Std70 2006

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©ASHRAE. All rights reserved. Courtesy copy for SSPC 55 Committee to exclusively use for standards development.

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ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006

(Supersedes ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-1991)

Method of Testing
the Performance
of Air Outlets
and Air Inlets
Approved by the ASHRAE Standards Committee on June 24, 2006; by the ASHRAE Board of Directors on June 29,
2006; and by the American National Standards Institute on June 30, 2006.

ASHRAE Standards are scheduled to be updated on a five-year cycle; the date following the standard number is
the year of ASHRAE Board of Directors approval. The latest copies may be purchased from ASHRAE Customer
Service, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2305. E-mail: Fax: 404-321-5478. Tele-
phone: 404-636-8400 (worldwide) or toll free 1-800-527-4723 (for orders in US and Canada).

© Copyright 2006 ASHRAE, Inc.

ISSN 1041-2336

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating

and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
1791 Tullie Circle NE, Atlanta, GA 30329
©ASHRAE. All rights reserved. Courtesy copy for SSPC 55 Committee to exclusively use for standards development. May not be distributed, reproduced nor placed on the internet.

ASHRAE Standard Project Committee 70

Cognizant TC: TC 5.3, Room Air Distribution
SPLS Liaison: Roger L. Hedrick
James Dale Aswegan, Chair* Julian Rochester*
Douglas P. Baker Frank J. Spevak*
Norman H. Bay Jack L. Stegall*
Norman Broner* Richard T. Swierczyna*
Ted N. Carnes* Paul R. VanderMeulen
Alfred T. Dyck* Alexander M. Zhivov
Kenneth J. Loudermilk*

*Denotes members of voting status when the document was approved for publication


Richard D. Hermans, Chair Jay A. Kohler
David E. Knebel, Vice-Chair James D. Lutz
Donald L. Brandt Merle F. McBride
Steven T. Bushby Mark P. Modera
Paul W. Cabot Cyrus H. Nasseri
Hugh F. Crowther Stephen V. Santoro
Samuel D. Cummings, Jr. Stephen V. Skalko
Robert G. Doerr David R. Tree
Hakim Elmahdy Jerry W. White, Jr.
Roger L. Hedrick James E. Woods
John F. Hogan William E. Murphy, BOD ExO
Frank E. Jakob Ronald E. Jarnagin, CO
Stephen D. Kennedy
Claire B. Ramspeck, Assistant Director of Technology for Standards and Special Projects

This American National Standard (ANS) is a national voluntary consensus standard developed under the auspices of the American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). Consensus is defined by the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI), of which ASHRAE is a member and which has approved this standard as an ANS, as “substantial agreement reached by
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Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that an effort be made toward their resolution.” Compliance with this
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The Manager of Standards of ASHRAE should be contacted for:
a. interpretation of the contents of this Standard,
b. participation in the next review of the Standard,
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d. permission to reprint portions of the Standard.

ASHRAE uses its best efforts to promulgate Standards and Guidelines for the benefit of the public in light of available information and accepted
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ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines are established to assist industry and the public by offering a uniform method of testing for rating
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©ASHRAE. All rights reserved. Courtesy copy for SSPC 55 Committee to exclusively use for standards development. May not be distributed, reproduced nor placed on the internet.


ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006

Method of Testing the Performance of Air Outlets and Air Inlets
Foreword ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
3 Definitions....................................................................................................................................................... 2
4 Instrumentation and Facilities......................................................................................................................... 5
5 Test Procedures ............................................................................................................................................. 6
6 References ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
7 Appendix A: Bibliography ............................................................................................................................... 9
8 Appendix B: Room Test Heaters .................................................................................................................. 10
9 Appendix C: Throw Data Analysis and Application ...................................................................................... 10
10 Appendix D: Sound Rating Determination .................................................................................................... 10


When addenda, interpretations, or errata to this standard have been approved, they can be downloaded
free of charge from the ASHRAE Web site at

