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<3) = = g SS A Fr NI i) S) a a x . STATE WHETHER TRUE OR FALSE. puro deforestation os is a biosphere reserve in “Tamifnadu ima Nilgiris Tidal energy is_ Ai _ type of energy. umm renewable Coal, petroleum and natural gas are called fos fuels. imma fossil LCA _ is the most commonly used fuel for the production of electricity tua Coal Bio gas CORRECT THE STATEMENTS WHICH | Natural gas ARE FALSE ¢ 4_ | Green house gas Biogas is a fossil fuel. | 5_| CFL bulbs - ‘als | 6 | Wind ‘i ect Statement : Petroleum isafossil fuel. | 7] Sita Planting trees increases the ground water |) (ae i.Tar (a) ionly (0 iiand iti | 1. Which of the following is /2 Habitat destruction cause loss of wild life. Nuclear energy is a renewable energy. | 2. What are the i Nuclear energy is a non on Cee : waste management? ee oeaey (a) reduce the amount of. Overgrazing prevents soil erosion, (b) reuse the waste (d) all of the above Overgrazing can lead to | 3. ‘The gas released from Carbon monoxide Poaching of wild animals is a legal act. Sulphur dioxide iii, Oxides of nitrogen (@) iandii (©) ii and iii soil erosion, Poaching of wild animals | (@) petroleum () coal (©) nuclear fuel (d) trees / tims (d) trees Soil erosion is more where there is (a) no rainfall (b) low rainfall (c) rainfall is high (d) none of these mm (c) rainfall is high An inexhaustible resources is (a) wind power (c) wild life or live with its community. Such a migrate into residential areas, fields etc., aff (b) soil fertility human life, e (d) all of the above “ ums (a) wind power | 8+ What are the agents of soil erosion? [P Common energy source in village is - Agents of soil erosion are high velocity of {a) electricity (b) coal air currents, flowing water, landslide, hu (0) biogas activities (deforestation, farming and mining) (@ wood and animal dung overgrazing by cattle, ‘i um (d) wood and animal dung ‘Why fossil fuels are to be conserved? [PTA-4) Green house effect refers to Ans. (B) ‘The formation of these fossil fuels coal (a) cooling of earth | petroleum is a very slow process and (b) trapping of UV rays very long period of time for renewal, {c) cultivation of plants ‘They are available in limited amounts in J (@) warming of earth ners (d) war nature. Therefore the coal and. petroleum. Bess. convenubraly cone reserves can get exhausted if we use them at Miteustibiecourcs ofenagyis [ratty a rapid rate. Thus they must be conserved. (a) hydropower (b) solar energy 5. Solar energy is a renewable energy. How? {) wind energy (d) thermal energy Ans. (i) Itis said to be renewable since it is available | am (a) hydropower | in unlimited amount in nature, Itcan be renewed over a short period of time and can be harvested continuously, g of earth | Global warming will cause a) (a) raise in level of oceans (b) melting of glaciers © How are e-wastes generated? (¢) sinking of islands | [PTA-6; Sep-2021] (d) all of these umm (d) all of the: Ans. (i) E- wastes are generally called as electronic Which of the following statement is wrong wastes, which includes the spoiled, outdated, with respect to wind energy? | non-repairable electrical and electronic devices. L) wind energy is a renewable energy ii) ‘They are generated at houses, Industries ete, {) the blades of wind mill are operated with the |v SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS } help of electric motor | 4 - = What is the importance of rainwater harvesting? 19 production of wind energy is pollution free P PTA. usage of wind energy can reduce the | , ; [PTA-4] Consumption of fossil fuels. Ans. (i) Overcome the rapid depletion of groundwater (b) the blades of wind mill are operated levels. i with the help of electric motor | (ii) To meet the increase demand of wate _ Whatare the environm ental effect caused by 1 sevenget hospital wastes, indus Ans. (0 Untreated sewage or wastewater ‘generated Ge fro m domestic and industrial process is the leading polluter of water sources in India. | (®) "Sewage water results in agricultural contamination | and environmental degradation, 4. f deforestation? Ans. i of wildlife, ‘extinction of species, imbalance of i “ycles, alteration of climatic conditions and desertification, 4 How does rainwater harvesting structures recharge ground water? [Sep-2021] The main purpose of rainwater harvesting is to make the rainwater percolate under the ground 80 as to recharge Roof tops are excellent rain catchers. The rain water that falls on the roof of the houses, apartments, commercial buildings etc. is collected and stored in the surface tank and can be used for domestic purpose. The rain waters first collected from the roof tops or open spaces and is directed into the percolation pits through pipes for filtration collection, treatment and of solid material that is dit household and industrial ods of solid wastes disposal S n: Tes the separation off type of waste materials like and non-biodegradable wastes, I: Solid wastes are dum low lying areas. The layers are con trucks to allow settlement. The w get stabilised in 2-12 months. Th matter undergoes decomposition, It is the burnin biodegradable solid wastes in properly constructed furnace at temperature, Biodegradablem wastes is digested by mictob earthworms and converted into Papers from old books, m: Papers are recycled to p apermills, microorganisms, flower} ; in climbers, dense trees and provi for wild animals, re eee (ii) Forests also contribute to th development ofour country, "(ap ee (i) Forests are vital for human lif itisa source shoulda neers vable natural resoun of global resonrcesdinoo gi ‘ z ce, (iv) They provide wood, food, fodder, fibre and (viii) Thus management of forests and \ medicine. indeed a challenging task. q (y) Forests are major factor of environmental concern. They act as carbon sink, regulate climatic conditions, increase rainfall, reduce | global warming, prevent natural hazardslike | flood and landslides, protect wildlife and also | act as catchments for water conservation, pi) They also play a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance Vill. ASSERTION AND REASONING ? In each of the following