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Approved bY Academic Council

Si,."ature of BOS Chairman


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{ 5

Lt,Ll01 Universal Human Values and Ethics *ilpffi."
7 -/f

Version No.: (t)t )Ashia Qun '.i

tlnrvr. r,r. '
distinguish between values and skills, and und6t$dirrd the
content and process ofvalue education'
initiate a process of dialog within themselves to know what
gu(srnt{ NtrRsrNq
frs" ,3lrn/qs

To facilitate the students in applying the unLderstanding of harmonY ttt

existence in their Profession and lead an ethical

ll Outcome:

On completion of this course' the students will be able to

l. Understand the significance of value inputs in a classroom and start
applying them in their life and profession
2. Distinguish between values and skills' happiness and^accumulation
individual, etc.
based on trust and respect
3. Understand the value of harmonious relationship
in their tife and Profession
harmony in society and
4. Understand the role of a human being in ensuring
start working out
5. Distinguish between ethical and unethical practices,. and

Course Introduction - Need' Basic Guidelines, Content

an d
Module I
Process lbr Value Education
and proccss tbr Valr"rc
l. Understanding the need, basic guidelines, content
;. Self Exploration-what is it? - its content and process; 'Natural Acceptance'
the basic
4. Right understanding, Relationship and Physical Facilities- with their
requireirentsfor fulfill,r'.rt of aspirations of every human being
correct prioritY
5. understanding Happiness and Prosperity correctly- A critical appraisal of
the current scenario
and living in
6. Method to fulfill the above human aspirations: understanding
harmony at various levels

ll Understand H in the Human -H ln self

Module 'l'
of the sentiettt and the
7 Understanding human being as a co-ex istence
material 'BodY'
9. Understanding the Body as an instrument of 'l'(l being the doer. seer atrd

10. Understanding the c haracteristics and activities of 'I' and harmony
in 'l '
I l. Understanding the harmonY of I with the Body: Sanyam
and Swasthya;
in detail
correct appralsa I ofPhysical needs, meaning of ProsPeritY
12. Pro b' to ensure S m and Swasth
Module III Understanding HarmonY in the FamilY and SocietY- Harmony in
Human-Human Rela tionship
l3 Understanding harmonY in the Family- the basic unit of human
of NYaYa and
t4 Understanding values in human-hurnan relationship; meaning
program for its fulfillment to ensure Ubhay-tripti; -
fruit (Vishwas) and Respect (Santman) as the foundational
15. Undeistanding the meaning of Vishwas; Difference b "ind
competence t
the mcan ing of Samman, Differcncc bet
Unrvcrril '
d salient values in relationshiP I tr.., r,,, \-t
17. u the harmony in thc societY (soci cty bcing an ciitirt3itrn ot'
t'amily) Abhay, Sah-ustitt'u as comprehensive Human fit L

(us h\'

9oN I
r- s. N,asrNl/ I.t,il qlgt

{) l.l ,()
o (:o nl e s ( C ( ) s ) il II d P r0gr:r lil {} til e S (
slr ip h e lV cen t h e Cou rse
Ite lati
M apping betwee n COs a nd PO S
Sl. No. Mapping with Course Outcomes (COs)
Describe the structure Composition and functions of cell,

Differentiate between Prokaryote and Eukaryote cell
3 Identify techniques of Microscopy
4. Describe the Structure and functions of Cell membrane

of carbohydrates 1,,2
Explain the metabolism
1 2
Explain the metabolism of Lipids. Text
1 2
Explain the metabolism olAntino acids and Protctns'
Describe types, comPosition and utilization of Vitamins
& minerals L,2
8 Vasude
L,2 "Texttt
Describe Immuno-chemistry
ook o1'

Second edition . " Jaypee Brothers Publicatioh,Delhi, 20ll'

Chakrapani, Biochemistry,Fourth edition. Elsevier India'

T2 Dr.Satyanarayan &U.

Reference Books:

RI Jacob Anthikad,"Biochemistry for Nurses" Jaypee Brothers Publication,2004

Pvt Ltd,New Delhi'2009

R2 V,jay Kumar ,"Biochemistry for Nursing and Health care"Bl Publications

for B.Sc N students" Third edition. cBS Pubtication, Delhi.

201 I
R3 Harbans Lal, "B

t,l {JLrrr':.i
A llursu rg,

! , + Unrvcr:it,,

Jortt tNl
I t.r i lr€ lqs
|ruuar o..c].luturucr

Theory Course C
Type: o
90 Hours
Tirne Duration u
Ist Year
Placement r

se DescriPtion:

to acquire knowledge of nutrition for

The Course is designed to assist the students for practice
stages of life and its application
maintenance of optiirum health at different
of nursing.


