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Name_____________________________ Rating________
Year and Section____________________ Date_________
Choose the best answer, any form of alteration is wrong.

1. In what year Nursing Informatics was approved by American Nurses Association as new nursing specialty?
A. 1990 B. 1981 C. 2001 D. 1992
2. Which of the following are the three integrated components of the nursing informatics?
I. Computer science II. Nursing Science III. Health science IV. Information Science
3. The DNS (domain name system) permits us to give globally unique names to network and computers. The pioneer in
the DNS protocols was Paul Mockapetris. These strings are separated by dots and the right-most label in a domain is
referred as the….
A. TLD-top-level domain B. URL-Universal Resource Locator

C. ISP D. WWW-world wide web

E. TFP-transfer file protocol
4. The data/datum in a cell, box or field is called:
A. field name B. Row C. field attribute D. field E. file
5. A client is insisting to the practitioner to use a treatment method he discovered in the internet database. Which of the
following response is most appropriate?
A. The treatment must be examined to see if it is appropriate
B. Most website treatments have not been studied or researched
C. The person establishing the website is the only one who can use or perform the method
D. Websites are like advertising; they are biased and may not be legitimate
6. A functioning DBMS (Database Management Systems) consists of three interacting pans. Which of the following is not
part of it?
A. Data B. database system design
C. query or inquiry D. unconfigured software program
7. One advantage of a computerized recording system is that:
A. The nursing diagnosis for a client’s data can be accurately determined
B. Cost of confinement will be easily computed.
C. Information concerning the client can easily seen and updated
D. The number of needed healthcare provider will be reduced
8. You are to search latest concept in maternal and childcare. Using nursing informatics, you found out different sources
of information. The best site is/are…
A. maternal and childcare, according to the ICN and ANA
B. maternal and childcare, according to a nursing blog site
C. maternal and childcare, according to Wikipedia
D. maternal and childcare, according to a personal website from Google search engine
9. It is the raw information that the computer must process to obtain an outcome or output?
A. data B. software C. instruction D. Word.DOC E. files
10. It is unique to that record. No other in the database will have that attribute of the primary key assigned for a patient
database is:
A. a multi-character field B. a numeric value C. a primary identifier D. an indexed format
11. Arranging patient records according to chronological patient ID numbers is an example of which type of file
A. Aggregate B. Indexed C. Relative D. Sequential
12. It indicates that the file is a specific type of command file and contains a set of operating system commands. It may
tell the computer to open or start a virus- checking program when the computer is booted.
A. executable files B. batch file C. Command file D. Word.DOC E. data files


13. Example of Data model: a patient may have several caregivers and each caregiver may have several patients.
A. one-to-one relationship B. one-to-many relationship
C. Relational database D. many-to-many relationships.
E. Conceptual Models
14. The definitions and the description of each data attribute are used to create
A. data dictionary B. field C. field attribute D. data E.
15. All access to data starts at the top of the hierarchy or at the root. Which type of data model is this?
A. Hierarchical databases B. Network models C. field attribute
D. Object-Oriented Model E. Relational Database Models
16. A database that can deal with binary large objects.
A. Hierarchical databases B. Network models C. field attribute
D. Object-Oriented Model E. Relational Database Models
17. The nurse found that there are discrepancies of data between point-of-care and nursing station-based devices, the
Nursing informatics technician or specialist would:
A. forward this information to the finance department
B. recommends that point-of-care system be implemented institution-wide
C. reports the finding to the headnurse/chief nurse
D. suggest a research project to investigate the variances
18. Nurse Barton is the head of Nurse Information System of Saint John Hospital. They will implement new CIS system,
what activities occur during a workflow analysis of this system?
A. Conducting a series of interview, surveys and observations
B. Developing a list of potential risk and mitigation plans
C. Identifying options and alternatives for vendor selection criteria
D. Inventorying current paper-based forms
19. The challenge most associated with the utilization of an electronic hospital information system is which of the
A. cost B. Accuracy C. Privacy D. Curability
20. Use of TCP/IP ensures that:
A. data are not compressed for transmission B. data can be transmitted across different networks
C. data packets are transported together D. data transmission occurs without errors
21. The component of nursing informatics practice includes data, information, knowledge and…
A. cognition B. affective C. wellness D. wisdom
22. To copy a file from a local computer connected to the Internet to a remote computer. Opposite of download
A. WWW server B. Site C. SMTP D. Telnet E. Upload
23. The method by which Internet sites are addressed.
A. WWW server B. Site C. SMTP D. Protocol E. URL
24. The processed data or the output is what you refer to.
A. data B. software C. instruction D. information E. files
25. We can organize and store data in a Database system in many different formats
A. false B. maybe C. it depends D. true E. undetermined
26. Finding information easily in a database depends on several factors, like
A. How the data are named (indexed) and organized B. The size and complexity of the database
C. The type of data within the database D. The methodology or tools used to search the database
E. All the given
27. Advantages of Automated Database Management Systems
A. Improve access to all data B. Decrease data redundancy
C. Increase data consistency D. Faster retrieval of data or information
E. All the following
28. Using the parallel strategy for the roll out of an electronic medication administration system means that all:
A. data entries are cosigned by two health care team members
B. medications are documented using both the current method and the new system
C. notebooks computers and bar code scanners are position on the same surface
D. vitals signs are entered on the same screen as is medication administration


