to compen- n-degree-of-freedom (DOF) manipulators as below
sate the adverse effect of actuator faults, the estimate settling 
time containing some conservatism in conventional finite-time Mm (qm )q̈m + Cm (qm , q̇m )q̇m + dm (t) = Fm + Fm h
control would cause estimation failure. Thus, finite-time control Ms (qs )q̈s + Cs (qs , q̇s )q̇s + ds (t) = Fs + Fsh
subject to actuator faults is still an open issue to be addressed.
Motivated by the above analysis, we propose a novel where qi , q̇i , q̈i ∈ Rn are the the joint position, velocity, and
prescribed-time control strategy for a class of nonlinear teler- acceleration vector defined in the body frame with respect to
obotic systems subject to state constraints and actuator faults. inertial frame, respectively. Mi0 (qi ) is the nominal part of inertia

Authorized licensed use limited to: Harbin Institute of Technology. Downloaded on October 10,2021 at 14:55:44 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

matrix, Ci0 (qi , q̇i ) is the nominal Coriolis and centrifugal effects Definition 2 ([16]): Let T = {Tmf ∈ R+ : ∀x0 ∈ Rn :
matrix, and Fi=m,sh
is the bounded torque generated by the T (x0 )  Tmf }. The origin of (5) is said to be prescribed-time
human operator and environment, respectively. The gravity item stable (PTS) if Tf = inf T can be user-defined.
is omitted because feed-forward technique is widely used to Definition 3 ( practically prescribed-time stability): The origin
compensate it. di (t) stands for the nonparametric uncertainties of (5) is said to be practically prescribed-time stable (PPTS) if
including nonpassive contact collision and unknown external Tp = inf Tp and   0 can be tuned by user-defined parameters,
disturbances. Fi ∈ Rn is the applied control torque subject to and ∀x0 ∈ Rn , ∃ Tmp  T (x0 ), x(t)   for t  Tmp , where
actuator faults [27] Tp = {Tmp ∈ R+ : ∀x0 ∈ Rn : T (x0 )  Tmp }.
Remark 2: Compared with FTS and PTS, PPTS provides
Fi = δi ui + δi (2) a novel basis for stability analysis and control synthesis of
where δi = diag{δik } ∈ R n×n
denotes the partial loss of actua- nonlinear systems with external disturbances. It is well known
tor effectiveness, δi = col{δik

} ∈ Rn stands for the additional that, under conventional FTS controllers, the system trajectory
bias torque induced by actuator faults, with δik ∈ (0, 1] being the would converge to a small set containing the equilibrium point.
positive continuous function, and δik 
∈ L∞ for k = 1, 2, . . ., n. The set is dependent on external disturbances, which leaves con-
ui represents the designed control torque. trol engineers difficulties to choose proper control parameters
Remark 1: The formulation (1) improves the dynamics according to practical requirements, especially when the type
model [30] in three parts. First, the typical assumption [30] and boundary of external disturbance are thoroughly unknown.
that the interactive force during interaction with environments Moreover, due to x(t) = 0 for t  Tf , the accuracy in the
is nonpassive or passive is relaxed, that is, prior knowledge framework of PTS cannot be estimated, leading to unnecessarily
about the environment characteristics is not required, which is small convergence domain. The over-small set guaranteed by
more applicable to practical teleoperation. Second, instead of PTS would result in a large control input. Thus, the convergence
considering contact collision with known bound, we consider the set is expected to be user-defined according to practical tasks,
general uncertainty with unknown bound. Moreover, compared which is the motivation of Definition 3.
with [30], additive and multiplicative actuator faults are taken To this end, we introduce a time-varying piecewise function
into account simultaneously, which is a common formulation of as follows:

actuator faults in [26], [27]. exp (α (t0 + T − t)) − 1, t ∈ [t0 , t0 + T )
The joint position errors between the master and slave robot ς(t) = (6)
E − Etanh (α (t − t0 − T )) , t ∈ [t0 + T, +∞)
are defined as xm1 (t) = qm (t) − qs (t − Ts ), xs1 (t) = qs (t) −
qm (t − Tm ), where Tm and Ts are the forward and backward where α > 0 is a tunable parameter. T denotes the user-defined
time-varying delay, respectively. It is noted that Tm and Ts are settling time such that T ≥ Tc > max{Tm , Ts }, in which Tc
unknown and bounded by unknown constants. Then, the joint represents the time consuming of signal transmission and pro-
velocity errors are denoted by xm2 (t) = q̇m (t) − q̇s (t − Ts ), cessor computing. t0 denotes the initial time. E is a positive
xs2 (t) = q̇s (t) − q̇m (t − Tm ). Thus, the master–slave synchro- constant.
nization dynamics can be equivalently written as Lemma 1: For the system (5), the origin is PPTS if there exists
a continuous-differentiable function V (x(t), t): Rn × R+ →
Mi (qi )ẋi2 = −Ci (qi , q̇i )xi2 + δi ui + Γ(Xi ) (3) †
R+ such that V̇ ≤ −bV − 2 ς̇ς V + ης + c, where ς˙† = |ς(t)|, ˙
where Xi = [qiT , q̇iT , q̇jT , q̈jT ] for i = m, s, and Γ(Xi ) = δi + b > 0, c ≥ 0, and η ≥ 0 is a user-defined constant.
Fih − di (t) − ξi (Xi )θi , with ξi (Xi ) ∈ Rn×p and θi ∈ Rp be- Proof: We first analyze the case for t ∈ [t0 , t0 + T ). Recalling
ing a known regressive function and parameter vector, respec- ς˙† > 0, the time derivative of V /ς is given by
tively [31]–[33]. For later derivation, we have the following V̇ ς˙ V̇ ς˙†
assumption. V̇  = + 2V ≤ + 2V (7)
ς ς ς ς
Assumption 1: For Γ(Xi ), there exist unknown constants Θ1 ,
where V  = V /ς, which indicates
Θ2 such that
   V̇ ς˙† η c
δi + Fih − di (t) ≤ Θ1 , θi  ≤ Θ2 . (4) V̇  ≤ + 2 2 V ≤ −bV  + 2 + . (8)
ς ς ς ς
B. Lemmas and New Properties Solving the inequality (8) yields
c η
Definition 1 ([16]): Consider the system V  ≤ e−b(t−t0 ) V  (t0 ) + e−b(t−t0 ) + 2 eb(t−t0 ) dt
ς ς
ẋ(t) = f (x(t), t) (5)
≤ e−b(t−t0 ) V  (t0 ) + e−b(t−T −t0 )
where x(t) ∈ R is the state, f : R × R+ → R is a
n n n  
η ς +1 c−η
continuous-differentiable function, and the initial condition is × (c − η)(t0 + T − t) + − ln ς .
α ς α
x(0) = x0 . The origin of (5) is said to be fixed-time stable
(FTS) if it is globally asymptotically stable and there exists a
settling-time function T : Rn → R+ ∪ {0} such that ∀x0 ∈ Rn , Note that ς(t) → 0 at t → t0 + T and limς→0 ςln ς = 0, then
∃ Tmf  T (x0 ), x(t, x0 ) = 0 for t  Tmf . V (T + t0 ) = limt→(t0 +T ) V (t) ≤ αη . Thus, when t = t0 + T ,

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the state trajectory of (5) converges to the set Ω1 = {x|V (x) ≤ subject to physically achievable ranges. To this end, in general,
α }. It is clear that the convergence set is determined by two
we choose α in the range of α ∈ [0.5, 1]. Furthermore, E is
user-designed parameters rather than initial conditions. As a con- designed to keep the continuity property of ς˙ hold, which is
sequence, the convergence set can be user-defined and unified chosen to be 1 typically.
with respect to different initial conditions.
Next, we consider the case for t ∈ [t0 + T, +∞). In the same III. CONTROLLER DESIGN
manner, one can obtain
For the master part, the position and velocity signals of the
V  ≤ e−b(t−t0 −T ) V  (t0 + T ) + e−b(t−t0 −T ) master robot and those of the slave robot are transferred to
   master controller, generating the master control torque. Then
c η
× + 2 eb(t−t0 −T ) dt human-inserted torque and master control torque drive the robot
ς ς to produce the position and velocity, which are the ideal input
η 2b(t0 +T −t) η signals with regard to the slave part. These ideal input signals
≤ V  (t0 + T ) − e − 2
8bE 2 8E (2α + b) and the position and velocity signals of the slave robot are
η collected in the slave controller, generating the slave control
× e(4α+2b)(t0 +T −t) − 2 e(2α+2b)(t0 +T −t) torque. Similarly with the master part, the slave control torque
4E (α + b)
and environment torque lead to an update of the position and
− eb(t0 +T −t) 2α + b + be2α(t0 +T −t) . speed signals from the slave robot, which will be passed to the
2bE(2α + b) master part. In this section, the control design is presented via
back-stepping method, which is composed of two steps.
Recalling the property ς(t) → 0 for t > t0 + T , then V (t) ≤ Step 1: Define zi1 = ẋi1 − ρi1 , where ρi1 is a virtual stabi-
ς(t) Vς(t(t00+T
+T )
) ≤ α over t ∈ (t0 + T, +∞). Thus, the state tra-
η lizing function to be designed. Consider the Lyapunov function
jectory will be restricted in the set Ω1 since t ≥ t0 + T . That candidate as follows:

completes the proof. V1 = kc2 [exp(kc ◦ xi1 ) − 1] (11)
Remark 3: The user-defined settling time and convergence i=m,s
domain are guaranteed simultaneously via Lemma 1. It is noticed
that, with η = 0 and c = 0, the state trajectory will converge where kc is a positive continuous-differential function such
to zero, which indicates PTS is ensured. It means, PTS is a that kc (0) > xi1 (0). kc ◦ xi1 = xTi1 xi1 /(kc2 − xTi1 xi1 ). Then
special case of PPTS under the certain parameter selection, and taking the time-derivative of V1 yields
thus the framework of PPTS leads to less conservative stability
conditions, indicating the generality and versatility of PPTS. V̇1 = 2kc k̇c [exp(kc ◦ xi1 ) − 1] + 2kc2 exp(kc ◦ xi1 )
Remark 4: PPTS is proposed for the first time aiming at i=m,s

stability analysis and control synthesis of nonlinear systems with

kc2 xTi1 ẋi1 k̇c
external disturbances. Different from finite/fixed-time stability, × − (kc ◦ xi1 )(kc ⊕ xi1 ) (12)
the settling time in the framework of PPTS can be user-defined (kc − xTi1 xi1 )2
2 kc
rather than subject to control parameters or initial conditions,
where kc ⊕ xi1 = kc2 /(kc2 − xTi1 xi1 ). It is noted that kc is re-
which reduces the conservatism of the settling time especially
garded as the prescribed performance function to limit the
when the initial condition is unknown or under external uncer-
synchronization errors. Therefore, the constraint function sat-
tainty. Compared with PTS, the residual-set in PPTS can be
isfying k̇c < 0 is widely utilized [22], [34], [35]. Then, further
user-defined rather than limited by the upper bound of uncer-
simplification of (12) yields
tainty, which is beneficial to control design addressing nonlinear
systems with external disturbance and system uncertainty. In  
V̇1 ≤ 2kc (−k̇c ) exp(kc ◦ xi1 )(kc ◦ xi1 )(kc ⊕ xi1 ) + 1
other words, the system trajectory will enter a prescribed set i=m,s
within user-defined settling time if Lemma 1 is satisfied, which
is substantially different from the control objective of PTS. + 2exp(kc ◦ xi1 )(kc ⊕ xi1 )2 xTi1 (zi1 + ρi1 ). (13)
Remark 5: In the developed time-varying piecewise function 
(6), we use three parameters to describe the control performance Define μc = with ε1 being a positive constant,
sup ( k̇kcc )2 +ε1
quantitatively. First, T is the user-defined settling time such that then the virtual stabilizing function can be designed as below
T ≥ Tc . That means, as a control parameter, the settling time  
η φ(xi1 ) ς˙†
can be preassigned rather than subject to constraints of control ρi1 = −μc xi1 + φ(vxi1 ) − k 2
k 1 + 2
parameters. It is noted that T should be defined according to nς 2n(kc ⊕ xi1 )2 c ς
practical requirement and computational capability. Second, α
where k1 > 0; vxi1 = 2exp(kc ◦ xi1 )(kc ⊕ xi1 )2 xi1 ; φ(xi1 ) =
is a key control parameter related to the prescribed convergence
col{φ(xi1k )} with φ(xi1k ) = l(xi1k )/xi1k , in which
set, namely Ω = {x|V (x) ≤ αη }. It indicates that the larger α we
choose, the smaller convergence set we would obtain. However,
sin π2 |xεi1k |
if |xi1k | ≤ ε2
excessive α may lead to excessive control gain. Hence, there l(xi1k ) = 2 (15)
exists a tradeoff for α according to demand on practical accuracy 1 else