At the end of the course student will be able


nutrition & Health'

14. Describe the relationship between

daily allowances(RDA)of
15. Describe the classification, functions, sources and recommended
carbohYdrates Fats
sources and recommended daily allowances(RDA)of
16. Describe the crassification, functions,

sources and recommended daily a,owances(RDA)of
17. Describe the classification, functions,

for different categories of people

18. Describe the daily calorie requirement

sources and recommended daily allowances(RDA)o

19. Describe the crassification, functions,

daily allowa.ces(RDA)o
20, Describe the classification, functions, sources and recommended

21. Describe the functions and of Water & body water' electrolytes

rules preservation of nutrients

22. Describe the cookery rules and cookery

23. Prepare and serve simple beverages and different types of foods

categories of people.
24. Describe and plan balanced diet for different

25. Describe various national programmes related

26. Describe The role of e sessment of nutritional
llil;rr !);r;-'':..,

I _D -t

JoN rvutsrxrl rSu)
/ rrltra<rNg
/u.r. / t:,J ,) l1*l us

an d Prog ra IN (") utco nl cs (P ()s )

Itclatio ns h ip betwec n th c C 0u rse Ott tco t's C 0s )

M ap p ing between COs and POs

Sl. No. Mapping with Course Outcomes (COs)
Describe the relationship between nu trition
& Health
Describe the classi fication, functions, sources
ind recommend ed 1,7,
daily allowances(R DA)of carbohYdrates
and recommend ed daily t,2,
Describe the classification, functions, sources
allowances(RDA)of Fats
and recommended dailY 1,2,
Describe the classification, functions, sources
allowances(RDA) of Proteins
Describe the dailY calorie requiremen t for different categories of t 2
t of children at different 1,2
Describe the normal growth & develoPmen
an d recommended dailY 1,2
Describe the classification, functions, sources
allowanc DA of Minerals
f)escribe the functions and of Water & body *ate,', electrolYtes
preservation of 1,2
Describe the C ookery rules and CookerY rules

10. Prepare and serve simple beverages and different types of foods


of people'
11. Describe and plan balanced diet for different categories

Describe various national programmes re lated to

Describe The ro of nurse in assessment o f nutritiona I status and

13. nutrition education

.- I

t '('l (lll)Ashta ()un.'.j
Sch@l ol Nrrrsrrr

I Jn.rr !,r:i

JoN I lr.rc Ntt asr Nrg / r/.

lNuee-ENt l.r .JI U

" I
Name of The Course Nursing research and statistics

Course Code NRS3I9

Prerequisite l0+2 with PCB 55yo

Gorequisite Nursing research and statistics books

Antirequisite NA

L T P c

2 0 0 2

Course Objectives:
1. To enable students to understand the importance of research in nursing.

2. To enable the students to apply concepts of research in nursing.

3. To identify various sources of review of literature

4. To explain the use of statistics, scales of measurement and graphical presentation.

Course Outcomes

col Describe the concept. terminology, and steps used in nursing research process.

co2 Identifo research problem, state objectives and review the related literature

co3 Describe research approaches, design, sampling and Data collection techniques.

co4 Analyze,lnterpret and summarize the data by using descriptive and inferential

co5 Communicate and utilize the research findings in Nursing Practice, education and

Text Book (s):

1. Mrs Sunanda S Roy Choudhary "Textbook of nursing research,,lst edition,KpH
2. BT Basavanthappa " Essentials of nursing research ,, jaypee publishers

3. Prof Arun Kumar Jindal "Nursing research and statistics" KPH publishers

Reference Book (s):

i. Denise F Polit "Essential of nursing research" 8th edition , Lippincott publishers.
2. Suresh K Sharma " Nursing Research and statistics"2nd edition , Elsevier publishers
3. EliZabeth heavey "slatistics for nursing "lst edition , Lippincott publishers .

Unit-1 Research and research process 5


. Introduction and need for nursing research

. Definition of Research & nursing research

. Steps of scientific method

. Characteristics ofgood research

. Steps ofResearch process - overview

Unit-2 Research Problem Question

4 hours

Identification of problem area

. Problem statement
. Criteria of a good research problem.
. Writing objectives

Unit-3 Review of literature 4 hours

. Location
. Sources
. On line search; CINHAL,COCHRANE etc
. Purposes
. Method of review

Qualitative and Quantitative designs

t (
Unit-S Sampling and data collection 8

' Definition of Population, Sample, Sampling criteria, factors influencing . sampling process, types of
sampling techniques.
. Data- why, what, from whom. when and where to collect.
. Data collection methods and instruments:

Methods of data collection, Questioning, interviewing, Observations, record analysis and

measurement, Types of instruments, Validity & Reliability of the Instrument, pilot study, Data
collection procedure

Unit-G Analysis of data 4 hour

Compilation, Tabulation, classification, summarization, presentation, interpretation of data

Unit-7 Introduction to statistics 15 hours

. Definition, use of statistics, scales of measurement.
. Frequency distribution and graphical presentation ofdata
. Mean, Median, Mode, Standard deviation

. Normal Probability and tests of significance

. Co-efficient of correlation.
. Statistical packages and its application

Unit-8 Communication and utilization of research 4 hours

. Communication of research findings

. Verbal repoft
. Writing research report

' Writing scientific article/paper .Critique review of published research,utilization of research findings

Continuous Assessment Pattern

lnternal Assessment Mid Term Test End Term Test Total Marks
(IA) (MTEI + MTE 2) (ErE)

15 (5+5=10) 75 100

'C, tA
Prof : $ubashinl
Dean. Scfrool of F{ursing
Gslgotlas UniversitY
Uttar Pra desh

Course Code cHN421

Corequisite Fully Equipped
Classrooms with
computcr, LCD
Projccto r,
Whitcboard, CHN
Antirequisite NA
L T P c
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives: This corrrse is clcsigned for students to practice community health
nursingforthe individual, t:mily arrrl groups at both urban and ruralsettings by
using concept and principlcs of health and community health nursing.