29. Which of the given below is not true about database

A. database is made up of files B. files are made up of records
C. records are made up of fields D. fields contain data.
E. None of the following
30. What is the initial layer of protection to prevent unauthorized external access to facility’s information network?
A. digital certificates B. Encryption C. Firewall D. password authentication
31. What poses the greatest risk to patient privacy and confidentiality?
A. An organization’s employee B. Inadequate system design
C. inadequate firewall protection D. Viruses, worms and Trojan horses
32. A system that allows for online real-time communication between Internet users.
A. YM B. Chat C. Room D. Cache E.
33. This type of software restrict other people to access to the program for copy, modify and study without permission by
the author or owner of the software and with the aims of making money from it.
A. commercial software B. shareware C. freeware D. open source software
34. The focus of this type or category of software is for social movement and in the principles of ethical and
A. proprietary software B. shareware C. freeware D. free software
35. A student nurse is using software in calculating BMI with the use of PDA and decides to upgrade the software from
trial version to full package of the BMI calculating software. What category of software the student is using?
A. proprietary software B. shareware C. freeware D. free software
36. It was established to review, evaluate defined criteria and recognize information systems from the developers and
manufacturers that support documentation of nursing care within automated nursing information systems (NIS) or within
computer-based patient record systems (CPRS)
37. The first level of system control is handled by basic input output system (BIOS) stored on chip on the motherboard
The BIOS chip is the first part to function when the system is turned on. BIOS is stored in what type of memory.
A. Read only memory B. Random access memory C. CD-ROM D. Both ROM and RAM
38. OS or operating system provides a basic interface between the user and the hardware and software. Which the
following is not an example of operating system or user interface or system software?
A. Windows Xp B. Linux C. UNIX D. MS word
39. The connection between the central proceeding unit (CPU) and its peripherals is called.
A. modem B. interface C. LAN D. WAN
40. The original internet was an extremely useful system to programmers and scientist who could construct commands in
the UNIX syntax, it was time-consuming to use the internet at that time, with the idea of Berners-Lee and Fichetti of
having a protocol that would be standard for all documents and sites on the internet. The main purpose of their idea
A. the internet would be greatly secured by scrupulous user
B. the internet would be greatly facilitated not only for programmers, but for everybody.
C. There will be a limitation of software piracy
D. all the following
41. Berners-Lee conceived the WWW (World Wide Web) as a system utility program that requires all users to adhere to
standard set of text retrieval protocols to transfer a text from one computer to another using online data communication.
This set of protocols is called the…
A. HTTP-hypertext transfer protocol B. URL –universal resource locator
C. GUI- graphical user interface D. HTML- hypertext markup language
42. It maintain the quality of the data in a Database
A. data steward B. Data streaming
C. copyright D. copyleft
43. Which of the following are not a capability of a computer?
a. A computer cannot correct wrong instructions.
b. A computer can process data very fast and with a high degree of accuracy.
c. A computer can sometimes malfunction.
d. A computer cannot detect and correct wrong instructions.


e. computer can store large volumes of data.

f. A computer can do the same task for several times.
g. A computer can malfunction due to programming error.
h. A computer can execute the program loaded in its memory.
i. A computer can make decisions based on the choices in a given set of instructions.
j. A computer cannot generate information on its own.
A. c, d, e, f, g B. a, d, j, b, f C. h, i, j, a, g D. c, d, j, a, g
44. Which of the following choices about computer are not true?
a. A computer is a machine.
b. Computers can run even without electricity.
c. A computer does not allow the repetition of a task.
d. A computer cannot provide information on its own.
e. A computer processes information and provides output called data.
f. A computer has a memory to store data.
g. The set of instructions tells the computer what to do.
h. A computer can correct wrong instructions.
i. It is impossible for a computer to malfunction.
f. A computer does a parity check during the processing of data.
A. c, b, e, f, g, B. h, d, j, b, c C. h, e, b, c, i D. c, b, j, a, g
45. FOSS license conditions guarantee that users can exercise 4 freedoms, except
A. Run or use the program/software B. Study and modify the source code
C. Distribute or redistribute D. Distribute your modified version
E. Protect your modified version as your Intellectual property rights
46. An electronic device used to convert data into relevant information. It’s considered as the most important
technological tool that transforms nursing profession from paper-base record to digital/computerized-based record.
A. Nursing informatics B. ENIAC C. computer D. computer technology
47. A manual computing device may contain stones, sticks, counting beads.
A. Pascal calculator B. Abacus C. fingers and toes D. Hollerith’s Tabulating Machine
48. In 1673, Gottfried made some improvements on Pascal’s machine and built a device that could add, subtract, multiply
and divide numbers. This device was called the
A. Pascal calculator B. Leibniz’s machine C. fingers and toes D. Jacquard loom
49. He envisioned a device that could perform all mathematical and logical operations and store values in its memory. In
the early 1820s he designed but never completed the Difference Engine. He also made plans for another machine, the
Analytical Engine, considered to be the mechanical precursor of the modern computer.
A. Charles Babbage B. William Oughtred C. Herman Hollerith D. Joseph-Marie Jacquard
50. Which of the statements following is true?
A. The second-generation computers used transistors and vacuum tubes.
B. first-generation computers are made of vacuum tubes generate heat and can be a cause of computer breakdown.
C. The third-generation computers were characterized by microprocessor chips
D. The components of the first-generation computers were integrated circuits.
E. The computers of today are a mixture of the first and second-generation computers.
51. Identifier of a company, university or other entity on the Internet.
A. Domain B. URL C. naming D. questioning E. query line
52. The following are advantages of using Free and Open Source Software that maximize the freedoms of its users,
A. Cost effectiveness: software often free and support is provided by community.
B. Legality issue: copyright
C. Increased stability: bugs are found and eliminated quickly due to open source nature
D. No technology lock-in: built using open standards
E. Increased organizational flexibility: software can be adapted to needs of organization
53. The word abacus (plural abaci) was derived from the Greek term “abax” that means table or board covered with dust.
Our ancestors said that the abacus could be traced as far back as 5 000 years ago in the Tigris-Euphrates Valley and as late
as in the 5th century B.C. in…


