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Compu Organization (Co) ee ONIT-& Lo O¥gerni zedion Ze Ogos SyMabws : = Pceewslug Lo devices — Inrerrugh —Trkersugh Haxdwaow — Enabling amd Disabling Tekevugs e = Handing Mabie desis V7 re) — Divecr Hemony, Accent a — buss Q = Syrchyvonows BoA $ —Fsyachvonod Bus NO —Tubevface Cire / ‘ — Standard tlo Ditrfae ¥ \S — fexiphunal Co \ chertonrer (PCE) Bus — Univettal Sept (usa) @® Acces oa Comput 52 is ability te oxchouge data with The basic Othe devi => nom GAL tke devices Connected to it te exchange information. {one Bs depicted ot > Ber The bus Comis oF 3 2055 Oly Swed, — Padres Lined — Danka lies — Coulrr\ Lives — Each Tp devite a omiqued a Unique ek of addverses — When zlo device amd tke memory Shoot tte Aowme addvus Apace , the axvaugemmt” 3 Called Mentory - mapped glo: Memovy— mapped xo: — WIT Memory mapped alo, amy nadine jastyaction thal Cam Occ memory cam be ured tp Lramfen data to ey) Wen am lo devite Example 4 Move DATAI, Ro (Tuput Device tz ProcemoY Register) > Move Ro, Devrrovr ( Procerov Register to Oukpul we slo Bateau for om Toga de 36 deed ot SM" deen bios Aa ten Cowhel ines xo Twhorface —Veu, the stn enables the devicote neceguige 3b addres whea this pears ov the addrens limes. The dake Kept helds the data. boing Leansfoned te (00 bom Wie ov aS Breda SeyiMer Coutais tveformodion releveud to te Oprwbion of- Yee Tho device @ Tecterrupta (= An suberrugt “op ARE Continuous progrem of am activity BY) proces. | ; ‘tte by hardware (ov) An Trterrugh Ja a hi sto tte procemoy emitted o Adftwae hes oe that weods timediate abfewtion - (Gem Nles the prover to a lagh- Priority condition chenprivg 2 Jivg. | tee (Herraghon of The Cudverd Code tie Protemey is oneertvd | The bus Ceubol tae, Called sorepreseqeur Lene oy used *S M, | )Tdkewngt Hevdusede : pee | oy: | sa cto device eqs om falerseept bip owed Vive. Coed | ivtiwupt-veque. S 5 Plat Compan aru Sitelg to have Acvere sis aad Gun venpeat } aw iotesrugt’ | sa Gagle idevspl weqpet dime may leet to Aexve y)- devices 3 ¥ . wy fe expeivalent ciseutk fer om open ey ook sed to ingle Comme (drug sequel PN Keted of S Maa INTRy isa, ane Connected te the Line via auitches te qsound, ae reap on iwhemngh, a device closer ith artociated Awiteh. Oo Tan, Sp ath ctervuph respon Atquals INTR: te INTRy ane mache, 1e, TF dh Awitehes ane open , the velkage en the inten te reg Mino silk be eapol te Vag * Z Tee ee OTS Bs the inactive Atal of the Lina. —> Saw te eleving ek one x) move Butcher Uh let 0 WAM Counts the Hie Vothage Fo dv0p Te Othe valus ch INTR a tte Logical OR ob ‘avaiing ea 4 LABR-Co~T.4) \\ | | | umn individual devies | je, TNTR EINTR) +INTR: +--+ INAH > Te TTR Siquel is active when in tte low vellege Jails. - ii) Enabling and, Dikabliog Tid vouple , The Zeapewe of ever invelved ta howdling julenuph auquur “> a Mingle device ou, 3 ~TRe device sais On iatecrupt Repth. CO The procemor tuesregls the program curv enctly bend exeetid ~Taerreptt au ditalhd by changing the coubel ttre Ps CProcemer stalus voqivty) S | — The device is informed thet ik espe ie Recoguiged, ond im vespomse ik deackvalat the i opr Feqprort Byra4 — Tee action reseed by the inter) performed by the interrupt — service Boutin e —Tatewrup's one