Course Outcomes

co1 Define and demon.,trato tirc conccpt, scope, principles and historical development
of commun her l1h nulti
co2 Describe health pr ,nning, n,,lional health policies, various health committees and
hea lth roblems in lndla
co3 Describe the system of delivcry of community health services in rural and urban
area and the chain of refcrr;rl m
co4 Describe commun"y hc;rltlr rrrrsing approaches, concepts and roles and
res onsibilities of rrrsirtg - rsonnel
cos Describe and apn, ciate thr, ;rctivities of community health nurse in assisting
individuals, famirr s and corirmunity to promote and maintain their health and
make them self sr 'ticient
co6 Describe role of n,,rse in r',,r'rdl health and family welfare programs and
variOUS S health 51 1 r.111,,,.
co7 Explain roles;rr.,l ,'!:'r i, I various nationaland international health
gs and rr,r ' i cor)lnLrr:i health nurse.

Text Bocik (s)

1. ,, q , Medicine ,Banott Publishers

K. Park - Social 31.r,'
2. KK Gulani
/'f6nrrr- ',,' .ril , nursing" 2"dedition, Kumar publishing house
3. Ravi Prakash Sa. (',;1,iln1 , 1y Hcalth Nursing- llfor B.Sc Nursing students,2012
4. Neelam Kumar " , extbook ,rf community health Nursing-ll" 2ruoedition, Pee Vee

Reference Book (s)

1. MaryJo Clark "C,," rr.rir'./ r'\!s'ssment rcference guide" 5tr,edition , blication

Prof S.P. Subashlni

c Z Dean, School of Nursing
D k Galgotlas UnlversitY
Uttar Pradesh
2.Mary A Neis " Comrnrrnity/PLrblic Health Nursing" Su,edition,Elsevier Publication
3 Bijayalaskhmi Dash " A comprehensive textbook of community health nursing" l'tedition,
Jaypee Publications
4 Mary Ann Hogan " commrrnity health nursing"l.tedition, Vango publishers

Unit-1 lntroduction 4 urs

Definition, concept & sc^oc of Corrmunity Health and Community Health Nursing
. Historical developmerrt of Comrnunity health
. Community health Nrrrsing.
- Pre-independence
- Post-independence

Unit-2 Health planning .nd policics and problems 6 hours

National health planning in lnrii,r- Ii'.'c Year Plans
o Various committees and cornnrisrions on health and family welfare
o Central council for he;:rth ancl family welfare (CCH and FW), National health policies
. National population p"'icy
. Health problems in In .r

Unit-3 Delivery of comn,'rnity ': ,:r i ' ser,.,ices lShours

Planning, budgeting an'i nrterial r': .:rrir.rnent of SCs, PHC and,CHC
Rural: Organization, st.' 're ancl functions of rural health services provided by
government at:
. Village, Sub centre, P' r:rry lrc,riilr ccntre, Community health center /sub
divisional,Hospitals,Dis: ct,S1:"r',' i('r
. Urban: Organization,,;'-r[i ,:r' i', : '"51ions of urban health services provided by
government at:
. Slums,Dispensaries,l ^ 'r,rrill ancl cirllri hi:atth centers, Special Clinics, Hospitals,
Corporation / Municip ' ,/Board, Components of health services, Environmental
sanitation, Health cdtr, -,'r, \/ital :lrtistics,M.C.H.-antenatal, natal, postnatal, MTP Act,
female foeticide act, cl .' | ':r '' I

. FamilyWelfare, Nati,, | ... '.' , ,, rrrmes, Schoolhealth services, Occupational

health,Defence servic,'' -'tit ;1ii, :;1 '.i'rr.ri:es, Systems of mediCine and health care
.Allopathy,lndianSy" r1rs6liri " rlomeopathy
. Alternative health c,, >i. -rrs l,'.,. yorr, meditation, socialand spiritual healing etc
. Referral em

Unit-4 Community hc. 1.'!.os, concepts and roles

and 25hrs
responsibilities of n tr :'
'Approaches, Nursin,' he :i,.", Ar I :' r'rr process, Epidemiological approach, Problem
solving approach
' Evidence based ap1.,,'.r.'clr, Ei:rltor\'\'r'iil9 iri'ople to care for themselves
'Concepts of Prirnrrr'.' ; lll'; r'llri':
uitable distril-rrrr i,,,

Prof g .P. Subaehlnl

Dean , School of Nursing
@lgotlas gniYsrsit!
Uttar Pradesh
c Community particil.:rtion
. Focus on prevention
. Use of appropriate technolr,:l)'
. Multi-sectoral appr.olrclr
. Roles and responsi!.ilirics of Coriinrunitv health nursing personnel in
. Family health services
. Information Edttclr' i,r11 frrllltltttlr'.'rir'rr ( IEC)
. Management Infbrrrratiorr S-r'stcrrr (!lis): \4aintenance of Records & reports
. Training arid supervisiorr ol'r'uri,rirs catcllories of health workers
. National Health Prr'rgrfl tt ttir.'\
. Environmental slrr i' ::l i,'tl
. Maternal and chilri :: ': tlr turcl lrlrrrily rvcllare
. Treatment of Mitt,,, ilrrrt'rtls
. School Health Scrrs
. Occupational I-lcalt i r