A. China B. Rome C. India D. Egypt

E. Mongolia
54. The most powerful type of computers. They are used to process large amount of data and useful in problems that
require complex calculations. It is use for applications ranging from nuclear weapons development to accurate weather
forecasting and other applications where maximum speed and power are very important.
A. Mainframe Computers B. Supercomputers C. Minicomputers
D. both a and b E. Microcomputers or Personal Computers
55. The first or entry level page individual’s or institution’s Web site. Typically, this page is the default page that is
located at user’s URL address.
A. home page B. gateway C. web page D. address E. sites
56. Mr. Kumon is a second-year nursing student in Pamantasan ng Lung ng Pasay and reviewing topics about different
elements of a computers and its basic system function. Which of the given choices below are all not true about computer?
I. The computer functions even without its different parts
II. An output device is used to enter data into the computer.
III. An input device is used to display the result of what the computer has processed.
IV. The keyboard is used for entering text, numbers, or commands into the computer.
V. Laser printers use ribbons for printing its output
VI. The Central Processing Unit controls most of the operations of the computer.
VII. The contents of the Random-Access Memory are lost when you switch off the computer.
VIII. RAM stands for Random-Access Memory.
IX. The Arithmetic Logic Unit directs the flow of data in the Central Processing Unit.
X. Secondary storage media are used to temporarily hold data/programs except from CD-ROM.
A. I, II, III, V, IV B. V, VIII, III, IX, C.IX, V, III, II, I D. IX, I, II, III,
57. The keyboard is the primary input device used for entering text, numbers or commands. Being student, you must know
the basic function of each set of part of the keyboard. Arrange the following part of the keyboard to the corresponding
correct function or description.
1. Function Keys. ______________ A. This group of keys looks like the key in the typewriter. The keys are
used to type letters and numbers.
2. Alphanumeric Keys. B. Are used to change the location of the cursor on the screen.
__________ C. This group of keys is located on the right side of the keyboard. It
looks like an adding machine, where all the numbers have their
3. Cursor Keys or Arrow Keys. corresponding keys and the four mathematical operations (addition,
____ subtraction, multiplication, division).
D. Allow the user to give the computer commands without entering long
4. Numeric Keypad. ____________ strings of characters.

A. 1 D, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C B. 1 D, 2 C 3 B, 4 A, C. 1 A, 2 B, 3 D, 4 C D. 1 A, 2 B, 3 C, 4 D
58. Free and Open Source Software in Nursing Informatics consist many principles like
A. Intellectual property rights B. Profit
C. Monopoly D. transparency
E. Proprietary
59. An output device is used to display the result of what you are doing in a computer. The monitor, the printer and
speakers are the most common examples of output devices. What expansion device that is attached to the computer’s
motherboard and will improves the quality of sounds.
A. LAN card B. Video card C. Sound card D. External modem
60. Online data communication is very important especially for those people who would like to gain knowledge, but the
source of that knowledge is not practically available because of distance. Electronic Mail is one of the best options. Before
you can successfully use an e-mail, you must know its parts very well. Match the following part of the E-mail Header to
the corresponding correct description.
__________ 1 The part where you type the e-mail address of the other receivers of A. From
your e-mail B. Body of the
__________ 2 The part where the attached documents or files are specified Message
__________ 3 The part where you type the e-mail address of the receiver of your e- C. To


mail D. Subject
__________ 4 The part that gives the receiver a clue as to what the e-mail is all about E. Cc or Bcc
__________ 5 The part where you type the e-mail address of the one sending the e- F. Attachments
A. 1 D, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C, 5 E B. 1 D, 2 C 3 B, 4 A, 5EC. 1 A, 2 B, 3 D, 4 E, 5C D. 1 E, 2 F, 3 C, 4 D, 5
61. It refers to the physical components that make up a computer system. It consists of interconnected electronic devices
that control everything the computer does.
A. software B. hardware C. peopleware D. data E. All the following
62. A category leased telephone line service, allowing transfer rates of 128 kilobytes per second over the Internet.
A. Dial-up Connection B. File transfer protocol C. direct connection D. cache E. ISDN line
63. These are considered raw facts that the computer must process to convert them to useful information. It can be in the
form of text, images, audio or video. Text consists of letters and numbers. Images are graphics or pictures. Audio consists
of sounds. Video consists of moving pictures with sounds. These are generally called:
A. data B. Information C. Knowledge D. Wisdom E. Information system
64. The given below are functions of a Data Warehouse
A. able extracts data from the different computer systems and imports that data into the data warehouse.
B. database able to accumulate and process all the data in the database
C. able to extracts data from one computer system and imports that data into the data warehouse.
D. able to distribute the data in the warehouse back to the users in the form of information.
E. all except C
65. The computer is our everyday tool. Like any tool, it must be taken care of by whoever uses it. Here are some ways to
take care of the computer except…
I. I will put my computer away from my window where sunlight is abundantly coming in.
II. I will not take snacks near my computer.
III. I will use anti-virus software on my disk after using it in my computers.
IV. I will open my CD-ROM drive and place my CD-ROM on it properly.
V. I will just press the power button to turn off my computer.
VI. I will keep my disks and CDs in their proper cases.
VII. I will play with magnets and place them near my disks and computer;
VIII. I will cover my computer when I am not using it.
IX. I will use a dry cloth to clean my computer.
66. It contains buttons for the most commonly used commands.
A. Border B Toolbar C Status Bar D Title Bar E. Menu bar
67. The period when use of computer technology in nursing profession begun to question and yet HIS were developed
primarily for financial transaction like billing system and accounting system
A. 1960s. B. 1970s C. 1980s D. 1990s E. post 2000
68. Common Database Operation DBMS-directed actions that the computer performs on the data once entered into the
system. It is these processes that are used to convert raw data into meaningful information
A. Data Output Operations B. decoding data C. encoding output
D. Data input operations E. Data processing processes
69. Internet is an interconnected system of several computers that are linked together through telecommunications
facilities. Select among the given statements is incorrect.
a. Internet allows you to exchange text, files, pictures and programs with other computer users.
b. The Internet allows you to send and receive messages.
c. The Internet makes you transfer files from far places to your computer and vice versa.
d. Internet helps you transact business by transferring money on your account or buying goods.
e. The Internet gives you unlimited topics for you to refer to in your researches.
f. The Internet allows you to communicate with experts and gain help on various subjects.
g. The Internet allows you easy access to worldwide information such as news, directories, libraries and other
online guides.
h. The Internet makes it impossible for you to publish your own web site.
j. The Internet allows you to chat with different people around the world