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for k = 1, 2, . . ., n. ε2 is a small positive constant. As a conse- the Lyapunov function candidate as follows:
quence, combining (13) with (14) yields
V2 = kd2 [exp(kd ◦ zi1 ) − 1] + V3 (20)
V̇1 ≤ 2exp(kc ◦ xi1 )(kc ⊕ xi1 )2 xTi1 zi1 − 2kc k̇c i=m,s
i=m,s 1  2 
 V3 = δi ˜i + (Θ̃1 )2 + (Θ̃2 )2 (21)
ς˙ η 2σi
− kc2 k1 + 2 exp(kc ◦ xi1 ) + i=m,s
ς ς
where kd is a user-defined prescribed performance function. In
≤ 2exp(kc ◦ xi1 )(kc ⊕ xi1 )2 xTi1 zi1 view of the constraint effect, kd is required to be designed satisfy-
ing k̇d < 0; ˜i = i − ˆi ; Θ̃1 = Θ1 − Θ̂1 with Θ̂1 representing
ς˙† η the estimation of Θ1 ; Θ̃2 = Θ2 − Θ̂2 with Θ̂2 being the estima-
− k1 + 2 V1 + + c 1 (16) tion of Θ2 ; Θ1 = Θ1 /λ and Θ2 = Θ2 /λ are unknown constants,
ς ς
in which λ = λmin {Mi }; σi > 0. Then, the time derivative of V2
which indicates that, according
 to Lemma 1, xi1 will be PPTS if leads to
zi1 is stabilized. c1 = i=m,s −2kc k̇c .
Remark 6: It is noted that, if kc → +∞, we can obtain V̇2 = 2kd k̇d [exp(kd ◦ zi1 ) − 1] + 2kd2 exp(kd ◦ zi1 )
according to (11) i=m,s
kc2 xTi1 xi1 kd2 zi1
żi1 k̇d
lim V1 = lim = xTi1 xi1 × − (k d ◦ z i1 )(k d ⊕ z i1 ) + V̇3 .
kc →+∞ kc →+∞ kc2 − xT
(17) (kd2 − zi1T z )2
i1 kd
i1 xi1
where L’Hopital rule is used. It shows the EBLF will reduce
to a traditional quadratic Lyapunov function in the case of no Note that żi1 = ẍi1 − ρ̇i1 = ẋi2 − ρ̇i1 , then combining (22)
constraint requirement. Thus, the proposed EBLF is a general with (3), we have
Lyapunov function, which is effective within or without state
constraints, compared with the conventional log-type BLF [19] V̇2 ≤ 2kd (−k̇d )(exp(kd ◦ zi1 )(kd ◦ zi1 )(kd ⊕ zi1 ) + 1)
1 k2 + 2exp(kd ◦ zi1 )(kd ⊕ zi1 )2 zi1
(ẋi2 − ρ̇i1 ) + V̇3
Vlog (kc , xi1 ) = log 2 cT , xi1 (0) < kc (0). (18)
2 kc − xi1 xi1
≤ 2kd (−k̇d )(exp(kd ◦ zi1 )(kd ◦ zi1 )(kd ⊕ zi1 ) + 1)
The log-type BLF will approach zero if kc → +∞, which i=m,s
implies that such BLF fails in the case of infinite con- + 2exp(kd ◦ zi1 )(kd ⊕ zi1 )2 zi1
(−Mi−1 Ci (qi , q̇i )xi2
straint requirement. In addition, a tan-type BLF is proposed as
follows [36]: + Mi−1 δi ui + Mi−1 Γ(Xi ) − ρ̇i1 ) + V̇3 . (23)
kc πxi1 Let vzi1 = 2exp(kd ◦ zi1 )(kd ⊕ zi1 )2 zi1 , and then we can ob-
Vtan = tan2 , |xi1 (0)| < kc (0) (19)
π 2kb tain from (23) that