. Organization ol'clirrit's. ,",,i,,.,r: -i 'r'res. I'rcparation, planning, conduct and evaluation

. Waste manageln('r" i'' " c .i r)tcr'. e linics ctc.
Home visit: Conce I . 'il.le s. l', ,cess. r'cchniques: Bag technique home visit,
ies of Corlrr, l.'rrlllt Nrir'c

Unit-S Job Descriptio ,. ,jj. , he;i. ir nursing personnel 15hrs

Assisting individuals ;tr: i :': :',, tr ' .rm( , and maintain their health
Empowerment for s, '' ,.li nl. r'nilis5 and groups in
A. Assessment of sr'l '', i' ' "rito: ' I growth and development, Mile stones,
measurement, soc : r-i -1 ,',.., ,'ature and Blood pressure monitoring,
Menstrual cycle, tlr ; i testicles, Warning Signs of various diseases
o Tests : Urine for ',t' ltlo: sugar
B.Seek health serv: ,r ' t 'mmunization
Counseling,Diagn c'
Follow up, Mainter. rh r.r.rl rr self and family
o Continue medici ' r'' 'nmunity for various diseases and disabilities
E. Carryout theral ibed I Required for self and family
F. Waste Managcr:
. Collection and rll .,1 ,: and community
G. Sensitize dDd h,:: g health and development for self and family
r Women Empow,',
. Women and chil
. Abuse of elders, rcial sex workers
. Food adulterati" rn( : e community resources for self and family
Trauma services
. Old age homes,'' sically and mentally challenged individuals,
Homes for destitLr'

UNIT 5 National H rogrammes and the Role of Nurse

National ARI Proir n Control mm CP

s.P. Subarhlnl
Prol. ct Nursill9
k Uita' 'i.-r';
National Anti-Mal,r' r I)rogr;r' 'rne, Nati rl Filaria control Programme, National Guinea
wormeradicationl'rl,:rm(,, lJational t)rosyEradication Programme, NationalAIDS
Control Programrn,' ' ') Cont ro Progra c, National Programme for Control of Blindness
lodine Deficiency r ; " P' \gramme 'anded Programme on lmmunization
National Family V.t, 'o,lramm'r - : Programme
Historical Develoy,,, ,,r' . r'rrr, ",ization, :inistrStion, Research, Constraints
NationalWater S ar rlion Prc nme, Minimum need programme, National
Diabetics Controi ir', . ;'olio Era ation,: Pulse Polio Programme, National Cancer
Control Programnr err:licalion p r-amme, National Nutritional Anemia
Prophylaxis Progr; '1 ' rint i'rogr ''re,|CDS Programme Mid-day MealApplied
Nutritional Progr';r' Lral I e n' rlth Programme,Health Schemes
ESI,CGHS,Health I e_.
UNIT 7 Health Ai; 5hrs
lnternational - \^,' DA, IJNDP, Wr ' f',ank, FAQ, UNICEF, DANIDA, European
Commission (BC), 's, I 'SAlD, Ul\l r, Colombo Plan, lLO, CARE etc. National-
lndian Red Cro:,., ncilfc chi l"are, Family Planning Association of lndia
(FPAI), Tubercur ' ;at '.n lnr.ia, t(usht Nivaran Sangh, Central Social Welfare
Board, All lndia w .or r.r'encerB rsociation of lndia etc.

Integration of I\ r l .l
l. Roles ar' '
l'L'S ( ltl 'r'e'l health provider
) new natitt '''t'll"l
3. Ayushnrar,
4. diagnosil rr' 'l :liillst' rill at sub centre level using standard treatment
protocols: i, i Ir,'llth l
Int ltle
5. introdrr," i, l bll strr , liaryakram
6. social nr ,'
drugs ci i

8. prograllr !l I ii elurl l)crvision and monitoring

9. investir-r,r: , ,ttl ','tili
10 behavic,, , ,, :l ictl io | :roft skill
l1 integrat SE ililnce 1.

t2 mother rq s i'str-r
13. chikunl'
14. organit \ )t '-r)(\'.r
15. safe chi I

16. postpar', il ,1-; 'r r'rt'li,.

17. family 1' 2
18. nationu i r! l llrl)gril
19. food boi

following topics ''\\

A. health pl .r r I r,.'. 'llt ,'ll'r- (r r'r-\/ System in India
B. health nr : tl :.;;irl: rl
C. electron i

D. rnicro l' n! t

'!, P. $u
Frn! flr
I !,; .'.i r.i ., ' '
t.'lrt i

E. adolescent 'r',!\,rlir,i

F. source ol- r I i::' .s ,

G. financial r, "rllC|t .llcc()unt lrrr,r t:OtlpUting in SUb Centre

H. mental hel : . tlli,rt cle lttl,li' r prggram
I. time trend. ,,'rr\,'.rr'Cllr'l'Cllt',' .'pidemiOlOgy
J. infant an<l ' ,;t i1g,.., lirt!:,, r,,OUnSglling
K. nutritiott rr ' :' r'' ,'lc- l,'rrl r,. 'rrational nutrition program
L. use of ctlu
M. throat pr'(' Ii''ilc stiz'r,' :, children
N. transpofto' :rr ,ntl t'r,: ,rccidents and mishaps in labour room
O. counsellin ,:rr'lr
P. update bio ,.' r,',,n . rt by specifuing biomedical waste management
rules 201 6
a. stttttrint: t, \()i , I