© Copyright 2006 American Society of Heating,

Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
1791 Tullie Circle NE
Atlanta, GA 30329
All rights reserved.
©ASHRAE. All rights reserved. Courtesy copy for SSPC 55 Committee to exclusively use for standards development. May not be distributed, reproduced nor placed on the internet.
(This foreword is not part of this standard. It is merely airflow rate (Q): the volume of standard air per unit of time
informative and does not contain requirements necessary that moves past a given plane, expressed in cubic feet per
for conformance to the standard. It has not been minute (cfm) or liters per second (L/s).
processed according to the ANSI requirements for a
airstream patterns: airstream patterns are characterized by
standard and may contain material that has not been
the following terms:
subject to public review or a consensus process.
Unresolved objectors on informative material are not drop (D): the maximum distance, in ft (m), that the verti-
offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.) cal isovel of a horizontally projected (non-isothermal)
airstream drops below the centerline of the outlet for the
FOREWORD terminal velocity of interest (see Figure 1a).
This standard was first published in 1972 and revised in envelope: the boundary surface of points of equal termi-
1991. This current edition of the standard updates the 1991 nal velocity that describe the air diffusion profile. Enve-
edition by covering a broader range of air-device types and lope is also referred to as isovel (see Figure 1b).
sizes, by specifying commercially available test instruments
that have increased accuracy, by defining test facilities and rise: the maximum distance, in ft (m), that the vertical
installation procedures to better reflect the device under inves- isovel of a horizontally projected (non-isothermal)
tigation at its intended application, and by clarifying methods airstream rises above the centerline of the outlet for the
of calculating test data so they apply to the broader range of terminal velocity of interest (see Figure 1c).
air devices now available in the market. spread: the distance, in ft (m), measured parallel or
perpendicular to the mounting plane of the outlet between
1. PURPOSE the extremes of the terminal velocity envelope (see
The purpose of this standard is to define laboratory meth- Figure 1d).
ods of testing air outlets and air inlets used to terminate ducted terminal velocity (Vt ): an arbitrarily specified air veloc-
and unducted systems for distribution and return of building air. ity that is the highest sustained velocity in the mixed
airstream from an air outlet.
throw: the distance, in ft (m), from the center of the outlet
2.1 This standard includes the specifications for test instru- perpendicular to a point in the mixed airstream where the
ments, facilities, installations, and procedures and methods of velocity has been reduced to a specified terminal velocity
calculation for determining aerodynamic performance and (see Figure 1b).
sound generation of air outlets and air inlets.
area factor (Ak ): a calculated area, in ft2 (m2), of an air outlet
2.2 The test methods in this standard apply to both isother- or air inlet determined from the airflow rate (Q) divided by the
mal and non-isothermal conditions. discharge or intake velocity (Vk).
3. DEFINITIONS A k = ----- (3-1)
The following terms are defined as they are used in this
standard. For definitions of all other terms, refer to ASHRAE aspect ratio: the ratio of the nominal length to width of a rect-
Terminology of Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, & angular outlet.
core area: the area of a register or grille pertaining to its frame
air inlet: a device through which air is removed or returned or border, whichever is less (see Figure 1e).
from a conditioned space. Grilles, registers, diffusers, and discharge or intake velocity (Vk ): the air velocity, in fpm
slots may be used as air inlets. (m/s), determined from measurements taken with a speci-
air outlet: a device or opening through which air is discharged fied instrument at specified locations and with a specified
into a conditioned space. In this standard, all accessories, orientation on the air outlet or air inlet.
connecting duct adapters, or other mounting airways may be equivalent diameter (De ): the diameter of a circular-duct
considered part of the outlet device being tested and, when equivalent that will have a cross-sectional area that is equal to
they are so considered, shall be reported as a unit or assembly. that of a particular square or rectangular duct. The equivalent
Some specific outlet designations are defined below. diameter is calculated by the following equation:
grille: a louvered or perforated face over an opening.
De = ------------ (3-2)
register: a combination grille and damper assembly. π

diffuser: an outlet designed to distribute air in varying face area: the area, in ft2 (m2), of the exposed surface of an air
directions and planes. outlet or air inlet (see Figure 1e).
slot: a long, narrow air outlet, generally one for which the free area: the total minimum area, in ft2 (m2), of the openings
aspect ratio is greater than 10:1. in an air outlet or air inlet through which air is able to pass. Free

2 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006

©ASHRAE. All rights reserved. Courtesy copy for SSPC 55 Committee to exclusively use for standards development. May not be distributed, reproduced nor placed on the internet.

Figure 1a Airstream drop distance.

Figure 1b Airstream envelope (isovel) and throw distance.

Figure 1c Airstream rise distance.

Figure 1d Airstream spread distance.

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 3

©ASHRAE. All rights reserved. Courtesy copy for SSPC 55 Committee to exclusively use for standards development. May not be distributed, reproduced nor placed on the internet.