A. a, e B. h C. all except h D. j, e, f E. None of the choices

70. Searching for information in the World Wide Web/internet is facilitated using a search engine. Below are examples of
search engines and their corresponding URLs except:
A. MSN B. Yahoo C. Chits http://www.
D. Google E. Pinoy Central
71. Computers were initially used in health care facilities for basic business office functions.
A. 1950s B. 1960s C. 1970s D. 1980s E. 1990s
72. A system of connected computers exchanging information with each other. A LAN is a relatively small form compare
with it.
A. WWW B. WAN C. Mozilla D. network E. connection

73. Web site address is technically known as a Uniform Research Locator.

A. true B false C maybe
D no because Web site is a collection of linked web pages E. None of the following
74. The first page of a web site is called:
A. web site B. home page C. first page D. page web
75. Berners-Lee and Fichetti contribute to improve the internet that would allow different people to gain access to the
HPCC but the original internet was originally created by
A. Microsoft Company B. IBM-International Business Machine
C. U.S. Defense Department D. Yahoo Corporation and Google
76. When you are on a computer, especially when connected to the Internet, you are…
A. search B. Mirror Sites C. Prototype D. online E. ISDN line
77. Computer technology in health care settings began to be questioned
A. 1950s B. 1960s C. 1970s D. 1980s E. 1990s
78. EHR is one of the outputs of Development of IT industry that support nurses to...
A. Ensure safety B. measures outcomes
C. determines the cost of care D. all of the following
79. Inevitable continued integration of computers into nursing
A. prior to 1960s B. 1960s C. 1970s D. 1980s E. 1990s
80. During this decade, the development of medical health informatics continues to grow but there was slow progression
in nursing field
A. 1960s. B. 1970s C. 1980s D. 1990s E. post 2000
81. It directs the computer’s hardware to perform work
A. glassware B. Data C. Software
D. information technology E. electricity
82. At what time period when the nursing profession undergoing major changes, Image of nursing was improving like
expanding scope of practices and services and number of nurses was rapidly increasing.
A. 1950s B. 1960s. C. 1970s D. 1980s E. 1990s
83. The use of automatic repetitious arithmetic steps that the analytical engine would follow to solve a problem, namely,
the “loop concept”. This concept gave her the title of the “first programmer” in computer history.
A. Admiral Grace Murray Hopper B. Augusta Ada Byron
C. Roberta Von Newmann D. Romana Nelson
84. The inevitable integration of computer technology in nursing continued, nurses begun to recognize the value of
computers to their profession because of the following reasons
A. Nursing system be included in HIS
B. MIS- advantage of providing statistical information at fast and high degree of accuracy
C. potential for improving documentation and care
D. All the following
85. His idea stimulated the thinking of other scientists and mathematicians about how to build such a machine and how
instructions could be communicated to the machine.
A. Charles Babbage B. Joseph Jacquard
C. Howard Aiken D. Herman Hollerith