enabled a Hon ck the Tuba vugh projrag WS Poymed , xy KD (ii) Hardling Multiple devices , ) Considesy the jituation wl A number of devices Gasph Capable of iuttioding, inkews wnscked “to the protien « > Recame there ate operationally indepeucloct, there is uo kbd orden icy they wa ever ae idenupti - Ths Hituahs horded 4 3 metiods, a Vedtirad Tadtorrup Heep Nesting awe Simubtaneo ws Resprerts 9) Vectoved Tie emphy , > A device Taqperting. oun iutunvugh ee idestify— Aovectty te tha: Proconar > Then tee PYDLeMoY Com Tonia interrupt service Soule « TMS fulervept homdling Scheme is known as Vectored Tderruph, tle Brot exceahing “the Ceneaponding, ASK >A Common leg uked Acheme Ss te allerale” pesmane an area Th the i Memon te held tae addromes of lukivrugt—Aevuice voutiues . a Thase adlhemes anc as Tutevvupt Veulors , and they orc Raid te Cowmitule the intevyupl- vector table > for crmmple, 125 byte may be allecdtad te held a tabk of 32. { tlesrapt vectors, |b Tider Neahug | Tmglementad creat \ Bric arbibyetien s NY . a Hew, Gach ot Gia ner Ba, aabighed 0 dale Priowity level » ay 7 7 Tnlewrupt mgr preceived Over these lines ae Aout te a priovity avbity. Zeusk i tee Procenat« aA oS acceptid ony iy ak hes highs priovihy Lad than isis cto tha Pwolesey + Svonsidey the problem de Simultaneous avvivals of ictewruple -veqpety from tive Gr) Move devices. | a Te procemor rust have Avme means ob deciding which neqpert 1 Aesvice frat > >The procesey Aimphy accopls te veg pew having the Wight priority. —? Priovity Sb determined bythe orden in which the devices are polled» be, the polling the Aroha veymters of tte To devices, ie alcheccsinais Ks > fh Dainy chain pvioxi ivkersupt Scheme bs dagicted oa, af ENTE | } ae ed i peviar \ é of es bof | a The Saternegt repurt Jinn INTR as Common To all devies. Ss a The Tdewnpt-MKnowkdge jie INTA, is Connected) im a daisy “fashion « Xe STE TNTA Signal propgals Acvially. through the devices. > Wher Aevoral devices valve an inhiemaph request amd NTR bine ; Bs adivated, me promot rexponds by setting the TeigArbive te | | SThis Biguel DA received by devices, oO | > device! pames tte Aiqpal on to device 2 Br douinct naqpow i &rvice + a 7 Ta dainy-chain oxrrewgpnienT tHe. NOi aa elecho wc elgaat | fo the prvcemoy bor THe Wighent ut > The Aetoud device the, a os A ' mae eee olowy x¢ Pod Wigtert Prony The RE Campane, oS Wry qroups Js degidad os | 1 3 ‘ INT Device Devices | 3 2 : z ae : | _anre INA, } Priovityy | Avbitvatien snark Rsk“ —> Hore, Devicer ane organized in Groups , and each green Connected ak 0 at dilkousl priovity Leet - 7 Witkin a quup , devices ane Couneded m a doiay chain OTL OFganigadion is acd ia may Compettin Sry QDMA: (Direct Hemeny fees) Te tranyen Letye blocks ef Rata at Nigh Spend, a Apscied be provided te ablow cbeawsfer lp a block cf dela die oon external device amd the aay among wiiouk Cowhi fntex vention by the procesef way Tas opprendy is Called Dirck Memory, thecens (2 part . > DMA tromfers one perforned by @ Covel uwile To device wWirfate » Called BHA Contrellen 4) &) DMA Combsellen _———— > The DMA Conde pesforms the is that would nowmally, be Comied owl bog the procerter whew gy the vain, memory. > For end word tranyeroed |, oP she memory addres and oll the bus. Biqrols that ee dala trons fen > Pilthough the DHA Conhrel Yoo date withouy intervention hoy the procemoy , 3 iy mut be. unde) tre Coubel of a program oxeokea by the . 