Figure 1e Neck, core, and face areas of grille (for two types of duct connections).

area shall not be used for system balancing or for determining delta static pressure: in this standard, delta static pres-
air outlet or air inlet performance. sure is defined as the difference in static pressure across
the test item.
neck area (An ): the nominal area, in ft2 (m2), of the duct
connection to the air outlet or air inlet (see Figure 1e). standard air: in the I-P system of units, standard air is dry
neck velocity (Vn ): the velocity, in fpm (m/s), of air traveling air at 70°F and 14.696 psia. Under these conditions, dry
through the duct connected to the air outlet or air inlet. Neck air has a mass density of 0.075 lb/ft3. Note that I-P stan-
velocity is calculated by dividing the airflow rate (Q) by the dard air is not the same as SI standard air. In the SI system
neck area (An), or it can be measured using an air velocity of units, standard air is dry air at 20°C and 101.325 kPa
meter or pitot tube traverse in the duct. absolute. Under these conditions, dry air has a mass
density of 1.204 kg/m3.
pressure: the force per unit area exerted by a homogeneous
liquid or gas, expressed in inches of water (in. w.c. or in. w.g.) static pressure (Ps ): the normal force per unit area that
or pascals (Pa). would be exerted by a moving fluid on a body immersed

4 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006

©ASHRAE. All rights reserved. Courtesy copy for SSPC 55 Committee to exclusively use for standards development. May not be distributed, reproduced nor placed on the internet.
in it if the body were carried along with the fluid. Practi- c. For instruments with a range greater than 2.0 in. w.c.
cally, it is the normal force per unit area at a small hole in (500 Pa): a manometer or other instrument calibrated to
a wall of the duct through which the fluid flows. ±0.1 in. of water (25 Pa).
total pressure (Pt ): the sum of the static and reference 4.2.3 Atmospheric pressure shall be measured with a
velocity pressures. barometer having an accuracy within 0.05 in. Hg (169 Pa).
velocity pressure (Pv ): the pressure capable of acceler- 4.2.4 Temperatures shall be maintained to within ±2.0°F
ating a fluid from rest to the velocity of the moving fluid (1.0°C) during pressure measurements.
with complete conversion of pressure into kinetic
energy. The velocity pressure is found from the follow- 4.3 Airflow Rate Measurement. Airflow rate shall be
ing equation: measured in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 41.2.3
Accuracy shall be no less than ± 5.0% of the reading or 1 cfm
V 2 (0.5 L/s), whichever is greater.
P v = ρ ⋅ ⎛ ------------⎞ (3-3)
⎝ 1096⎠
4.3.1 Alternately, other means of airflow rate measure-
ment may be used if the measuring instrument is calibrated by
comparison with a certified standard to the above accuracy.
Pv = velocity pressure, in. w.c. (Pa) Orifice meters, if used, shall be constructed in accordance
ρ = air density, lbm/ft3 (kg/m3) with ASME Performance Test Code 19.5 and shall be sized for
V = air velocity in the plane of measurement, fpm (m/s) a throat velocity not less than 3000 fpm (15 m/s) or more than
7000 fpm (35 m/s).
4.4 Air Velocity Measurement. Air velocity measure-
4.1 Temperature Measurement. Temperature-measuring ments shall be made with mechanical or electrical anemome-
instruments shall meet the requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE ters having an accuracy shown in Table 2 and in accordance
Standard 41.11 and the requirements of Sections 4.1.1 and with Sections 4.4.1 and 4.4.2.
4.1.2 below. 4.4.1 Throw, Spread, and Drop. An omnidirectional
4.1.1 The accuracy of the temperature-measuring instru- anemometer shall be used to measure air velocity; a direc-
ments shall be 0.2°F (0.1°C). In no case shall the smallest tionally sensitive anemometer may be used if it is carefully
scale division of the temperature-measuring instrument oriented to indicate the true airspeed at any test position.
exceed 0.2°F (0.1°C). Note: This may require a smoke test to determine the primary
4.1.2 Temperature-measuring instruments shall be cali- flow direction.
brated by comparison with a certified standard in the range of 4.4.2 Discharge or Intake Velocity. An omnidirectional
use, or the instruments themselves shall be certified as to anemometer shall be used to measure air velocity; a direction-
accuracy on an annual basis. ally sensitive anemometer may be used if it is carefully ori-
ented to indicate the true airspeed at any test position. A
4.2 Pressure Measurement. Pressure-measuring instru-
revolving vane or propeller anemometer shall not be used.
ments shall meet the requirements of ASHRAE Standard
41.32 and the requirements of Sections 4.2.1 through 4.5 Sound Measurement. The equipment and facility for
4.2.4 below. the determination of sound power levels shall be in accordance
4.2.1 Pressure-measuring instruments shall have a scale NAIS Standard 12.51,4 which specifies the instrumentation,
no less than the values shown in Table 1. acoustic test facilities, and the uncertainty of the measurements.
4.2.2 Calibration standards shall be as follows: Locations within the test facility with air velocities greater than
50 fpm (0.25 m/s), such as where air is discharging from the
a. For instruments with the range 0.005 to 0.100 in. w.c. equipment being tested, must be avoided to prevent aerody-
(1.25 to 25 Pa): a micromanometer or another instrument namic noise against the microphone being included in the mea-
calibrated to ±0.001 in. w.c. (0.25 Pa). surement.
b. For instruments with the range 0.1 to 2.0 in. w.c. (25 to Sound tests shall be performed to at least Engineering
500 Pa): a micromanometer or another instrument cali- Grade 2 as defined in NAIS Standard 12.514 with the excep-
brated to ±0.01 in. of water (2.5 Pa). tion that the test room must be qualified as Precision Grade 1
as defined in its Section 5, “Acoustic Environment,” Subsec-
TABLE 1 Maximum Scale Interval
TABLE 2 Velocity Measurement Accuracy
Range, Maximum Scale Interval,
in. w.c. (Pa) In. w.c. (Pa) Measure Range Accuracy

