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Reflective Evaluation worksheet

(U10, LO3: AC 3.1&3.2)


You are required to complete both sections on this sheet and place the content in your Weebly section called UNIT 10

Wherever you use a quote from any other source, please say where you got it from or it could result in a PLAGIARISM
mark which would automatically fail the unit.

Reflect on how your work fits your audience (U10:LO3_AC3.1)

Please answer ALL boxes in order to pass this section. You can include screen grabs and links to help. This section is about
evaluating how your work fits the audience you have chosen to target. Answer all three questions fully with supporting
images, links and evidence of audience/survey feedback.

Choose THREE existing professional versions aimed at the same audience/genre as your work. How does yours compare to them? BE

Example 1 of 3
URL/link, image and description

Something your NEWS UPDATE does as well

Its flows well I show what I'm talking about on screen and I get straight to the point with short sharp information.

Something the PROFESSIONAL EXAMPLE does better

Also has a lot of information in a short amount of time and explains what's going on in testing well.

How you would improve yours based on this

I would have based on the video some smoother transitions and be clearer in my speaking.

Example 2 of 3
URL/link, image and description

Something your NEWS UPDATE does as well

I have a range of content on screen and its not just a video of me speaking.

Something the PROFESSIONAL EXAMPLE does better

Has clear accurate information tailored to a certain audience

How you would improve yours based on this

Have one less story and have a bit more time to give additional information on the other three instead.
Example 3 of 3
URL/link, image and description

Something your NEWS UPDATE does as well

Have a lot of stories and content about the Siege Esports World and recent events.

Something the PROFESSIONAL EXAMPLE does better

It has a lot of details and pros of cons about what siege is like and why the reviewer likes and dislikes.

How you would improve yours based on this

I could be speaking a lot more over the clips dishing out a lot more information like the producer is of this video.

Results and reflection of your survey

Show evidence of your audience feedback and reflect on what it tells you.
Show evidence of your survey results here (screen grabs/graphs/urls/Youtube comments/other)
Screen Grabs below this file.

What patterns or trends did you notice from your audience feedback?
From my feedback I learnt that that my audio wasn’t great, so I have gone and now fixed that.
I fit in enough detail within my 60 seconds and got enough stories.
What did you learn from thinking about this?
Its always good to get a few opinions on your video before uploading it as I found parts of my video had some key issues such
as audio and transitions.
How might you make improvements to your work based on what you’ve learnt from your audience? Be specific
I went back and fixed the audio before submitting to make sure my video was high quality and fully understandable.

Conclusions on your audience feedback

Based on what you’ve learnt above, write about whether your feel your work is fit for your specific audience overall.
Remember to say why and prove it
Based on my audience feedback I feel yes, my work is fit for my specific audience overall, the feedback I got from audience
feedback was half of my target audience and it is tailored towards fans of the game and Esport scene of Rainbow Six Siege.
In my video I covered all recent events in the Esports Siege scene from the past few months over the main events of
Invitational and information about player transfers and even a big retirement of a player and a team which came at a huge
Suprise to the Esport scene.
From my feedback I found out that my audio could do with a lot of work so before handing in I went back and fixed all the
audio and made it sound a lot better and clearer.
I also made the transitions a lot smoother between clips and the audio between clips and listened to most of my feedback
Reflect on your own skills, processes and personal development (U10:LO3_AC3.2)
Please answer ALL sections fully in order to pass this section. You can include screen grabs and links to help. This section is
about how you feel your creative abilities and processes have improved during this assignment. Answer all sections fully
with supporting images (including your own screen grabs) and any other evidence you feel is relevant

Talk about three issues you had during production. These could be based on practical parts of the work, supporting tasks
such as research or even audience surveys.

1. Filming had some issues

2. Audio in my video

3. Clip quality

How/to what degree were you able to resolve each issue?

1. Re filmed a few things twice so I wasn’t stuttering in the video, and I wasn’t looking at my script either.

After my audience feedback I went back and edited most of the audio of my speaking, so it was louder clearer
and smoother in transitions.

3. I had to screen record a few to get high quality of match the YouTube standard.

Write about at least three things which well during the whole process?
Talk about what you felt went particularly well about them.

1. Green screen applications that filming overall went well and editing the video was smooth

2. Finding the information went well as I was already a fan of Siege Esports so just had to find the clips to match.

Planning and researching I think went well and I found a good few examples to work from and take some ideas

And finally, write a small amount about what you enjoyed about the project which you could possibly use in future work
or assignments. This could be from research, design or your practical production process. Feel free to use screen grabs.
I enjoyed the overall video one of the parts I enjoyed most was the green screen work I did and expanded my knowledge
and skills and feel like I could transfer the skills to future work.
I enjoyed
Another thing I enjoyed about this project is the sixty second video as a whole it was an enjoyable video to make as it
was quick easy and short, and I feel like I did well in getting a lot of information out in a short and quick amount of
limited time I had.

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