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Iyan (notes)

 Blended learning is a mixture of online and face-to-face learning.

 Blended learning is also known as ‘hybrid learning’ or the ‘flipped classroom’.
 Blended learning requires the effective integration of both virtual and face-to-face
 Blended learning appears to be most used in Higher Education (HE) or adult education.
 The lack of representation of younger students in the literature may mean that it is
difficult to draw conclusions about the potential impact of blended learning for students
in compulsory education.
 There is some evidence that the introduction of blended learning can lead to improved
course outcomes, in terms of higher student retention as well as increased pass rates. 
 Blended learning courses improved attendance at face-to-face classes, in self-report
measures of student satisfaction, and in examination performance.
 Students who were introduced to a new blended learning environment during the first
term were less likely than previous cohorts to leave their course before completion.

Online and in-person learning are combined to create blended learning. The flipped classroom
or hybrid learning are other names for blended learning. For blended learning to be successful,
both online and in-person learning must be integrated. Higher education or adult education seem
to be where blended learning is most prevalent. It may be challenging to draw conclusions about
the possible effects of blended learning for students enrolled in compulsory education due to the
lack of representation of younger students in the research.

There is some proof that the adoption of blended learning can result in better course results, in terms
of higher student retention and increased pass rates. The performance on exams as well as attendance
at in-person classrooms and self-report measures of student satisfaction all increased with blended
learning courses. Students who were introduced to a new blended learning environment during the first
term were less likely than previous cohorts to drop their course before completion.

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