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Subject : READING Various Text (Membaca Berbagai Jenis Teks)

Semester : 3 (three)
Credits : 3 (three)
Lecturer : Ellen Juita Gultom,M.Ed

Course Description :

This course introduces various reading strategies that can be applied to help students understand the
content of texts, find main ideas, and determine the detailed information contained in various types of

Expected Student Learning Outcomes :

Students are able to understand and apply various reading strategies such as scanning,
skimming, and speed reading, using passages in various types of text to understand the content
of the reading.

Learning- Teaching Strategies

1. Lecture
2. Active Learning
3. Reading reports
4. Discussions
5. Assignments
6. Media :LCD,textbooks,web sites, e-mails.
7. Evaluation: Quizzes, home works, tests.

Required Text books:

Cambridge: Academic Encounters Reading and Writing Level 3 (2nd Edition)

Grade Distribution
Attendance 10%
Assignments 20%
Mid-Term 35%
Final Test 35%

Grading System
80-100 =A Very Good
70-79 =B Good
60-69 =C Average
50-59 =D Poor
0-49 =E Fair

Class Requirements:
1. Attend 80% of class meetings.
2. Complete all home works and assignments.
3. Take all quizzes and tests
4. Active learning

Content (Topics)
Meeting Topic
1 UNIT 1
Chapter 1: Marriage, Family, and the Home
- Reading 1: Marriage: A Changing Institution (hlm. 5-8)
- Reading 2: The Family Today

2 Chapter 1: Marriage, Family, and the Home

- Reading 3: How We Learn to Behave (hlm. 20-21)

Chapter 2: The Power of the Group

-Reading 1: The Influence of Culture (hlm. 29-30)
3 Chapter 2: The Power of the Group
- Reading 2: Peer Groups (hlm. 35-36)
- Reading 3: Crowds (hlm. 42-44)
4 UNIT 2
Chapter 3: Gender Roles
- Reading 1: Growing Up Male or Female (hlm. 57-58)
- Reviews on Chapter 1 & 2)
5 Chapter 3: Gender Roles
- Reading 2: Gender and Academic Achievement (hlm. 65-67)
- Reading 3: The Influence of Mass Media on Gender Roles (hlm. 73-75)
6 Chapter 4: Gender Issues Today
- Reading 1: Balancing Home and Work (hlm. 83-85)
- Reading 2: It’s Not So Easy Being Male (hlm. 91-93)
7 Chapter 4: Gender Issues Today
- Reading 3: Gender Equality at Work (hlm. 98-100)
- Reviews on Chapters 3 &
9 UNIT 3
Chapter 5: Mass Media Today
- Reading 1: The Role of Mass Media (hlm. 113-114)
- Reading 2: What is Newsworthy (hlm.120-121)
10 Chapter 5: Mass Media Today
- Reading 3: Privacy and the Media (hlm. 126-127)
Chapter 6: Impact of the Media
- Reading 1: The Impact of the Internet on Mass Media (hlm.135-137)
11 Chapter 6: The Impact of the Media
- Reading 2: Social Media (hlm.143-145)
- Reading 3: Learning and Thinking with New Media (hlm.149-152)
12 UNIT 4
Chapter 7: Crime and Criminals
- Reading 1: Deviance and Crime (hlm.165-167)
- Reviews on Chapters 5 & 6
13 Chapter 7: Crime and Criminals
- Reading 2: Who Commits Crime (hlm.172-173)
- Reading 3: Technology and Crime (hlm.178-180)
14 Chapter 8: Controlling Crime
- Reading 1: What Stops Us Comitting Crime? (hlm.189-190)
- Reading 2: Science and Technology in Crime Fighting (hlm.194-196)

15 Chapter 8: Controlling Crime

- Reading 3: Is Crime and Pusnishment (hlm.202-205)
- Reviews on Chapter 7 & 8

English isn’t just a test. It is a language

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