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In One Variable AO The equation -7x 41 = a “15S ~3x will be satisfied for x equal to: oy 1 (@) none of these JO Pick up the correct vatue ofx 2 wae @x=5 Qk = @x=7 ‘ (@) none of these 3 The solution ofthe equation Bla yt @e eye @)10 @ none ofthese \A Bis the solution of equation aH 5 ee z @#+S=2n OM =442 etsy xt10 215, 452 at aomeo Ont ett 5 The value of y that satisfies the equation man @-1 @1 7 wert The solution of the equation (p+2) (p-3) + (p+3) (p-4) = p(2p-5) is ee 5 @)7 (@) none of these wr The equation = * rue or @x=1 © ()x=2 we \8/ Pick up the correct value x for which 2 oo0s 7” boon = ree ‘Gham fn @)x=1 In Two Variable Othe solution oftthe set of equations 3x + 4y = 7, 4x-y = 3is ©@) wo, 3 @ (1,-2) (WW Bolve forxand y:x- 3y = 0,x-+ 29 = 20. es @xk=4,y=12 Ox=5, 24 @) none of these IK = 12, wee ‘Chap. BP. Equations 1Sx+3.6y =2.1, 2541) =6) t = by 102,05) ©as) ©) (05, 0.2) @¢ 5 5) rere we @~ 2X+y= p+ qare satisfied by the values given by the pair. (@) none of these \ 32 The sotution forthe pair of equation ie tip Tater FB we ©G4 ta oG4 @@3) = he simultaneous equations 7x 3y =31, 9x -5y = 41 have solutions given by @C4-1) LS (4-1) (6)G-1,4) @ (3,7)

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