3 The Reginters het in DHA Contrellan aru depicted os, stots. [ } ae a AN stating odes [ 7 dew [Ld Af 5 The we ee BMA Cantrell in a Computtin Sytein in depiched os, be DM Cee eee ee Prccerer a ae t A sai, © . C9) Bus Arbitration . 4 s ——— > The devin Hel is nimed ty it data tomers n-th bus at ang given time is called the Bus «. | > Bus ctbibtation Js the > which the next dwicet become te 3s cali LYatiov e tows master Ss us manterakip ix Lromboued te ub The election a mewtey muit take into account the needs co | Veriows devi Ctolalishing Priovihy Ayvlim $8 gaining acces te the bus a a *s ne “ a “Aco Tho, aaNet approaches tp bus avhit vation © & Entralize, Atbit ration (iy Distvi buted Arbitvedtion adiNentralizea Adoitrodion : — > In-this approach a Jingle bus aybiter pexforms fhe roqprded oxbitrotion. ah fot gn ae te bus arbitration Using « ainy clin ws depicled as | mF ace | | i | Procorsos DMA Controller Bay 7 e Tn this Cate amy, proeiior ja nowmally the bus woAtr wade Se gros bos mantership te ome ef the DMA Conbolrs oR DIA Conboten indicates that ar needs te lect bus mater boy activating. the Bus —Requert ine, BR 3S > Uihen Bush Requerr Ja Aetivalea , the pro Opiates the Bus- Grant Sypa BGl, and tha Aiqual 2 Counedigehy all DUA Conbetlos, Wing a daiay -elreiy ary “a wothe Covet Chas veastin iwdScatas GIN" devices thst SY 38 using the bus oy activating omstkin open calcd Bus Buty , BOSY ie eH receiving athe cus Go quel, ~ OMA Conboy waits fo Bus Bury to become Mack i adsumes mostorslog off the bus. AT thas time , ae actively —buiry te prevent” ote RoviGs from Udi tre bub at the Frame en . Gi) Dittribulid Arbi Tq th op bus > Dinter axbitvadion meant that alk devicet waiting te we the bus Wg at ety Jn caxrying. oul the axbitvakion precesty Mhout using a centfal amsbites ss Aukvibubed orvbitsabion Acheme is depicted a3, aS 7 ook devices patticipale fw the selection obtte next Gabi deakficadion ember tra bus , they alder” The Stott Asbitvation Repel face theis G-bit TD UMboU eM bow Open edector toe RQ ough BREE yk Winned is Roe an a verwll of tha tulevaction among the Aijruly Yuus by ah contenders, —> Fach device on-tie bus 2s av A When one (6) more devices transpntited cup ) erage cece net dhe highest ‘Tp number x | A) | ® Boses ; | SS rhe prowerser , main memory , cud Tlo devices cam be tmtevconnected by. Wears ch a Common bus - > The Bus, i a G3 da provide a communication patti bet lhe brannen oe a The bys includes the Lines ended To Aupport Inbxrap and arbitration, a The bud Lines wed bgr tramorny, dala may be Teens ex. typed — dota lines CU — addr isd Xe = Cowbel Mines = Ta amy date tramker operation , one device ple Q mole of a Masten. Ths iB the device that iwitiotes dake Lyowers_bI ing read er Waite Commands ett. bus, hence, dr ray be iwitiator = Nosmally , the grocemor (5) devices wi Be Capeability become me we . lave (a teyet — The device oddroned by the SED Ta qefeved te as a Alave Coty! Gy Syncksorous Bus, C) =n a Aynchyonous DM. devices danive tirning tnfowmation prow a Commer chor . - Fay conta Uae dehine eapral chime inkexvals. — Inthe