86. At this period computer technology become integral part of every health care setting, nursing practice and nursing
education. Nursing profession become actively involved in promoting Nursing Informatics and demands of nursing
informatics increases.
A. 1960s. B. 1970s C. 1980s D. 1990s E. post 2000
88. Free ware software is not considered under the category of Open Source Software/Free Software (also called FOSS)
A. freedom to use the software B. restriction to copy the software and give it to your friend
C. freedom to run the software for use your needs D. restriction to modify the source code
89. The advantages of Open Source Software/Free Software (OSS/FS) also called FOSS is/are the following except…
A. produced duplication of efforts B. building on the woks of others
C. better quality control D. Reduction in maintenance cost
90. She gained the title “The Mother of Computing” because of her many contributions in the development of software
A. Admiral Grace Murray Hopper B. Augusta Ada Byron
C. Roberta Von Newmann D. Romana Nelson
91. The first level of system control is handled by the basic input output system (BIOS) stored on a read only memory
(ROM) chip on the motherboard while the first level of system software is called:
A. Basic Input Output System (BIOS) B. firmware
C. Operating Software (OS) D. first interface
92. The DNS (domain name system) permits us to give globally unique names to network and computers. Pioneer in the
DNS protocols was Paul Mockapetris. These strings are separated by dots and the right-most label in a domain is referred
as the….
A. TLD-top-level domain B. URL-Universal Resource Locator C. ISP
D. WWW-world wide web E. TFP-transfer file protocol
93. It is an organized collection of related data...
A. database B. Information C. open system D. MIS E. EHR
94. It is a small organized collection of related data
A. share ware B. Information system C. open system D. Data mart E. file
95. Usually reflect the type of data that are stored in related fields.
A. field name B. Row C. field attribute D. field E. file
96. Defined as a large collection of data imported from several different system with in one database
A. database B. Data warehouse C. DBMS
D. Information system E. none of the following
97. He made a strategic decision to abandon the DOS interface and move to a GUI system for a new product to be called
the Macintosh and his vision were “computer for everybody,” and “bring closer to reality the ideal that computer could
become self-teaching” devices
A. Bill Gates B. Steve Jobs C. Marc Anderson D. Tim Berners-Lee
98. Any program must be translated into this language before the computer can execute it. This computer language
consists only of the binary numbers 1 and 0, representing the on and off electrical impulses. All data-numbers, letters, and
symbols are represented by combinations of binary digits.
A. Assembler Language B. machine language C. natural language
D. high- level procedural languages E. nonprocedural languages
99. It contains nursing interventions that describe the treatments nurses perform, updated linkages with NANDA
diagnoses, and core interventions identified for 44 specialty practice areas (including three new specialties). These terms
differ from the surgically biased code set terms used by medicine and third-party payment programs
A. Perioperative Nursing Data Set (PNDS) B. International Classification for Nursing Practice
C. Nursing Management Minimum Data Set (NMMDS) D. Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC)
E. Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC)
100. Some current domain names are .CA for Canada, .UK for Great Britain, .PH for Philippine, .GOV for
government, .INT for organization that were establish by international treaty, .NET for network resources, .INFO for all
user and .ORG for
A. Nonprofit organization B. Organization C. Non-government organization
D. original organization E. Business/Commercial organization


101. nursing profession was also undergoing major changes

A. 1950’s B. 1960’s C. 1970’s D. 1980’s E. 1990’s F. Post-2000
102. computer technology in health care settings began to be questioned
A. 1950’s B. 1960’s C. 1970’s D. 1980’s E. 1990’s F. Post-2000
103. inevitable continued integration of computers into nursing
A. 1950’s B. 1960’s C. 1970’s D. 1980’s E. 1990’s F. Post-2000
104. computer technology became an integral part of health care settings, nursing practice, and the nursing profession
A. 1950’s B. 1960’s C. 1970’s D. 1980’s E. 1990’s F. Post-2000
105. continued development and growth of hardware and software
A. 1950’s B. 1960’s C. 1970’s D. 1980’s E. 1990’s F. Post-2000
106. HIS with nursing subsystem
A. 1950’s B. 1960’s C. 1970’s D. 1980’s E. 1990’s F. Post-2000
107. field of informatics emerged
A. 1950’s B. 1960’s C. 1970’s D. 1980’s E. 1990’s F. Post-2000
108. Progress of health informatics was slow
A. 1950’s B. 1960’s C. 1970’s D. 1980’s E. 1990’s F. Post-2000
109. “Why computers?” and “What should be computerized? “
A. 1950’s B. 1960’s C. 1970’s D. 1980’s E. 1990’s F. Post-2000
110. few experts attempted to adapt computers to health care and nursing.
A. 1950’s B. 1960’s C. 1970’s D. 1980’s E. 1990’s F. Post-2000
111. Computers were initially used in health care facilities for basic business office functions
A. 1950’s B. 1960’s C. 1970’s D. 1980’s E. 1990’s F. Post-2000
112. directs the computer’s hardware to perform work
A. Software B. Hardware C. Firmware D. Tupperware
113. stored computer program
A. Augusta Ada Von B. Charles Babbage C. Joseph Jacquard D. None of the choices
114. concept of a machine that could perform mathematical functions
A. Augusta Ada Murray B. Charles Newman C. Robert Von Byron
D. Admiral Joseph Jacquard E. None of the choices
115. data and instructions could be stored
A. Augusta Babbage B. Charles Byron C. Robert Von Newmann D. None of the choices
116. punched card system
A. Herman Hollerith B. Joseph Jacquard C. Robert Von Newmann D. None of the choices
117. textiles - “program
A. Herman Hollerith B. Joseph Jacquard Von Byron
C. Robert Von Newmann D. None of the choices
118. The Father of Computing
A. Augusta Ada Murray B. Charles Newman C. Robert Von Byron
D. Admiral Grace Murray Hopper E. None of the choices
119. He created the first internet (WWW) software
A. Time Berners-Lee B. Bruce Lee C. Tim Cone D. None of the choices
120. Windows 10 is an example of…
A. Application software B. System Software C. Utility D. Firmware
121. The computer is our everyday tool. Like any tool, it must be taken care of by whoever uses it. Here are ways how to
take good care yor computer, except…
I. I will put my computer away from my window where sunlight is abundantly coming in.
II. I will not take snacks near my computer.
III. I will use anti-virus software on my disk after using it in my computers.
IV. I will open my CD-ROM drive and place my CD-ROM on it properly.
V. I will just press the power button to turn off my computer.
VI. I will keep my disks and CDs in their proper cases.
VII. I will play with magnets and place them near my disks and computer;
VIII. I will cover my computer when I am not using it.
IX. I will use a dry cloth to clean my computer.


