Spanish Expeditions and Conquest

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Spanish expeditions and conquest Although well they were not the first of

Mactan Island with 60 armed men and 1,000 Cebuano warriors, but had great difficulty landing his men on the rocky shore. Lapu-Lapu had an army of 1,500 on land. Magellan waded ashore with his soldiers and attacked the Mactan defenders, ordering Humabon and his warriors to remain aboard the ships and men, watch. and Magellan grossly seriously underestimated the Lapu-Lapu and his outnumbered, Magellan and 14 of his soldiers were killed. The rest managed to reboard the ships. (See Battle of Mactan) The battle left the Spanish too few to man three ships so they abandoned the "Concepcin". The remaining ships - "Trinidad" and "Victoria" - sailed to the Spice Islands in present-day Indonesia. From there, the expedition split into two groups. The Trinidad, commanded by Gonzalo Gmez de Espinoza tried to sail eastward across the Pacific Ocean to the Isthmus of Panama. of the Disease crew where and shipwreck of disrupted Espinoza's voyage and most died. the Survivors to the the Trinidad returned Islands, imprisoned The Victoria continued westward, return commanded de Spice them. sailing by Juan Barrameda,

Europeans in the Philippines, the first documented arrival western Europeans in the archipelago was the Spanish expedition led by Portuguese Ferdinand Magellan, which first sighted the mountains of Samar at dawn on 16 March 1521 (Spanish calendar), making landfall the following day at the small, uninhabited island of Homonhon at the mouth of the Leyte Gulf.[1] Magellan had abandoned his Portuguese citizenship and became a Spanish subject prior to his contract with Spain. On Easter Sunday, calendar), 31 at March 1521 (Spanish (now Masao, Butuan,

in Agusan Del Norte), he solemnly planted a cross on the summit of a hill overlooking the sea and claimed possession of the islands he had seen forSpain, naming them Archipelago of Saint Lazarus.[2] Magellan sought friendship among the natives Humabon, converting beginning the chieftain to with Rajah of Sugbu

(now Cebu), and took special pride in them Catholicism. Magellan got involved with political rivalries among the Cebuano natives and took part in a battle against LapuLapu, chieftain of Mactan island and a mortal enemy of Humabon. At dawn on 27 April 1521, Magellan invaded


Sebastin de El Cano, and managed to to Sanlcar Spain in 1522. In 1529, Charles I of

Spain relinquished the Spice treaty of


claims However,

to the the

reality its task was to conquer the Philippines for Spain.[7] On April 27, 1565, a Spanish

Islands to Portugal in Zaragoza.

treaty did not stop the colonization of the Philippine archipelago from New Spain.[3] After Magellan's voyage, subsequent expeditions were dispatched to the islands. Four expeditions were sent: that of Loaisa (1525), Cabot (1526), Saavedra (1527), Villalobos

expedition of a mere 500 men led by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi landed in Bohol and made a blood compact with Raja Katuna Sikatuna and Raja in Spanish in records, Gala Sigala

Spanish records He and his men then proceeded to the nearby island of Cebu.Where they were attacked by the defiant Tupas, who had succeeded Humabon as king of Cebu.[8] Tupas was defeated and requested to sign an agreement which placed his people and the entire island of Cebu under Spain. On that same day, the first permanent Spanish settlement of San Miguel was founded in Cebu. In 1570, Juan de Salcedo, in the service of Legazpi, conquered the Kingdom of Maynila (now Manila). made Maynila His the Legazpi capital of then the also

(1542), Legazpi of de

and Legazpi (1564). it resulted the of in


expedition was the most successful as the discovery by Andres the tornaviaje or return trip to Mexico across trade centuries. In and 1543, Ruy Samar Las Lpez de Islas Pacific the Urdaneta.[5] This discovery started the famous Manila Galleons which lasted two and a half