R. post 1"rrr'' 1.: ,-' 1'1 r, r1 r..,

"e devices(PPIUCD)
S. All thc rr ,r cornmunicable, non communicable.

fglfin g 1;115 ;\. s... r.. I 't

Internal,\ss. End Term Test Total Marks

t.) (ETE)
l5 75 100

c .-
V ?
t. ,^
Name of The Course N -il
Course Code
Prerequisite Knowledge regarding CHN -l
Corequisite Cornmunity health nursing labs, charts, community bags, log book
Antirequisite NA
L T P c
0 0 2.5 2.5

Course Objectives:

L To enable students to Identify prevalent communicable and non cotnmunicable diseases in

2. To enable students to acquire knowledge and Diagnose health needs of Individual, families
and community
3. To understand the importance of Vital health statistics in the community
4. To encourage the students to participate in various health programs in the community

Course Outcomes

co1 Perform community survey to identify community profile, diagnose health needs and
problems. plan, provide and evaluate health care and collect vital statistics
co2 Parlicipate in school health program, national health prograrns, farnily welfare services,
immunization. and council and educate public towards promotio! qllhqll hgq]I!.

Text Book (s)

l. K.Park -Textbook of Social and Preventive Medicine ,Bannott Publishers

2. KK Gulani "Community health Nursing" 2nd edition , Kumar publishing house
3. Manivannan C,Latha Manivannan T, 1 st edition . Jaypee Brothers Publishers

Reference Book (s)

l. Mary Jo Clark " Comrnunity assessment reference guide "2nd edition 2015
2. Stanhope , Marcia" Quick reference to community health nursing : Process and practice for
promoting health" 3'd edition, 1992, Mosby publishers

Unit-1 Community health nursing 135 hrs

Family care: Home adaptation of common procedures

Home visit: Bag technique
Organize and conduct clinics- antenatal, post natal, wellbaby clinic, camps etc
Screen manage and referrals for: High risk mothers and neonates, Accidents and emergencies
Illnesses: Physical and mental Disabilities
Conduct delivery at centre/home: episiotomy and suturing, Resuscitate newborn
School Health programme, Screen, manage, refer children
Collaborate with health and allied agencies Train and Supervise health workers
Provide family welfare services: insertion of IUD, Counsel and teach individual, family and community
about: HIV, TB, Diabetes, hypertension, Mental health, adolescents, elderly health, Physically and
mentally challenged individuals etc.
Collect and calculate vital health statistics

hl , Dr. S,P. Subashinl
Dean, School of Nursiing
Cdlgotlas UniversitY
Ettar Pradeeh

Document and maintain : Individual , family and administrative records. write reports centre, disease"
national health programme/proj ects

Unit 2- Community health posting in urban areas 195hours

Integrated practice and group project-l in each rural and urban areas

Continuous Assessment Pattern

lnternal Assessment (lA) End Term Test (ETE) TotalMarks

50 50 100

Name of The Course Management of nursing service and education
Course Code l{SE,422
Prerequisite l0+2 with PCB 55%
Corequisite organizational charts, White board, LCD projector, Log book
Antirequisite NA
L T P c
2 0 1 3

Course Objectives:

This course is designed to enable students to acquire understanding of

management of clinical and community health nursing services, nursing
educational programmes. This is also designed to enable students to acquire
understanding of the professional responsibilities, prospects and
contribution to the growth of the profession.

Course Outcomes

co1 Acquire knowledge about principles, functions, elements and process of

management in nursing.
co2 Describe management of nursing services and nursing educational institutions
co3 Explain the concepts, theories and techniques of organizational behaviors and
human relations in context to nursing service, t1rqlqgglqg4ll and education.
co4 Participate in planning and organizing in-service education and staff development
cos Describe ethical and legal responsibilities of a professional nurse and explain
nursing practice standards

Text Book (s)

L. Jogindra Vati " principles and proctice of nursing monagement ond administrotion".2nd
edition 2004; jaypee Publicotions
2. Clement " manogement of nursing services ond educotion " 2nd edition 2007, Elsevier
3. Shabnom masih"Essentiols of nursing monogement in service ond educotion" 2nd edition
2011, lotus publishers

Reference Book (s)

1 C. Manivonnom T Latha manivonnom, J Baskoron "Textbook of nursing monogement in

service and education" 2nd edition, 2016, Atithi publishers
2 Anita Finkelman" Leodership ond monagement for nurses" 2'd edition 201j, Lotus Publishers
3 Patricia Kelly, lanice Tozbir "Essentiols of nursing leadership ond
201.6, Heolth

Prof. S.P. Suhasrhini
u Cr,, hon, Scttool of Nursing
Galgotlas Unlvercity
is d I Uttar Pradesh
4. Lindo roussel, Patricio L Thomos, Jomes L Horris " monogement ond leodership for nurse
odministrotors " 7h edition, 2016, Jones and borlett publishers