122. The period when use of computer technology in nursing profession begun to question and yet HIS were developed
primarily for financial transaction like billing system and accounting system
A. 1960s. B. 1970s C. 1980s D. 1990s E. post 2000
123. Searching for information in the World Wide Web/internet is facilitated using a search engine. Below are examples
of search engines and their corresponding URLs except:
A. MSN B. Yahoo C. Chits
D. Google E. Pinoy Central
124. A system of connected computers exchanging information with each other. A LAN is a relatively small form
compare with it.
A. WWW B. WAN C. Mozilla D. network E. connection

125. Web site address is technically known as a Uniform Research Locator.

A. true B false C maybe
D no because Web site is a collection of linked web pages E. None of the following
126. The first page of a web site is called:
A. web site B. home page C. first page D. page web
127. A computer connected to the Internet; you are or the computer is said to be…
A. search B. Mirror Sites C. Prototype D. Online E. ISDN line
128. Computer technology in health care settings began to be questioned
A. 1950s B. 1960s C. 1970s D. 1980s E. 1990s
129. EHR is one of the outputs of Development of IT industry that support nurses to...
A. Ensure safety B. measures outcomes C. determines the cost of care D. all the
130. Inevitable continued integration of computers into nursing
A. prior to 1960s B. 1960s C. 1970s D. 1980s E. 1990s
131. It directs the computer’s hardware to perform work
A. glassware B. Data C. Software D. information technology E. electricity
132. The use of automatic repetitious arithmetic steps that the analytical engine would follow to solve a problem, namely,
the “loop concept”. This concept gave her the title of the “first programmer” in computer history.
A. Admiral Grace Murray Hopper B. Augusta Ada Byron
C. Roberta Von Newmann D. Romana Nelson
133. The inevitable integration of computer technology in nursing continued, nurses begun to recognize the value of
computers to their profession because of the following reasons
A. Nursing system be included in HIS
B. MIS- advantage of providing statistical information at fast and high degree of accuracy
C. potential for improving documentation and care
D. All the following
134. His idea stimulated the thinking of other scientists and mathematicians about how to build such a machine and how
instructions could be communicated to the machine.
A. Charles Babbage B. Joseph Jacquard C. Howard Aiken D. Herman Hollerith
135. Freeware software is not considered under the category of Open Source Software/Free Software (also called FOSS)
A. freedom to use the software B. restriction to copy the software and give it to your friend
C. freedom to run the software for use your needs D. restriction to modify the source code
136. The advantages of Open Source Software/Free Software (OSS/FS) also called FOSS is/are the following except…
A. produced duplication of efforts B. building on the woks of others
C. better quality control D. Reduction in maintenance cost
137. She gained the title “The Mother of Computing” because of her many contributions in the development of software
A. Admiral Grace Murray Hopper B. Augusta Ada Byron
C. Roberta Von Newmann D. Romana Nelson
138. The first level of system control is handled by the basic input output system (BIOS) stored on a read only memory
(ROM) chip on the motherboard while the first level of system software is called:


A. Basic Input Output System (BIOS) B. firmware

C. Operating Software (OS) D. first interface
139. It is an organized collection of related data...
A. database B. Information C. open system D. MIS E. EHR
140. It is a small organized collection of related data
A. shareware B. Information system C. open system D. Data mart E. file
141. It contains nursing interventions that describe the treatments nurses perform, updated linkages with NANDA
diagnoses, and core interventions identified for 44 specialty practice areas (including three new specialties). These terms
differ from the surgically biased code set terms used by medicine and third-party payment programs
A. Perioperative Nursing Data Set (PNDS) B. International Classification for Nursing Practice
C. Nursing Management Minimum Data Set (NMMDS) D. Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC)
E. Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC)
142. Some current domain names are .CA for Canada, .UK for Great Britain, .PH for Philippine, .GOV for
government, .INT for organization that were establish by international treaty, .NET for network resources, .INFO for all
user and .ORG for
A. Nonprofit organization B. Organization C. government organization
D. original organization E. Business/Commercial organization

READ THE DIRECTION CAREFULLY, Write TRUE if the statement is correct; otherwise, write FALSE
__________143. Multiprogramming is the ability of computers to do several tasks at a time.
__________144. The ENIAC is a first-generation computer
__________145. The first-generation computers were huge, compared to the present computers.
__________146. Today’s computers may have multiple processor.
__________147. The fifth-generation computers produced less heat than the first-generation computers

Write CAPABILITY if the statement pertains to a capability of a computer and LIMITATION if the statement
pertains to a limitation of a computer.
____________________148. A computer cannot correct wrong instructions
____________________149. A computer can process data very fast and with a high degree of accuracy
____________________150. A computer can sometimes malfunction
____________________151. A computer cannot detect and correct wrong instructions
____________________150. A computer can store large volumes of data

Classify the following computing devices as Early, Manual, Mechanical, ElectroMechnical or Electronic
computing device.
____________________151. Pascal calculator
____________________152. Hollerith’s Tabulating Machine
____________________153. Abacus
____________________154. Babbage’s Analytical Engine
____________________155. Napier’s Bones

READ THE DIRECTION CAREFULLY, Write True if the statement is incorrect and False if the statement is
__________156. A computer is a machine
__________157. A computer can run even without electricity
__________158. A computer does not allow the repetition of a task.
__________159. A computer cannot provide information on its own
__________160. A computer processes information and provides output called data


__________161. A computer has a memory to store data

__________162. The set of instructions tells the computer what to do.
__________163. A computer has the ability to correct wrong instruction.
__________164. It is impossible for a computer to malfunction
__________165. Computer does a parity check during processing of data.