From 0.005 to 0.1 (1.25 to 25) 0.005 (1.25) ≤ 200 fpm (1 m/s)
Throw, spread, ±10 fpm (0.05)
200 (1 m/s) to 1000
From 0.1 to 1.0 (25 to 250) 0.01 (2.50) and drop ±5%
(5 m/s) fpm
From 1.0 to 2.0 (250 to 500) 0.02 (5.0)
Discharge or intake 100 fpm (0.5 m/s) to
Above 2.0 (500) 0.10 (25) velocity 2000 fpm (10 m/s)

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 5

©ASHRAE. All rights reserved. Courtesy copy for SSPC 55 Committee to exclusively use for standards development. May not be distributed, reproduced nor placed on the internet.
tions 5.2 and 5.3, and/or qualified according to its Annex E to velocity pressure pitot traverse to be within 10% of the highest
meet the requirements in Table 2 of the NAIS standard. and lowest reading. The static pressure shall be measured with
either a wall static tap or a static pressure probe.
5. TEST PROCEDURES Tests for pressure shall be conducted at a mini-
5.1 Air Outlet Static and Total Pressure. The test for out- mum of four evenly spaced airflow rates.
let static and total pressure shall be conducted in accordance The total pressure in the plane of measurement is
with the following sections. the sum of the measured static pressure and the calculated
5.1.1 The test system shall comprise at least a fan, a means velocity pressure.
for controlling the airflow rate, an airflow rate measuring
5.1.4 Plenum Method
device, and one of the test installations described in either
Section 5.1.3 or Section 5.1.4. The test installation should be constructed in
5.1.2 Pressure measurements shall be clearly referenced accordance with Figure 3 to provide uniform and unidirec-
to any position or adjustment of any flow equalizing, damp- tional air velocities. Equalizing devices may be required to
ing, or deflecting components on the device. accomplish this.
5.1.3 Ducted Method The velocity profile at the entrance plane of the The air outlet shall be mounted in a duct with test device must be uniform within 10%.
cross-sectional dimensions equal to the nominal size of the The required pressure shall be measured with at
device or to the duct dimensions normally recommended by least one wall static tap located within 2 in. (0.05 m) of the
the manufacturer. The duct shall be straight for a minimum inside surface of the mounting plane of the device.
length of three equivalent diameters with any required flow
straightener at least three diameters from the air outlet. Tests for pressure shall be conducted at a mini-
mum of four evenly spaced flow rates. The test installation should be constructed in
accordance with Figure 2 to provide uniform and unidirectional For the plenum method, the measured pressure
air velocities. The plane of measurement shall be located 1.5 is equal to the total pressure. The test unit static pressure is the
equivalent diameters upstream of the device. The validity of a difference between the measured total pressure and the calcu-
measurement point within this plane shall be confirmed with a lated velocity pressure in the test duct, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2 Ducted test installation.

Figure 3 Pressurized plenum test installation.

