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Data, information, and knowledge are all terms that are sometimes interchanged (Bourgeois,

2019). To gain a better understanding, we must look at the definitions of these terms.
Data: Data can be referred of as raw information. They could be irrelevant or out of context
(Bourgeois, 2019). Managers have little influence over data, which delivers unstructured facts
and figures. It makes no difference if the information is quantitative or qualitative. Quantitative
data is a type of data that is numerically expressed and used to signify measurement or count.
For example, height, weight, and the number of apples in a basket are all examples of qualitative
data. Hair color, ethnic background, and the type of car a person drives are examples of
qualitative data.
Information: is data that has been structured with meaning, context, and purpose in mind
(Bourgeois, 2019). Data includes a sales trend over time, a student's report card, and a paysheet,
to name a few examples. The Indeed Editorial Team (2021) defines six sorts of information:
conceptual, procedural, policy, stimulatory, empirical, and directive
Knowledge: is a higher degree of meaning that we acquire from information through a process
that could be observational, for example. Knowing what is going on in a situation allows you to
make educated decisions and solve difficulties. As a result, people's thinking and actions are
influenced by their knowledge. (Pieper, 2017) Information and knowledge are built on the
foundation of data. Management gathers data through a variety of methods and creates
information to which they apply their skills and knowledge.

Discuss the role of data and data management solutions in organizational decision making
Decisions are made on the basis of data. Companies can create new business possibilities, make
more income, forecast future trends, optimize present operational efforts, and produce
actionable insights when high-quality data is combined with high-quality talents. (Durcevic,
2019). Data enables better-informed decisions to be made, resulting in increased business
growth, evolution, and reputation. Management may prevent biases by using data to make
decisions based on facts rather than intuition. (Tableau, n, d). Data management reduces the risk
of errors by developing protocols that clearly demonstrate how data should be used, resulting in
increased trust when making decisions.
Strong data security ensures that critical company data is backed up and retrievable in the event
that the primary source fails." (Durcevic, 2019). Data, information, and knowledge, when
gathered and applied correctly, are critical to company success. Companies who invest in data-
driven technologies enjoy long-term benefits and build long-term connections, giving them a
competitive advantage. Management should seek to turn information to the company's benefit.

Durcevic, S (2019). Why Data Driven Decision Making is Your Path to Business
Tableau,(n.d).Data Management: What It Is, Importance, And
Bourgeois, D. T. (2019). Information Systems for Business and Beyond. Digital Commons @
Indeed Editorial Team. (2021). 6 Types of Information (With Examples). Indeed Career
Pieper S (2017). What is the difference between data, information and

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