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 Sexual desire-symbolic meaning is expressed by the representation of red blanket as

found in Van Gogh's Bedroom at Aries and Castelfranco's Samson and Delilah.
 Formalism- aesthetic theory agrees that Sydney Opera House is beautiful because of its
curvilinear shape like giant shells rising above the harbour.
 Heaven and Earth- symbolized by the shape of an arch as found in the painting The
Burial of Count Orgaz by El Greco
 Based on the Hindu belief and way of life, sex act is considered to be sacred because the
experience of pleasure is a stage for a man to attain spiritual release.
 The Installation art by Medio Cruz, Poleteismo under the CCP Kulo Exhibit 2009, was
very controversial because of its profane content according to some religious people
which Institutional Theory of art applied to this phenomenon.
 Vitruvius- wrote the book De Architectura in four volumes, and formulated canon of
human proportion which had become the subject of many drawing interpretations.
 Suri- tribe or indigenous people impose to women the practice of making their lower lip
wider with a hole at the center and this practice determines beauty and acceptance of
women in their society.
 Mona Lisa- it is the most historical, the most popular and well-known, the most
influential, the most expensive, Renaissance painting in the world.
 Protagoras- He states that “Man is the measure of all things”.
 The lotus feet were considered to be the woman's second vagina.
 As a tomb- primarily is the intended use of the pyramids and Egypt.
 Vitruvian Man- artwork by Leonardo best exemplifies the formalist theory of beauty.
 Characteristics on how to become recognized as an artist are;
 Has skill and talent
 Has artworks exhibited in museums, galleries
 Mentioned in books, media and art history
 Win recognitions, prizes and awards
 Van Eyck painted The Arnolfini Marriage, a wedding portrait of Arnolfini and his wife.
In this painting, the symbolic meaning of why the bride's wedding gown is green because
she is Fertile.
 For Padaung People, a woman is considered beautiful if she has a long neck full of spiral
rings agrees most with Cultural relativism view.
 The painting by Kandinsky is full of bursting colors on the canvas meaning the visual
representation of music.
 Parthenon- building in Athens Greece noted for its proportion based on the Golden
 Formalism view that a woman with a vital statistic of 36-24-36 is beautiful.
 The song is ugly for Cindy because it reminds her of a heartbreak, she experienced some
years ago which is an example of experience of an ugly thing is based on the
psychoanalytic Theory.
 Architecture- the principle "Form follows function" is often the basis of which art.
 According to Arthur Danto's Theory on the end of art is said to be “dead” because art
reached all of its possibilities and cannot be anymore further developed.
 Aristotle and Aquinas- two Philosophers formulated a theory that may be considered as
the basis of aesthetic formalism according to their concept of matter and form.
 The Sydney Opera House is ugly because it is defective for its purpose; its shape is
disastrous for acoustics which is not efficient for a theatre which functionalism theory
address with this statement
 Bulging stomach- considered as the physical sign of feminine beauty from the ancient
times up to the renaissance and baroque era, as shown in the sculpture Venus of
Willendorf as well as in the Venus painting by Botecelli and Titian.
 Karma- one of the laws of life in Hindu Life and religion which refers to the law of
cause and effect.
 The spiral ring in the long neck of a married Padaung woman be forcibly removed from
her when she commits adultery.
 Suffering- concept is meant by the representation of branch of a tree in Dali's Persistence
of Memory.
 The Book of Kells- is considered to be the book that contains the finest work of
calligraphy and illuminated manuscript during the medieval period.
 Darwinian Theory of Beauty- a theory believed that beauty is an adaptive effect which
we extend and intensify in the creation and enjoyment of works of art and entertainment.
 Cezanne's painting Apples and Oranges, you don't see the fruits, but you see the curve
lines, the circles, and the red and orange colors on the surface. This way of seeing a
painting is based on Formalism theory of art.
 The famous artist Marcel Duchamp exhibit in a museum a bicycle wheel on top of a
stool. When asked "why is that a piece of art?", Duchamp said: "Well, that is art because
I say so!" Institutional theory of art is applied to this situation.
 Multi-point perspective suggest movement as it is applied in modern paintings such as
in the Bedroom and Arles by Van Gogh.
 Goerge Seurat- was the modern painter best known for his compositions in the style of
pointillist or divisionism.
 Frank Lloyd Wright believes in organic architecture which asserts that a house or a
building must be integrated with its natural environment. Wright in 1939 best exemplifies
the insight of Falling water.
 In the cubist style of painting, the concept is suggested by the multi-view representation
of the women in the Picasso's The Weeping Woman is the woman is crying
 Texture- an element applied in the art of painting; linear perspective is based on the
 According to Venus of Willendorf it indicates the beauty of the woman’s body which she
has the capacity of the woman to produce a child.
 Taj Mahal- famous building is originally intended to be a mausoleum.
 Triangle- geometrical shape symbolizes the mysterious nature of man as indicated in the
Vitruvian Man.
 Luna's Spolarium won the 1884 Madrid Exposition because Luna applied all the rules of
painting taught by the school.
 Sigmund Freud- Father of Psychoanalysis and created the Theory of Subconscious
 Lapiz Lazuli- its pigment could only be extracted from which rare and precious stone
that used for example in van der Wayden's Desposition of Christ, the color ultramarine
blue was very special during the medieval and Renaissance periods.
 Sydney Opera House- a work of architecture known as “Formally beautiful, but
functionally ugly”.
 Functionalism- a view about the aesthetics of the female body is that woman is beautiful
if she has a lot of children.
 Painting is considered to be an inferior kind of art during the Renaissance because it is
only two dimensional.
 Pop Art- taken from images in popular culture such as commercial labels and mass
products, comics and cartoons.
 Minimalism- a Japanese architecture and Zen painting are based on this style of art.
 Wassily Kandinsky- painter formulated the insight that representational art is a sign of
materialism of people in the society, and art must be purely formal so that it may bring
out its spiritual quality.
 Mystery- applied to The Mona Lisa by Leonardo, sfumato is the smoky effect that makes
this painting emit a sense of feeling or suggestion.



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