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Version 1.10.0
Added new ModHelper skin, with 2D tracks of all the model bones' movement.

Version 1.9.0
Updated Dummy mod Link to new dummy Mod V2

Version 1.8.0
Room Editor :
Removed Room Editor from modding tools

Tiled :
Add RoomCacheTool
Add documentation for Tiled room edition

Version 1.7.0
Room Editor:
Add the possibility to edit meta data on a room
Add select All on current layer
Add a way to duplicate an existing room
Fix offset in room lines when creating a new room
Fix main window title not correctly updated when creating a new room

Script Tool:
Add setMobTier to default script

Fix exception when trying to collapse an expended CDB

Version 1.6.0
Atlas Tool:
Add the name of the file being processed when a crash occurs on a collapse

Room Editor:
Reset Window is now divided in two actions : reset main and reset tool windows
Selected Marker's location and size are now editable in the MarkerProperties form
Add Copy/Paste of markers (including all properties)
Add Copy/Paste of tiles
Add Mover tool
Add status bar to main window
Add display of the cursor position
Add display of the selection position and size
Add optional grids
Add cycle select on overlapping markers
System cursor is now displayed at all time
Selected tiles can now be moved with arrows or mover tool
Selected markers can now be moved with arrows or mover tool
Optimized display : empty tiles are no longer drawn
Optimized performance of display updates
Right clikc now resets current selection
Fix aspect ratio being broken when zooming in/out too much
Fix eraser reseting the current layer
Fix crash when selection finishes out of the room on the top/left
Fix earser being the same color as background
Fix multiple display bugs due to zoom

Version 1.5.2
Room Editor:
Hotfix on markers not being saved

Version 1.5.1
Room Editor:
Options.json now have a version number
Windows positions and sizes changed name in Options.json and will be reset in this
Binded +/- to Zoom/Unzoom
Limited the number of entries displayed in the history window (15 by default,
editable in options.json)
Add hotKeys to change active layers (F1 to F3)
Delete and Back keys now delete the tile under the mouse cursor when there is no
Add an option window in Edit -> Options
Add an option to sort markerTools alphabetically
Add an export room action (beware that this export cannot be used as an item in an
expanded CDB to be collapsed : it will cause errors)
Windows positions and sizes are now clamped to be entirely in their current screen
(Fix) Markers are now truncated or removed when outside the bounds of a resized

Version 1.5.0
New tool : Room Editor !

CDB tool:
Change the way the json is written to build the CDB so it's exactly the same format
as castle

Add RoomEditor
Add Table of content
Clarify/simplify how mods will behave in the game

Version 1.4.0
Fix some level parameter not reset correctly when changing level from a scripted
Fix exception thrown when restarting a game with a mod (with a script) from the
second level of a game with scripted mod
Fix wrong name set by script on exit when using something else than
Fix mod list listing every mod twice

Script tool:
Add a call to set exit title and color to show how they work
Add colorDialog picker to easily determine the int of a color (for exit colors)
Pak tool :
Fix wrong data size written in header when building a PAK

Script API : (see updated technical doc for more info)

--General :
Fix some documentation
Mob props are now taken into account when copying a roster from existing level
Add custom doors titles and glow colors
Add type ExitNode
Add enum ZDoorContentClue
Add function shuffleArray
Add function getAllLockedItemNames
Add function getAllUnlockedItemNames
Add function getAllUnlockedWeaponNames
Add function getAllUnlockedSkillNames
Add function getAllUnlockedMetaNames
Add function hasMetaRune
createExit, createSpecificExit and createExitFromGroup now return an ExitNode
instead of a RoomNode
Add function createRunicZDoorWithCombatCount
-- RoomNode
Add getter root
Add getter group
Add getter firstChild
Add getter constraint
Add getter parentCount
Add function addChild
Add function addBetweenMultipleEnds
Add function addZChildWithClue
Add function addZLink
Add function hasParentMetaGate
Add function forceBiome
Add function setAsZRoot
Add function setItemInWall
Add function isSpecificRoom
Add function setSubTeleport
Add function countChildren
Add function getChild
Add function getDistanceToCondition
Add function searchParent
setConstraint now returns this

Script Samples :
Added all missing levels
Bridge (still have a graphic issue when used from scripts)

Version 1.3.0
Script tool:
Add the setAutomaticMobScaling to getMobRoster default function (commented)

Script API: (see updated technical doc for more info)

Add function setAutomaticMobScaling to activate/deactivate mob scaling in scripted
Add class Meta (to get info on player's current meta)
Fix crash when trying to add buildTriggeredDoors in some cases
Add function createPerkShop
Add function createAndAddRoomsBetween
Add function createTeleportAfter
Add function branchBetweeMultipleEnds
Add function branchOrAddBetween
Add function addAfter
Add function isMetaGate
Add function hasParentType
Modified function branchBetween : it can now take a minSpawnDistance as last

Script Samples:
Add multiple story structure levels :
BoatDock (still have a graphic issue when used from scripts)
TopClockTower (still have a minor graphic issue when used from scripts)
PrisonStart (with random entrance)

Version 1.2.2
Fixed internal links

Version 1.2.1
All tools:
Add callstack when an error occurs

Script tool:
Fix mobRoster default script section that created a LevelMob instead of Mob
Fix leveprops default script section that add odd characters (invisible in UTF8)
that raised script compilation error

Version 1.2.0
All tools:
Added Script tool to mod tools

- Fix bug when a line has no id

- Updated documentation with scriptTools instructions
- Fixed several typos
- Added technical documentation for the script API

Version 1.1.1
Added log of the version used and action required on launch of any tools (so
screenshots show this info)
Fix CDBTool truncating filenames
Fix PAKTool not recreating diffpak from scratch if one already exists

Version 1.1.0
You can now use CastleDB to edit a cdb by :
1) downloading it at
2) replace castle.js in the castledb you unzipped by the one found in <Steam
installation Dir>\steamapps\common\Dead Cells\ModTools\CastleDB (C:\Program Files
(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dead Cells\ModTools\CastleDB) by default

All tools:
- Preview image (thumbnail) can now be added in mods by adding preview.jpg or .png
inside the mod directory
- Force .NET exception messages in english
- Error message in case of unknown action has been updated
- Fix : the tools now exit correctly after commands /? -?

- Fix some bugs when unpakking to an non empty directory

- Now create a directory for each category in each table when expanding
- Add a ordering number to keep files in the same order than lines in the table
when expanding

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