6 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006

©ASHRAE. All rights reserved. Courtesy copy for SSPC 55 Committee to exclusively use for standards development. May not be distributed, reproduced nor placed on the internet.
5.2 Air Inlet Static and Total Pressure. The test for air 5.3.5 The area factor can be considered a single value for
inlet static and total pressure shall be conducted in accordance the range of airflow rates tested if a single value does not dif-
with the following sections. fer more than 5% from the mean effective area. If a single
5.2.1 The test system shall comprise at least a fan, a means value differs more than 5%, each effective area will need to
for controlling the airflow rate, a flow-rate measuring device, relate to a specific airflow rate.
and one of the test installations described in Section 5.2.3 or 5.4 Throw, Spread, and Drop
5.2.4. The device shall be mounted in a simulated wall or ceil-
5.4.1 Test Room
ing surface using the method recommended by the manufac-
turer. This surface shall extend on all sides to at least two All measurements shall be made within an
equivalent diameters from the boundaries of the device. enclosed space.
5.2.2 Pressure measurements shall be clearly referenced to All surfaces of the test room shall be normal to
any position or adjustment of any flow equalizing, damping, or one another at the corners of the room, and any surfaces over
deflecting components on the device. which the supply air path flows shall be smooth and flat.
5.2.3 Ducted Method The highest airflow rate for an air outlet that may The test installation shall be constructed in be utilized in a given test room shall be such that the maxi-
accordance with Figure 2. The test air inlet shall be mounted mum air jet velocity does not exceed the terminal velocity
in a test duct with cross-sectional dimensions equal to the under investigation at a distance of 3 ft (1 m) from the perpen-
nominal size of the device or to the duct dimensions normally dicular boundary in the direction under investigation. For a
recommended by the manufacturer. The duct shall be straight free jet, this encompasses boundaries both parallel and per-
for a minimum length of 1.5 equivalent diameters (De) pendicular to the airstream under investigation.
beyond the plane of measurement. Return air shall be exhausted from the test room The plane of measurement shall be determined at a location away from the supply path and out of the planes
by measuring static pressure along the duct centerline at inter- of measurement.
vals of 1.0 equivalent diameter and is defined as the location The air system supplying the test room shall be
at which successive measurements do not change by more composed of a fan, a means of controlling the airflow rate, an
than 10%. airflow rate measuring device, and any test apparatus that will Tests for pressure shall be conducted at a mini- provide a uniform velocity profile at the entrance plane of the
mum of four evenly spaced flow rates. test device within 10%. The total pressure in the plane of measurement is 5.4.2 Installation of the Air Outlet Test Unit
the sum of the measured static pressure and the calculated The air outlet shall be installed using the method
velocity pressure. recommended by the manufacturer in the location classes
5.2.4 Plenum Method shown in Figure 4. The test installation shall be constructed in Location Class I. Air outlets shall be mounted
accordance with Figure 3. in such a way that they provide throw with a minimal effect The required pressure shall be measured with at from adjacent boundaries.
least one wall static tap located within 2 in. (0.05 m) of the Location Class II. Air outlets shall be installed
inside surface of the mounting plane of the device. so that the top of the outlet is 9 in. (0.2 m) from the ceiling Tests for pressure shall be conducted at a mini- (high side-wall mounting) or floor (low side-wall mounting)
mum of four evenly spaced flow rates. or other adjacent surface. Optional tests may be conducted For the plenum method, the measured pressure is with air outlets placed in other locations as long as the loca-
equal to the total pressure. The test unit static pressure is the dif- tion is specified in the test data.
ference between the measured total pressure and the calculated Location Class III. Air outlets shall be mounted
velocity pressure in the test duct. in a ceiling to provide throw with a minimum effect from the
ceiling surfaces.
5.3 Area Factor (Ak) Location Class IV. Air outlets with a vertical air
5.3.1 Area factor is an empirical value determined by pattern shall be mounted in a ceiling, sill, or floor. The air out-
Equation 3-1. The discharge and intake velocities shall be let location, position of adjacent side walls, and distance to the
found by direct measurement. ceiling shall be specified in the test data.
5.3.2 For direct measurement of the discharge and intake Air outlets shall be installed on the surfaces as
velocities, any of the apparatuses shown in Figures 2 and 3 described in the sections above in accordance with their appli-
may be used along with a velocity-measuring instrument cation as ceiling, wall, floor, or sill outlets. Air outlets may be
complying with Section 4.4.
installed in accordance with the following:
5.3.3 When measuring discharge and intake velocities
directly, the instrument(s), orientation, and location(s) of a. a plenum that is essentially pressurized and the perfor-
measurement relative to the test unit shall be specified. mance of the air outlet is obtained
5.3.4 Tests for determining the area factor shall be con- b. a specific plenum that, in conjunction with the air outlet,
ducted at a minimum of four evenly spaced flow rates. constitutes an integral assembly