Unit-1 !ntroduction 4 hours

Introduction to management in nursing

Definition, concepts and theories

. Functions of management
. Principles of Management
. Role of Nurse as a
5 hours
Describe the elements and process of management
Management process Planning; mission, philosophy, objectives, operational plan
Staffing: philosophy, staffing study, nolrns, activities, patient classification systems,
scheduling Human resource management; recruiting.selecting, deployment, retaining,
promoting, super superannuation etc Budgeting: concept, principles, types, cost benefit
analysis. audit Material management: equipment and supplies
Directing process, (Leading )Controlling: Quality management, Program Evaluation
revlew ue Bench Plan Gantt Chart

Unit-3 8 hours

. Planning: Hospital and patients care units including ward management, Emergency
and disaster management
. Human resource management: Recruiting, selecting, deployment, retaining, promoting,
superannuation etc
- Recruiting, selecting, deployment, retaining, promoting, superannuation etc.
- Categories of nursing personnel including job description of all levels
- Patient/ population assignment and nursing care responsibilities
- Staff development and welfare
o Budgeting : Proposal, projecting requirements for staff, equipments and supplies
. Hospital and patient care units
r Emergency and disaster management
. Material management , procurement , inventory control, auditing and
maintenance in hospital and patient care units, emergency and disaster
o Directing and leading: delegation , participatory management, assignments,
rotations, delegations, supervision and guidance, implement standards, policies,
procedures and practices
o Staff development and welfare, maintenance of discipline ,
controlling/evaluation, nursing rounds/visits, nursing protocols, manuals, quality
assurance , model, documentation, records and reports, performance appraisal

Unit-4 5 hours
Organizational behavior and human relations:

', Sutrashinl
t P?ol.
Dean' Scltool ol Nurslng
Galgotla SUN iversitY
Uttar Pradesh
Concepts and theories of organizational behaviors
. Review of Channels of communication, Leadership styles, Review of Motivation;
concepts and theories
. Group dynamics, Techniques of Communication; Interpersonal relationships, Human
relations; Public relations in context of nursing, Relations with professional associations
and employee unions and Collective bargaining

Unit-5 5 hours

ln-service educotion
Nature & scope of in service education program, Organization of in service education
. Principles of adult learning, Planning for in-service education program, techniques,
methods & evaluation of staff education program
. Preparation of report

Unit-6 l0 hours
M onagement of n ursing educatio nal institutio n s
. Establishment of Nursing educational institution-INC norms and guidelines
. Co-ordination with Regulatory bodies, Accreditation, Affiliation, Philosophy! objectives
- Organization Structure, Committees, Physical facilities, College/School, Hostel Students
Selection, Admission
. Guidance and Counselling, Maintaining discipline, Faculty and staff, Selection
Recruitment Job description
. Placement,Performance appraisal, Development and welfare
Budgeting ,Equipments and supplies: audio visual equipments, laboratory equipment.
books, journals etc
. Curriculum; Planning, implementation and evaluation, clinical facilities, transport
facilities, institutional records and reports, administrative, faculty , staff and

Continuous Assessment Pattern

lnternal Assessment (lA) Mid Term Test End Term Test (ETE) Total Marks
(MTEr+MTE rr)
15 5+5 75 100
Nursing research and statistics
Name of The Gourse

Course Gode

Nursing research and statistics

L T P c

2 0 0 2

Gourse Obiectives:
of research in nursing'
understand the importance
1. To enable students to

review of literature
3. identif, various sources of


Gourse Outcomes L

inologY and steps used

ln nursing research process.
col Descri be the concept,

re lated literature.
o bject ives and revlew the
co2 Identif, re search pro,b 9ITI, state

and Data co llection techniques.

research appro aches, design, samPling
co3 Describe

arize the data bY using

descriPtive and inferential
lnterPret and summ
co4 AnalYze,
the research findings in
Nursing Practice, education
co5 Communicate and utilize

Text Book (s):

,' jaypee publishers
,, Essentiars of nursing research

3. Prof Arun Kumar Jindal "Nursing research and statistics" KPH publishers

Reference Book (s):

1. Denise F Polit "Essential of nursing research" 8th edition, Lippincott publishers.
2. Suresh K Sharma " Nursing Research and statistics"2nd edition., Elsevier publishers
3. Elizabeth heavey "statistics fbr nursing "l't edition , Lippincott publishers .

Unit-l Research and research process 5


. Introduction and need for nursing research

. Definition of Research & nursing research
. Steps of scientific method
. Characteristics of good researcl.t

. Steps ofResearch process - overview

Unit-2 Research Problem Question

4 hours

Identification of problem area

. Problem statement
. Criteria of a good research problem
. Writing objectives

Unit-3 Review of literature 4 hours

. Location
. Sources
. On line search; CINHAL,COCHRANE etc
. Purposes
' Method of review


Qualitative and Quantitative designs 6



Prof r. S.P. Subashini

Dean. Schooi of Flrr;'sing
Galgottas UniversitY
Uttar Pradesh
Unit-S Sampling and data collection 8

' Definition of Population, Sample, Sampling criteria, factors influencing . sampling process, types of
sampling techniques.
. Data- why, what, from whom, when and where to collect.
. Data collection methods and instruments:

Methods of data collection, Questioning, interviewing, Observations, record analysis and

measurement, Types of instruntents, Validity & Reliability of the Instrument, pilot study, Data
collection procedure

Unit-6 Analysis of data 4 hour

Compilation, Tabulation, classitlcation, summarization, presentation, interpretation of data

Unit-7 Introduction to statistics 15 hours

. Definition, use of statistics, scales of measurement.

