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Bryan Ligman, CIEC, CBST

Technical Market Manager | Commercial Gas-Phase
What is In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)?
In-Vitro is Latin for “Within the Glass”
In the context of fertilization, it means
that the fertilization of an egg is
performed outside of a living
organism; which basically means an
egg is fertilized by a sperm within a
laboratory environment
• This applies to both human
and animal fertilizations
• This training specifically
covers the human application
• IVF is typically used for couples who have fertility problems
(male or female). The fertilization of the egg is performed in the
laboratory and subsequently placed into the female for a
“normal” pregnancy term. There are of course many variations
of this process including surrogacy (volunteer host non-
biological mother for pregnancy term)

Photograph of Process

Process involves extensive conditioning of the egg prior to actual

Fertilization exposing the egg to air contaminants

~100 to 1,000
micrometers in

“needle” for
“injecting” sperm
into egg

IVF is Expensive and Success Rates Low

Typical IVF process

costs are $10-$15k per
cycle. Success rates
range from 0% to 50%.
Success rates are
dependent on many
factors but the generally
low success rates impact peoples’ decision whether to
pursue IVF as an option.

Insurance companies typically do not cover such

procedures; couples must pay “out of pocket” for IVF.

As you can see from the above information impacting the success
rate in a positive way directly effects IVF procedure costs

Air Quality in the IVF Laboratory is Important

• Research has been conducted within IVF Laboratories

where the following was found:
▪ Gaseous contaminants are present in levels that exceed
those found in other buildings such as homes and offices
▪ Sources of contaminants are outdoors, adjacent building
areas, and within the lab from process-based activities
including compressed gases, cleaning and sterilizing agents,
and stored materials
▪ The effects of gaseous
contaminants on the IVF
process is significant
resulting in a threefold
decrease in success
rates in one of the
• Research on the effects of
gaseous contaminants
within IVF laboratories
have resulted in the
researchers’ recommendation to use gas phase filtration in
IVF laboratories
• For more technical information on this topic, see technical
papers accompanying this presentation

AAF’s Gas Phase Solutions
for IVF Laboratories

Objective is to provide an environment where the gaseous

contaminants are as low as reasonably achievable
▪ Using gas phase filtration helps meet that objective

Solutions are dependent on many factors including:

Size of laboratory | HVAC configuration | Isolation of the laboratory

Common Solutions:
SAAF Pressurization or Recirculation Units | SAAF Side Access Housing | SAAF Cassettes


• AAF’s pressurization units (PRU) is an optimal solution for existing

laboratories with no current gas phase filtration
▪ System can be installed within the lab relatively quickly and easily
▪ System provides pressurization of the laboratory with respect to the
areas adjacent to the lab to prevent contaminated air from entering
the lab from adjacent spaces

• AAF’s recirculation units (RU) can also be used for laboratories that are
tightly sealed from adjacent areas
▪ System can be installed within the lab relatively quickly and easily

SAAF PRU Sizing Rule of Thumb
• When using a PRU the targeted air flow rate of the PRU should be

based on a pressurization airflow of six (6) air changes per hour

(ACH) to keep a positive pressure
• Calculate lab’s volume (length x width x height) e.g. 30x20x10 =

6,000 cubic feet

• Calculate required flow rate for 6 ACH (volume x ACH) e.g. 6,000

cubic feet x 6 ACH = 36,000 cubic feet /hour

• Convert to cubic feet per minute (CFM) e.g. 36,000 cubic feet per

hour / 60 = 600 CFM

For this size lab a PRU-1000 would be selected

Rated for max 500 cfm outdoor air
(500 cfm outdoor air provides 5 ACH; could use a PRU-1000 &
a PRU-500, to provide 750 cfm outdoor air or 7.5 ACH)

10 Feet IVF Laboratory

20 Feet

30 Feet

• AAF’s Side Access Housing (SAH) is also a good solution for

▪ laboratories without current gas phase filtration

▪ SAAF SAH come with or without an internal fan

▪ System can be installed above a ceiling to conceal within

the lab relatively quickly and easily

▪ System can provide pressurization of the laboratory with

respect to the areas adjacent to the lab to prevent

contaminated air from entering the lab from adjacent
▪ External ductwork would likely be required for proper air

distribution and pressurization; can be tied into existing

HVAC system

One of many possible configurations for a SAH

SAAF Cassettes
• SAAF Cassettes are the basis for gas phase filtration within the

• RU, PRU, SAH, and possible installation in new or existing air

handling units (AHU)

• The most ideal solution is to have a two-pass system (i.e. two sets

of cassettes one after another) for the highest removal efficiency

and life; however, a single pass of SAAFBlend GP can also be
• Optimal media for IVF applications is a combination of SAAFCarb

and SAAFOxidant (see AAF memo on IVF media recommendation,

last slide in this presentation)

Replacement Media
• You will likely come upon an IVF application where gas phase

filtration already exists. In these cases, you should go after the

replacement media opportunity.
• Should you have questions regarding the replacement you can

contact AAF product support by emailing your question(s) to:

Please let me or someone in the gas phase team

know if you need assistance

Proven Expertise of AAF
AAF offers the most comprehensive air filtration portfolio
in the industry, including particulate and gas-phase filters, to provide
a customized clean air solution. Each product is carefully designed,
manufactured, and tested in full compliance with all applicable
standards to meet the most challenging demands with the lowest
Total Cost of Ownership.

Sales Office: India & Middle East For enquiries email us at :

AAF India Pvt Ltd (Noida) Tel : +91 120 640 8278 India: info@aafindia. net
AAF India Pvt Ltd (Bangalore) Tel : +91 80 2783 9903 Middle-East:
AAF International Air Filtration Systems L.L.C (Dubai) Tel : +971 4 3397688
AAF Saudi Arabia Ltd Tel : +96 611 265 1116
+96 611 265 2285
AAF has a policy of continuous product research and
improvement and reserves the right to change
design and specifications without notice.

©2018 AAF AAF-1-200C 01/18

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