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 7

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Figure 4 Diffuser locations for testing purposes.

c. a continuous duct fed from one end so that the duct and Air velocity measurements shall be taken at
air outlet constitute an integral assembly enough locations within the test room to determine the throw,
d. any other specifically recommended or fabricated ducts spread, and drop to within the nearest 1 ft increment. The
that also form an integral assembly in conjunction with measurements shall begin at a point at which the highest
the air outlet velocity is at least 100 fpm (0.5 m/s) greater than the terminal
velocity under consideration. Each of the arrangements above, except the pres- See Appendix C for guidance in determining
surized plenum, shall constitute an integral air outlet and shall throw values for other flow rates.
have a test duct connected to the inlet of the arrangement. The 5.4.4 Test Procedure Using Non-Isothermal Air
pressurized plenum shall be considered the test duct in this Throw, spread, and drop (or rise) are determined
arrangement. The type of air outlet connection shall be spec- by measuring air velocities within the airstream at varying
ified in the test data. The active length of an air outlet tested distances away from the test unit. The temperature differential
should not exceed 80% of the distance between the bounding between the test unit supply air temperature and the average
side walls of the test room. room air temperature shall be equal to or greater than 5°F The test duct shall be normal to the surface in (2.5°C) during the air velocity measurement period. The tem-
which the air outlet is mounted unless otherwise recom- perature differential must not vary by more than 10% during
mended by the manufacturer. the measurement period. The temperature differential at
5.4.3 Test Procedure Using Isothermal Air which non-isothermal throw, spread, or drop is determined
must be specified in the test data. Throw and spread are determined by measuring Tests with non-isothermal air should be conducted with
air velocities within the airstream at varying distances away the test unit mounted in the horizontal or vertical orientation
from the test unit. The air velocities shall be measured with an of its intended use.
instrument as specified in Section 4.4 and an exploratory tech- A complete detailed description of the test setup, includ-
nique (isovel taken at 150 fpm). ing the method of maintaining thermal loads, shall be provided The temperature differences between the test with the test data.
unit supply air temperature and the average room air temper- It is necessary to provide a heat load into a space where air
ature during the period of air velocity measurement shall not distribution tests are being conducted with cold air in order to
exceed 2°F (1°C). The temperature of the test unit supply air be able to maintain steady-state conditions for the duration of
shall be measured in the center of the test duct at the plane of the measurement period. This imposed heat load shall not
measurement. The average room air temperature is the arith- create drafts that directly affect the temperature/velocity data
metic average of at least four temperature measurements spa- being acquired during the tests, unless the draft from the heat
tially distributed throughout the test space. All temperature source is intended as an integral part of the test.
measurements must comply with the requirements of Calculated throw data shall be valid only for the temper-
Section 4.1. ature differences (ΔT) of the test. Appendix B provides details The airflow rate shall not vary by more than ±5% on room test heaters.
or 1 cfm, whichever is greater, during the air velocity mea- 5.5 Sound Generation
surement period. 5.5.1 Sound power levels generated from air outlets and air Tests for throw and spread shall be conducted at inlets shall be determined for the 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000,
a minimum of four evenly spaced flow rates. and 4000 Hertz octave bands in accordance with Section 4.5.

