Data Quiz

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Collection of related data is ____________

Way of organizing data in a data base

2. _________

3. _________

4. _________

5. _________

6__________is an organized collection of related data.

7________It can be organized and stored in many different formats

Fill-in the blanks, finding information easily in a database depends on several factors

8. How the data are _______(indexed) and organized

9. The ______and complexity of the database

10. The ______ of data within the database

11. The methodology or tools used to _______ the database

12. Define “Systematic” ________________________________________

13_________________are used to process data and produce information.

Fill-in the blanks, in healthcare you are working with a combination of 14 _________, 15___________
and 16__________ information processing systems.

17. ________ view of the data, reflect how users view the data, can be based on the source or event

18. ___________ data type, data can number or letters or a combination of both.

19._________ This classification is used to build the database within computer system.

Type of Computerized-based data type

20. _________numeric data

21. _________data

22. ______ and time data

23. _________data
24._____________Information System is that each of these data elements can be captured once and
used many times by different users for different purposes.

Major Advantages-automated information system are…

25. _________ at once

26. used ________times

27. by __________users

28. _________ purposes.

29. ___________are computer programs used to input, store, modify, process, and access data in a

A functioning DBMS consists of three interacting pans. 1. Data, 2. DBMS configured software program, 3.
Query language used to access the data. query is a form of 30._________, in a line of inquiry)

Examples of DBMS in everyday life include computerized

31. _________________

32. _________________

33. _________________

When these systems are being used, the data, the DBMS, and the query language interact together.
Example good example explanation…

A 34._________ was created for class notes. The notes and handouts are the 35.__________. The
folders and file cabinet are the 36.__________. The labels on the folders and the file cabinet are the
database system design.

Advantages of Automated Database Management Systems

37. Improve a_______to all data

38. Decrease data r_________

39. Increase data c_________

In summary regarding DBMS

40. database is made up of _________

41. files are made up of __________

42. records are made up of _________

43. fields contain ___________

Types of Files in DBMS

44. _________ files - contain data that have been captured and stored on a computer using a software

45. __________ files- that direct the computer activities

46. __________ files - set of instructions that perform a set of functions as opposed to running a whole

47. Define one-to-one relationship

48. Define one-to-many relationship

49. Define many-to-many relationships

50. _____________is defined as a large collection of data imported from several different systems
within database.

51.____________Smaller collections of data are referred to as

52.___________promote quality of the data

53-60 Discuss Nelson data to wisdom continuum

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