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ENTREPRENEURIAL MIND entrepreneurial activities remains not

fully realised.
Encompasses the following: ● This chapter highlights some
● The entrepreneurial process aspects concerning the concept of
● Creativity and innovation entrepreneur, entrepreneurship,
● Innovation entrepreneurial process and finally
● The Opportunity the entrepreneurship opportunities
● Ideas, Opportunities, and Innovation and challenges.
● Screening Opportunities ● Entrepreneurship have always been
● Packaging up Opportunities: The present, however their behavioural
Business Plan patterns were different in different
● Resource Requirements periods of time,
● The Entrepreneurial Team ● The word entrepreneur was derived
● Social Entrepreneurship from the french word “entreprendre”,
● Family Business which means”to undertake”
● Entrepreneurial Strategy (Kuratko, 2016).
● Entrepreneurial Finance ● The usage of the term entrepreneur
can be traced from 1755, wherein an
WHAT IS ENTREPRENEURSHIP? entrepreneur was described to “buy
● Entrepreneurship is the act of being the country produce from those who
an entrepreneur, who starts any bring it or to order it to be brought on
economic activity for being their account. They pay a certain
self-employed price to resell wholesale or retail at
● Entrepreneurship is the “process of an uncertain price” (Cantillon, 1931,
the entrepreneur”. It is an attempt to p.51; Hamilton & Harper, 1994)
create value through recognition of ● Entrepreneur from the very
business opportunity. It basically beginning, was principally an
communicative and management independent speculator of the
functions to mobilize financial and commodity (Hamilton & Harper,
material resources. 1994)

ENTREPRENEURSHIP An economic development can emerge due

● Entrepreneurship has become to several reasons, which includes:
increasingly important for
businesses of all sizes around the (a) the launch of new source of procurement
world. for raw materials or materials
● It opens new opportunities and
possibilities for the businesses to (b) the introduction of a new production
create values for themselves and for mechanism
the society at large.
● Despite its popularity, studies (c) the introduction of a new quality of
suggest that the scope of product
entrepreneurship remains unknown,
and therefore the prospects of (d) the opening of new market
(a) expansion of entrepreneurial activities
(e) the re-organisation of a business through the advent of the internet and the

The management of all these aspects are explosion of e-commerce on a global scale.
carried by an enterprise, and the people
whose (b) Integration in social and political fabrics
functions are to carry out these activities are in several emerging economies.
called entrepreneurs (Bull & Willard, 1993)
(c) increasing economic situations in middle
DEFINITION OF AN ENTREPRENEUR income house-holds in several economies.
● To date, several definitions have
been penned to describe an (d) increase in cross-border engagements
entrepreneur. And some of them are and market entry mechanisms such as
mentioned herewith: strategic
● Entrepreneur is someone who
manages all the necessary alliances, subsidiaries, joint ventures etc.
resources to produce and market a
product which responds to the (e) evolving trends in channel structures
market scarcity (Leibenstein, 1968; among the developed world.
bull & Willard, 1993).
● “Entrepreneurs are individuals who (f) increased engagements in global
markets concerning social responsibility and
INTRODUCTION TO ethics (Ramachandran &


ENTREPRENEUR Contemporary markets offers several
avenues for entrepreneurial activities:
Some of the common traits of entrepreneurs ENTREPRENEURSHIP CHALLENGES
are : Although entrepreneurship activities are
beneficial, however they come with certain
ENREPRENEURIAL PROCESS challenges. Some of those
The process of entrepreneurship can challenges are mentioned herewith:
be observed through the six-stage

ENTREPRENEURSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Although entrepreneurship activities are