8 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006

©ASHRAE. All rights reserved. Courtesy copy for SSPC 55 Committee to exclusively use for standards development. May not be distributed, reproduced nor placed on the internet.
5.5.2 The air outlet or air inlet test unit shall be installed in (This appendix is not part of this standard. It is merely
accordance with Figures 5 and 6 or as recommended by the informative and does not contain requirements necessary
manufacturer. Air shall be supplied to or from the installed for conformance to the standard. It has not been
test unit, and the airflow rate shall be measured in accordance processed according to the ANSI requirements for a
with Section 4.3. All ductwork leading to the test unit may be standard and may contain material that has not been
lagged with a sound barrier material to prevent the breakout of subject to public review or a consensus process.
sound, which could influence the sound generation measure- Unresolved objectors on informative material are not
ment of the test unit. offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.)
5.5.3 Tests for sound generation shall be conducted at a
minimum of four evenly spaced flow rates. APPENDIX A
5.5.4 Any specific settings or adjustments made to the test
unit shall be reported with the test data. BIBLIOGRAPHY
5.5.5 Appendix D provides recommended methods for ADC. 1984. ADC 1062:GRD-84, Test Code for Grilles, Reg-
quantifying air outlet and air inlet sound generation for a isters, and Diffusers. Chicago: Air Diffusion Council.
given acoustical environment.
ISO. 1984. ISO 5219-84, Air Distribution and Air Diffusion-
Laboratory Aerodynamic Testing and Rating of Air Ter-
minal Devices. New York: International Organization
The following standards are required to conduct testing in for Standardization.
accordance with the standard: ISO. 1984. ISO 5221-84, Air Distribution and Air Diffusion-
1 ASHRAE. 2001. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.1-1986 (RA
Guidelines to Methods of Measuring Air Flow Rate in
2001), Standard Method for Temperature Measurement. an Air Handling Duct. New York: International Organi-
Atlanta: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating zation for Standardization.
and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
2 ASHRAE. 1989. ASHRAE Standard 41.3-1989, Standard ISO. 1997. ISO 5135-1997, Acoustics-Determination of
Sound Power Levels of Noise from Air Terminal Devices
Method for Pressure Measurement.Atlanta: American
by Measurement in a Reverberant Room. New York:
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
International Organization for Standardization.
Engineers, Inc.
3 ASHRAE. 1992. ASHRAE Standard 41.2-1987 (RA 1992), ASHRAE. 2005. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 113-2005, Mea-
Standard Methods for Laboratory Air-Flow Measure- surement of Room Air Diffusion Performance. Atlanta:
ment. Atlanta: American Society of Heating, Refrigerat- American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-
ing and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
4 ANSI. 2002. ANSI Standard S12.51-2002 (NAIS), Precision ISO. 1994. ISO Standard 7730-1994, Determination of PMV
Methods for the Determination of Sound Power Levels of and PPD Indices and Specifications of the Conditions
Broad-Band Noise Sources in Reverberation Rooms. for Thermal Comfort. Geneva: International Organiza-
New York: American National Standards Institute. tion for Standardization.

Figure 5 Mounting detail Figure 6 Mounting detail

(test device against a surface). (test device away from a surface).