Villalobos named the islands of Leyte Filipinas after Philip II of Spain.[6] Philip II became King of Spain on January 16, 1556, when his father, Charles I of Spain, abdicated the Spanish throne. Philip was in Brussels at the time and his return to Spain was delayed until 1559 because of European politics and wars in northern Europe. Shortly after his return to Spain, Philip ordered an expedition mounted to the Spice Islands, stating that its purpose was "to discover the islands to the west". In

Philippines and simplified its spelling to Manila. expedition renamed Luzon Nueva Castilla. Legazpi became the country's first governorgeneral. With time, Cebu's importance fell as power shifted north to Luzon. The archipelago was Spain's outpost in the orient and Manila became the capital through of the the entire Spanish Viceroyalty East Indies. The colony was administered of New Spain (now Mexico) until 1821 when

Mexico achieved independence from Spain. After 1821, the colony was governed directly from Spain. During most of the colonial period, the Philippine the Galleon inaugurated Trade between economy in Spain and depended on was 1565 the Trade which






period, agriculture was finally opened to the European population, which before natives. During Spains 333 year rule in the Philippines, the colonists had to fight off the Chinese pirates (who lay siege to Manila, the most famous of which was Limahong in 1574), Dutch forces, Portuguese forces , and indigenous revolts. Moros from western Christian Visayas Mindanao areas and of and Luzon the and Sulu the Archipelago also raided the coastal occasionally captured was reserved only for the

between Manila and Acapulco, Mexico. Philippines was via the Pacific Ocean to Mexico (Manila to Acapulco), and then across the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean to Spain (Veracruz to Cdiz). Manila became the most important center of trade in Asia between the 17th and 18th centuries. All sorts of products from China, Japan, Brunei, the Moluccas and even India were sent to Manila to be sold for silver 8-Real coins which came aboard the galleons from Acapulco. These goods, including silk, porcelain, spices, lacquerware and textile products were then sent to Acapulco and from there to other parts of New Spain, Peru and Europe. The European population grew in the

men and women to be sold as slaves. Some export Japanese Japanese gold. ships silver Later, visited and the

Philippines in the 1570s in order to import Philippine increasing

imports of silver from New World sources resulted in Japanese exports to the Philippines shifting from silver to consumer goods. In the 1580s, the Spanish traders were troubled to some extent peaceful and





Japanese trading


but were 1590.

natives remained the majority. They depended on the Galleon Trade for a living. In the later years of the 18th century, introduced internal Governor-General economic reforms from and Basco that the other

relations by

established between the Philippines Japan Japan's kampaku (regent), Toyotomi several occasions submit

Hideyoshi, demanded unsuccessfully on that the to Philippines Japan's suzerainty.

gave the colony its first significant source of income tobacco production

On February 8, 1597, King Philip II, near the end of his 42-year reign, issued a Royal Cedula instructing Francisco de Tello de Guzmn, then Governor-General of the Philippines to fulfill the laws of tributes and to provide for restitution of ill-gotten taxes taken from the natives. The decree was published in Manila on August 5, 1598. King Philip died on 13 September, just forty days after the publication of the decree, but his death was not known in the Philippines until middle of 1599, by which time a referendum by which the natives would acknowledge Spanish rule was underway. of the With the completion Philippine

and was given the privilege to collect tribute from its inhabitants. In return, the person granted the encomienda, known as an encomendero, was tasked to provide military protection to the inhabitants, justice and governance. In times of war, the encomendero was duty bound to provide soldiers for the King, in particular, for the complete defense of the colony from invaders such as the Dutch, British and Chinese. The encomienda system was abused by encomenderos and by 1700 was largely replaced by administrative governor)[12] The provinces, each headed by an alcalde mayor (provincial most prominent feature of Spanish cities was the plaza, a central area for town activities such as the fiesta, and where church, government a market buildings, area were and the other

referendum of 1599, Spain could be said to have established legitimate sovereignty over the Philippines. Political System The Spanish quickly organized their new colony according to their model. The first task was the reduction, or relocation of native inhabitants into settlements. system The earliest political during was which used