question a statement ¢ assertion (A) is given and a corresponding staten of reason (R). Of the four statements given bel mark the correct answer, (@) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion. (b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason | is not the correct explanation of assertion. (c) Assertion is true but reason is false. (d) Both assertion and reason are false. What are the consequences of soil erosion? _| | | Soil ero (i) Significant loss of humus and nutrients. (i) It decreases the fertility of the soil. 1, Assertion: Rainwater harvesting is to collect and (ii) Vegetation, cover cannot be retained. store rain water. (i) This will affect ground water levels. Reason: Rainwater can be directed to recharge - ‘ the underground water source. Why is the management of forest and wildlife | immu (a) Both assertion and reason afetrue and resource considered as a challenging task? | reason is correteg na ) Expanding human population results in | i. ! | 2. Assertion: Energy efficient bulbs like CFL must | be used to save electric energy. | son: CFI ire costlier than ordinary bulbs, ll) Forests are destroyed for reasons like agriculture, Reason: Pe sa! Urbanization, construction of dams, roads, hence ee i te tee i buildings, industries, hydroelectric projects etc tam (¢, ; é expanding needs. Forests provide a variety Of resources to fulfill man’s ne Although coal and petroleum are produced by degradation of biomass, yet we need to "conserve them. Why? Ans. (D) The coal and petroleum reserves can get exhausted if we keep using them ata rapid rate. (i) ~The formation of these fossil fuels (coal and petroleum) isa very slow process and takes very long period of them for renewal. (ili) Hence it is necessary to conserve them for future use. (i) Thiscan be done by reducing their consumpti ‘mm Coal and petroleum are formed by the degradation of biomass of plants and animals buried deep under the earth millions of years ago. What are the objectives for replacing non- | conventional energy resources from conventional | energy resources? | Ans. (1) The non-conventional energy resources such | as solar power, wind energy, hydropower etc. seem to be promising since they are available | abundantly, are cheap and can meet the demand | 2: It is not pollution the environment. Hence | steps are taken to replace commercial sources | with non-conventional sources of energy of our Nation. 3) ae nae Ene 3. Why is the Government imposing ban on the use of polythene bags and plastics? Suggest alternatives. How is this ban likely to improve the environment? )) Polythene bags and plastics are non-bio degradable materials. An BIOLOGY Ifthey are used, they accumulate in the soil, water bodies etc., ) Inthe soil, they get buried and alter the nature ofthe soil. It prevents aeration of the soil and affects microbes. Excessive accumulation of plastic can render the'soil barren, | In water bodies, they cover the water surface | and prevent oxygen from diffusing into the water thereby affecting aquatic flora and fauna, () Usebags made of ec Gi) Usedining plates / cups materials instead of p (iil)_Use vessels / containers mad (iv) Carry our own cloth bags for ‘The ban on plastics by the G improve the environment because; — (Plastic waste will be disappear. Ee Itwill help the water bodies and solto promote microbial growth. It will lead to decrease in by Government in disposal: Human beings will not be exposed to hazards caused by use of plastics especially. #4 dining plates and cups. wa (i) (iii) faced! wh (yy X. VALUE BASED QUESTIONS ¢ Lis 1. Why isit not possible to use solar cells to; ‘ our energy needs? State three reason to suy F to your answer. Ans. () Solar cells are expensive. A If energy needs are high, huge solar panels need to be installed which isnot economically” viable for all Sunlight mustbe available throughouttheyeat How would you dispose the following wastes? a Domestic wastes like vegetable peels b. Industrial wastes like metallic cans Can the disposal protect the environment? He Ans. (a) ’ Itcan be disposed by composting in theg This will help to decompose the waste return the nutrients to the soil thereby: to the fertility of the soil. This will: to manage the waste. Metallic cans must be given to recy ‘The cans will be melted and ca make other objects. This willlh the waste and reuse it, i) (ii) (b) F ares Tas of taitaa resources. Eg: Reuse: The waste whenever possible. Fg: water from kitchens can be used for growing plants, cycle: Materials wherever possible. eo Use of treated sewage water for gardening. (b) Bio-wastes to be made into compost. gs Questions & Answers arm he energy obtained from the movement of ater due to ocean tides is [PTA-6) ) Tidal energy }) Wind energy ) Solar energy @) water energy ‘am (a) Tidal energy Ts What is 4R approach? (PTA-1) . AR approach refers to Reduce, Reuse, Recovery | * ind Recycle which is to be followed for effective wyaste management. List out the advantages of tidal energy. [PTA-5] si) Tidal energy does not produce any pollution. {i Itdoes not use any fuel and does not produce any waste (ii), Tides are predictable, so tidal energy can be produced at any time. Reel a) Me EZ SS . The sOft finely stratified sedimentary rock is called _ 1GMQP-2019] was shale Match the following : [Sep-2020] (1) Polyvinyl chloride (i) Affects brain development in children (ii) Affects the growth of reproductive system. (iii) Asthmatic bronchitis (iv) Neural damage 2) Cadmium (a) Solar energy (c) Minerals ‘The Chipko movement (a) Uttar-pradesh () (c) Arunachal Pradesh (4) mma (b) Forest conservation Act was passed ix (a) 1952 (b) 1958 (© 1978 (a) 1980 ‘The system of National parks and sanctuaries was established in (a) 1954 (b) 1980 (©) 1935 (d) 1988 ma (c), biosphere reserves in Ind (b) 13 (c) 15, ‘There are (a) 5 ‘The first National park to be India was. (a) Nilgiris (c) Corbett National park (a) Kaziranga sanctuary. (©) Corbett Wild life preservation socie located in (a) Delhi (b) (©) Dehradun (a) (b) Gir forest © ‘The project for con was launched in 1976, (a) tiger (©) lion

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