which indicates Vtan = 0 when the constraint function is infinite. cmax

−vzTi1 Mi−1 Ci (qi , q̇i )xi2 ≤ vzi1  q̇i  xi2  (24)
Also, it can only deal with SISO systems, leading to limited use λ
in MIMO systems. Furthermore, since the exponential function 1
is uniquely characterized by the fact that the growth rate of vzTi1 Mi−1 Γ(Xi ) ≤ vzTi1 (δi +Fih − di (t)−ξi (Xi )θi )
such a function (that is, its derivative) is directly proportional
to the value of the function, it would be easier to implement ≤ vzi1  (Θ1 + ξi (Xi ) Θ2 ). (25)
stability analysis and control synthesis when using the EBLF
Then, taking the time-derivative of V3 , one can further sim-
as a potential Lyapunov function in the framework of PPTS,
plify (23) as below
compared with the existing works [19], [23], [36]. Hence, a
universal framework of the EBLF is provided for stability anal-  
V̇2 ≤ 2kd (−k̇d ) exp(kd ◦ zi1 )(kd ◦ zi1 )(kd ⊕ zi1 ) + 1
ysis and control synthesis of nonlinear systems with or without
constraint requirement.
Remark 7: It is noted that, with L’Hopital rule, one can + vzi1  q̇i  xi2  + vzTi1 Mi−1 δi ui − vzTi1 ρ̇i1
obtain limxi1k →0 φ(xi1 ) = π/2ε2 , which implies the potential λ
singularity in ρi1 is overcome due to the switching effect + vzi1  (Θ1 + ξi (Xi ) Θ2 )
of l(xi1k ). Moreover, the smoothness characteristic of l(xi1k )
1  ˙  + Θ̃ Θ̃

ensures φ(xi1 ), ρi1 ∈ C 1 , where a small constant should be + δi ˜i ˜˙ i + Θ̃1 Θ̃ 1 2 2 . (26)

added to the denominator of ς̇ς to avoid the singularity when σi
t → t0 + T . Design the bilateral control torque as
Step 2: Next, the stability analysis of zi1 is presented as fol-
lows. Define 1/δi = i , and ˆi is the estimation of i . Consider ui = −Mi ˆi τi (27)

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where τi is designed as In the same manner, the last two terms of (34) become
  κi   κi κi
φ(zi1 ) ς˙† Θ̃1 Θ̂1 ≤ − (Θ̃1 )2 + (Θ )2 (36)
τi = μd zi1 − ρ̇i1 + k2 k2 + 2 σi 2σi 2σi 1
2n(kd ⊕ zi1 )2 d ς
κi   κi κi
φ(zi1 )    Θ̃ Θ̂ ≤ − (Θ̃ )2 + (Θ )2 . (37)
+ Θ̂1 + ξi (Xi ) Θ̂2 + Θ3 q̇i  xi2  zi1  σi 2 2 2σi 2 2σi 2
(28) Then combining (34) with (35)–(37) yields
κi δ i 2 κi κi κi
and ˆi , Θ̂1 , and Θ̂2 are updated by ˜i + δi ˜i ˆi ≤ δi 2i = i . (38)
2σi σi 2σi 2σi
ˆ˙ i = σi vzTi1 τi − κi ˆi (29) Similarly with (38), (34) can be further simplified as below
Θ̂1 = σi vzi1  − κi Θ̂1 (30) ς˙†
V̇2 ≤ − k2 + 2 V2 + c 2 (39)
Θ̂2 = σi vzi1  ξi (Xi ) − κi Θ̂2 (31)   