Residential areas lay around the plaza. During the conquista, the first task of colonization was the reduction, or relocation of the indigenous population into settlements surrounding the plaza. As in Europe, the church always had control over the state affairs of the colony. and was The friars controlled than the the sentiments of the native population more powerful governor-general himself. Among the issues that resulted to the Philippine revolution of 1898 that ended Spanish

the conquistaperiod the encomienda system,

resembled the political system known as Feudalism in Medieval Europe. The conquistadores, nobles were friars granted and native in estates,

exchange for their services to the King,

rule was the abuse of power by the religious orders. National Government On the national level, the King of Spain, through his Council of the Indies (Consejo de Indias), governed through his sole representative the of in the Philippines: the seat Governor-General in Intramuros, was


were City



thecorregidores. an alcalde multiple inspector police,

governments mayor. Alcalde

(ayuntamientos), were also headed by mayors and corregidores exercised prerogatives tribute as judge, chief of capitanof encomiendas, collector,

general of the province and even viceregal patron. His annual salary ranged from P300 to P2000 before 1847 and P1500 to P1600 after it. But this can be augmented through the special privilege of "indulto de commercio" where all people were forced to do business mayor was an Insulares (Spaniard Philippines). In the the Peninsulares began the Insulares which execution born 19th to with him. The alcalde usually in the century, displace in the

(Gobernador y Capitn General). With power Manila, the Governor-General

given several duties: he headed the Supreme Court (Real Audiencia), was Commander-in-chief of the army and navy, and was the economic planner of the country. of All known local executive power the government

stemmed from him and as vice-regal patron, he had the right to supervise mission salary reasons, was the work and For oversee obvious was ecclesiastical appointments. His yearly P40,000. Governor-General


political unrests of 1872, notably the of GOMBURZA, Novales Revolt and mutiny of the Cavite fort under La Madrid. Municipal Government Main articles: Municipalities of the

usually a Peninsular (Spaniard born in Spain) to ensure loyalty of the colony to the crown. Provincial Government Main article: Provinces of the

Philippines and Cities of the Philippines The pueblo or town is headed by

Philippines On the provincial level, heading the pacified provinces (alcaldia), was the provincial governor (alcalde mayor). The unpacified military zones (corregidor), such as Mariveles and

the gobernadorcillo or little governor. Among his administrative duties were the preparation of the tribute list (padron), recruitment and distribution of men for draft labor, communal public work and military conscription

(quinto), postal clerk and judge in minor civil suits. He intervened in all administrative cases pertaining to his town: lands, justice, finance and the municipal police. His annual salary, however, was only P24 but he was exempted from taxation. Any native or Chinese mestizo, 25 years old, literate in oral or written Spanish and has been a cabeza de barangay of 4 years can be agobernadorcillo. is Emilio Mestizo Among who those a was prominent Chinese Aguinaldo,

where the sentiment heard as, "Mi Barrio", first came from. The Residencia and The Visita To check the abuse of power of royal officials, institutions Philippines. back to two were the ancient brought 5th castilian to the and from by within be a visitadorthe officials previous specific or dating

The Residencia, century

the Visita differed clandestinely occur term, general. Maura Law anytime without

the residencia in that it was conducted general sent from Spain and might any


the gobernadorcillo of Cavite El Viejo (now Kawit). Early officials of the pueblo colonial survived as were society. by taken Their names families from are in the Maharlika class or nobles of preprominent Gatmaitan,

notice. Visitas may

The legal foundation for municipal governments in the country was laid with the promulgation of the Maura Law on May 19, 1893. Named after its author, Don time, the Antonio of law Maura, Colonies at the the town Spanish Minister

contemporary Philippine society such Tupas, Liwanag, Pangilinan, Panganiban and Agbayani to name a few. Barrio Government Barrio government (village or district) rested (cabeza on de the barrio administrator barangay). He was


governments in the Philippines with the aim of making them more effective and autonomous. This law created the municipal organization that was later adopted, revised, and further strengthened by the American and Filipino governments that succeeded Spanish. Economy Manila-Acapulco Galleon Trade

responsible for peace and order and recruited men for communal public works. Cabezas should be literate in Spanish and have good moral character and property. Cabezas who served for 25 years were exempted from forced labor. In addition, this is