Identify the type where each item below belongs to; Write I for input device O for output device and S for
secondary storage media.
______166. Ink-jet-printer
______167. Monitor
______168. Dot-matrix printer
______169. CD-ROM
______170. Keyboard
______171. UBS storage
______172. Speakers
______173. Laser printer
______174. Hard disk
______175. Mouse

Write the words PROPER if the sentence tells it is a proper way of taking care of a computer; otherwise,
____________________176. I will put my computer near my window where sunlight is abundantly coming in.
____________________177. I will not take snacks near my computer
____________________178. I will use an anti-virus software on my USB storage before using it in my
____________________179. I will open my CD-ROM drive and place my CD-ROM on it properly.
____________________180. I will just press the power button to turn off my computer
____________________181. I will keep my CD’s in their proper cases
____________________182. I will play with magnets and place them near my disk and computer
____________________183. I will cover my computer when I am not using it.
____________________184. I will use a dry cloth to clean my computer
____________________185. I will place my computer in a clean, cool and dry place.

Give the meaning of the following abbreviations

186. OS -________________________________________________________________________
187. RAM – ______________________________________________________________________
188. DOS – ______________________________________________________________________
189. GUI- _______________________________________________________________________
190. EHR- _______________________________________________________________________
191. FTP – ______________________________________________________________________
192. CIS – _______________________________________________________________________
193. HTTP – ______________________________________________________________________
194. CHITS – _____________________________________________________________________
195. NIS – _______________________________________________________________________

READ THE DIRECTION CAREFULLY, write correct if the statement is incorrect and false if the statement is

__________196. A computer is a machine

__________197. A computer can run even without electricity
__________198. A computer cannot provide information on its own
__________199. A computer processes information and provides output called data
__________100. A computer has a memory to store data

1. D 14. A 27. E 40. B

2. C 15. A 28. B 41. A
3. A 16. D 29. E 42. A
4. C 17. C 30. C 43. D
5. A 18. A 31. A 44. C
6. D 19. C 32. B 45. E
7. C 20. B 33. A 46. C
8. A 21. D 34. D 47. B
9. A 22. E 35. B 48. B
10. C 23. E. 36. A 49. A
11. D 24. D 37. A 50. B
12. B 25. D 38. D 51. A
13. D 26. E 39. B 52. B

53. D 70. C 88. D 105. F

54. B 71. A 89. A 106. D
55. A 72. B 90. A 107. D
56. C 73. A 91. C 108. B
57. A 74. B 92. A 109. B
58. D 75. C 93. A 110. A
59. C 76. D 94. D 111. A
60. D 77. B 95. A 112. A
61. B 78. D 96. B 113. D
62. A 79. C 97. B 114. E
63. A 80. A 98. B 115. C
64. E 81. C 99. D 116. A
65. E 82. A 100. A 117. D
66. B 83. B 101. A 118. E
67. A 84. D 102. B 119. D
68. E 85. A 103. C 120. B
69. B 86. B 104. E

121. The computer is our everyday tool. Like any tool, it must be taken care of by whoever uses it. Here are ways how to
take good care yor computer, except…
I. I will put my computer away from my window where sunlight is abundantly coming in.
II. I will not take snacks near my computer.
III. I will use anti-virus software on my disk after using it in my computers.
IV. I will open my CD-ROM drive and place my CD-ROM on it properly.
V. I will just press the power button to turn off my computer.
VI. I will keep my disks and CDs in their proper cases.
VII. I will play with magnets and place them near my disks and computer;
VIII. I will cover my computer when I am not using it.
IX. I will use a dry cloth to clean my computer.
122. The period when use of computer technology in nursing profession begun to question and yet HIS were developed
primarily for financial transaction like billing system and accounting system
A. 1960s. B. 1970s C. 1980s D. 1990s E. post 2000
123. Searching for information in the World Wide Web/internet is facilitated using a search engine. Below are examples
of search engines and their corresponding URLs except:
A. MSN B. Yahoo C. Chits
D. Google E. Pinoy Central
124. A system of connected computers exchanging information with each other. A LAN is a relatively small form
compare with it.
A. WWW B. WAN C. Mozilla D. network E. connection

125. Web site address is technically known as a Uniform Research Locator.

A. true B false C maybe
D no because Web site is a collection of linked web pages E. None of the following
126. The first page of a web site is called:

A. web site B. home page C. first page D. page web

127. A computer connected to the Internet; you are or the computer is said to be…
A. search B. Mirror Sites C. Prototype D. Online E. ISDN line
128. Computer technology in health care settings began to be questioned
A. 1950s B. 1960s C. 1970s D. 1980s E. 1990s
129. EHR is one of the outputs of Development of IT industry that support nurses to...
A. Ensure safety B. measures outcomes C. determines the cost of care D. all the
130. Inevitable continued integration of computers into nursing
A. prior to 1960s B. 1960s C. 1970s D. 1980s E. 1990s
131. It directs the computer’s hardware to perform work
A. glassware B. Data C. Software D. information technology E. electricity
132. The use of automatic repetitious arithmetic steps that the analytical engine would follow to solve a problem, namely,
the “loop concept”. This concept gave her the title of the “first programmer” in computer history.
A. Admiral Grace Murray Hopper B. Augusta Ada Byron
C. Roberta Von Newmann D. Romana Nelson
133. The inevitable integration of computer technology in nursing continued, nurses begun to recognize the value of
computers to their profession because of the following reasons
A. Nursing system be included in HIS
B. MIS- advantage of providing statistical information at fast and high degree of accuracy
C. potential for improving documentation and care
D. All the following
134. His idea stimulated the thinking of other scientists and mathematicians about how to build such a machine and how
instructions could be communicated to the machine.
A. Charles Babbage B. Joseph Jacquard C. Howard Aiken D. Herman Hollerith
135. Freeware software is not considered under the category of Open Source Software/Free Software (also called FOSS)
A. freedom to use the software B. restriction to copy the software and give it to your friend
C. freedom to run the software for use your needs D. restriction to modify the source code
136. The advantages of Open Source Software/Free Software (OSS/FS) also called FOSS is/are the following except…
A. produced duplication of efforts B. building on the woks of others
C. better quality control D. Reduction in maintenance cost
137. She gained the title “The Mother of Computing” because of her many contributions in the development of software
A. Admiral Grace Murray Hopper B. Augusta Ada Byron
C. Roberta Von Newmann D. Romana Nelson
138. The first level of system control is handled by the basic input output system (BIOS) stored on a read only memory
(ROM) chip on the motherboard while the first level of system software is called:
A. Basic Input Output System (BIOS) B. firmware
C. Operating Software (OS) D. first interface
139. It is an organized collection of related data...
A. database B. Information C. open system D. MIS E. EHR
140. It is a small organized collection of related data
A. shareware B. Information system C. open system D. Data mart E. file
141. It contains nursing interventions that describe the treatments nurses perform, updated linkages with NANDA
diagnoses, and core interventions identified for 44 specialty practice areas (including three new specialties). These terms
differ from the surgically biased code set terms used by medicine and third-party payment programs
A. Perioperative Nursing Data Set (PNDS) B. International Classification for Nursing Practice
C. Nursing Management Minimum Data Set (NMMDS) D. Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC)
E. Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC)
142. Some current domain names are .CA for Canada, .UK for Great Britain, .PH for Philippine, .GOV for
government, .INT for organization that were establish by international treaty, .NET for network resources, .INFO for all
user and .ORG for
A. Nonprofit organization B. Organization C. government organization


D. original organization E. Business/Commercial organization

READ THE DIRECTION CAREFULLY, Write TRUE if the statement is correct; otherwise, write FALSE
TRUE 143. Multiprogramming is the ability of computers to do several tasks at a time.
TRUE 144. The ENIAC is a first-generation computer
TRUE 145. The first-generation computers were huge, compared to the present computers.
TRUE 146. Today’s computers may have multiple processor.
TRUE 147. The fifth-generation computers produced less heat than the first-generation computers

Write CAPABILITY if the statement pertains to a capability of a computer and LIMITATION if the statement
pertains to a limitation of a computer.
LIMITATION 148. A computer cannot correct wrong instructions
CAPABILITY 149. A computer can process data very fast and with a high degree of accuracy
LIMITATION 150. A computer can sometimes malfunction
LIMITATION 151. A computer cannot detect and correct wrong instructions
CAPABILITY 150. A computer can store large volumes of data

Classify the following computing devices as Early, Manual, Mechanical, Electrotechnical or Electronic
computing device.
Mechanical 151. Pascal calculator
Electromechanical 152. Hollerith’s Tabulating Machine
Manual 153. Abacus
Mechanical 154. Babbage’s Analytical Engine
Mechanical 155. Napier’s Bones

READ THE DIRECTION CAREFULLY, Write True if the statement is incorrect and False if the statement is
False 156. A computer is a machine
True 157. A computer can run even without electricity
True 158. A computer does not allow the repetition of a task.
False 159. A computer cannot provide information on its own
True 160. A computer processes information and provides output called data
False9 161. A computer has a memory to store data
False 162. The set of instructions tells the computer what to do.
True 163. A computer has the ability to correct wrong instruction.
True 164. It is impossible for a computer to malfunction
False 165. Computer does a parity check during processing of data.

Identify the type where each item below belongs to; Write I for input device O for output device and S for
secondary storage media.
O 166. Ink-jet-printer S 171. UBS storage
O 167. Monitor O 172. Speakers
O 168. Dot-matrix printer O 173. Laser printer
S 169. CD-ROM S 174. Hard disk
I 170. Keyboard I 175. Mouse


Write the words PROPER if the sentence tells it is a proper way of taking care of a computer; otherwise,
NOT PROPER 176. I will put my computer near my window where sunlight is abundantly coming in.
PROPER 177. I will not take snacks near my computer
PROPER 178. I will use an anti-virus software on my USB storage before using it in my computer
PROPER 179. I will open my CD-ROM drive and place my CD-ROM on it properly.
NOT PROPER 180. I will just press the power button to turn off my computer
PROPER 181. I will keep my CD’s in their proper cases
NOT PROPER 182. I will play with magnets and place them near my disk and computer
PROPER 183. I will cover my computer when I am not using it.
PROPER 184. I will use a dry cloth to clean my computer
PROPER 185. I will place my computer in a clean, cool and dry place.

Give the meaning of the following abbreviations

186. OS -operating system 191. FTP – file transfer protocol
187. RAM – random access memory 192. CIS – clinical information system
188. DOS – disk operating system 193. HTTP – hypertext transfer protocol
189. GUI- graphical ser interphase 194. CHITS – community health tracking system
190. EHR- electronic health record 195. NIS – nursing information system

READ THE DIRECTION CAREFULLY, Write True if the statement is incorrect and False if the statement is
False 196. A computer is a machine
True 197. A computer can run even without electricity
False 198. A computer cannot provide information on its own
True 199. A computer processes information and provides output called data
False 100. A computer has a memory to store data


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