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Development, field evaluation, and agronomic performance of transgenic

herbicide resistant rice

Article  in  Molecular Breeding · December 1996

DOI: 10.1007/BF00437914


107 713

10 authors, including:

S. D. Linscombe Michael Braverman

Louisiana State University Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


Michelle Leech
Monash University (Australia)


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Development of Plant Mutation resources View project

Rice Breeding View project

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Molecular Breeding 2: 359-368, 1996. 359
@ 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Belgium.

Development, field evaluation, and agronomic performance of transgenic

herbicide resistant rice
J.H. Oard’ , S.D. Linscombe*, M.P. Braverman3, F. Jodari*, D.C. Blouin4, M. Leech’,
A. Kohli’, P. Vain’, J.C. Cooley6 & P. Christou’
‘Department ofAgronomy, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 70803-2110, USA (*authorfor
correspondence; fax (.504)388-1403; e-mail oard @lanmail.Isu.edu); 2Rice Research Station, Louisiana
Agricultural Experiment Station, Louisiana State University, Crowley, LA 70527-1429, USA; 3Department of
Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA; 4Department of
Experimental Statistics, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA; ‘John Innes Centre, Norwich
Research Park, Colney, Norwich NR4 7UH, UK; ‘Agracetus, Inc., Middleton, WI 53562, USA

Received 2 1 December 1995; accepted in revised form 25 July 1996

Key words: bar gene,glufosinate, herbicide tolerance, particle bombardment,Oryza sativa L.


The commercialcultivars ‘Gulfmont’, ‘IR72’ and ‘Koshihikari’ were genetically engineeredusingelectric discharge
particle bombardmentto expressthe bar gene which confers resistanceto the broad-rangeherbicide glufosinate.
Southern and northern blot analysesof transgenicmaterial revealed stableintegration and expressionof introduced
transgenesin the linesevaluated.In a few plants, silencingof the uidA markergenewasdetectedat the transcriptional
level. Field studieswere conducted in 1993 and 1994 at the Rice ResearchStation near Crowley, LA . This report
summarizesresults from the first two years of field trials for transgenic Gulfmont and Koshihikari. Transgenic
cultivar IR72 was tested in 1995 and preliminary results are similar to those reported for transgenic Gulfmont.
All 11 independently derived transgenic lines produced fertile, normal looking seed at maturity. Significant
differences were observedin the absenceof the herbicide betweenparental cultivars and transgenicGulfmont- and
Koshihikari-derived lines for days to 50% heading (20% of transgeniclines), plant height (13%), and grain yield
(7%). Foliar application of glufosinate had little or no effect on agronomic performanceof all transgenicGulfmont
and IR72 lines, while herbicide applications affected grain yield and plant height of sometransgenicKoshhikari.
Non-transgenic plants of all three cultivars at the 4-leaf stagewere killed within 7 days after 1.12 or 2.24 kg/ha
glufosinate applications. Significant differences among certain transgeniclines were observedfor agronomic traits
after herbicide applications. These results demonstratethat the bar gene was effective in conferring field-level
resistanceto glufosinate in rice. Variation amongtransgeniclines required traditional breeding selectionprocedures
to identify superioragronomic types with high levels of herbicide resistanceand showedthe necessityto generate
severalindependenttransgeniclines of each cultivar.

Introduction their products approved for commercial production

include delayed ripening in tomato, virus-resistant
squash, insect-resistantpotato and cotton, modified
Significant advancesin cell biology and genedeliv- oils in canola, and herbicide-resistantcotton and soy-
ery techniqueshave allowed the incorporation of genes bean (31.
conferring specific agronomic traits into many crop Genetic engineering of rice (Oryza sativa L.) has
plants [ 111. Recent examples of transgenic crops or made significant advancesin the past few years [5].
Direct DNA uptake into protoplasts has been repor-
Approved for publication by the Director of the Louisiana Agri-
ted for certain japonica and even fewer indica lines
cultural Experiment Station as manuscript number 96-09-0070.