The Manila-Acapulco


secession of American colonies from Spain. Royal Society of Friends of the Country Jos de Basco y Vargas, following a royal order to form a society of intellectuals who can produce new, useful ideas, formally established the Real Sociedad Economica de Amigos del Pais. Composed of leading men in business, industry and profession, the society was tasked to explore and exploit the island's natural bounties. The society led to the creation of Plan General Economico of Basco which implemented the monopolies on the areca nut, tobacco, spirited liquors and explosives. It offered local and foreign scholarships and training grants in agriculture academy of and established It was an also design.

Trade was the main source of income for the colony during its early years. Service was inaugurated in 1565 and continued into the early 19th century. The Galleon trade brought silver from New China, Spain, spices which from was the used to purchase Asian goods such as silk from Moluccas, lacquerware from Japan and Philippine cotton textiles.[13] These goods were then exported to New Spain and ultimately Europe by way of Manila. Thus, the Philippines earned its income through the trade and to of the Manilamany specially Acapulco Galleon. The trade was very prosperous merchants attracted Manila,

Chinese. However, initially it neglected the development of the colony's local industries which affected the Indios since agriculture was their main source of income. In addition, the building and operation of galleons put too much burden on the colonists' annual polo y servicio. However, it resulted in cultural and commercial exchanges between Asia and the Americas that led to the introduction of new crops and animals to the Philippines such as corn, potato, tomato, cotton and tobacco among others, that gave the colony its first real income. The trade lasted for over two hundred years, and ceased in 1815 just before the

credited to the carabao ban of 1782, the formation of the silversmiths and gold beaters guild and the construction of the first papermill in the Philippines in 1825. It was introduced on 1780, vanished temporarily on 1787-1819, 18201822 and 1875-1822 and ceased to exist in the middle of the 1890s. Royal Company of the Philippines On March 10, 1785, Charles III created the Royal Philippine Company with a 25 year charter.[14] It monopoly of was granted to exclusive bringing

Manila, Philippines; Chinese and Indian goods and shipping them directly to Spain via the Cape of Good Hope. It was stiffly objected by the Dutch and English who saw it as a direct attack on their trade of Asian goods. It was also vehemently opposed by the traders of the Galleon trade who saw it as competition. This gradually resulted into the death of both institutions: The Royal Philippine Company in 1814 and the Galleon trade in 1815.[15] Taxation To support the colony, several forms of taxes and monopolies were imposed. The buwis (tribute), which could be paid in cash or kind (tobacco,chickens, produce, gold, blankets, cotton, rice, etc., depending on the region of the country), was initially was fixed at 8 reales (one real being 8 centavos) and later increased as one chest, to 15 reales, ten apportioned reales buwis, community follows:

was replaced by the Cedula personal, wherein colonists were required to pay for personal identification. Everyone over the age of 18 was obliged to pay.

The localgobernadorcillos had been

responsible for collection of the tribute. Under the cedula system, however, taxpayers were individually responsible to Spanish authorities for payment of the tax, and were subject to summary arrest for failure to show a cedula receipt. Forced Labor (Polo y servicios) The system of forced labor otherwise known within as polo the y servicios evolved of the framework

encomienda system, introduced into the South American colonies by the Conquistadores and Catholic priests who accompanied them. Polo y servicios is the forced labor for 40 days of men ranging from 16 to 60 years of age who were One obligated to be of to give personal projects. services could community exempted paying the

real diezmos one

prediales (tithes), one real to the town real sanctorum tax, and three reales for church support.[16] Also collected was the bandal (from the Tagalog word mandal, a round stack of rice stalks to be threshed), an annual enforced sale and requisitioning of goods such as rice. Custom duties and income tax were also collected. By 1884, the tribute

frompolo by the falla (corruption

Spanish Falta, meaning "absence"), a daily fine of one and a half real. In 1884, labor was reduced to 15 days. The polo system was patterned after the Mexicanrepartimento, selection for forced labor. Culture