where c2 = i=m,s 2kd (−k̇d ) + 2σi i + (Θ1 ) + (Θ2 ) .
κi  2  2

in which μd = sup ( k̇kdd )2 +ε1 ; Θ3 ≥ cmax /λ; κi = k2 + 2 ς̇ς . The previous back-steeping design leads to the Theorem 1 as
Combining the controller (27), (29) with (26) yields follows.
Theorem 1: With the bilateral controller (27) and the adaptive
V̇2 ≤ 2kd (−k̇d ) exp(kd ◦ zi1 )(kd ◦ zi1 )(kd ⊕ zi1 ) + 1 laws (29)–(31), the nonlinear telerobotic systems with time
i=m,s delay, nonparametric uncertainty, and actuator faults have the
following properties.
cmax 1) The practically prescribed-time convergence of the syn-
+ vzi1  q̇i  xi2  − vzTi1 τi − vzTi1 ρ̇i1
λ chronization errors is guaranteed, where the synchronization po-
√ γ
sition error converges to xi1  ≤ 1+γ kc within the prescribed
+ vzi1  (Θ1 + ξi (Xi ) Θ2 )
settling time T , where γ = ln(η + αkc2 ) − ln(αkc2 ).
1 ˙ 2) The time-varying constraint on the synchronization posi-
κi ˙ 
+ δi ˜i ˆi − Θ̃1 Θ̂1 + Θ̃2 Θ̂2 . (32) tion error is satisfied, which means that the system state will
σi σi
never exceed the prescribed range in the convergence process.
Substituting (28), (29)–(31) into (32), we have Proof: First, we show that the PPTS property of the closed-
  loop system is ensured. According to Lemma 1 in the case of
V̇2 ≤ 2kd (−k̇d ) − kd k2 + 2
exp(kd ◦ zi1 ) η = 0, zi1 will converge to zero within prescribed time, which
ς implies the PTS property of zi1 is guaranteed. Moreover, as
  shown in (39), zi1 never exceeds the constraint function kd ,
+ vzi1  Θ̃1 + ξi (Xi ) Θ̃2 namely zi1  ≤ kd for t ≥ t0 . Then for t ∈ (t0 + T, +∞), (16)
κi 1 ˙ ˙   
+ δi ˜i ˆi − Θ̃1 Θ̂1 + Θ̃2 Θ̂2 ς˙† η
σi σi V̇1 ≤ − k1 + 2 V1 + + c1 (40)
ς ς
ς˙† which indicates xi1 is PPTS with the residual set being Ω1 =
≤ 2kd (−k̇d ) − kd k2 + 2
exp(kd ◦ zi1 )
ς {xi1 |V1 ≤ αη }. In view of the monotonic incremental character-
i=m,s √ γ
istic of V1 , solving it yields xi1  ≤ 1+γ kc .
κi κi κi The above analysis shows that the synchronization position er-
+ δi ˜i ˆi + Θ̃1 Θ̂1 + Θ̃2 Θ̂2 . (33)
σi σi σi ror is ensured to converge to a user-defined set within prescribed
Recalling (20), (33) can be rewritten as settling time, which also means the PPTS property of xi1 is
    guaranteed. Next, we consider the constraint on the joint position
ς˙† ς˙† of the slave robot. The position of the slave robot is bounded
V̇2 ≤ − k2 + 2 V 2 + k2 + 2 V3
ς ς such that qs (t − Ts ) ≤ qs (t − Ts ) − qm (t) + qm (t) ≤
√ γ
κi κi κi 1+γ kc + qm (t). Since the master is controlled by human
+ 2kd (−k̇d ) + δi ˜i ˆi + Θ̃1 Θ̂1 + Θ̃2 Θ̂2 . operator, the position of which can be regarded as bounded.
σ i σ i σi
Hence, the boundedness of the position signal of the slave robot
(34) is guaranteed. The proof is therefore completed.
Note that from (34), we can obtain Remark 8: Compared with traditional finite/fixed-time con-
trol [13]–[15], the proposed approach shows the practically
κi κi
δi ˜i ˆi = δi (−˜ 2i + ˜i i ) prescribed-time characteristics. Most finite/fixed-time control
σi σi works provide the upper bound of the settling time, which is de-
κi κi pendent on control parameters or initial system condition. This
≤− δi ˜2i + δi 2 . (35)
2σi 2σi i time is conservative because it is just an estimated upper bound

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Fig. 1. Forward and backward time-varying delay. Fig. 2. Human-inserted force.