[26,27,29]. However, the number of competent geno- Total world population is projected to increase from
types for DNA uptake including elite cultivars remains 5.3 billion in 1990 to 6 billion by the year 2000 and
limited. Gene transfer by particle bombardment into up to 10 billion by 2025. Most of this increase will
organized tissues such as immature embryos [7, 81 is most likely take place in the developing world, thus
regarded as the most efficient and consistent genotype- putting more pressure on already limited and rapidly
independent approach for gene transfer across japonica depleting food supplies. It is obvious that increment-
and indica lines. In these studies, genetic and molecu- al improvements in crop yield will not be adequate.
lar analyses showed that stably integrated transgenes Advances in rice biotechnology in combination with
in rice generally behaved in a simple, Mendelian man- conventional breeding, including the introduction of
ner. With the recent development of Agrobacterium- herbicide resistance and hybrid rice, provide a realistic
based methodology for the transformation of japon- hope for assuring the availability of adequate food sup-
ica rice [20] arguments supporting singe gene transfer plies particularly in developing countries as we move
between T-DNA borders are put forward as a good into the next century and beyond. Moreover, there is
reason for choosing Agrobacterium over alternative an immediate need for such glufosinate-resistant rice in
transformation methods. However, recent reports show the states of Arkansas and California where propanil-
that transgenic plants engineered with Agrobacterium and bensulfuron-resistant weeds, respectively, threaten
contain foreign DNA sequences outside the T-DNA rice production. The development of efficient gene
borders [23]. We have shown that bombardment-based transfer methodology for the creation of large num-
approaches are efficient with transformation frequen- bers of transgenic rice plants from cultivars that are
cies often exceeding 25-30% [8]. One can thus eas- being developed today provides an invaluable tool to
ily select populations with the desired copy number plant breeders and other disciplines to address prob-
and optimum levels of expression, either high or low, lems that are otherwise very difficult to solve using con-
depending on the particular application. ventional breeding. Such experiments will be incom-
Glufosinate (trade names Liberty, Finale, Basta, plete, however, unless transgenic germplasm is wisely
containing phosphinothricin), is a broad-spectrum deployed in the field and extensively monitored. Res-
herbicide that inhibits glutamine synthetase. Field ults from studies such as the one reported here will
studies have shown glufosinate to provide effective provide invaluable data to aid breeders, farmers, and
weed control for a broad range of grass and broad- regulators in creating the type of partnership that will
leaf weeds [2]. The bar gene from Streptomyces be required to address issues in global food security,
hygroscopicus encodes for phosphinothricin acetyl- particularly in the developing world.
transferase that catalyzes the transfer of an acetyl moi-
ety from acetyl-coenzyme A to the amino group of
the molecule [ 131. Previous laboratory and greenhouse Materials and methods
studies have demonstrated bar to be effective in con-
ferring glufosinate resistance in soybean, tobacco, rice Gene constructs
and other plant species at the whole plant level [6, 16,
181. Plasmid WRG2426 (CaMV 35S-promoter; adhl 51
We conducted extensive field tests over two con- intronl; bar; NpA + 35S-promoter; aphIV; NpA +
secutive years to evaluate stability and agronomic per- CaMV 35s promoter; amv leader; uidA:SpA) was con-
formance of 11 independently derived bar-containing structed and used for stable transformation of rice [7].
transformed lines with and without glufosinate treat- The cloning of the bar gene [ 131, uidA gene [21], aph-
ments. In this study we report results from the first IVgene [28], CaMV 35s promoter (nucleotides 7013-
two years for cvs. Gulfmont and Koshihikari. During 7440 of the CaMV sequence; [ 171, poly (A) adenyla-
the third year of the trials, additional transgenic lines tion site from the soybean ssu gene (304 bp, [ 191, maize
were introduced from the cultivars IR72, Bengal, and adhl 5’ intron 1 [4] and the poly (A) adenylation site
Cypress. Results on these lines will be reported in a from the nos gene (27 1 bp; [ 141 in p WRG2426 were
separate study. Our results indicate that extensive field previously described [7]. Both bar and the aphlvgenes
testing must be carried out to efficiently select bar- are transcribed in a clockwise fashion whereas uidA is
containing lines with acceptable agronomic perform- transcribed counter-clockwise.
ance. This report describes the first successful field test
of transgenic herbicide-resistant rice.