beneficial, however they come with certain
Entrepreneurship offers several challenges, some of those challenges are
opportunities and some of those mentioned herewith:
opportunities are:
● Knowledge gap between the
developed, emerging, frontier and
under developed markets for ● You have identified and
conducting business. understood the key success
● Difference in accounting systems in factors and risks
several countries ● The projected market is large
● Variable rates of return and you expect good market
● Non-convertibility of the currencies penetration
● Communication gaps ● You have a strategy for
● Language barriers commercialization,
● Political unrest and legal concerns profitability, and market
● Cultural differences domination
● Discrepancies in the use of ● You can establish and protect
technology a proprietary and competitive
● Complexity in the markets position
● Supply chain concerns ➔ Milestones
● Lack of specific infrastructure in ● Anchoring key events in the
some countries or regions plan with specific financial
● Financial markets and their volatility and quantitative values
➔ Communicate that
ENTREPRENEURIAL PLANNING: PART 1 ● Your major plan objectives
are in the form of financial
COMMUNICATION PRINCIPLES ● You have addressed the dual
need for planning and
● As Hindle and Mainprize (2006) flexibility
note, business plan writers must ● You understand the hazards
strive to communicate their of neglecting linkages
expectations about the nature of an between certain events
uncertain future. However, the ● You understand the
liabilities of newness make importance of quantitative
communicating the expected future values (rather than just
of new opportunities difficult (more chronological dates)
so than for existing organizations). ➔ Opportunities
● Nothing lasts forever—things
FIVE COMMUNICATIONS PRINCIPLES: can change to impact the
opportunity: tastes,
➔ Expectations preferences, technological
● Translation of your vision of innovation, competitive
the venture and how it will landscape
perform into a format ➔ Communicate these four aspects to
compatible with the distinguish the business concept,
expectations of the readers distinctive competencies, and
➔ Communicate that sustainable advantages:
● the new combination upon
which venture is built
● the magnitude of the opportunity or PLANNING:
market size PART 2
● market growth trends
● venture’s value from the market (%
of market share proposed or market ENTREPRENEURIAL PLAN
share value in dollars) CREDIBILITY
➔ Context
● Describing context within ● Entrepreneurial plan
which new opportunity is writers must strive to
intended to function (internal project credibility
and external environment) (Hindle & Mainprize,
➔ Communicate 2006), so there must
● how the context will help or be a match between
hinder the proposal what the
● how the context may change entrepreneurship
and affect the organization team (resource
and the range of flexibility or seekers) needs and
response that is built into the what the resource
venture providers expect
● what management can or will based on their
do in the event the context criteria.
turns unfavorable
● what management can do to ● A take it or leave it
affect the context in a approach (i.e.
positive way financial forecasts set
➔ Entrepreneurial Model in concrete) by the
● A brief and clear statement of entrepreneurship
how an idea actually team has a high
becomes a business that likelihood of failure in
creates value terms of securing
➔ Communicate resources.
● Who pays, how much, and
how often? ● Hindle and Mainprize
● The activities the company (2006) outline five
must perform to produce its principles to help
product, deliver it to its entrepreneurs project
customers, and earn revenue credibility:
● And be able to defend ● Without the right
assertions that the venture is team, nothing else
attractive and sustainable matters.
and has a competitive edge
➔ Communicate timing issues of market context outlined in
the entrepreneurial
What do they know? plan should link directly to the financial
Who do they know? statements.
How well are they known?
-Income and cash flow statements must be
➔ Elaboration preceded by
operational statements setting forth the
Break down individual tasks into their primary planning
sub-parts so each step assumptions about market sizes, sales,
maximizes the upside and minimizes the productivity, and basis for
downside: the revenue estimate.

➔ sub-strategies ➔ The Deal

(1) market penetration, (2) market -If the main purpose is to enact a harvest,
development, and (3) product then the
development entrepreneurial plan must create a
value-adding deal
➔ ad-hoc programs structure to attract investors.

Administrative tasks, unplanned projects, -Common things: viability, profit potential,

meetings and downside risk,
catch-ups likely life-cycle time, potential areas for
dispute or Improvement
➔ specific tactical action plans
Your roadmap / strategies PART 3


-Claiming an impossible lead or a
proprietary market position is Many entrepreneurs must have a plan to
naïve. achieve their goals.

-Opportunity building is like chess: The following are some basic guidelines for
-Anticipate several moves in advance entrepreneurial plan
-View the future as a movie vs. snapshot development.

➔ Financial Link - A standard format helps the reader

understand that the entrepreneur
-Key assumptions related to market size, has thought everything through and
penetration rates, and that the returns justify the risk.
- Binding the document ensures that
readers can easily go through it - Be specific. An entrepreneurial plan
without it falling apart. is simply not of value if it uses vague
- Be 100% certain that…everything is references to high demand, carefully
completely integrated: the written set prices, and another weak
part must say exactly the same thing phrasing.
as the financial part
- all financial statements are - It must show hard numbers (properly
completely linked and valid (make referenced, of course), actual prices,
sure all balance sheets validly and real data acquired through
balance) proper research. This is the only way
- the document is well-formatted to ensure your plan is considered
(layout makes the document easy to credible.
read and comprehend—including all
diagrams, charts, statements, and
other additions) ENTREPRENEURIAL
- everything is correct (there are NO PROCESSES
spelling, grammar, sentence
structure, referencing, or calculation
errors) Objectives
- the document is easy to read and
comprehend because it is organized ● Identify exciting entrepreneurial
well with no unnecessary repetition opportunities
- all the necessary information is ● Evaluate exciting entrepreneurial
included to enable readers to opportunities
understand everything in your ● Model the entrepreneurial process
document. for the exciting
- the terms you use in your plan must entrepreneurialopportunities
be clear; ● Create entrepreneurial planning
- if you use a percentage figure, you documents
indicate to what it refers, otherwise,
the figure is completely useless to a KEY ELEMENTS
- if your plan includes an international ● Opportunity
element, which currencies the costs, ● Market
revenues, prices, or other values ● Entrepreneur / Team
- Credibility is both established and ● Resources
- If a statement is included that
presents something as a fact when
this fact is not generally known,
always indicate the source.
Unsupported statements damage
IDENTIFY, ANALYZE, AND PLAN THE while generating durable margins
OPPORTUNITY and profits?