See also: Filipino culture By the 19th century, the Philippines had become an important possession. The early small number of European settlers, brought

assassination by fellow natives, his wife Gabriela continued to lead the Ilocanos. Resistance against Spanish rule was regional in character, based on ethnolinguistic groups. Hispanization of sorts, did not spread to the mountainous center of northern Luzon, nor to the inland communities of Mindanao. The highlanders were more able to resist the Spanish invaders than the lowlanders. The Moros, had most a notably more than Mindanao coastal the their were areas

soldiers with

and them

missionaries aspects of

European life, i.e. the Spanish menu, religious festivals, stone houses, manner of clothing and fashion. The colonists used the Gregorian calendar, the Latin script and used theocentric art, music, literature. Likewise, the European settlers and their descendants, known as Insulares (lit. "islanders"), also adapted to oriental culture learning to eat rice as their staple and use soy sauce, coconut vinegar, coconut oil and ginger. Today, Filipino culture is a blend of many different cultures. Early resistance Main article: Philippine revolts against Spain Resistance of nobles the against Spain did not

sultanates, political Spanish limited


system cities to in the

counterparts in the Visayas and Luzon.

of Zamboanga andCagayan de Oro. The opening of the Philippines to world trade The 19th century was a period of global change. The world had entered its first phase of globalization under the British the Industrial its Pax the Victorian industrialization Empire. In Europe, spread as rapid were Revolution had Britannica known Age. of The Europe

immediately cease upon the conquest Austronesian random Spanish rule. cities. native The After Tupas of Cebu, resisted

from Great Britain which had entered

longest recorded native rebellion was that ofFrancisco Dagohoy which lasted a century. During governor

seeking new markets and found them in the colonies. The colonies prospered with the production of raw materials for the mother countries. It was during this period that Governor-





the his

1760s, Diego

Silang was

appointed after

of Ilocos and

General Basco opened the Philippines to world trade. The economy of the Philippines rose rapidly and its local industries developed to satisfy the rising industrialization of Europe. European immigration increased with the opening of the Suez Canal which cut the travel time between Europe and the Philippines by half. New ideas, which their the way friars found into and the colonial found of Philippines ideals authorities dangerous,

class in the Philippines, usually not ethnic Filipinos. In the early 19th century, the Suez Canal was opened which made the Philippines easier to reach from Spain. The small increase the Iberian the thePhilippine as Insulares (lit. displaced positions whom from by the as and called of Peninsulares from Peninsula threatened secularization known locally were of

churches. In state affairs, the Criollos, "islanders"). government the Peninsulares,

notably Freemasonry and the French and American

Revolutions and of Spanish liberalism. Rise of Filipino nationalism The opening of the Philippines to world trade rapidly developed the Philippine economy. overnight. Many Filipinos prospered also Everyday Filipinos

native Insulares regarded increasingly Filipino

foreigners. TheInsulares had become themselves Los hijos del pas (lit. "sons of the country"). Among the early proponents of Filipino nationalism were the Insulares Padre Pedro Pelez,archbishop fought the for the of Manila, who of secularization

benefited from the new economy with the rapid increase in demand for labor and availability of business Europeans opportunities. Some

Philippine churches and expulsion of friars; Padre Jos Burgos whose influenced fought for the national of execution Taverawho government

immigrated to the Philippines to join the wealth wagon, among them Jacobo Zobel, patriarch of today's Zobel de Ayala family and prominent figure in the rise of Filipino nationalism. Their scions studied in the best universities of Europe where they learned the ideals of liberty from the French and American Revolutions. The new economy gave rise to a new middle

hero Jos Rizal; and Joaqun Pardo de retention by positions natives,

regardless of race. In retaliation to the rise of Filipino nationalism, the friars called the Indios (possibly referring well) response, to Insulares and mestizos as church positions. In

indolent and unfit for government and

the Insulares came Filipino remarks. against The


with Indios

who serenaded were Padre Burgos and Joaqun Pardo de Tavera. When the Reactionaries regained power in Spain, de la Torre was recalled and replaced by Governor-General Izquierdo who vowed to rule with an iron fist.