Gene transfer acetic acid, pH 7.0) and then blotted onto nylon mem-
branes.Probe DNA (either the uidA or the bar gene)
Immature rice embryos 12-I 5 days old from Gulfmont, was prepared by PCR amplification using appropri-
Koshihikari and IR72 were harvested from expan- ate primers and plasmid WRG2426 as template. The
ded panicles and sterilized with 2% sodium hypo- conditions usedfor the ‘hot start’ PCR amplification
chlorite for 5 min. They were subsequently rinsed were 95 “C/5 min., followed by 39 cycles of 95 oC,
repeatedly with sterile distilled water and the glumes 1 min, 55 “C/l min and 72 “C/l min. Sequencesof
were removed under a dissecting microscope. Imma- the primers were as follows: for amplification of the
ture embryos were then aseptically removed andplated uidA 5’-coding region, oligos TAGATATCACACTCT-
on MS or CC media supplementedwith 2,4-D at 0.5 or GTCTG and GGAATTGATCAGCGTTGGTG were
2.0 mg/l with the adaxial sidein contact with the medi- used. For amplification of a fragment containing the
um [ 12, 191.Particle bombardmentwas carried out as bar region plus part of the upstream 35s promoter,
describedelsewhere[7]. Explants were bombardedat oligos AAGAAGACGTTCCAACCACG and AAT-
an accelerating voltage of 16 kV. After bombardment, CATCGCAAGACCGGCAA were used. The region
embryos were plated on fresh media and embryogenic of the amplification containing the 35s promoter was
callus and plantlets were recovered as described [7]. removed by digestingthe PCR product with NcoI prior
Two days after bombardment,explants were plated on to gel purification. The amplified uidA and bar gene
hygromycin-containing media (usually 50 mg/l) and probe DNA was gel-purified and oligo-labeled in the
selectionpressurewas maintainedthroughout the pro- presenceof [32P] dCTP [ 151. DNA or RNA gel-blot
liferation and regenerationphases. filters were hybridized at 65 “C in 4x SET (0.6 M
NaCl, 0.12 M Tris/HCl pH 8.0,0.008 M EDTA), 10x
Nucleic acid isolation Denhardt’s solution, 0.1% SDS, 0.1% sodium pyro-
phosphate, 100 pg/ml herring sperm DNA and 10%
Nucleic acids were isolated from 5 g fresh weight dextran sulfate. Filters were washedtwice at 65 ‘C in
leaf material using standardcetyltrimethylammonium 0.1 x SSC, 0.5% SDS.
bromide (CTAB) DNA extraction methods[24]. Nuc-
leic acid wasethanol-precipitatedfrom the supematant GUS assays
in the presenceof 0.3 M NaOAc, pH 6.0. Total RNA
was selectively isolated by the addition of l/3 volume Three leaf segmentswere harvested from 5 different
8 M LiCl and incubated at 4C overnight. RNA was plant of each line and incubated overnight at 37 “C in
pelleted by centrifugation at 15000 x g for 30 min at GUS assaybuffer [21].
4 ‘C and the supematantdecanted.DNA wasprecipit-
ated from the supematantby standardNaOAc/ethanol Field experiments
procedures. Total RNA was incubated for 30 min at
37 “C with 10 units of human placental ribonuclease Field experiments were conducted in 1993, 1994 and
inhibitor (BRL), 10units of RNase-freeD NAase (Pro- 1995 at the LSU Agricultural Center Rice Research
mega)in 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3,50 mM KCl, 1.5 m Station near Crowley, LA. The experimental design
M M gC12.After extraction with phenol/chloroform, was a randomized complete block with four replica-
the supematantwas precipitated with 0.3 M NaOAc tions using a split-plot arrangement.Glufosinate was
and the RNA was dissolvedin 500 ~1 sterile water. applied to the main plots at rates of 0, 1.12, and
2.24 kg/ha. For the 1993 and 1994 trials, subplots
Southern/northern hybridizations had rice lines including six transgenicGulfmont lines,
nine transgenic Koshihikari lines, and untransformed
Total DNA and RNA were isolated from one-month Gulfmont and Koshihikari parental cultivars. Due to
old, greenhouse-grownplants. Seven pg DNA was limited seedsupply, R2 and R3 transgeniclines were
digested overnight at 37 “C with XbaI or SacI, frac- drill-seeded in 2 m rows on 4 June in 1993. Plot
tionated through a 0.8% agarosegel and blotted onto size was increasedto 3.6 m x 1.42 m for the 2 June
nylon membranes(Hybond-N, Amersham). For north- and 3 June plantings in 1994 and 1995, respectively.
em blot analyses, 15 pg RNA denatured by gly- Normal agronomicand fertilization practiceswere fol-
oxylation [ lo] followed by electrophoresis through lowed to promote optimal plant growth. Weeds were
1.5% agarosegels in 1x TAE buffer (40 mM Tris- controlled in the plots by application of propanil at the