. Frequency distribution and graphical presentation ofdata

. Mean, Median. Mode, Standard deviation

. Normal Probability and tests of significance

. Co-efficient of correlation.

. Statistical packages and its application

Unit-8 Communication and utilization of research 4 hours

. Communication of research findings

. Verbal report
. Writing research repoft

' Writing scientific article/paper'.Critique review of published research ,utilization of research findings

Continuous Assessment pattern

lnternal Assessment Mid Term Test End Term Test Total Marks
(lA) (MTEI + MTE 2) (ErE)

15 (5+5=10) 75 100

I.P. Subashlnl
De8n, Scitool of Nursing
Galgotlas Universlty
k Uttar Fradesh
Name of The Course Midwifery and obstetrical nursing

Course Code I oGN420

Prerequisite l.Knowledge regarding anatomy and physiology of

reproductive system
2.Knowledge regarding normal pregnancy, labour, puerperium
and newborn

Corequisite Maternal and child health

nursing lab with models,
dummy, charts, log book,
case book
Antirequisite NA
L T P c
1.5 0 0 1.5

Course Obiectives: This course is designed for students to appreciate the concepts and
principles of rnidwifery and obstetrical nursing. It helps them to acquire knowledge and skills
in rendering nursing care to normal and high risk pregnant woman during antenatal, natal and
post natal periods in hospitals and community settings. It also helps to develop skills in
managing normal and high risk nconates and participate in family welfare programme
Course Outcomes

co1 Describe and identify the management of women with high risk pregnancy
during Antenatal, intranatal and postnatal period.

co2 Demonstrate indications, dosage, action, side effect of drugs used during
pregnancy,labor and postnatal period

co3 ldentify and assess high risk neonates and their management

co4 Appreciate the role of nurse in nationa! family welfare programme and
contraceptive methods

Text Book (s)

1. Myles. "Text book for midwives".Tt edition 2004; Churchill livingstone.

2. D.C.Dutta. Text book of Obstetrics. 6 tn edition 2004; New central book agency

3. Orshan - Maternity Nursing, 2009,1WW

4. Ricci - Essentials of maternity nursing, 2009, Lippincotts

Reference Book (s) A


1. William's Obstetrics,200g,Mcgrahill
2. Lowdermilk - Maternity Nursing,2008,Elsevier
a. A Comprehensive Textbook of Midwifery and Gynecological Nursing, Third
Edition,by Annama Jacob, JP publisher.

Unit-l High-risk pregnancy - assessment & management 10HRS

. Screening and assessment - Ultrasonics, cardiotomography, NST, CST, non-invasive

&invasive, Newer modalities of diagnosis
. High-risk approach
. Levels of care; primary,secondary and tertiary levels
. Disorders of pregnancy - Hyper-emesis gravidarurn, bleeding inearly pregnancy, abortion,
ectopic - Pregnancy, vesicular mole, - Ante-partum haemorrage
. .Uterine abnormality and displacement.
. Diseases complicating pregnancy - Medical and
surgical conditions - lnfections, RTI (STD), UTl, HlV, TORCH - Gynaecological diseases
complicating pregnancy , Pregnancy induced hypertension .& diabetes, Toxemia of
pregnancy,hyd ra m nios, Rh incom patibil ity u Mental disorders
.: Adolescent pregna ncy, Eld e rly p ri mi andgra nd multipara
. Multiple pregnancy,Abnormalities of placenta & cord
. lntra.uterine growthretardatiorr
. Nursing management of mothers with high-risk pregnancy Maintenance of
Records and Report

Unit-2Abnormal Labour - assessment and management 10hrs

. Disorders in labour - CPD and contracted pelvis - Malpositions and malpresentations-
Premature labour, disorders of uterine actions - precipitate labour, prolonged labour
- Complications of third stage: injuries to birth canal
. Obstetrical emergencies and their management; - Presentation and prolapse of cord,
Vasa praevia, amniotic fluid embolism,rupture of uterus, shoulder dystocia, obstretical
. Obstetrical procedures and opcrations;
- lnduction of labour, forceps, vacuurn version, manual removal of placenta, cesarean
section,destructive operations
. Nursing management of women undergoing Obstetrical operations and

Unit-3 Abnormalities during Postnatal Periods 3hrs

Assessment and management of woman with postnatal Complications:

Puerperal infections, breast e ngo rgc m ent & infections, thrombo-Embolic d isorders,
post- partum haemorrage, Eclampsia and subinvolution, Psychological complications:
- Post partumr Blues - Post partum Depression - Post partum Psychosis

F Subashini
c tfean, Echool of i!ur5ing
@lgotlas L.l 6iysrsit!
LIttar Praclesl'r
t AI I
Unit-4 Assessment and management of High risk newborn Shfs
. Admission of neonates in the neonatal intensive care units- protocols Nursing
management of-: Low birth weight babies - lnfections - Respiratory problems - hemolytic
disorders- Birth injuries - Malformations
o Monitoring of high risk neonates
. Feeding of high risk neonates ,Organization and management of neonatal intensive care
units ,lnfection control in neonatal intensive care units
. Maintenahce of reports and records.

