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Introduction to Management


Name: ĐINH QUOC HUY Roll HS179008


Room No: BE-320 Class: IB1806

Comments from lecturers Scores


Page number Question

3 Company background

4 Key features of google company culture

4,5,6 Analysis:

A. Organizational culture affects how the organization is

managed and how decisions are made

B. Examples of business success/failure as a result of

organizational culture

C. Strengths and weaknesses of company culture

Lessons learned

Individual Assignment

Topic: Choose a company and talk about its culture, to demonstrate how the organizational culture

affect the way the organization is managed and how decisions are made ?

I. company background

- Google was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

- has become one of the largest technology companies in the world, with several well-known
services and products such as Google Search, Google Maps, Gmail, and YouTube.

- With more than 135,000 employees globally and total revenue in 2022 reaching 282,826
billion USD.

- Currently gg is the world's leading technology corporation specializing in Internet-related

products and services, including online advertising technologies, search engines, cloud
computing, software, and software, hard.

- Initially choose the brand name “Googol” This brand name is intended to convey the
message of the algorithm's ability to meet the endless information search needs. However, an
incident occurred when needing investment capital to develop the business, the investor
mistakenly wrote the brand name on the investment check under the name "Google", so he
chose the Google brand name.

II. Key features of google company culture

* If facilities and equipment are the "body" of the business, then the corporate culture will be the
"soul" of the business. It is the identity of the business through generations of members and is the
intangible asset of the business. Although there are many competitors currently, google is still at the
top of the world in terms of technology, which shows how strong a corporate culture Google has. The
company is considered one of the best places to work in the world and one of the most influential
technology companies in modern business culture.

* Some key features of Google's corporate culture include:

1. Employee focus: Google's primary goal is to bring satisfaction to its employees, as the company
believes that happy people create better products and services. The company has many supportive
policies for employees, including high salaries, flexible working schedules, family benefits,
development opportunities, and many other training programs.

2. Openness: Google's company culture encourages employees to contribute ideas and participate in
decisions. The company organizes many meetings and discussions where everyone can give their
opinion and contribute their ideas. Google also encourages employees to participate in projects and
activities outside of the company.

3. The spirit of innovation: Google has a culture of innovation, enabling employees to come up with
new ideas and test new products. The company provides resources and tools for employees to develop
and test their ideas.

4. Respect for customers: Google always puts customers first and always tries to meet their needs
customers. The company organizes surveys and collects customer opinions to improve its products and
services. This helps the company to stay high and competitive in the technology industry.

5. Diversity: Google respects diversity and encourages diversity within the organization. The company
has many support policies for workers with disabilities, women, and ethnic minorities. Google also
recruits employees from different countries and regions to bring diversity to the organization.

6. Diverse work environment Google creates a diverse work environment to ensure employees feel
comfortable and safe. The company values diversity in its staff and believes it helps to create a
professional, humane, and effective working environment. Google has implemented many programs
and activities to respect diversity and treat all employees fairly.

III. Analysis:

A). Organizational culture affects how the organization is managed and how decisions are made

* Organizational culture is an important factor influencing how an organization is managed.With a

company culture that focuses on creativity, diversity, and respect for employees, Google creates a
comfortable and dynamic, giving employees the freedom to be creative and make important

- Focus on keeping employees satisfied and happy.

- Provide technology solutions to improve work efficiency.

- Staff training and development.

- Create a comfortable working environment.

- Promote cooperation between departments.

- Evaluate performance based on contribution and creativity.

* Google's organizational culture also influences the way the company makes decisions. Because
Google places a high value on independence, creativity, and practicality, this culture encourages
employees to come up with new ideas.

- Google often uses a "test and learn" approach to testing new ideas before making a final decision.

- The company also uses scientific tools and methods to evaluate the effectiveness of decisions,
such as A/B testing and data analysis.

- Google also has a clear and structured project management process that helps ensure decisions
are made based on facts and accurate information.

- Google's organizational culture also encourages transparency and discussion in decision-making.

Employees are encouraged to voice their opinions and views, and decisions are made based on
the consensus and input of all stakeholders. This helps to ensure that the decision is made with
the support of the entire team and ensures its practicality and feasibility.

B). Examples of business success/failure as a result of organizational culture

* Examples of successful Google corporate culture:

- Google is one of the most successful technology companies in the world, with the continuous
development of its services and products. Part of this success is due to Google's company culture, with
values such as creativity, innovation, and focus on the user.

- Google has succeeded in attracting and retaining talented employees by creating a motivating and
comfortable working environment. Employees are encouraged to come up with new ideas and test
creative solutions to problems. Company culture also promotes cross-departmental collaboration,
creating a positive and motivating work environment, which improves the company's performance and
revenue growth. In addition, thanks to a creative and innovative working environment, the new
company always keeps up with trends without being left behind. Always focusing on the user is also
the key for google to become the leading technology company it is today.

- However, Google's organizational culture has also encountered some challenges and setbacks. In the
process of expansion and development, Google has faced many controversies regarding the
management of personal data and the use of user privacy. Google's company culture may have caused
some controversy over its control of personal data, which has sparked some outcry and criticism from
users and politicians alike.

- Additionally, Google's way of managing employees may not be suitable for all types of jobs and
industries. Freelance and flexible working methods may not be as effective for jobs that require more
precision and calculation. Therefore, other companies need to evaluate and select which elements of
Google's corporate culture fit their needs and uniqueness to achieve business success.

C) . Strengths and weaknesses of company culture

- The strength of Google's company culture is its focus on creativity, Google encourages employees to
experiment and come up with new solutions, helping to create breakthrough products and services.
Focus on employee development: Google invests in training and developing employees, helping them
develop their skills and potential.

- Diversity and respect for employees offer many benefits, some surveys from google employees say
that they feel the company is like a second home. This helps create a friendly, comfortable working
environment. roof and efficiency. Employees are encouraged to develop themselves and be free to
create, come up with new ideas, and make important decisions. Focus on the user: Google always puts
the user first, creating products. products and services based on user needs and requirements. Diversity
and equality: Google puts diversity and equality first, creates a fair environment, and attracts diverse

- The weakness of Google's corporate culture is the lack of transparency and dialogue with customers
and the community. Google has faced many controversies because of data security issues and improper
use of users' data. The company needs to improve its dialogue and interaction with customers and the
community to build trust and trust. Too focused on digital products: Google may lack diversity in
products and services. Lack of flexibility: Google's working method may not be suitable for all types
of jobs and industries, making it difficult for the company to grow in multiple industries.

IV. Lessons learned

- From our analysis of Google's organizational culture, important lessons can be drawn about caring
for employees, customer focus, creativity, and diversity. Organizational culture is an important factor
influencing the way a company is managed and important decisions are made. Google has proven that
a strong and diverse organizational culture can help create a positive work environment where
employees feel respected and motivated to come up with new ideas and contribute. comments. The
company has invested heavily in employee training and development programs, enabling them to
develop skills and improve work performance. This not only helps Google create a talented and
competent staff but also helps ensure that the company's employees will be able to develop themselves
and make the most of the company. Google has been successful in attracting and retaining highly
qualified employees from many different countries and cultures. This diversity helps Google make
ideas and decisions that are global and meet the needs of customers around the world. Another
important lesson we can learn from Google's experience is customer focus, always listening to
customers to see what they want, and seeing the customer as a god. Google's success also shows that
customer focus, innovation, and foresight can create real value for the company. However, it is
important to make decisions based on the company's core values and not ignore important factors such
as ethics and social responsibility. This can help other companies learn and apply positive experiences
from Google to achieve business success.

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