rate of 3 kg/ha. Glufosinate treatments were applied least 8 different integration patterns were revealed for
with a backpack sprayer at the 3-to-4-leaf stage. The the bar transgene, suggestingrecombination events.
variables measured were: days from seeding to 50% DNA from 2 lines, GFMT 5 17-5-Rl and GFMT 5 17-
heading, plant height (cm) 14 days after herbicide 2-Rl, showedhybridization to the bar probe, but not
application, plant height (soil line to extended panicle to the uidA geneprobe. In lines GFMT 526-l) GFMT-
in cm) at maturity, and grain yield (kg/ha) adjusted to 5 17-1-Rl , GFMT-5 17-7-Rl, and KOSH 496-3-R2,
12% moisture content. neither the bar nor the uidA transgeneswere detec-
Data for grain yield, days from seeding to 50% ted. Becauseall plant lineagesexhibited resistancein
heading, and plant height were analyzed using the the field following herbicide application, segregation
ANOVA procedure as described by the SAS Institute, for bar and uidA was probably occurring in the plant
[25]. Treatment means were separated based on least analyzed here. This result wasconfirmed by analyzing
significant difference (P = 0.05). Only data from additional membersfrom thesefamilies (seebelow).
transgenic lines were analyzed over herbicide treat- We are currently developing homozygous linesfor the
ments because all other non-genetically engineered transgenesand thesewill be usedfor a more in-depth
plants were killed by glufosinate applications. Data molecular analysisof transgenestructure and function.
from control treatments (0 kg/ha glufosinate) were also A comparison of the Southern and northern blot
analyzed separately across all lines. data provides evidence for mechanismsof gene silen-
cing at the transcriptional level. Nucleic acid extrac-
ted from the GFMT 517-3-Rlline showed hybridiz-
Results and discussion ation to the uidA gene probe at the DNA level, but
no transcript was detected in theseplants for the uidA
Molecular characteristics ofjield-derived plants transgeneat the RNA level. Of the 11 lines in which
the bar transgenewas detected at the DNA level, 5
Fifteen lines representing 11 independenttransform- lines (KOSH 496- 1-Rl, KOSH496- 1-R2, KOSH 496-
ation events were analyzed. Four independenttrans- 3-RI, KOSH496-4-Rl and KOSH 496-4-R2) showed
formation events were analyzed at both Rl and R2 no hybridization to the bar gene probe at the RNA
generations. Southern-blot analysis of the transgenic level. The putative silencing effect was detected in
lines was used to characterize patterns of integration plants with 1 to 5 hybridizing bands in Southern blot
of the unselectedgenes(uidA and bar) carried on the analysis which suggeststhat the transcriptional silen-
transformingWRG2426 plasmidDNA. Analyses were cing effect is independentof the numberof integration
performed initially on one memberonly of a segregat- sites of the uidA or bar genes (Fig. 1). Becauseall
ing population for each line. Consequently, only gen- the plant lineagesexhibited resistancein the field fol-
eral statementsregarding the fate of transgenescan lowing herbicide application, the absenceof bar RNA
be made as we were probably dealing with segreg- could be due to insufficient resolution of our northern
ating populations for the transgene(s).Subsequently, analysesor due to transgenesilencing in the particular
additional membersof eachfamily were analyzed and plant tested.
results confirmed stableintegration and expressionof The expected size of the transcript from the GUS
transgenesin all families analyzed. Northern analyses gene in plasmidWRG2426 is 2.0 kb; sucha transcript
were usedto determine the transcriptional state of the wasobservedin RNA only from the lines KOSH 495- l-
uidA and bar transgenes.Southern blot analysis with Rl, KOSH 495- l-R2, and KOSH 496-2-Rl . All indi-
gene specific probes showed that in 9 of the plants vidual plants testedfor GUS activity for each of these
representingthe 15 lines, both the I*idA and bar trans- lines were all GUS-positive. Transcripts greater than
geneswere present(Fig. 1). The complexities of band 12 kb were detectedin RNA from lines KOSH 496- l-
patterns and intensities were similar when the band- Rl, KOSH 496- 1-R2, KOSH 493-3-Rl, KOSH 496-4-
ing patterns within the sameline were compared for R2 and KOSH 496-4-Rl. Although the RNA samples
the uidA and bar transgenes,indicating that the trans- were subject to DNAse treatment, the treatment may
forming unit was inherited as a complete entity in the have been only partially successfulin theseparticular
9 lines. Comparison of the complexities of banding RNA samples,and the high-molecular-weight ( 12 kb)
patternsfor the uidA andthe bar transgeneswithin the bandsmay have resulted from probe hybridization to
9 independentlines showedthere to be 5 different pat- contaminating DNA. However, DNA contamination is
terns of integration of the uidA transgene,whereasat unlikely becauseno high-molecular-weight band was