Unit-S Pharmaco-therapeutics in obstetrics 4hrs

lndication, dosage, action, contra indication and side effects of drugs
Effect of drugs on pregnancy, labour & puerperium, Nursing responsibilities in the
Administration of drug in Obstctrics - oxytocins, antihypertensives, diuretics, tocolytic
agents, anti convulsants; An;rlgesics and anesthetics in obstetrics. Effects of maternal
medication on foetus and neonate.

Unit-6 Family Welfare Progranrme 10hrs

. Population trends and problems in lndia . Concepts, aims, importance and historyof
family welfare programme . National Population: dynamics, policy and education
.Nationalfamily welfare progranrme; RCH, ICDS, MCH. Safe motherhood
o Organization and administi-ation; at national, state, district, block and village levels.
Methods of contraception; spacing, temporary and permanent, Emergency contraception
. lnfertility and its managern0nt
. Counseling for family wclfarc
o Latest research in contrarcrrtior.r
.Maintenance of vital stat:, i ics
. Role of national, internationll arnd voluntary organizations
. Role of a nurse in family w,-.lf;rre programme , Training / Supervision /Collaboration with
other functionaries in comnrirr-rity like ANMs. LHVs, Anganwadiworkers, TBAs (Traditional
birth attendant - Dai)

Continuous Assessment Patter ''

lnterna! Assessment (lA) L'l;i! Term Test End Term Test (ETE) TotalMarks
15 5r5 75 100

"'tJ'' -,".
L5.r I " ...1

+ c.^t


Name of The Course
Course Code oGP406
Prerequisite 1. Knowledge regarding abnormal antenatal, intranatal
,postnatal and newborn assessment
2. Knowledge regarding conducting normal and abnormal
Corequisite Maternal and child health nursing lab with models,
dummy, charts, log book
L T P c
3 3

Course Objectives: This course is designed for students to appreciate the concepts and
principles of midwiferyand obstetrical nursing. It helps them to acquire knowledge and skills
in rendering nursingcare to normal and high risk pregnant woman during antenatal, natal and
post natal periods in hospitals and community settings. It also helps to develop skills in
managing normal and high risk neonates and participate in family welfare programme.
Course Outcomes

co1 Assess, educate and manage high risk pregnant women during antenatal, intranatal and
postnatal period
co2 Prepare high risk mother and family for parenthood
co3 Assess and provide nursing care to normal and sick new born
co4 Counsel and motivate mother for using family welfare services and contraceptive

Text Book (s)1. Myles. "Text book for midwives".Ttredition 2004; Churchill livingstone

2.D.C.Dutta. Text book of Obstetrics. 6 th edition 2004; New central book agency

Reference Book (s)

1. Orshan - Maternity Nursing ,2009,1WW
2.Ricci- Essentials of maternity nursing, 2009, Lippincotts

3.William's Obstetrics,2009,Mcgrahill

4. Lowdermilk - Maternity Nursing,2008,Elsevier

Unit-1 Assessment of high risk pregnant women 60hou rs

Assessment of risk status Antenatal history taking Physical examination, Recording of

Weight & B.P,
Hb.& Urine testing for sugar and albumin, Antenatal examination- abdomen and breast,
Teaching antenatal mothers, Maintenance of Antenatal records

Unit-2 Assessment of Woman in labour l20hrs

c I

Per vaginal examinations and interpretation,
Monitoring and caring of woman in labour,
Maintenance of partograph, Conduct normal delivery, Newborn assessment and immediate care,
Resuscitation of newborns.
Assessment of risk status of newborn Episiotomy aid suturing,
Maintenance of labour and birth records,
Arrange for and assist with Cesarean section and care for woman& baby during Cesarean
Arrange for and assist with MTP and other surgical procedures

Unit-3 Examination and assessment of mother and Baby 120hrs

ldentification of deviations, Care of postnatal mother and baby
Perineal care, Lactation. Management, Breast feeding, Babybath , lmmunization, Teaching
postnatal mother: Mother craft, Post natal care & Exercises lmmunization

Unit-4 Newborn assessment 70hrs

Admission of neonates, Feeding of at neonates risk,

. Katori spoon, paladi, tube feeding, totalparenteral nutrition
. Thermal management of neonates-kangaroo mother care, care of baby in incubator
.Monitoring and care of Neonates
. Administering medications. Intravenous therapy
. Assisting with diagnostic procedure Assisting with exchange transfusion
. Care of baby on ventilator
. Phototherapy
.lnfection controlprotocols in the nursery, Teaching and counseling of parents
Maintenance of Neonatal

Unit-5 Family planning clinic 30h rs

Insertion of IUD, Teaching on use of family planning methods, Arrange for and Assist with
family planning Operations, Maintenance or records and reports

Continuous Assessment Pattern

lnternal Assessment (lA) Mid Term Test End Term Test (ETE) Total Marks
50 NA 50 100

l) I Z

I rl.- !

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