agraviados, a manifesto defending the discriminatory tension between

the Insulares andPeninsulares erupted into the failed revolts of Novales and the Cavite resulted prominent Mutiny of to the Filipino 1872 which of to deportation nationalists

Freemasonry Freemasonry had gained a generous following in Europe and the Americas during the 19th century and found its way to the Philippines. The Western World was quickly changing and sought less political control from the Roman Catholic Church. The first Filipino Masonic lodge

the Marianas and Europe who would continue the fight for liberty through the Propaganda Movement. The Cavite Mutiny implicated the priests Mariano Gmez, Jos executions subversive Burgos, would activities and Jacinto whose the next of the Zamora (see Gomburza) influence

generation of Filipino nationalists, in particular Paciano Rizal, elder brother of Jos Rizal, who then dedicated his novel, El priests. [edit]Rise of Spanish liberalism See also: Liberalism and radicalism in Spain The Liberals won the Spanish filibusterismo to the these

was Revoluccion. It was established by Graciano Lopez Jaena in Barcelona and was recognized in April 1889. It did not last long after he resigned from being its worshipful master on November 29, 1889. In December 1889, Marcelo H. del

Pilar established, with the help of Julio Llorente, the Solidaridad in Madrid. Its first worshipful master was Llorente. A short time later, the Solidaridad grew. Some its members included Jos Serrano Roxas, Rizal, Pedro Laktaw, Baldomero and Galicano Apacible. In 1891, Del Pilar sent Laktaw to the Philippines to establish a Masonic lodge. Laktaw established on January

Revolution of 1869. Carlos Mara de la Torre was sent to the Philippines to serve as governor-general (1869 1871). He was one of the most loved governors-general in the Philippines having implemented reforms in the colony. At one time, his supporters serenaded him in front of the Malacaang Palace. Among those

6, 1892, the Nilad, the first Masonic lodge in the Philippines. It is estimated that there were 35 masonic lodges in the Philippines in 1893 of which nine were Villaruel. Rizal, Marina in Trinidad Manila. and The Josefa first Filipina freemason was Rosario

themselves notably a

with certain

Spanish Spanish formed

liberals, senator the La

namedMorayta and

Solidaridad. Among the reformers was Jos Rizal, who wrote his two famous novels while in Europe. Among the manuscripts novels were of the reformers, the his most considered

Dizon, Romualda

Lanuza, Purificacion Leyva, and many others join the masonic lodge. Freemasonry was important during the time of the Philippine Revolution. It pushed the reform movement and carried out the propaganda work. In the Philippines, many of those who pushed for a revolution were member of freemasonry like Andrs Bonifacio. In fact, the organization in used by Bonifacio establishing

influential causing further unrest in the islands particularly the founding of the Katipunan. A rivalry developed between himself and Marcelo del Pilar for the leadership of La solidaridad and the reform movement in Europe. Majority of the expatriates supported the leadership of Marcelo Del Pilar. Rizal then returned to the Philippines to organize La Liga Filipina and bring the reform movement to Philippine soil. He was arrested just a few days after founding the league. In 1892, Radical Filipina, members which of the La Liga included Arellano, ng mga called Bonifacio founded Anak ng

the Katipunan was derived from the Masonic society. It may be said that joining masonry was one activity that both the reformists and the Katipuneros shared.

and Deodato Katipunan

the Kataastaasang Kagalanggalang na Revolution Bayan (KKK), simply

the Katipunan, which had the bold The mass deportation of nationalists to the Marianas and Europe in 1872 led to a Filipino expatriate community of reformers in Europe. The community grew with the next generation of Ilustrados taking graduate studies in European universities. They allied objective of having the Philippines seceding from the Spanish Empire. From theInsular uprisings of the early 19th century of Fathers Pelez and Burgos, the Filipino discontent eventually escalated to a full-blown armed revolution in August 1896.

