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Jalen Rheams

Professor Duncan

Intellectual Foundation

Jul 31, 2022

I would say that coming out of high school and going to college, I didn't understand or

care about what justice was. Like I’ve said previously, I started to understand more about the

world day by day once I went to college because those conversations were brought up within our

society. My first year of college was pretty crazy, to say the least. Having to go to school with

kids from all over the state was pretty difficult, as I didn’t have much of a direction in life, just

like many other middle schoolers. There was a lot going on at the time, and I believe those were

churches, sometimes growing up and up, and I never quite understood why. I and my sister were

heavily involved with Sunday school, always being active within the church. My parents would

have me participate in all of the children's plays that I could get involved in. During those middle

school years, I felt like church and everything around it were forced upon me. Whenever I would

ask my parents to stay home on a Sunday, I would get looked at like I had five eyeballs or

something. My parents would always tell me no whenever I asked, but whenever I asked them

how my sister got to stay home, it was because she was older and she was finishing high school

around this time. So, from that point on, I had this image in my head that once I got old enough, I

would have the opportunity to stay home on Sundays after a long night out or whatever the case

may be.

As I got older, I realized they never made one, and it had me wondering what was really

going on andif this this indeed justice if we have never gotten a new build I donessentially think
it changed my morals or ethics I could just say I took bits and ran with them I big thing that I like

to follow is the golden rule ‘’ you should treat others the way you want to be treated yourself’’.

That's the moral that is important to me and something I hold close to my heart. It takes nothing

to just be a kind, genuine person in this world why not you never know what others go through.

The religious belief separated me in a way of just thinking about how a lot of people are

Christians but don't follow the book or they select which parts they would like to follow. I felt

like a kid just being forced into something and not having your idea or clue what it is and stands

for and not thinking if you're not one of us, you're wrong about whatever you believe in. It just

really had me thinking about all religions and what makes Christianity so special when all reality

they all are pretty similar for the most part. They are just broken down into threw own way that

their culture believes. I would say My family and my surrounding community may be a little bit

higher than others. By no means were we the wealthiest in the community but I did have it better

than some of my friends growing up. Both of my parents are college graduates. My mom earned

a degree in accounting from Northeastern, while my dad earned a business degree from

Grambling. My parents are fortunate to have a job that earns a respectable wage. Although my

town wasn't the finest, it was never the worst either because it had its share of problems. Two

siblings and I After finishing high school, my older brother attended college for approximately a

year before joining the navy, where he spent five years stationed in Virginia Beach. My older

sister also completed her studies at the University of Iowa and graduated from high school. The

democratic party dominates my family's and my community's political outlook. Before the

election of 2009, when I was just 9 years old, I had no idea what a political party was; all I knew

was the color of each side. The education aspect did shape my worldview at that young age, I felt

like it started with the teachers. In middle school, the teachers didn't care too much if you didn't
do the schoolwork they would just say that to you instead of talking to you, see if you were going

through anything at home or whatever the case may be. I felt the communication with the

teachers could've been a lot better because I remember we were behind on a lot of material

because of fights and also students were reckless, just wasn't the best learning environment. I

don’t think my friend peer pressured me or anything I did on my terms like I said in the previous

paper during high school aged it was eye-opening. It was a completely new environment with

real good foundation and structure. I met a lot of different families and their opinions about

certain things in this world. I would say it did shape my worldview in a way, My generation grew

up with it. At that point in time, Instagram was very popular and I would say it was a status

symbol. I have seen development since I’ve been a child. The things that I went through and saw

I just try to be good to people even on my worse day. I would never want to bring a negative

attitude onto somebody just because I’ve had a bad day. I’ve never been pressured to believe the

same as others because people might not understand the fine print or select which section they

would like to follow.

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