● Opportunity Recognition is the ● How can I take on this venture while

active, cognitive process (or supporting the Sustainable
processes) through which individuals Development Goals?
conclude that they have identified
the potential to create something ● Opportunity are present as
new that has the potential to the result of forces such as
generate economic value and that is shifting demographics,
not currently being exploited or changes in knowledge and
developed and is viewed as understanding due to
desirable in the society in which it scientific advances, a
occurs. rebalancing or imbalance of
● Because opportunity recognition is a political winds, or changing
cognitive process, people can learn attitudes and norms that give
to be more effective at recognizing rise to new needs.
opportunities by changing the way
they think about opportunities and ● When you combine
how to recognize them. enhanced public focus on
health and wellness,
advanced water treatment
The opportunity is a chance to satisfy the methods, clean combustion
needs and desires of a certain group of technologies, renewable
people while generating returns that enable “clean” energy sources,
you to continue to operate and to build your conversion of used
organization over time. packaging into new asset
streams, benign chemical
Key Questions compounds for industrial
processes, and local and
● What is a need that is not being sustainability has grown
met? organic food;
● What are the conditions that have
created an opportunity for my idea? IDENTIFY, ANALYZE, AND PLAN THE
● Why do people want and need MARKET
something new at this point in time?
● What are the factors that have ● New ventures offer solutions to
opened up the opportunity? people’s problems.
● Will the opportunity be enduring, or ● This concept requires you to not only
is it a window that is open today but examine the item or service
likely to close tomorrow? description but also further
● If you perceive an unmet need, can understand the group of people
you deliver what the customer wants whose unmet needs you are
meeting (often called market opportunity are all positive, but in the end it
analysis). is the ability of the entrepreneur
● What is the solution for which you to attract a team,
want someone to pay?
● Is it a service or product, or some ● an individual who initially drives the
combination? process through his or her ability to
● To whom are you selling it? Is the mobilize resources and sometimes
buyer the actual user? Who makes through sheer force of will, hard
the purchase decision? work, and determination to succeed.
● What is the customer’s problem and
how does your service or product ● In challenging times it is the
address it? entrepreneur’s vision and leadership
abilities that can carry the day.
● The entrepreneur’s skills, education,
The buyer is buying a package of attributes capabilities, and weaknesses must
that might be augmented and complemented
include cutting-edge technology, lower by the competencies of the team
operating costs, and members they bring to the project.
perhaps the satisfaction of being part of a ● Does the team as a unit have the
solution to health, background, skills, and
environmental, and energy security understanding of the opportunity to
problems. overcome obstacles?
● Can the team act as a collaborative
THE ENTREPRENEURIAL PROCESS: unit with strong decision-making
PART 2 ability under fluid conditions?
● Can the team deal with conflict and
IDENTIFY, ANALYZE, AND PLAN THE disagreement as a normal and
ENTREPRENEUR & ENTREPRENEURIAL healthy aspect of working through
TEAM complex decisions under ambiguity?

● start something to find out whether IDENTIFY, ANALYZE, AND PLAN THE
they can convert that opportunity RESOURCES
into an ongoing source of fulfillment
and potential financial gain. That ● innovative and entrepreneurial
means that, ideally, the ventures combine specific resources
entrepreneur’s life experience, such as capital, talent and know-how
education, skills, work exposure, and (e.g., accountants, lawyers),
network of contacts align well with equipment, and production facilities.
the opportunity. Breaking down an opportunity’s
required resources into components
● A good entrepreneurial plan, an can clarify what is needed and when
interesting product idea, and a it is needed.
● Although resource needs change THE OVERALL PROCESS
during the early growth stages of an
opportunity, at each stage the ● The process of entrepreneurship
entrepreneur should be clear about melds these pieces together in
the priority resources that enable or processes that unfold over weeks
inhibit moving to the next stage of and months, and eventually years if
growth. the business is successful. Breaking
down the process into categories
● Capital. What financial resources, in and components helps you
what form (e.g., equity, debt, family understand the pieces and how they
loans, angel capital, venture capital), fit together.
are needed at the first stage? This
requires an understanding of cash ● The opportunity can be optimally
flow needs, break-even time frames, explored with the team and
and other details. Even non-profits resources that are identified and
need to make money to stay afloat. mobilized.
Back-of-the-envelope estimates
must be converted to pro forma ● The resources must be brought to
income statements to understand bear to launch the opportunity with
financial needs. an entry strategy that delivers the
● Know-how. Record keeping and value-driven concept in a way that
accounting and legal process and solves customers’ problems.
advice are essential resources that
must be considered at the start of
every venture. Access to experts is
important, especially in the early
stages of making an opportunity
happen. New opportunities require
legal incorporation, financial record
keeping, and rudimentary systems
and resources to provide for these
expenses need to be considered.
● Facilities, equipment, and transport.
Does the venture need office space,
production facilities, special
equipment, or transportation? At the
early stage of analysis, ownership of
these resources does not need to be
determined. The resource
requirement, however, must be

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