St fairs of ay Aynchronews bus, each ofp there intervals coh S bug cycle durving Which one Joka tramspin cam -take place = Nt ok on inp Frome on oS welvonent but is depicted as | Time | Se \ \ ond | Cowra \ Dale + ty ea Buy gee: [Ask b] i l “she adds and databines ot high ond Ths JS a Common Convention indicalivg that Aovne Lines are by ond dee ome low , depending: om the particule addres (1) dale Pattern being tromsucitted - F OTe crating Le jwdicats tha Himes ot which there pattixng chaaga, DA Siguad Line is an indcterminats @19 bigh-impedama Zale is ow at the Aareting, | ” f repwsaced Iny an idermediate level hall toy bebveen the > ° ond Ligh giqual levels, & Ui) Asynchvancus Bus , Xe — few allermotive gchewe fev Conbrllivg, dala -Lranion bus is ee bared on the wie of a hawdshale benaeen tha ond the : lave.» 0 > Hema shake conbel of= datk-tromwde dus Q. input operotion Us degiclid a3, one NO" a | ~ . Address i. eodcommand A A Masterseady = [ | | _ Slaveready . . | | < as | aN J Bus cycle - > The Commo check Js replaced by Tae Fiming Cowher Lines — Master covert ~ Slave-Ready- The four is mented by the masta te tadicade that ab Js ready $A a Beomsadion , and the Aecoud is a rexpente Lom the plave R= bo 3 ->Tn principle, dalatvomiten conbrlled by 0 handwhake proceeds oh ow ~ aa the addoew and Command information om the but cee a Then ak indi To all devi : ‘dine cara ie Hodied Vendy Une nn nee Me ott = Ths Comet all devices ote bub to decode the addnos \ awe pelecked alowe performs the duaqprud opration and | es the procmor at hat deus Ao by activating the Slave-re ie Lhe WON waits fev Slave huaty te become astentd ide) vent \ ak removes JS siquala howd the bus | Ta the cat oer asad opanation,, af ole Strobes he ah \ Tape baler = Naeahete Fe fe dab bas dg oo i cent | Sy depicled oS ) Ao © reer “>In ths case, tte mower places the oop dal on the data Ake Jame-time that SE trawnits the addres and Corrmand pT xe dea | the Monkey — ready Apel ae Slave —Veadyy Bguot aol. 7 The Yemaindin ofp We eycte is Jdewtical to the mpd Operedion ET Lines ot information « Rave sbrobet -the Gol Tide XB oubput buber when Sk veoeives aud indicalen that a has deve Ao by Aclting ~ coment © Interface, Civeaulls Sa > tn Tp inkwface Comat off te Creuilry: renpinad To Connect am Tlo device te a Computin bus. >On ent Aide ch the TWterfate, we have the bus Aigquols $e address, “to onsen dol between tha wbzsfate and the tp davice. —TWs us Called a fost. & > Tt Cam be clomid ad xX > PardMelPoxt- 9 iy Sextat: fost re) >A eee “bromahinn data fo the bm ‘Sher ot bits typically § es) |b » Kimulkaneouyty tre device. —> Bi Serial port transmits and oe Avett one bit at atime —y Communicahion wit the but iy e fer bot famed , the Comlersion brow the poralled, hevial forme, and vice veg ‘takes place side the. wtifelte etveuit « ° thy Pavadlet Rout, sy ——' > & porate part 2s So A: interface found oy ComprTo For Connects peuighevals. F Te nome => wae ‘a We wary the dali ix gent Laveen ob dala ot ove, IF paroled inter! Es depicted ag, x purpedes = For increased Hexibility, the civeuik makes it patible $2 some lives te Wem Lewve ok tapas awd Some lines fo Revve as culprits, under Program Conbel « |: Dol Lins Pq through Po Com be wsecl fr efthery Mpa CD outpar | “She DITROUT Yegistey Ja connected sto these Limes via sthvee-Atole Axivers thet ane Cowbelled by a dal dinection negitte , DDR. > For a given bik, aby the DDR velar 6 4, the Cowvespoveling, dda Leg ad os am outpur lime, Chierwide, ak acts 0% an Mput line: > Two ling C) oA CL, are provided fo Conbol the twhevaction between the imterfate Civeuit ond The Tp device. ak Zexver. <> Line CL & bidivectional to provide Seveval difhereet nodles of; Aiquellng , incladivg the, handshake & Tk feed ond Accept Lives ane tte handshake Comhol Jagr on he procerbor bus Rida, and hence Would be convectedt Yea ond Slave-veaky . The inpub Aiqual Hy-addyes shew be Connected Er put oF am adduss deceden that necoquize the addrags to \whierfae + me “ S" ws > he iudernupt vequert ovtpulr, ENTR 3s eves. yt Anould be convested 45 ey eapiest hive ow tha Compute bus - A eo (liy Seviad Poxt a Sericl por ik wed to he procersos ty Ilo devices that negpine cbranimiision of- a. tak 0 time. a Ths Kesy feature SOO cyusk fda Aerial pot ig that tk 3k Copable ofp ee ceding in 0 bit— seria iow : = fowkion on tha devi Bide ond Iu EDIE -panateh ballin ow tte but side: * ion behween the parallel aud Aerial fhuacilt ic Bdoases the hariliay DATAIN cmd DATROUT regilns Mn tego alabr vegitor accepts pit Aerial hoped —> when alk @ bits of data have been neceived , the corctertt, of this Alapr mequlsn one Loaded im parollad Tako the DATAIN eqiste. 9 Simileday , owkput: deta in the DATROUT regia) ome beaded iatd Ihe outpade lakh neg from which the bits ow Abifted out ond Acut te tia To device cesenen ereert from tke Tlo davice « oven oe cvsmenny © Skandend Io Teterfaces : => R aljoat iderfoce may hove ts be desiqued 42) everuy Combivostion ct Tho device ond computor, swrrltivy, tm mows Aiffowet ivdevfaces, >The mt praicel Solution Ito develop Standard fedorfate Bighaeds ord protoceds The tee bureg ane intenconnected by o ciscuit, which we wll bridge | thot Avomtlalas the Aiguals omc protocels dome oldie . 2 The Aitfoust Mowe To Tubnfaces ore, oO & Per buy Q @ Scst buy 62 ui USB ov? > PET — Ferighoral Component Tudivco Meh Sct — Srtadl Comput, RN a Usa - Univewal revel tan D rh se as Computin = > Aifjerect taberferte Meurdans Additinal | ” [Secor Heron. Ethern Contetlon eet | fe ny | sesrus —7 TSA — Tadlustyy Standard Arclilidou LdE — Inkigrated Device Flechonics > The PCT Atandands defines an expamsion bug om the motterbond. 7 SCSE and USB anc used $81 Connecting additional devices , bolt Tnatde amd outside the Covnputir box - (iy POT (Pesigheral Comporest Tterconnect? Buse othe PCE bus ik a good exawple of a Aystin bus thet quad ated fe] Mawmdardizetion, ey a Te Auprorts tte fturctions pound ow os processor bus bays Hawdeardized gaurd thok Js fadependent ob amp particule . _> Devices Connected te tte PCT bus appean te It Focus os “Hey Were Connected directly to Une process ore assigned addresseS iy the meey danas Apace of te ProteAscy oS: Det rrowsher ; ; SS mca > whew the processor” ppehiasenadsbuss and soquerti a read operation from the main mers emory responds by sending a Aequence of dake words Rt Ct that addourt. i Vavite Operation, the procemor Aewcls a memory a Aeagpenite. db data words tr be Lovitten fy xy dotations pronking- at that adAnus- ped