instead of the actual settling time, which will result in parameter

design difficulty in practice. In this article, a time-varying piece-
wise function (6) explicitly including the actual settling time is
utilized in control design, which can be user-defined according
to practical requirements within the physically achievable range
rather than subject to parameter constraints.
Remark 9: Compared with the literature [37]–[39] aiming at
tackling adaptive fault-tolerant prescribed performance issue,
the novelty and contribution of this article include the following
1) Instead of dealing with linear or intrinsically linear systems,
we consider the fault-tolerant problem for a class of nonlinear
Fig. 3. Position errors xm1 with prescribed-time controller (27).
mechanical systems subject to Euler–Lagrange form with ex-
ogenous disturbances, system uncertainties, and time-varying
delays, where the inherent nonlinearity brings great difficulties
of ς [40]. The human-inserted force is illustrated in Fig. 2,
to the controller design. h h
where Fmx and Fmy represent the force along x and y direction
2) Different from the asymptotic convergence realized in the
imposed at the end-effector of the master robot, respectively.
aforementioned works, prescribed-time convergence of tracking
The dynamics of the interaction with passive environment can
errors is guaranteed. It means that the user-defined settling time
be written as Fsh = me (ẍe − ẍ) + de (ẋe − ẋ) + ke (xe − x)
and convergence set can be obtained while the constrained
for 15 s ≤ t ≤ 17 s, where xe and x stand for the position of
states never exceed the preassigned range. Thus, user-defined
the environment and end-effector defined in Cartesian space,
performance, including the settling time, residual-set, accuracy,
respectively; me , de , and ke denote the mass, damping, and
and overshoot, can be realized by fewer parameters in this article,
stiffness coefficient of the environment, respectively. The
producing less conservative stability analysis results.
control parameters for the controller (27) are selected as below:
α = 0.5, E = 1, T = 8 s, t0 = 0 s, η = 0.001, k1 = k2 = 2,
ε1 = 0.1, ε2 = 0.001, σi = 1. To demonstrate the effectiveness
To validate the effectiveness of the proposed prescribed-time of the developed controller, two cases are considered.
control scheme (27), two identical two-DOF serial links manipu-
lators are chosen as the master and slave robot, where the practi-
cal mass and length are set as m1 = m2 = 1 kg, l1 = 1.2 m, and A. Case 1: Healthy Actuator Without Contact Collision
l2 = 2.2 m. The nominal mass and length are set as m̂1 = m̂1 = The developed controller (27) is compared with the adap-
1 kg, ˆl1 = 1 m, and ˆl2 = 2 m. Since the human-inserted force tive finite-time controller in [14] and finite-time control in
will change the initial conditions rapidly, without loss of gener- [41] with the same initial conditions in Case 1. In order to
ality, we set qm (0) = qs (0) = [0, 0]T , q̇m (0) = q̇s (0) = [0, 0]T . guarantee the identical settling time theoretically, we select
The time-varying delays (see Fig. 1) are set as Tm = (0.3 + the control parameters for [14] as below: a1i = a2i = 0.3,
0.1sin(t) + m )s and Ts = (0.2 + 0.1sin(3t) + s )s, in which b1i = 0.75, b2i = 1.2, c1i = 0.5, c2i = 0.6, p1i = 0.6, p2i =
m and s denote the random time-delay subject to Gaussian dis- 1.5, p3i = p4i /2 = 1; the control parameters for [41] are
tribution N (0.3, 0.02) and N (0.3, 0.01), respectively. Similarly chosen as follows: Ki = diag{7, 7}, Bi = diag{0.8, 0.8}, βi =
with [12], the constraint functions on the synchronization error diag{0.8, 0.8}, ρi = diag{0.8, 0.8}, γi = diag{1, 1}. The syn-
are given by kc = kd = 1.2exp(−0.4t) + 0.25 for i = m, s. To chronization position errors are demonstrated in Figs. 3–8,
avoid the potential singularity phenomenon, a dynamic damped where xi11 and xi12 represent the position error of the first
reciprocal approach is employed in items with a reciprocal and second joint, respectively, for i = m, s. Figs. 3–5 show the

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Fig. 4. Position errors xm1 with adaptive finite-time controller [14]. Fig. 7. Position errors xs1 with adaptive finite-time controller [14].

Fig. 8. Position errors xs1 with finite-time controller [41].

Fig. 5. Position errors xm1 with finite-time controller [41].

Fig. 9. Velocity errors xm2 with prescribed-time controller (27).

