CheatSheetSocial 0-5

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Debate Actions MDV Calculation Intimacies Prayer Social Groups

Join Debate ( Varies / -0 ) PMDV (Cha/Man+Inv/Perf/Pres)/2 A character can not have more than A dramatic prayer action outside of Social Units use the Traits of their
Social Attack ( Varies / -2 ) DMDV (Willpower+Integrity+Ess)/2 Willpower + Compassion Intimacies. the social combat framework is leaders modified confering bonuses
Simple Charm ( 6 / -1 ) always round down Excess Intimacies gradually blend needed to secure the attention of a to these depending on unit.
Guard ( 3 / -0* ) away at one Intimacy a night. god (or possibly even of a demon).
Monologue/Study** ( 3 / -2* ) Social Units also have a number of
MDV Modifier Intimacies have a strength equal to a Roll (Charisma + Performance) at a
Coordinate Attack*** ( 5 / -2 ) special traits described below
Move ( 0 / -0 ) Action DV Penalties -X character’s Conviction. difficulty of (7 - the Resources value
of the sacrifice). Priests may reduce Magnitude
Dash/Climb/Swim ( 3 / -3 ) Wound Penalties -X
To deliberately change intimacies, This is the size of a social unit. It is
Read Motivation ( 5 / -2 ) Onslaught Penalty -X the difficulty by 1. This includes
characters may add or remove one used to calculate MDV modifiers.
Misc. Action ( 5 / Varies ) Coordinated Attack -X Zenith, Midnight and No-Moon
point to the Intimacy per scene
Inactive ( 3 / Special ) Botched attack last action -2 castes as well as all Sidereals. Policy
spent building or eroding it. Once
Difference in Appearance -X* Is the agenda the group shares, is
* Aborting does not refresh DV the Intimacy reaches Conviction Sacrificing sentient beings has an
Difference in Linguistics -X* similar to motivation for solo units.
** As the regular combat Aim action points it is in effect. An Intimacy effective Resources value equal to
Difference in Magnitude -X*
*** As the combat action but use lowered to 0 points is removed. the combined permanent Essence of Loyalty
Contradicts Intimacy +1**
Socialize instead of War all victims. Equals the permanent willpower of
Contradicts Virtue of 3+ +2**
Contradicts Motivation +3** Impossible Orders A successful prayer means that the the leader and is used to for social
deity understands the prayer and is actions instead of temporary WP.
Social Traits * Varies, can not exceed + or - 3 Orders that a target finds it could not
Charisma survive are unacceptable orders. inclined to provide subtle help. Damaging Social Units
** Can also apply as a penalty when
Used for honest social attacks Possibly going so far as using Charms If attacks exhaust the Loyalty pool,
supporting behavior. Only use the Orders that can not possibly be in the case of a terrestrial god. reduce the Magnitude by one as
highest of these modifiers. followed for obvious reasons are
Manipulation followers leave. The unit also did not
Used for attempts to decieve impossible orders. Botching offends the god and
requires a sacrifice with a Resources resist the attack, effects apply.
Attack Effects
Appearance Both can be resisted without value of the god’s Essence (max 5). Then refresh the Loyalty pool to the
Is used to determine MDV modifiers Spend 1WP to resist the effects of spending any Willlpower at all. maximum (-1 if the last attack went
successful natural persuation. After Read Motivation against the group Policy/Motivation)
spending 2WP in one scene a
Investigation ( Speed 5 / Rate 2 ) character is immune to further Unnatural Effects After several minutes of interaction
Used to interrogate and question persuation attempts. A different Compulsion or observation, a character can try to Magnitude
targets. Can only be used on a single approach could outmaneauver this. Creates an intention in the target: “I read the subjects mood or intention. Magn. Members Equivalent
entity, either person or defined want to do something”. Can be used
Affecting Intimacies Roll (Perception + Investigation or 0 1 Solo
group. to make the target form Intimacies.
Reduce an Intimacy by one point Socialize) against a difficulty of 1 2-10 Fang
Linguistics and/or increase another Intimacy by Emotion (Manipulation + Socialize) /2, round
2 11-75 Scale(s)
Modifies the MDV in written attacks. one point. Sparks emotion within the target: up.
3 76-150 Talon
Performance ( Speed 6 / Rate 1) Love, lust, fear, respect, anger.... If successful, the observer knows the
Compelling Behavior 4 151-300 Wing
Oration, dances and theatrics, these The target is convinced to spend the Illusion most dominant emotion of his target
5 301-650 Dragon
attacks target everyone in the rest of the scene doing any one task Creates a belief that causes the and can place it in context of the
audience. current scene. 6 651-1,200
that does not violate his Motivation. target to accept something as true
that is not. 7 1,251-2,500
Presence ( Speed 4 / Rate 2) Breaking Motivation With twice the required successes,
8 2,501-5,000 Legion
Used for intimate attacks based on If the target is reduced to 0 temp. Servitude the observer knows about an
force of personalty. Can only be used Intimacy in the scene. Alternatively 9 5,001-10,000 F.Age Legion
Willpower by attacks opposing the Binds someone to a cause. Makes
on a single target, see Investigation. motivation and then goes for them believe it is worth serving but he can gauge the relationship
(Essence + Willpower) days without does not control their actions. between the subject and someone

recovering full willpower, it is broken. else present.
Is not used to attack but replaces War Total Control
and Stealth in social situations. It Further social attacks may cause When used with Investigation it can
Target’s action are utterly dictated by
limits dicepools when leading and it behavor that contradicts with the be used to discern if someone has
the effect. Only one total control Second Edition Social Sheet
is used with to (re)establish surprise. target’s motivation. lied or deceptively ommited facts.
effect can be active on a person. by Democritus (

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