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 9

©ASHRAE. All rights reserved. Courtesy copy for SSPC 55 Committee to exclusively use for standards development. May not be distributed, reproduced nor placed on the internet.
(This appendix is not part of this standard. It is merely (This appendix is not part of this standard. It is merely
informative and does not contain requirements necessary informative and does not contain requirements necessary
for conformance to the standard. It has not been for conformance to the standard. It has not been
processed according to the ANSI requirements for a processed according to the ANSI requirements for a
standard and may contain material that has not been standard and may contain material that has not been
subject to public review or a consensus process. subject to public review or a consensus process.
Unresolved objectors on informative material are not Unresolved objectors on informative material are not
offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.) offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.)
ROOM TEST HEATERS Throw data for nontested airflow rates can be predicted
It is necessary to provide a heat load into a space where air using the following method.
distribution tests are being conducted with cold air in order to At a distance X from the device for which the VX velocity
be able to maintain steady-state conditions for the duration of is measured, the nondimensional relationship of the VX/VK and
the measurement period. This imposed heat load shall not the corresponding value of X/(AK)1/2 shall be calculated with
create drafts that directly affect the temperature/velocity data the results plotted as a logarithmic function on the graph
being acquired during the tests unless the draft from the heat shown in Figure 7b (as in the example of Figure 7a).
source is intended as an integral part of the test. The plot shall be drawn through the test points with the
slope of the plot equal in angle to the reference slope line
Some restrictions regarding the use of room test heaters
±20% (Zones II, III, and IV) in Figure 7a. For additional infor-
are excerpted below:
mation, see the 2005 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals,
Excerpted from ADC 1062: GRD-84, a.13—Tests of chapter 33.
Terminal Velocity Room Velocity and ADPI. The throw distance X for a given airflow rate may be based
A.13.3.1 “No measurements will be taken directly over on any appropriate terminal velocity. The VX selected must be
the room heaters.” referenced in the recorded data.
A.13.3.2 “Room heaters shall be designed and con- Throw from ceiling diffusers determined in accordance
structed to have a low profile and be capable of producing the with the above paragraph may be divided by the square root of
required energy at low surface temperatures to minimize self- 2 to determine throw data for exposed duct mounting (without
created convective velocities. In addition, it is recommended ceiling effect) if the pattern in the exposed position is shown
that the space heaters be a type that will permit the maximum to be horizontal.
unrestricted passage of test room air through, and between
(This appendix is not part of this standard. It is merely
and around, said devices.”
informative and does not contain requirements necessary
Based upon these considerations, there are two types of
for conformance to the standard. It has not been
room heaters that can be used: processed according to the ANSI requirements for a
standard and may contain material that has not been
1. Uniform heat loads applied to open spaces.
subject to public review or a consensus process.
2. Specific load simulations. Unresolved objectors on informative material are not
offered the right to appeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.)
Uniform Load Heaters: “Room heaters should be
designed and constructed to be located as close to the floor APPENDIX D
as practical and be capable of producing the required energy
at low surface temperatures to minimize self-created convec-
tive velocities. In addition, it is recommended that the space This standard provides the method to determine the sound
heaters be a type that will permit the maximum unrestricted power levels. Historically, these sound power levels have been
passage of test room air through, and between and around, used to determine application sound ratings of the devices at
said devices.” different airflow rates.
A common sound rating procedure makes use of the noise
Note: Using flat panels on the floor at high heat loads
criteria (NC) descriptor. For comparison purposes, a dB differ-
may produce unexpected intermittent periods of high-veloc-
ence between sound power level and sound pressure level at
ity air. Care should be taken to maintain as low a watt density
each frequency is used in the conversion of sound power to
as possible. sound pressure.
Room air speed and temperature data should not be taken The sound power level in decibels (dB) referenced to
in the immediate location of a load heater. This may require 10–12 W for each of the 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, and
temporary movement of a heater during temperature and 4000 Hz octave bands minus 10 dB shall be plotted on the
velocity measurements. NC contour curves to determine the point of tangency with
Spot Load Heaters: Room heaters should be designed the highest rank NC curve. This highest protrusion of the
and constructed to have a similar shape and be capable of values into the NC curves sets the NC rating.
producing the required energy at surface temperatures similar For additional information on the NC curves reference,
to the load being simulated. Heaters should be located at points see the 2005 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals, chapter 7,
in the room simulating actual room spot loads. or ARI-885-98.

10 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006

©ASHRAE. All rights reserved. Courtesy copy for SSPC 55 Committee to exclusively use for standards development. May not be distributed, reproduced nor placed on the internet.

Figure 7a Sample throw-terminal velocity graph for a product series.

Figure 7b Throw-terminal velocity curve for grilles and registers.

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 11

©ASHRAE. All rights reserved. Courtesy copy for SSPC 55 Committee to exclusively use for standards development. May not be distributed, reproduced nor placed on the internet.
ASHRAE is concerned with the impact of its members’ activities on both the indoor and outdoor environment. ASHRAE’s
members will strive to minimize any possible deleterious effect on the indoor and outdoor environment of the systems and
components in their responsibility while maximizing the beneficial effects these systems provide, consistent with accepted
standards and the practical state of the art.
ASHRAE’s short-range goal is to ensure that the systems and components within its scope do not impact the indoor and
outdoor environment to a greater extent than specified by the standards and guidelines as established by itself and other
responsible bodies.
As an ongoing goal, ASHRAE will, through its Standards Committee and extensive technical committee structure,
continue to generate up-to-date standards and guidelines where appropriate and adopt, recommend, and promote those new
and revised standards developed by other responsible organizations.
Through its Handbook, appropriate chapters will contain up-to-date standards and design considerations as the material is
systematically revised.
ASHRAE will take the lead with respect to dissemination of environmental information of its primary interest and will seek
out and disseminate information from other responsible organizations that is pertinent, as guides to updating standards and
The effects of the design and selection of equipment and systems will be considered within the scope of the system’s
intended use and expected misuse. The disposal of hazardous materials, if any, will also be considered.
ASHRAE’s primary concern for environmental impact will be at the site where equipment within ASHRAE’s scope
operates. However, energy source selection and the possible environmental impact due to the energy source and energy
transportation will be considered where possible. Recommendations concerning energy source selection should be made by
its members.
©ASHRAE. All rights reserved. Courtesy copy for SSPC 55 Committee to exclusively use for standards development. May not be distributed, reproduced nor placed on the internet.

PC 7/06

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