prienavily to Auppost” this rece of; operation, ah ) wrilt operation iuvelving a Aingle toord is Aloply treaties Kouta of engi one- wae of a PET bus in a Compulin Systin iy clegicted at, Hott Pct bus, 5 E Werner Dia tlivface 2 The PEL bsidge Provides a Acperate physical Comnection fcr the may memo ; —> Foy electrical eaters, the bus may be -urtion divided into AcqmeuTs, Connected via bstdges- / 7 Howeven, nogondlers of Which bus Segurent device if Connecteal ty, AC mag MIM be mopped tto the prowork memory adders Apace 7 The Dala Tramps Squad om the PCL bus is given ob \ Nowe Function elk A 33-Mi2 er) Gb-Miz clock Senk by the tuttiotor te tadi cate Ws dap cto tromaction me) acim sag Spon Tueveared to by on Coes 4 Command | fe nab Gres C8 For G-bit bus) TROY, TRoytt | Tustioboe-| FRAME SE IDSEL 4+ Twitaligad proeers boy incorporating in each Zo device inbeyface ian ROM memory that Atoves information olsowk pe Conbi ion ROMs of alk devices ane accesibl tH tha Conbiquraha tae ar) friticlitetion Acftwane read there RoMe whenever the Ayn ostred up (x) Yerek. > Da each Cate , ik determines whethoy the device it a priwler, a keyborrd, om Ethevuck Tderface (0 a dike Cowbellen. Elechi cal chenaclinistion, ero The pet bus has been defived fr operation wilh eithen a S-V 6) 33V peer veil etter Ai nylon The mottienboand may be duriqued, te opts either iquelg, => Connectors on Oxpousion brands ona detiqued To ensure that thuy cau be plugged oulay fa a Compatible motterkenrd i (hy Scot By, > Tt vefers ha Atowdard buy defi i wed by tke Anlst (American National Ctudands Tostihet) udey tal dagjuco Mesa) Tn the orginal Apecitication of the Atoudard , devices Auth ob disks ont Connected te a compulr Via a So-wie cable, Which Can be upte 25 meters te length orrd Cam radon gy ok nots upto § mepabytes/s Oo > & Sst bay may have © date isd, in which eng cg A MawDW bus and tramfou dale ene byte at a iad ® > A wide Scst bus hat 16 date hines aud tr cm Ib bits att a time: oo) “sy The Gest bus Atowdard har undergout risisions, ond dokn Lrawsbor capability hos increased idly ,almove doubling every fo yes hie. > Sest-2, Scst-3 have been GA fom each las Several ohio La The diffoet SCSE bus AV = dB (deli DOLE) KA bit for Yee date bus) ot =, ae Ceowbsl | Data) Xnsy Ces OY — Ree (eepat) g Ace (Ackustedge) . lo (Super Jot) — AN (Ateution) RST (Rett) GW) USB (Drivesal Gra) Bus) s \ SSS ohh Simple , lowa-cat mechanism te Connect the devices To the Compute, Js peible, wing USB. 2 The USE Supports two Apeods of operation * Low-Apecd C15 rb|s) AE Ful Apeed (9. mb[s) 5 The Recent development is USB 2.0 SO 7 The USB has beow deviqued ty meek Aevoul ker obj Ww — Provide 9 Aimgle , low-covr aund cant to ube 7 wrockioy ceypten , S — Accommodate a cdide sromge of dala +t cleninbicg 48 Tlo devices , including tale plove Connections , —Enhoute U0) Conveniente Harough a Qos py operation » td ond play" mode ef USO Thee sang is dag 0a SS | | Te accommodati a Large number of devices thet Com be added ton) Femtowed at oat tine the USB hab the yee shuctune, Fock uede of tte tree hal a device Colla a hub, Which ack as OM judexmediale Conbel Poi behocen te het amd the To devicas . SM the sont of tte tee ,a ort hub Commeds the ontive Miyea te tte Nr Computer « The