Blot B Lane:

Figure 1. Southern blot analysis of DNA from transgenic rice plants for pWRG2426. Genomic DNA was digested with SacI (Blot A) or XbaI
(Blot B), transferred to nylon membranes and probed with P3*-labelled gus gene probe DNA (Blot A) or similarly labelled bar gene DNA (Blot
B). Blots A and B have identical lane loadings of genomic DNA isolated from the following lines: GmT 5 17-2~~1 (lane 1); GWT 517.5.~1
(2); CFMT517-3-RI (3); GJ?‘MT 517-l-R] (4); G 526-l (5); KOSH496-3-R2 (6); GFMT517-7-RI (7); KOSH496-4.Rl (8); KOSH496-4-R2
(9); KOSH 495-l-R2 (lo); KOSH 495.l-R1 (11); KOSH 496.3.Rl (12); KOSH 496.l-R2 (13); KOSH 496-l-R1 (14); KOSH 496-2-Rl, Lanes
16, 17 and 18 contain pWRG2426 at 1, 5 and 10 copies respectively per genome, digested with either Sac1 (Blot A) or Xbd (Blot B).

observed when the same RNA sample was probed with Agronomic pegormance of transgenic material After
the bar-gene. The putative high-molecular-weight tran- herbicide treatments
scripts are likely to be untranslatable because no GUS
activity was detected in leaf material from all independ- As shown in Fig. 3, all non-transgenic plants were
ent plant of each of these lines. These experiments are killed within 7 days after 1.12 and 2.24 kg/ha glufos-
being pursued further to develop a better understand- inate applications at the 3-to-4 leaf stage. In contrast,
ing of these phenomena. Interestingly, those plants Gulfmont and Koshihikari-derived transgenic lines sur-
from which genomic DNA revealed the greatest num- vived glufosinate treatments to produce fertile, nor-
ber of hybridization bands in Southern analyses with mal looking seeds. These results demonstrate that rice
the uidA gene probe (KOSH 496-1-Rl, KOSH 496- can be genetically engineered for field level resistance
I-R2, KOSH 496-3-Rl, and KOSH 496-4-R2) also to glufosinate herbicide which has been shown to be
showed the presence of a very large, relatively low effective in controlling red rice and other important
abundant transcript of over 12 kb that hybridized to rice weeds. It must be pointed out that these exper-
the GUS gene probe in northern analyses. In addition, iments were conducted under weed free conditions.
the lines exhibiting the simplest integration patterns Gulfmont derived transgenic lines displayed no visible
of the uidA gene (KOSH 495 1-Rl, KOSH 495- 1-R2, injury due to herbicide treatments, but all Koshihikari
and KOSH 496-2-Rl) showed GUS expression more lines exhibited initial yellowing and some stunting 2
consistently across different plants of these lines. A to 3 days after glufosinate application. The yellowing
large transcript hybridizing to the bar gene probe was disappeared 7 days after treatment, however, stunting
detected in lines KOSH 496- 1-Rl and KOSH 496- l- for some lines was observed at harvest maturity. This
R2 that similarly suggested the more complex integ- result was consistent with glufosinate applications of
ration pattern for the bar transgene (Fig. 2). These the same transgenic material in previous greenhouse
