CCDI T2 11 (GEN) CP1 Submission File

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Computing Creative Design and Innovation (CCDI)

Grade 11 General
Assessment Checkpoint 1 – Submission file
Instruction: Complete all questions, then submit back to your teacher, through LMS.

Fill in your student details (in English):

Grade & Stream School Name
Student Name Student ID
Date Class
Subject Computing Creative Design and Innovation

Here are the download links for the autonomous car model:

The download links are on LMS

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1. Attach a picture of the final sketch of the chassis.

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2. Attach a picture of the final sketch of the shell.

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3. Attach a screenshot of your Fusion 360 CAD design of the chassis and provide a
share link to your model below.
Click here to enter the link to your design.

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4. Attach a screenshot of your Fusion 360 CAD design of the shell.

Save this completed document, then submit back to your teacher through LMS:

Save your file using the naming convention: ‘CP1 - <your student id>.docx’
For example, if your student id is 25678, then your file name would be: CP1 - 25678.docx

Total Marks / 100

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