Fig. 6. Position errors xs1 with prescribed-time controller (27).

position error (xm1 ) responses driven by three controllers in

Case 1. It can be observed from Fig. 3 that the prescribed-time
performance is ensured in spite of manual manipulations at
t = 0 s and t = 15 s. By contrast, finite-time bilateral controllers
lead to longer convergence time (10 and 13 s) and higher over-
shoot, as shown in Figs. 4–5. In addition to this, Fig. 6 shows
that prescribed-time convergence and constraint performance
can be obtained under the prescribed-time control scheme,
leading to less conservative settling time compared with that of
finite-time methods [14], [41] illustrated in Figs. 7–8. Moreover,
Figs. 9–14 show the comparative results from the perspective of
synchronization velocity error, where xi21 and xi22 stand for the Fig. 10. Velocity errors xm2 with adaptive finite-time controller [14].

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Fig. 11. Velocity errors xm2 with finite-time controller [41].

Fig. 15. Synchronization position response in Case 2.

Fig. 12. Velocity errors xs2 with prescribed-time controller (27).

Fig. 16. Synchronization velocity response in Case 2.

velocity error of the first and second joint, respectively. It is clear

that human-inserted force results in serious chattering, which
extends settling time in finite time control approaches [14], [41].
Fig. 13. Velocity errors xs2 with adaptive finite-time controller [14]. Compared with [14], [41], the proposed control strategy realizes
PPTS featured by oscillation-free and prescribed performance

B. Case 2: Serious Actuator Faults With

Contact Collision
Different from Case 1, serious actuator faults are considered
as follows: δm = diag{0.6, 0.8}, δs = diag{0.5, 0.5} during t ∈
[15, 18]s. In addition to this, contact collision with the passivity
environment is considered in Case 2, where xe = [1.5, 1.5]T ,
de = 1, ke = 0.1. The synchronization convergence of position
and velocity errors is guaranteed in the multiple actuator failures,
√ γ
as shown in Figs. 15–16, where kcu = qmk (t) + 1+γ kc and
√ γ
kcl = qmk (t) − 1+γ kc are the prescribed bounds with respect
Fig. 14. Velocity errors xs2 with finite-time controller [41]. to the position of the slave robot, respectively, and kvu =

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Tao Zhang (M’00–SM’11) received the B.S.,

Ziwei Wang received the B.Sc. degree in detec- M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in automatic control,
tion, guidance and control technology from the automation instrument and device, and detec-
Department of Control Science and Technology, tion technology and automation from Tsinghua
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, in University, Beijing, China, in 1993, 1995, and
2012. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. 1999, respectively, and the second Ph.D. de-
degree in guidance, navigation and control with gree from Saga University, Saga, Japan, in
Guidance and Control Institute, Department of 2002.
Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. He was a Visiting Associate Professor with
His current research interests include teleop- Saga University, from 1999 to 2003. From 2003
eration control, robotics, and control systems. to 2006, he worked as a Researcher with the
National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan. He is currently a Profes-
sor and serves as the Dean of the Department of Automation, School
of Information Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing. He
has authored or coauthored more than 200 papers and eight books.
Dr. Zhang is a Fellow of IET, member of the American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics and Institute of Electronics, Information
and Communication Engineers. He currently serves as the Editorial
Bin Liang (M’97) received the Ph.D. degree Board Member and Technical Editor for IEEE/ASME TRANSACTIONS
in instrument science and technology from the ON MECHATRONICS. His current research includes robotics, image pro-
Department of Precision Instrument, Tsinghua cessing, control theory, artificial intelligent, navigation and control of
University, Beijing, China, in 1994. spacecraft.
He was a Senior Visiting Scholar with
Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA, from 1997 to 1998. He was
the Director of Beijing Control Engineering Insti-
tute, China Aerospace Science and Technology,
Beijing, from 1999 to 2001. He was a Senior
Research Fellow with the Chinese University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, from 2001 to 2003. He visited EADS
Astrium, Bremen, Germany, from 2003 to 2005. From 2003 to 2007, he
served the Sino Satellite Communications Company, Ltd., Beijing, as
an Assistant Chief Engineer. He is currently a Professor and Director
of Center of Guidance and Control, with the Department of Automation,
Tsinghua University, Beijing. He has authored over two edited books
and 200 journal papers in the field of space-robot and spacecraft con-
trol. His research interests include space robotics, teleoperation, and
fault-tolerant control.

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