data suggest that there may be a correlation between screens (Christou, unpublished).
complexity of integration sites and reorganization of Significant differences among the Gulfmont and
the input plasmid to produce a large transcriptional Koshihikari-derived transgenic lines for grain yield
unit containing multiple copies of the uidA and bar were detected both at the 1.12 and 2.24 kg/ha rates
messages. How such transcripts are produced remains (Table 1). The range between highest and lowest grain
unclear and will be the subject of future work. We may yielding Gulfmont lines (GFMT-5 17-3-Rl and GFMT-
speculate, however, that it probably results from com- 517-2-Rl) was 1785 and 1680 kg/ha for 1.12 and
plex extrachromosomal pre-integration recombination 2.24 kg/ha herbicide rates, respectively, which were
events which results in the formation of a large tran- not significantly different from each other at LSDo.05.
scriptional unit containing multiple copies of the uidA Some Koshihikari lines displayed significant differ-
gene between a promoter and termination signal. The ences in yield, but with greater high-low ranges of
possibility that the transcripts are polycistronic, being 2 177 and 4 145 kg/ha at the two herbicide rates. These
a composite of uidA, bar, and aphlV RNA sequences results are consistent with the observed treatment x
is not supported from our northern hybridization data. line interaction from the analysis of variance (Table 2).
More recently, about 5 plants for each of the A few untreated Gulfmont and Koshihikari lines yiel-
11 independent transformation events were analyzed ded below the untransformed parental cultivars, but
by Southern hybridization. All the lines including 80% of the lines yielded equal or better than the con-
GFMT526-1, GFMT517-I-Rl, GFMT517-7-RI and trols. Differences in mean grain yields across herbi-
KOSH496-3-R2 contained at least the bar gene. The cide treatments were not statistically significant with-
banding pattern of transgenes in the Rl progeny was in Gulfmont-derived lines (Table 1) which indicates
identical for all the plants belonging to the same glufosinate applications did not significantly alter per-
line except for KOSH495-l-R1 where at least two formance of this material. In contrast, grain yields for
sites of integration of the transgenes were observed 33% of the Koshihikari lines were significantly reduced
[9]. For three lines (KOSH496-1-Rl, KOSH496-3- with increasing glufosinate rates. Variation for grain
Rl, and KOSH496-4-RI), identical band patterns were yield among transgenic lines may be explained by pos-
observed up to the R2 generation. These analyses lead ition effects of the bar or uidA transgenes.
us to reiterate the stable transmission of characters to As with grain yield, significant differences among
the progeny of the primary transformants. transgenic lines for mature plant height were observed
for each herbicide rate (Table 1). A 6 to 7 cm range in