leavet of tte ty¥ee aw the To devices being aesved (for exoragle , Keybeand , Tutivusl Connection, Cpeake 6) digital Ty) , wlaich | fonction im US6 terminslegg « | USB psotocels een information Praunemed overtta USB is ov . packd hare | 0 packet Commis ok OME EHD move LYE oh in, iow | >The whormotian desde tramyooed om the %% by dad iva | Ase rend cateqarer ~ contre XS “hen anna > Cowhel packs perform Audet hy oaddnomivng a device to ini Hale daz ranipon , oceolilyugt Migr Al have been Teceived Crretly , Diadicading ereeye nets 3 Sion thot Js delivend to a device , 72 => A facket Coutning Byeror move fields with dipfercar Kiuds of information, packet Js Called the packet” ideutbin, PID, which (we [re Pa, [rm [ze [Fea ) Packet Tdeutipin Hed e 1s | Ges Le teed xD FOOR [ewe] ese] W Token Pathe rN er) Oo we (8p eee PID DATA eRe ©) Dale packer —> ADDR — AAAdvers ENDP - Ending Packer CRE — Cyelic Rodundamey Chee Check Thochwnew Traffic on USB: ———— 7 One of the Key objectives oftts USB is to Auppowr the bromo ob- Tsockvonows dal, auch ab Rample voice, im a ivnple hanna 5 Dovicas that generale Gx) Yeedve [ochrowons data respon ating SY mefereace ty Couto the Fong ding POs. Moro provide thas Fufprene, tramimumion OVO” ike USG 3s divided) Tato framed of egpeal Laat’ oY > Arawe bb dms Loug ov full ad Ino stk >The ert Nob qpurnala a Stat Of Fear (G4 ID packet precizely once everg Lms te morte the TG) ota wen pane = use ports, META, ate ww | S ml ) Frame & wy me Example Electical oe => The S WER fer USB Connection commits of brut Wises Fuso ane Wea to Cory power, +5V and Ground. a — The otter to wires ou Used to Corry dale | : es CO-ONETH — Shoot Answer Quusshious we ee ——__ ee | @ Disws about Si ee ng bus stuuchow: © Explain about Memory —mapped Llo- Page Hee @® wher uv Progsarmed To? = Peogtommed To Js a method ap trowsyonring dala bebe and a peripheral. Pavowkages : > Tlo Command Ja issued by the poocemor “& ve Tlo module - 5 Reyne’ to iustruction Js execkea ob STlo mode switches te the mext take ay a Completa the task . Dikodv e > Poowemoy hes te Wait unt) the ule Lk ready 4e4 performing: ale KOWAL => Proremor Ware TP agree fish ruqgerding The prods of- Tle mode - rotiiated deka tooo t (ak 3a Wiese ® Saux e_lwitiokdh Bala tramder | : whew ee ab de trouser dala, iwrtead cpu Keep chock the og: ating ees = sees Sn the fharface Sb Alt, the fuderface will taittale aud the CPU Will dvops whet 3k is eing and do the Gusta yeugt Reece can i Uweil The slo tanner 8 dows , sk yuh te hal Ab vont doing. septs se cos Yu a Eo Leone A dcpicted of, SE i anes + Soaavogh = TT eek —_— : wee ta _ Sea @ visas Daiay-chein psiovity Tuleyrapte page 4b © Explain a) Intervet b) Extagtion. a) page 3 | by Exceptions | ex) unusuel keemimation —> fm exteption Js an abovormot | JF pn excaption 38 0 Coudition ted mekulls ps Arkhaone ove prey the procemor frowa *xcculing the quenced fstruckeu Aveo, ° i ny TY oped tha uortnal excedion ofa inshutter: Vv | @ wher is DMA? & page Ut 3 whak is tt, weed 421 Bus Arbitration 7 NOP ° Page eB @ pisces Wrandshaking (en Aigachvoneus eaetreinen Asynclnencus Cat page elt . Y | Explain Pez buss ao | pap a's KD | @ Frplaiw Scst bus - oo | ree ty ©® Explain use ss PERG

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