Aguinaldo The Philippine Revolution By 1896 year, the the Katipunan existence discovered had of by a the the





Cavite were the most successful of the rebels and they controlled most of their province by SeptemberOctober. They defended their territories by Edilberto of the such with trenches designed Evangelista. as Antonio Many educated ilustrado class

membership by the thousands. That same Katipunan was

colonial authorities. In late August Katipuneros gathered in Caloocan and declared the start of the revolution. The event is now known as the Cry of Balintawak or Cry of Pugad Lawin, due to conflicting historical traditions and official government positions.[31] Andrs Bonifacio called for a general offensive on Manila[32] and was defeated in battle at the town of San Juan del Monte. He regrouped his forces and was able to briefly capture the towns of Marikina, San Mateo and Montalban. Spanish counterattacks drove him back and he retreated to the mountains of Balara and Morong and from there engaged in guerrilla warfare.[33] By August 30, the revolt had spread to eight provinces. On that date, Governor-General Ramon Blanco declared provinces under martial a state and of war in placed law. these them These

Luna and Apolinario

Mabini did not initially favor an armed revolution. Rizal himself, whom the rebels took inspiration from and had consulted beforehand, disapproved of a premature tried revolution. and He was for arrested, executed

treason, sedition and conspiracy on December 30, 1896. Before his arrest he had issued a statement disavowing the revolution, but in his swan song poem Mi ltimo adis he wrote that dying in battle for the sake of one's country was just as patriotic as his own impending death. While the revolution provinces, spread throughout the Aguinaldo's Katipuneros

declared the existence of an insurgent government in October regardless of Bonifacio's Katipunan, which he had already converted into an insurgent government with him as president in August. Bonifacio was invited to Cavite to mediate between Aguinaldo's rebels, the Magdalo, and their rivals the Magdiwang, both chapters of the Katipunan. There he became embroiled in discussions whether to

were Manila, Bulacan, Cavite, Pampan ga, Bataan, Laguna, Batangas, and Nueva Ecija. They would later be represented in the eight rays of the sun in the Filipino flag. Emilio






declared independence in 1898 and established and prepared the First to invade Philippine the city. Republic, and then laid siege to Manila Aguinaldo however failed to conclude the revolution by invading Manila. The United States had promised to recognize Philippine independence and the Americans requested Aguinaldo to wait for American reinforcements so that they could enter the city together. The Americans had asked Aguinaldo to turn over vital entries to the capital city over to the Americans, which he did so in good faith to their alliance. In a sudden twist of fate, the Americans secretly entered into a pact with the Spanish governor-general in which the latter agreed to fight a mock battle before surrendering In Paris, agreed Manila the to to the the Americans. reluctantly Spanish sell

insurgent government of the Cavite rebels' design. To this end, the Tejeros Convention was convened, where Aguinaldo was elected president of the new insurgent government. Bonifacio refused to recognize this and he was executed for treason in May 1897. By December 1897, the revolution had resulted to a stalemate between the colonial government and rebels. Pedro Paterno mediated between the two sides for the signing of the Pact of Biak-na-Bato. The conditions of the armistice included the self-exile of Aguinaldo and his officers in exchange for $800,000 to be paid by the colonial government. Aguinaldo then sailed to Hong Kong for self exile. In 1898, out. to the Spanish-American Emilio the that Aguinaldo Philippines is the

War broke returned

Philippines to the United States for $20 million and turn over Guam and Puerto Rico (see Treaty of Paris (1898)). With this action, the Spanish Americans rule in the for Philippines formally ended. With Manila taken, waited reinforcements until hostilities opened up between them and the declared Philippine Republic.

with American aid,

blockading of Manila Bay from Spanish reinforcements. However, this aid was unnecessary as the Spanish reinforcements wouldn't have made it anyway as their Cazadores were tied down in Cuba both quelling a similar revolt and fighting the SpanishAmerican War there, and later the Americans turning against the Filipino patriots in the end after all. By 1898, the patriots have liberated much of the country from colonial rule. They

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