Figure 2. Northern-blot analysis of RNA from transgenic rice plants for pWRG2426. Total RNA (15 mug) was fractionated through 1.5%
agarose gels. transferred to nylon membranes and probed with 3’P-labelled bar gene DNA. Lanes l-6 show RNA from the GFMT lines and
lanes 7-15 RNA from the KOSH lines as follows: GPMT 517-I-R1 (lane I); 517-2-RI (2); 517.3.RI (3); 517.5.Rl (4); 517-7-Rl (5); 526-l
(6);KOSH495-I-RI (7);495-I-R2(8);496-I-R1 (9);496-I-R2(10);496-2-Rl (11):496-3.RI (12);496-3.R2(13);496-4-RI (14);496-4.R2

96 injury





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ,I0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 222324

m 1 lb ai/A 2 lb at/A

Figure 3. Transgenic lines were sprayed with glufosinate ammonium and injury was recorded eight days after application. Lanes l-l 5 represent
transgenic plants (see text for more details). Controls are shown in lanes 1624. Two different application rates were used. All control plants
suffered severe injury after eight days which resulted to death in all cases.

height was observed for Gulfmont-derived lines while reductions in plant height with increasing glufosinate
Koshihikari lines displayed a 11 to 12 cm range within rates. Plant height 14 days after the 1.12 kg/ha glufosin-
treatments. Mean height values across treatments were ate spraying showed a slight decrease of 2.4 cm among
not statistically different among Gulfmont lines while transgenic lines when compared to the no herbicide
a majority 67% of Koshihikari lines showed significant treatment in 1993 experiments.
T&e I. Mean values of grain yield (kg/ha), plant height (cm), and days to 50% heading for 15 transgenic
lines and 2 parental cultivars treated with 0, 1.12, and 2.24 kg/ha glufosinate herbicide, 1993-1994. Rice
Research Station, Crowley, LA.

Transgenic line Days to

Grain yield (kg/ha) Plant height (cm) to 50% heading
0 1.12 2.24 0 1.12 2.24 0 1.12 2.24

GFMT-517-l-R1 4985 4847 5044 87.6 86.5 86.4 83.1 84.9 83.6
GFMT-5 17-2-R 1 4232 4834 4513 90.5 89.4 90.7 85.5 85.7 87.4
GFMT-5 17-3-R 1 5133 5786 6193 86.6 84.9 86.5 83.1 84.5 84.8
GFMT-517.5-Rl 3722 4060 4553 83.2 83.6 84.2 84.6 85.7 86.0
GFMT-5 17-7-R 1 5505 5227 5843 94.0 90.6 90.5 84.5 85.5 85.6
GFMT-526-l 4917 4889 5053 86.8 86.0 85.5 83.5 83.6 85.5
Gulfmont (parent) 4764 0 0 86.7 0 0 83.4 0 0

KOSH-495-l -Rl 4131 5295 4272 92.2 92.0 89.2 76.1 75.7 76.1
KOSH-495-l -R2 4191 5332 4379 91.7 90.6 88.5 76.4 75.9 77.4
KOSH-496-l -Rl 4702 4211 2897 88.6 83.7 77.2 73.5 75.5 76.2
KOSH-496-l -R2 5387 3622 2334 89.5 80.5 79.0 74.4 76.4 77.7
KOSH-496.2-Rl 4675 5448 4164 87.0 86.5 83.2 74.9 74.6 75.9
KOSH-496-3-RI 3582 3311 2976 90.9 87.1 85.0 74.2 73.9 74.9
KOSH-496.3-R2 3975 3712 2954 94.7 86.4 86.2 74.1 74.6 75.2
KOSH-496-4-R 1 4345 4439 3722 87.8 81.2 80.9 73.1 74.1 75.5
KOSH-496-4-R2 4143 4296 326 I 87.0 81.6 78.9 73.7 74.9 76.1
Koshihikari (parent ) 4093 0 0 91.9 0 0 74.5 0 0

Least significant difference (LSD, P = 0.05) for means in each column: grain yield = 822; plant height =
3.6; days to 50% heading ~1.5. LSD (P = 0.05) for means in each row: grain yield = 1004; plant height =
4.3; days to 50% heading = 1.8.

Table 2. Analysis of variance for grain yield. plant height, and days to 50%
heading for 11 transgenic lines combined over 1993-1994 experiments.

Source of Grain Plant Days to

variation df yield height 50% heading

Year 1 1915667 1.73 10347**

Rep(Year) 6 2971177LX** 45.0” 17.2**
Herbicide treatment (H) 2 4882800* * 625** 66.0**
Year x H 2 25287769’* 37.5 6.6
Rep x H (Year) 12 3393646** 56.7” 7.7**
Line 14 9256424*’ 245” 580**
Year x Line 14 4357877’=+ 28.7’” 12.6**
H x Line 28 2346831’: 38.9** 2.9
Year x H x Line 28 482202 17.5 2.0

*, ** Mean squares significant at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01. respectively.

Most Gulfmont and Koshihikari-derived lines (55% would probably have minima1 effect on agronomic
to 67%) displayed no significant differences in days to performance of the transgenic material. An example
50% heading across herbicide treatments (Table 1). of transgenic and non-transgenic lines treated with
Moreover, heading values were nearly equal or only glufosinate is shown in Fig. 4.
slightly greater without herbicide treatment when com-
pared to the untransformed controls. The 2- to 3-day
statistically significant delay in maturity in some lines

Figure 4. Field response of transgenic and non-transgenic lines 14 days after application of glufosinate at 2.24 kg/ha rate. Row 1 (left),
untransformed Cypress; row 2, transgenic RI Gulfmont line; row 3. transgenic RI Koshihikari line: row 4, untransformed Koshihikari; row 5,
transformed Koshihikari line: row 6, transformed RI Gulfmont Line; row 7. untransformed Gulfmont.

Concerns with transgenic rice expressing herbicide characteristics will provide some of the answers that
resistance are needed to make a critical assessment of the risks
and benefits of targeting herbicide resistance as a goal
Genetic engineering of rice must consider the potential in rice improvement programs. Results from field tri-
of transgenic plants expressing a given trait that may als in which several of these issues are being addressed
pose a risk to the environment, the farmer or consumer. will guide breeders and farmers in developing prudent
One of the major issues that needs to be addressed in procedures for minimizing pollen transfer from cultiv-
the case of commercial white rice is its relationship ated rice to red rice. It is only with the use of transgenic
to red rice (Oryza sativa L.). This weed is found in plants that these vital questions can be answered.
the southern United States and in several other rice
growing areas in the world where it shares many mor-
phological, physiological, biochemical and other traits Conclusions
with cultivated rice, making it difficult to control. In
situations where herbicide resistance is a target for rice Particle acceleration and the bar gene proved to be an
improvement, the possibility of pollen transfer from effective combination for development of elite trans-
cultivated to red rice needs to be studied very care- genie rice cultivars that are resistant to the broad-
fully in development of weed management practices. spectrum herbicide glufosinate. Transgenic Gulfmont
In addition to competing with cultivated rice for essen- lines were in general more glufosinate resistant than
tial resources thereby reducing crop yields, red rice the Koshihikari lines which suggests that genetic back-
reduces the quality of the harvested product due to the ground played a role in expression of the transferred
red color of the seed coat [22]. It should be possible to bar gene. A good number of transgenic lines showed
arrive at an optimum window for herbicide application stable and acceptable agronomic performance across
by gaining as much understanding as possible on pol- herbicide treatments, but significant variation for all
len dispersal and out-crossing rates between cultivated traits was observed within lines in the absence of herb-
and red rice. Transgenic rice plants with easily storable icide applications. This variability is most probably the

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